InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cheating Hearts (no i didnt steal this story i just made a new name) ❯ Chapter 14
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N- OMG!!! I am SOOOOO SORRY!!! Im haven terrible writers block right now! but heres the next chapter! hope you like!
--Last Time On Cheating Hearts:--
I hung up the phone and walked over to my bathroom and turned the water on in my sink. I picked my toothbrush up and started brushing my teeth. I got done doing that and I washed my face then I walked back into my room and changed into my P.J.s and layed back down on my bed and turned my lights off.
"My number one priority for the month : find and kill that bitch named Kikyou." I said to myself and closed my eyes and drifted off to la-la land.
--This Time On Cheating Hearts:--
Disclaimer- Mmm'hmm... Yep I found Inuyasha on the side of the road the other day and now Im letting him stay in my house so that means that I own him! ::laughs nervously as she watches a lawyer start taking out a straight jacket:: hehe... I was just kidding! I dont own him!
ChApTeR 14!
I heard the doorbell so I got up from my place on the couch and went to answer it. And not to my suprise, standing at my doorstep was Inuyasha and he was right on time!
"Hello" I say and step aside to let him come in
"Hey" he said and walked in and went over to the kitchen and sat at the table
"So... Are you hungry or thirsty?" I ask
"A little thirsty" he said "I just ate at Arbys so Im not hungry.."
"Oh ok. What kinda drink you want then?"
"Um... a Mountain Dew Pitch Black if you have any" he said (A/N- i miss them drinks SOOOO much!! they dont have them here nemore .:sniffle:.)
"Alright" I said and walked over to the fridge and got one out
"Here ya go" I said and handed him the drink
"Thanks" he said and took a sip of it
"Why dont we go into the living room to talk about this little situation we have" I say
"Fine with me" he said and stood up
"Alright" I said as we started walking towards the living room
"Ok Kagome... Im gonna tell you what all went on ok?"
"Ok" I said
"Alright... Now what happened is that when you were go--"
.:RING... RING:..-:.
"Hello?" I ask
"Hey Kagome!"
"Oh hey Kouga" I say while trying to keep my voice as low as possible
"Whats wrong? Why are you being so quite?" he asked
"Oh nothings wrong... My throats just kinda soar..." I lie
"Really? Aw poor baby... Want me to come over there and make it better?" he said in a husky voice which sent shivers down my spine
"Ah... no. No not right now Kouga.... I dont want you catching it" I say trying to convince him not to come over, well at least not right now anyways.
"Oh ok... Well what about later?" he asked
"Yea later sounds ok with me"
"Alright. Ill see you soon!"
"I love you. Bye!" he said
"Eh... yea bye!" I said and hung up quickly. Did he just say he loved me?? I mean yea I heard him say it at the movies but I thought he was just caught up in the moment... eh... guess not...
"Who was that?" asked a curious Inuyasha
"Oh that was just... umm... that was just Sango. Yea thats it..." I say. I never really was good at lieing....
"Suuuure" he said but didnt question me any further
"So where were you befor Sango interupted us?"
"Oh right... Ok now when you were away in Paris for work I ran into Kikyou and she started flirting with me and crap and I said I was already involved with someone and she was alright and then I asked her if yall were sisters because you look like twins and all and she said yea and said that she forgot that you told her that you said that you wanted to break up with me so I was all depressed and drunk and she looked alot like you and all and you know what went on after that..."
"Um... Kagome?" he asked
"Hello...?" he said as he started waving a hand in front of my face
"What?!?!" I snap at him
"....Nothing... You were just kinda... spaced out..."
"Oh... right..."
"Did you hear anything I just said?"
"Well what?"
"Arent you going to say anything?" he asked
"I dont think you wanna hear what I want to say..."
"Yea I do"
"No... Trust me, you dont..."
"Whatever" he said and picked up the remote to turn the TV on
"Hey! who told you that you could stay?" I asked him
"Noone" he said and started flipping through the channels
"Then leave"
"No" he said and turned to look me in the eye
"What did you just say?"
"I said no"
"Well I said yes and its my house so get out"
"Yes! If you dont get out right now Im going to call th--" I never got to finish my sentence because for some reason my lips got squished together and I couldnt talk but then I looked up to find the source of the problem to see Inuyasha gorgeous amber eyes looking into mine and befor I knew it were in having our own little make-out session on my couch!
My eyes started drooping and without my permission they closed right befor I felt Inu run his tongue along my bottom lip begging for my permission to enter, which he recieved of course. He slid his tongue inside my mouth and started caressing mine with his.
I gasped and jumped away out of Inuyasha grasp. I have no idea how long we were doing that, but I do know that I shouldnt have been doing it for even a second! Damn my hormones!
I told Inuyasha to go sit on the couch while I got the door. I walked over to the door and opened it and gasped. To my suprise, Kouga was at the door, flowers in hand standing there smiling. I must really be having bad luck....
A/N- once again another crappy chapter from me when i have writers block! i have no clue where this story is going but im going to try my best to keep it up! im soooo sorry bout the long update but i havent been here lately! and when i have been here ive been working because im changing rooms and its taking forever!! ill try and update faster next time ok? im so sorry!! i hope this chapter was ok... it prolly wasnt because i cant think of nething but hey its better than nothing... right? well til next time...