InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changes of the Soul ❯ Threats of Desire ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Sorry for taking so long!! I had so much trouble with this chapter I even wanted to give up a few times!! I'm talking serious writer's block! Ok, so I hope that you liked that last chapter! I like writing other character's perspectives and I wanted the readers to understand what Kagome's going through personally and not just through outward eyes. Yeah and I also screwed up the title to that last chapter last time, sorry, but it's fixed now! I hope you enjoy. Review please and I'll love you forever!!!! (Brother yells from downstairs "Loooosser!") *SOBS* No one loves me! R&R please, I am but a simple leprechaun!



Disclaimer: Ok so I don't own little, tiny, cute, fluffy, sweet, adorable, fuzzy, cute...oh I already said that one! Well anyways I don't own any of Inuyasha's cuteness!!! (Inuyasha: "Thank God above!" Me: "Shut it you!")













Inuyasha felt Kagome's breath shorten as she fell into unconsciousness. Suddenly a familiar power mixed with something unknown began to invisibly tug at his youkia and felt as if his strength was draining. He had also felt it as soon as he had first found Kagome and had just shoved the thought in the back of his mind. He just thought it was one of Sesshomaru's tricks to make him feel weaker, but no, it was different in a pure way.


However, unlike last time this draining sensation was increased ten fold. At that realization he felt the recent slow drawl of energy that had been slow and discreet, rapidly start to deplete him in what felt like large quantities. He looked down at the young miko in his arms and watched her haggard breathing and wondered for a brief second if she could be the source. Was she drawing from him in her time of need? Was she sucking energy she needed from him? How, and when had she learned to do this?


He felt a wave of sudden weakness hit him as he tried to stand protectively in front of Kagome as another ominous snigger filled the air around them once more. He wasn't sure if the source of his sudden weakness was Kagome, and if she was draining his energy was but he knew he had to protect Kagome either way. And if she needed his energy to save her then so be it. He would give it all to her if it meant her safety.


Inuyasha felt a mix of sudden panic at his current unknown condition. He didn't know who was around them, and he couldn't pick up any distinct scents. He had to only guess it would be his ever present nemesis Naraku, because of the mysterious power and sadistic laughing in the air. The panic abruptly turned into blind fury at toward the new threat that was aiding Kagome's suffering.


He heard her whimper softly behind him as Naraku's present laugh increased but with more of something kin to anticipation. He didn't even have to ask who that chuckle belonged too as seconds seemed to stretch out for hours and his intense sense of smell and demon instincts picked up the dark aura. Oh yeah, menacing chuckle, horrid stench, and dark aura…yeah that practically spelled out N-A-R-A-K-U.


He whipped his head around and growled as he felt the twinge of the demon's Youkia suddenly near him and too close to Kagome for his peace of mind. He turned to see that directly in front of him was the unfortunately familiar baboon suit.


He growled low and then took out the Tessaiga in a defense stance to put Kagome protectively out of harms way. "Naraku!" He growled half to himself to state the obvious.


"Well, well….I see the young miko has finally started to progress. What a lucky turn of events. I'm surprised you haven't claimed her for yourself Inuyasha." He chuckled cruelly as his head cocked to the side as if in thought. " It is as if you do not know what ails her. Well, I guess it is you loss then. What a prize indeed…..and so rare." He broke off in a lustful tone.


Inuyasha's breath hitched as his rage grew to new heights as he recognized tainted desire in Naraku's voice. However just as he tried to breathe and calm down and asses a strategy, Kagura suddenly appeared behind of Inuyasha and the unconscious Kagome at the edge of the greenery.




He heard the young fox kit cry as Miroku brushed him behind his leg for better protection. They were at a disadvantage with Kagome in such a dire situation and none could get here out of the way while the two demons had surrounded the half-demon and Kagome both. Inuyasha could only watch Naraku venomously and his offspring in defense so Kagome would be safe. It was obvious what they were after. And he would die a thousand blood curdling deaths before he's let them have his Kagome!


Inuyasha was still growling low at the threat as Naraku inched forward and nodded his head in an unknown sign. Naraku suddenly leapt up and to the left as Inuyasha suddenly felt his Youkia swell and he turned rapidly and swiped at Naraku with his massive sword. He let an enraged roar leave him as he blinding swung and missed again as Naraku swiftly dodged while landing gracefully in a adjacent tree.


The blood rushing in his head made it impossible for him to hear the cries of caution from his friends as he kept on in irate swipes. However as he turned and faced Naraku once more, he realized their cries and was reprimanded that swinging recklessly like that could injure Kagome or have her abducted if he didn't watch Kagura as well. He let the massive sword fall with a cluck at his side as he growled in utter frustration. With that Naraku chuckled seeing the raw anger in the Hanyou's golden orbs and unexpectedly jumped over to Kagura's side.


He turned sharply as he realized too late that Kagome was now in between him and the demons, lying prone and helpless. Inuyasha felt his demon blood pumping inside him and start to try and dominate his senses because of his precarious conditions. He couldn't think straight, and he knew that Naraku had the upper hand. All that was passing through the livid haze in his mind's eye was the new threat and all he could think of was the fury of Naraku's sudden infatuation with HIS Kagome! His Kagome was in trouble and he was failing to protect her. He had to do something. And it had to be NOW!


"Your mine! You die today Naraku!" He said in a mighty roar.


All his rage was put into a fast deadly swing as he transformed the Tetssaiga in the process and aiming seemingly connecting with Naraku's head. He wasn't even aware of the alarmed cries of his comrades behind him. He knew that the threat needed to be eliminated and he didn't care who stood in his way.


He struck his mark with precise accuracy but soon felt a great foreboding as the realization hit him a split second too late and everything seemed to turn into slow-motion. The baboon pelt fell slowly to the soft earth and Inuyasha was left staring stupidly for an instant as realization hit him and he swung around in increased panic of the whereabouts of his enemy.


As he swirled around seeing in a moments glance Miroku, Sango and the poised Kaede staring in shocked silence above him and that when he smelled it. The horrid stench of their fear panic mixed with Naraku's distinct scent and-



His eyes widened at the look of pure terror in their eyes as he looked in the direction of their gaze to find the woman he loved in the arms of Kagura. As Inuyasha snapped his head up he saw Kagome being shifted to lying limply in the arms of Naraku he felt his very insides start to burn in a mix of dread and ire. He had a deja-vu of that time Kikyou was lying in Naraku's arms that night long ago over the demon mountain. He couldn't even feel his eyes briefly flash red even in the possession of his Tetssaiga as his friends watched on in helpless horror.


They knew they couldn't do in anything in risk of their friend's condition and health.



"Ah… there, there Inuyasha. There is no need to worry. I will take excellent care of the dear woman for you. I was hoping for a better challenge than a couple of brute swings with your toy sword but I don't know what I expected from a half-breed. I must be leaving now. Don't look so sad, you will be seeing your precious miko soon enough. However she might not be the same…" He broke off in an evil chuckle once more.


His sneering face started to dissipate as Inuyasha rushed forward in blind desperation a final attempt to claim Kagome. He couldn't let her go with him, he could fail this time. He needed her and she was hurt and needed him.


However as he realized he had started to chase at nothing but air and Kagura's feather was gone like a wisp of smoke he started to see red. He could no longer smell either Kagome's or Naraku's scent anywhere, that he knew had failed her. He immediately turned to chase when he felt they had gone off to as purple stripes started to kiss at his cheeks and his fangs started to elongate. However he never had a chance as a hard object connected soundly with the back of his head and he fell to the earth in a great heap. However when he didn't pass out because of his demon blood's affect on him, he heard the faint sound of Sango's cursing.


"That was suppose to knock him out...great Kami help us…"


However Kagome's pale injured face came to him in his mind's eye and that was all the sobriety he needed. He turned carefully around as though not to reveal any emotions. He knew it wasn't any of his friends faults that they couldn't had reacted in time. He was placing all the blame on himself and he knew that he was the one who had failed his potential mate.


He knew it was only a matter of a spit second that it had all had taken place and Miroku couldn't have used his black hole in fear of his comrade's safety, nor Sango her weapon when Kagome was in Naraku's evil clutches and in the range of danger.


As he turned around to face them though his senses twitched slightly and he didn't recognize the scent and Youkia till it was too late and he was flat on his face in the damp earth.


"Yo! Dog turd! Wheres Kago-"


He cut off suddenly with narrowing eyes as the group heard an angry growl come from him as he frantically sniffed the air. Trying to deplore the on coming battle as he knew Kouga would be infuriated at the knowledge that "His Woman" was taken by Naraku. Miroku knew that the argument and possible injuries at the wolf's revelation would be inevitable, so he tried to speak and explain with careless waving hand in Kouga's direction.


"Ah, Kouga-kun, Kagome-sama has gone away to her time and won't be back fo-"


But he was violently cut off when Koga sent a sharp kick in Inuyasha's stomach and whirled to face Miroku.


"Don't lie human! I smell Naraku's blasted scent everywhere and Kagome's is with it!" Then with that, Kouga turned and growled as Inuyasha got up with an irritated grunt ready to give the wolf-demon a taste of his sword.


When he got up however, he was met with a hard jab in back with wolf-demon's knee and he could barely make out Kouga from his position as he swiftly rose to his feet, drawing his sword and red flashing at the challenge. His Youkia blood was screaming for release somewhere since he quelled it earlier. The wolf- demon just condescending smirked and got into a defensive stance.


"First though, your going to die right here half-breed."