InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changing Hearts? ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing Hearts?

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inu Yasha and pals. That credit belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I am pretty sure the idea is mine.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, I am stepping away from my usual pairing of Inu Yasha and Kagome...I think. They still haven't told me where they want to go with this storyline. They are all acting a little OOC, sorry, but like I said, I don't know where they are going with this. So I am just sitting back and enjoying the ride. I hope that you all like it. As always, read and enjoy.

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Chapter 2

Kagome woke with a smile, feeling more refreshed than she had since her last trip home. She struggled out of her bag, not an easy task when a little kitsune is trying to snuggle into you for your warmth. When she had finally extricated herself, she stretched and yawned. A quick look at her companions showed that they were all still asleep. Even Inu Yasha was still sleeping on his branch.

Her heart twisted in her chest as she looked at the hanyou. His words still bit into her mind, but enough time had passed that she could shrug off the pain as she always did. Kagome knew that he didn't mean to be so harsh, it was just the way that he was. A life of derision and being alone had done that to him. He didn't know how to be the warm person that she could see under the impersonal mask that he always wore. She wished that the peaceful, innocent look he had in sleep could remain, even while he was awake. She let her eyes drop down to the monk that sat at the base of Inu Yasha's tree. Another smile touched her lips.

He was almost the exact opposite of Inu Yasha. He was light hearted and fun to be around...if you could overlook his perverted ways. He had dealt with tragedy in his life as well, but didn't let it darken his spirit. She knew that he was worried about the hole in his hand, and how much time he had left, before it sucked him inside, but he still could laugh and joke with them. That was something that she had taken for granted before, but she wouldn't do it any longer.

After their talk last night, Kagome had come to some conclusions of her own. Miroku was right, she wasn't worthless. Okay, so maybe she wasn't a spectacular shot with the bow and her miko powers were a little...uh...erratic, but that didn't mean that she was useless. She helps after the battles, with tending to wounds and cheering the minds of those who had participated physically. She has the herb lore that Kaede has been teaching her. She has enthusiasm and compassion. She also has the power to detect the shards. At that thought she grimaced as Inu Yasha's careless words ripped through her heart once again. I sure wouldn't be here with you if I didn't need your help finding the shards. A single tear slid down her cheek but she brushed it away angrily. She was determined that she wasn't going to cry any more. She had cried enough to fill several lifetimes.

She set about making breakfast and then went into the woods to change out of her pajamas and into the jeans and sweater that she had brought with her. It had taken countless ruined uniforms before she realized that this type of outfit was better for the adventures that they always found themselves embroiled in. When she returned, she found that everyone was awake and already eating.

"Couldn't wait, huh?" She asked them with a smile. Shippo grinned up at her with his mouth full of eggs. She couldn't help but chuckle as she took the plate that Miroku handed her. Inu Yasha didn't say anything, just watched her every move with those golden eyes.

"Sorry Kagome, but they just smelled too good. We couldn't control ourselves any longer." Miroku looked at her slyly from the corner of his eye. "You would make a good cook for our children...are you certain you don't want to bear my child?" Inu Yasha choked on his eggs, as he tried to swallow and growl at the same time. Kagome flashed a brilliant smile at the monk.

"You know, I have been thinking about that..." She fell over on her back, laughing hysterically at the identical expressions of surprise on the two men's faces. Shippo was pointing and laughing right along with her.

"He probably wouldn't know what to do if someone ever did say yes." Shippo managed to gasp between giggles. Miroku rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"You are right Shippo. Perhaps you could explain to me how it is done?"

"Oh sure. My papa explained it to me. First you have to..." His piping voice was drowned out by Inu Yasha's roar. Miroku didn't know if he should be glad that Shippo's explanation had been stopped or if he should be worried about where this was headed.

"What do you mean, you have been thinking about it?" Inu Yasha had been in complete shock when Kagome had said that. He couldn't believe that she would joke about maybe she was serious. Had she been considering it? Why did that make his chest hurt? She meant nothing to him right, she was just an obligation, a responsibility. He seemed to hear laughter at the back of his mind.

"Oh, lighten up Inu Yasha." Kagome snapped at him. She was suddenly angry that he couldn't participate in their little joke. "And so what if I did decide to bear his child, what business would it be of yours? Miroku treats me better than you ever could...or maybe I should say would."

The monk's words from the night before resounded in Inu Yasha's ears. But take this as a warning my friend, Kagome may not always be waiting for you to make your decision. She can make one as well." Had they been talking about this then? Did she really prefer the pervert to him? Could he blame her? Hadn't he run off on her time and time again, even after promising that he wouldn't? Inu Yasha hung his head, his ears flattened to his skull.

He looked up at Kagome and was startled to see the monk at her side. He watched as he brushed a tear from the girl's cheek, and then dropped his arm to settle around her shoulders protectively. She leaned her head on his chest tiredly. Inu Yasha felt his heart constrict. He need to get away from here, from her, from them. He needed to think. Without another word, he bounded off into the forest. Kagome had seen the confusion and hurt in his eyes, and cursed herself for causing it.

Miroku was watching her with a hopeful look on his face. She hadn't sounded like she found the idea of bearing his child utterly revolting....although he knew that she had only been teasing him. But when she had spoken of him treating her better, her tone had been dead serious. Hmmm...things were looking up. While he was lost in thought, his hand decided that it had been good long enough. It inched down from her shoulder to touch the softness of her...

"Pervert!" She yelled, pushing him away from her. He looked down at his hand as if he had never seen it before. Sometimes, no matter how much control he was exercising could stop it from its journey to forbidden lands. He had the grace to blush as he looked at her. Kagome's jaw dropped. Miroku was blushing? Well, this was new. She was really unprepared for what came next.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to do that, really." Kagome sat down, hard. What, no pitiful excuses? No little chuckle? Just a simple apology? What was going on with him? Even Shippo was staring at him as if he had grown ears and a tail. He looked from one to the other in confusion.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Miroku?" Kagome asked in a whisper. He just raised an eyebrow, and then reached down to help her up.

"I don't understand Kagome. All that I did was ask for forgiveness. Haven't I ever done that before?"

"Uh...well...not for groping! Usually you just give some lame excuse or something. By the way, none of us buy them." She glared at him. He folded his hands and looked innocent...well, as innocent as a convicted pervert can anyway.

"I am so misunderstood." Kagome watched him for a moment and then could hold back her giggles no longer. He actually did seem sorry this time. She again wondered what had brought about the change in her friend. He joined in her laughter and soon Shippo did too. Their mingled laughter echoed through the woods.

"Come on, lets head back to the village. Sango should be back from her extermination trip by now." Kagome said as she hefted her pack onto her shoulder and headed for the road. She took one last look in the direction that Inu Yasha had gone, and then turned her attention to the hyper kitsune that was leaping around her feet.

Miroku's expression had changed the moment that Sango's name had been mentioned, although no one else had noticed. He had completely forgotten about the girl. Strange how things could change in just two weeks. Well, she had never shown any interest in him anyway. He now had a goal in mind, and he was sure that the demon exterminator would appreciate the fact that he was no longer groping her. His head would appreciate it as well, she hit hard. It wouldn't do to be touching Kagome's best friend in that manner. He looked down at his errant hand with a frown. I really might need to tie this behind my back before long. Keeping my hands off Kagome has been hard both of them is going to be torture. But there are still the village girls! He grinned. His mind then pointed out that he was missing quite a view. Kagome walked in front of him, her hips swaying gently. Quite a view indeed.

Inu Yasha watched as they headed back to the village without him. He had seen her turn and look for him, but only once. Now they were happy and laughing again. He couldn't help but notice that the monk held back a bit so that he could walk behind Kagome. Inu Yasha growled again, knowing exactly where the pervert's eyes were. Once they were out of sight, he settled back on his branch and closed his eyes so that he could think without further distractions.