InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Light ❯ Chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 26
“Of all the incompetent, low-down, stupid, worthless demons, you two must be in a class of your own!” Naraku's rage was a pliable thing that could be felt dripping in the very air. Taki and Kinto, the cat and wind demon that had been sent to retrieve the girl, shivered under the cold onslaught of that icy glare as they tried not to think about the pain still racking through their bodies from their fight with Kouga.
“But boss, it wasn't our fault,” Taki offered tentatively. “That stupid wolf showed up and got in our way. I thought he was on our side!”
Naraku roared as he whirled to face the cowardly feline. “That stupid bastard Kouga has always played by his own rules! He is unreliable and of no consequence!” After having regained his memories, Naraku was well aware that he would never truly have Kouga under his thumb. Kouga had only ever done odd jobs for him here and there for some quick cash, but he was an authority unto his own.
“And are you two pathetic morons trying to tell me that you couldn't take on that weakling of a wolf!?” Naraku's eyes dripped red with blood as he stood in the huge training complex that was located 30 feet under his building. Naraku was a very wealthy weapons dealer and he strived to ensure that all members of his staff were trained as mobile, obedient killers. Most of them, unfortunately, proved to be better fodder then fighters. A crowd of humans and demons alike began slowly hovering around the little group as Naraku continued to show his displeasure at their failure. It was time to give all his employees a little reminder as to just who exactly they were working for.
“B…boss,” Kinto stuttered as he tried to come to his friend's aid. “It was weird, he was…he was so fast! I've never seen anything like it, we…we couldn't even see him to stop him. He was like a blur, like he'd been possessed or something.”
Naraku calmed slightly as he took in this information. Kouga had carried shikon shards in his legs for a long time. Was it possible that somehow he was able to tap into that power, even though the jewel was no longer in existence? But that was impossible. Unless… Naraku's grin widened at the thought as he turned to walk away from the two cowering demons that had begun to breathe a sigh of relief when Naraku's anger seemed to calm.
Unless of course, the jewel has returned, in one form or another. Oh, this is too good to be true.” He thought wickedly as a plan began to quickly formulate in his mind. Naraku had been closely connected to the original jewel for so long, that he could literally feel its absence in this world. But if another jewel had been created, something brand new…
“Good, very good.” He said aloud, as Taki and Kinto puffed up their chests at the praise, believing the danger to have passed.
“Thanks boss.” The wind youkai smiled.
“I didn't say you!” Naraku whirled on the now terrified demons as huge, black tentacles shot out of his arms, plunging themselves deeply into each demons chest, tearing their surprised screams from their lungs. The cat and wind youkai looked on, shocked and dazed, as though not really understanding what was happening, as their last gasping breaths chocked out from their impaled forms.
“You two still failed me, and it's time you all remembered just what I am capable of.” Naraku's calm sinister voice echoed throughout the large complex as his employees edged themselves as close to the perimeter walls as possible, not wanting Naraku's attention to be turned on them for any reason.
Throwing his head back, Naraku's menacing laugh reverberated through the walls, as the now mostly dead demons hung limply from his outstretched tentacles, suspended in the air over his head. He continued to laugh as his tentacles began to glow a deep red that burned the lifeless forms of the demons into nothing but ash.
The entire complex went deathly silent until the faint sound of footsteps could be heard getting closer to the room.
Happy that Naraku had made his point, he turned to face the new arrival as his tentacles reformed themselves into his arms.
“Ah Kikyou, I was waiting for you,” he smiled pleasantly, as though the ghastly scene from moments ago had not taken place. It didn't surprise him that Kikyou still hadn't regained her memories, and he preferred it that way. Especially since she hadn't seemed all that surprised about learning that he was in fact a demon. Seems she had already traveled in that circle before, and was well aware of her own powers. A cold, mildly tantalizing stripper by day, she was a dark priestess by night. Better known in this day and age as a Black Witch.
“Yes Naraku?” Her icy voice sent little jolts of pleasure coursing through him. Just like before, this one had already been half broken when he had met her. And now, under his tutelage, she had become his prized tool as he continued to twist and maul her already questionable soul.
“You and I my dear, need to get to work on a little experiment of mine. Something of an old family recipe if you will.”
He turned to walk her out of the training complex, while his employees whispered quietly amongst themselves as he walked past. The scent of their fear washed over him like a refreshing waterfall.
An ear splitting grin broke across his face. “Tell me Kikyou, have you ever worked with poisonous gas before?”
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango yelled as a large boomerang went whipping through the forest, cutting down tress as the power of the boomerang smashed through the unsuspecting vines.
“I see you haven't lost your touch,” Miroku smiled, walking over to her. He had been practicing with his staff nearby against Inu Yasha's sword. It had been pure joy to be able to wield his staff again. Every time the little rings on top jingled, a smile crept across his face. But Sango, Sango with Hiraikotsu was absolute poetry in motion.
“It's funny,” she beamed, “It's like I never put it down.”
Yesterday had been the day that the weapons had been re-forged. When they had all finally come too, they were greeted by Inu Yasha's cocky grin as he told them to get their lazy butts off his floor and pick up their crap. Their crap of course, being their now immaculate weapons. They had all been beside themselves with joy.
The first time they had each picked up the newly reconstructed weapons, the weapons had glowed faintly in their hands. It was as though they could feel their spirits completing the connection to their weapons all over again. It had definitely been a night for celebrations, and of course, private celebration as well for each of the couples. Today they had all decided to come back out to the little shrine they had discovered and get in some much needed practice. Not that they were really practicing. They just wanted to do anything to feel the power of their weapons in their hands again, and for some reason, they all felt comfortable at the shrine. Most likely it was because it bordered on Inu Yasha's forest, this place, this land that had once been their home. So many memories had taken place here, in the expanse of these trees so long ago. It seemed only fitting that they be here now.
“Well, you look like you two were made for each other.” Miroku kissed her softly on the lips as a blush reddened Sango's cheeks. She knew Miroku had always had a thing for her and her boomerang, especially when she was dressed in her youkai fighting outfit. He had made more then several passing comments about how he wished that her uniform had been buried with the weapons as well.
“How's the staff feeling?” She asked trying to change the conversation quickly before it headed in the wrong direction.
Miroku smirked. “Stiff.”
Sango gapped open-mouthed at him as an all too familiar and much missed sound of a boomerang hitting skull rang through the forest.
Kagome giggled as Inu Yasha approached her. He'd been practicing with Miroku, his hair tied back in a loose ponytail. A thin film of sweat glistened on his skin. Gods, he was beautiful.
“What's so funny?” He asked as he approached. He'd been watching Kagome with her arrows from the corner of his eye as he practiced with Miroku. Her accuracy was still quite deadly.
“Did you ever think you'd be so happy to see Sango hitting Miroku with Hiraikotsu again?”
Inu Yasha grinned at his friend's expense as he watched Miroku cup the side of his head, a contented smile plastered on his face. “It does do therapeutic wonders for the soul, doesn't it?”
Kagome laughed her agreement as she turned to face her target again. A lone tree about 100 yards away. Inu Yasha stood quietly behind her, not wanting to mess up her concentration. He watched as Kagome's eyebrows furrowed together as she judged the distance of her target, taking into account the wind resistance and angle of her shot. Inu Yasha watched mesmerized as he saw the transformation overcome Kagome like a breath. One moment she was his young, lively, stubborn and feisty mate, the next, she became simply the Miko, with one objective on her mind. To strike her target.
He watched as Kagome's arm drew back on the bow's string, her shoulder and bicep muscles pulling taught under the strain. She breathed through her mouth as all distractions of the outside world fell away. She had become one with her bow. One with the moment that surrounded her. With a silent twang, the arrow shot from her hands, its speed ruffling her bangs as it sped by to burry itself deep within the bark of her intended target.
A smile broke across Kagome's mouth as she watched the arrow hurdle itself across the field, already knowing that her aim had been true. She turned to see a glaze-eyed hanyou starring at her.
“Inu Yasha?”
Inu Yasha came back to himself at the sound of her voice. “Are you okay?”
He groaned inside. Was it possible that she really had no idea how much she affected him? There were just so many sides to Kagome that kept him constantly on his toes, and he loved every single one of them. Sometimes a little too much.
“Inu Yasha?” Kagome exited the bathroom in her soft pink cotton pajama bottoms and her white tank top. Her hair was swept up in a high ponytail, wisps of loose hair framing her face and shoulders. Her face scrubbed clean so that it glowed a soft rosy colour.
Inu Yasha watched her move from the bathroom and into their bedroom. He lay comfortably on the bed, one leg hanging off the side, the other bent at the knee on the mattress, while a pillow stuffed under his head kept him at a comfortably reclined position. His white sleeveless shirt and baby blue pj pants, the ones he always intended to wear to bed, but ultimately ended up on the floor every night, hugged the sensual curves of his toned body.
He didn't respond when Kagome spoke his name. He continued to watch her, enjoying her graceful and feline movements. The moonlight shinning through the large bedroom window that overlooked the city below encased her in an ethereal light. Could any man or demon possibly ask for more, then the enchantress that stood before him? Completely oblivious to the affects that she was having on him?
“Inu Yasha?” She was calling his name again, this nymph from his most exotic fantasies.
She continued to tiptoe quietly over to him, unsure of the odd mood that seemed to have taken over her unusually quiet mate. She watched him gaze at her, no indication that he had even heard a word she had said to him. The day had been odd to say the least, with everything that had happened, and it seemed that the effects of it were still lingering in the air.
As she walked towards him, Inu Yasha simply extended a hand for her to take, which she did without hesitation. Gently, he motioned for her to lower herself on the bed, laying her between his now outstretched legs. Her back lying against his stomach, as she tipped her head against his shoulder. She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, encasing her in a cocoon of warmth and strength.
Could she ever remember a time when she had felt so protected? So loved? So cherished? His gentle kisses to the base of her neck nudged her into a warm, hazy state. She could feel his energy vibrating all around them as it soothed her senses and lulled her into a blissful state. So caught up in the warm, relaxed feelings he was invoking in her, she barely registered the feel of his strong hands on her body until they had begun to make their way slowly down the sides of her stomach and along the inside of her thighs.
Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes snapping open, as she began to feel Inu Yasha's hands make soft, swirling motions at the now moist juncture between her legs. “Inu Yasha?” Her voice was heavy and heated with quickly growing desire.
“Ssssh” He whispered, as the nipped at her neck, eliciting another glorious surge of electricity that spiraled down to her toes.
Kagome groaned as she began to squirm in his arms. Her body quickly aching in need as it screamed for his touch.
Inu Yasha grinned silently behind her as the scent of her immediate arousal hit his senses. Then silently cursed himself for starting this little game with her, as his own body began to react to his panting, squirming mate in his arms. But he had other intentions for her tonight. She had endured so much that day and they had achieved even more then they could have ever hoped for. He was in awe of her beauty, of her determination. By the strength that was her will, her spirit, and he wanted to praise her, to worship her, to show her in a thousand little ways just what she meant to him.
“Ssssh girl, be still.” His husky voice sent little blasts of breath tickling her ear. He licked at the side of her neck, as his hand slipped itself beneath her pajama bottoms, and the thin layer of material that kept her skin from his touch. He groaned inwardly as he slipped a finger into her moist, warm core. When her body immediately bucked into his hand, her loud moan of appreciation set his demon blood on fire, as he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from replacing his finger with another part of his body that throbbed painfully to be within her.
“Just relax Kagome, I've got you.” Kagome sighed at his tender words as she gave up on trying to squirm her way out of his arms, and gave herself up to the ministrations of his hands. Hands that knew every part of her, every crevice of her body. Hands that could bring her world to a blinding, sensual crescendo of glorious heat and electricity.
Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her back arching up from his body, as his fingers continued to play at her core. His thumb swirled at her sensitive nub, while his fingers delved into her, pushing her, heating her from within. His other hand, cupped around her body, gripped at her breast beneath the thin material of her tank top. He pulled gently at her nipple, rolling the nub between his fingers, causing her to cry out in delicious painful need of his touch.
Her head swam with heady lust. Her mind only able to focus on the feeling of being completely overtaken by burning need as swirling lights danced in the back of her eyes. A knotted painful fire burned and coiled in the pit of her stomach as the intensity of her needs shook through her body.
His name fell brokenly from her lips as she gripped the sheets by her side in her fisted hands. Oh gods, could such a thing be possible? Was it possible to die from the pleasure racking through her body. The feel of his suckling lips on her neck was pushing her over the edge, panting, groaning, unable to contain the rising heat within her, as his hand pulsed more forcefully between her thighs.
His hands turned to molten lave as they pushed inside her, his pace quickening, his lips on her neck, his hands pulling on her hardened, aching nipples. Yes, yes surely she would die.
“What's the matter Kagome?” His cocky tone was lost in her senses, as he pulled her tighter against him.
“You like that do you?” He grinned as he thrust his hips into her back. The feel of his hardened member against the back of her thighs created a whole new world of painful need, burst to life within her.
“…please…” The coiling in her stomach was now screaming in her head. Her body and senses pulled taught and to the breaking point.
“Come on Kagome, I want to hear you. I want to feel you cum on my hands.” He slipped another finger into her, feeling her body reawaken immediately to the now stretched skin between her thighs as she screamed a broken version of his name.
“That's my girl, come on, show me what I do to you Kagome, show me.”
Using his free hand that had been teasing at her breasts, her pushed her pelvis towards him, as he bucked his own against hers. Rubbing his stiff member against her back, rocking her in his lap as he pushed his fingers harder and deeper within her. Rubbing at her core, swirling the electricity throughout her body, when he grazed a careful claw down her over sensitized bundle of nerves.
His name tore itself from her throat, as the world exploded around her in visions of white and purple light. The screaming knot in her stomach exploded in a fiery electric frenzy, as it shot through her body, tingling her head and curling her toes. She rode the crescendo of electric bliss, as everything but the feel of that wave crashing over and over again through her body, carried her eventually into a soft, humming state, as her body continued to vibrate with delicious little aftershocks.
Kagome lay exhausted in Inu Yasha's arms as he reached for the edge of the covers with one arm and placed them carefully around the precious bundle he held in his arms. He could see her eyes slowly start to drift close in exhausted but contented sleep.
He kissed the side of her forehead gently and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to him.
“That's my girl.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~*~
“Kagome, you're going to be the death of me one of these days.” He smiled as he shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. He turned and walked away, leaving a very confused looking Kagome in his wake.
“Huh? What do you mean? Inu Yasha?” But he was already half way to Miroku across the field, feeling more then ever that he needed a little hard core physical exertion to get his mind, and his libido, off his tantalizing mate.
“I wonder what that was all about.” Kagome thought as she turned to string another arrow, when her head snapped to sudden attention.
“Inu Yasha?” Miroku called out, noticing his friend suddenly freeze half way across the field. He watched as Inu Yasha's ears swiveled on his head as though he were tracking a sound of some kind.
“Everyone get down!” he suddenly screamed as several hundred lower level demons broke through the perimeter of the trees, flying quickly overhead, just as everyone fell to the ground to keep from getting caught in the onslaught of the rush of demons.
“Sango!” Miroku yelled to be heard over the screeching sounds of demons. “Get ready!” He saw her nod as he watched her eyes harden instantly at the prospect of the coming battle. She clutched Hiraikotsu to her, getting ready to make her move.
As the demon's initial pass blew over, everyone hurried to their feet to prepare for battle.
“Kagome!” Inu Yasha yelled across to his mate who was separated from him by about 40 meters. Not far for him normally, but with several hundred demons attacking simultaneously, it could get pretty tricky.
“Don't worry Inu Yasha, I'm okay! I've got my bow!” Inu Yasha nodded. He knew that Kagome was more then a capable fighter and they'd be able to take down these demons in no time.
“Alright Miroku!” He yelled out as a grin spread across his face. “Time to get in that practice!”
His friend nodded as they prepared for the demons that were hurdling towards them again. They came down in a wave, splitting into four different directions.
Sango ran towards the swarm, her boomerang held in the ready just above her shoulder. She leapt in the air as a group of demons turned their attention on her. “Hiraikotsu!!” The boomerang crashed through the unsuspecting demons, cutting off limbs and severing vital organs as it splintered through them like a knife through soft butter. Sango landed on her feet, her hand raised high in the air as she watched Hiraikotsu swing back towards her. She jumped to catch the weapon firmly in her grip as the force of its return pushed her back, her feet scrapping against the ground. A devilish smile played across her face. “Now this is more like it!” She ran headlong into battle, cutting down demons as she went.
“Cutting Wind!” Inu Yasha swung the fully transformed Tetsusaiga at a group of snake youkai that instantly turned to ash as they were engulfed by the searing power of his sword.
A blazing blue arrow shot past his head and he heard a scream behind him as a large reptilian demon burned into nothing. He turned his head in the direction of the arrow and grinned at Kagome who was already replacing the spent arrow from her bow with a new one.
She grinned and winked at Inu Yasha as she took off towards Sango.
Gods she was beautiful! Inu Yasha smirked as he leapt towards the monk who seemed to be enjoying himself immensely as he flung his holy offuda's at passing demons while using his staff as an extension of his holy powers, as he shot burning holy light into the fray of demons.
Miroku grinned as he turned and saw Inu Yasha approach. “Like old times, eh Inu Yasha?”
“Except you seem to be getting rusty monk!” Inu Yasha leapt over Miroku's head as his sword came crashing down on a couple of demons that thought they were about to trample an unsuspecting monk.
Miroku grinned up at his friend. “Not at all, I just know how much you like swinging that sword around.”
Sango's scream broke through the bantering as they turned to see her fighting off a large mass of demons that seemed to have surrounded Kagome.
“Kagome!!” Sango's scream was one of panic as she struggled to slice Hiraikotsu through the withering mass of bodies to get to her friend. But there were too many.
Miko energy shot from the center of the demon pile as Kagome continued to purify the demons around her. But there were so many, and they were so quick. She turned and rolled and kicked, trying to keep one step ahead of the fighting mass. She watched as Sango's boomerang came crashing through, slicing several demons in half. She only had to hold on a little longer and help would be on the way.
Kagome heard Inu Yasha scream from outside the wall of demons that had surrounded her. She knew he wouldn't be able to use any of Tetsusaiga's major attacks for fear of hitting her. The demons seemed to understand that as well as they continued to swarm around her.
Of course, that didn't keep Inu Yasha from slicing and tearing at everything and anything with his sword and his claws to get to his mate. Sango and Miroku were at his side, as the hub of demons around Kagome only seemed to increase. Inu Yasha could see her powers blasting from the center of the circle, but she was starting to drain. Inu Yasha mentally kicked himself for not being able to anticipate the obvious trap.
“Kagome!” he screamed as he leapt at dozens of demons, his claws slicing through their appendages. He fell to a fighting stance on three limbs as he quickly tried to reassess his strategy.
A thick hellish laugh froze his blood in place.
He knew that sound. They all knew that sound. The demons that swarmed around them began to back off slightly in anticipation of the coming arrival.
“Inu Yasha, so good to see you again. It's been so long.”
Inu Yasha growled venomously in his throat as he looked up at the familiar figure floating in the sky overhead. A black and blue robed figure, covered in old-fashioned plated armor, with long black wavy hair that was left to fly freely in the wind behind him.
“Naraku.” He spit the name as though it were acid on his tongue. He could feel Sango and Miroku tense behind him.
“Oh good, so you do remember me! How wonderful! I wasn't sure if you would, so I resurrected my old outfit. I wanted to make you feel comfortable. After all, we do share such a history together, don't you think?” Naraku grinned at the little group.
“What do you want Naraku!” Miroku tried to remain calm as he spoke to the vial creature that hovered above them, but it was so hard to keep back the feelings that Naraku's very presence evoked in him.
“Ah the monk! How I've missed you! Tell me, how is your hand doing these days? And how about those ancestors of yours? Oops, my bad.” Naraku laughed as Miroku's fist clenched tightly. Painful memories of his cursed hand ran through him, and how it had eventually destroyed his family line.
Naraku suddenly dodged to the left as a boomerang went shooting past his head. “Shut up Naraku!” Sango's seething anger vibrated in her voice.
Naraku laughed wickedly as he eyed her. “Ah yes, of course! Sango, my dear, I say, have you managed to keep an eye on that brother of yours this time around? After all, we wouldn't want him getting mixed up with the wrong crowd and getting into any trouble, now do we?” Naraku's eyes glinted in cold pleasure as he watched his words strike blows into her heart.
“Cutting Wind!” Inu Yasha's roar had given Naraku just enough time to throw up a shield as the blast of the Tetsusaiga flew harmlessly past him.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Haven't we played this game before hanyou?”
Inu Yasha growled as he held the Tetsusaiga defensively before him. “What do you want Naraku?”
Naraku hovered closer to the hanyou as he smiled pleasantly at him, convinced that his shield would protect him from any future attacks. “Now, now Inu Yasha, what have I always wanted? Do you think my desires have changed in 500 years?”
“Oh, so you still want me to kick your ass then!” Inu Yasha's eyes flickered red as he eyed up his opponent. Something didn't feel right.
Naraku laughed that piercing cackle that sent shudders running down their spines while his laughter grated at their senses. “Ah Inu Yasha, how confidently you speak. Why, if I recall correctly,” Naraku placed a hand under his chin as though contemplating a deep thought, “I believe I was the one kicking your ass, the last time we met.” He locked his amused eyes with the hanyou.
“In your dreams!” Inu Yasha ground out through clenched teeth. He could feel Sango and Miroku shift behind him as they prepared for an attack.
“No, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a dream.” Naraku cooed gently to himself. “In fact, I'm pretty sure it was in my reality. My past reality, to be exact.” Naraku continued to taunt.
Inu Yasha roared in frustration. “You asshole! Let Kagome go and I might think about killing you quickly!!”
Naraku scratched at his chin again, as though not really hearing Inu Yasha's threat. “Ah yes, Kagome. I remember her, very well in fact. You see, she's why I'm here. She's got something I want.”
Sango clenched her fist in rage. “Leave Kagome alone! She doesn't have the jewel. It's gone, you've lost Naraku!”
“Ah, so you would have me believe. But I know better.” He stared seriously down at the little group. “And I will posses this new jewel, mark my words, even if I have to rip her apart to find it.” His eagerness at such a wonderful prospect glinted coldly in his eyes.
“AAGGGRRHHH!” Inu Yasha's rage broke through his limited control as he leapt towards Naraku, who merely dodged Inu Yasha's clumsy moves. He had spent many years fighting the hanyou and knew that nothing hindered his control and thinking more then danger to his human wench.
He dodged again as a boomerang and monk's staff came flying at him in opposite directions, but leaping higher into the air, the weapons crashed against each other, where he had been moments before, as they fell harmlessly to the ground. He spotted the demon slayer crouched over as she clung to a wound at her side. The others were now distracted by the throngs of demons that had begun attacking as soon as Inu Yasha had leapt at him. The monk was trying to fight off demons with nothing but his holy offuda's.
He smirked at Sango's unsuspecting form as he shot a tentacle transformed hand at the slayer. He grinned in anticipation of impaling flesh as the tentacle flew through the air, too fast for her human senses to understand. He was surprised when his tentacle slammed against the ground, digging up nothing but clumps of dirt.
“What the?” He looked quickly for the now missing slayer and saw her sprawled out on the ground, a growling Kouga hovering protectively over her form, as the wolf demon looked up at Naraku, his fangs bared.
“Naraku!!” He roared, as missing memories began suddenly slamming themselves back into place at the battle scene before him. Naraku grinned at his recognition.
“Ah Kouga, good to see you again, I thought you'd never make it. A little slow on your feet these days, I see.”
Kouga roared as he sped forward to attack, sensing Inu Yasha racing by his side. This, this Kouga remembered. Sure he and the hanyou fought constantly over Kagome, in any lifetime, but when it came down to it, they were both ready to take down the big bad asshole.
Both demons rushed at Naraku, while Miroku struggled to make his way to Kagome who was still walled in by the demons. Her powers had ceased to flair and he wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew he had to get to her or Inu Yasha would loose his mind.
“Kagome!” He cried out, praying to hear her voice respond to him.
Sango lay sprawled on the ground, trying to catch her breath. She'd been wounded, and was clasping her side with her hand. It wasn't too deep, but it still sent staggering bolts of pain through her body. Of course, that didn't help when Kouga had come smashing into her moments ago, not that she could complain. He had saved her from Naraku's attack.
She looked up, panting, blood smearing onto her fingers through her shirt as she watched Inu Yasha and Kouga tag team Naraku. That was when Naraku laughed and hurled an object towards the two demons. It exploded before them as poisonous gas began to seep out, clouding the sky in a dark haze, as the gas seemed to glint with an odd light.
Sango gasped as realization hit her.
“Inu Yasha, Kouga!” She cried out, “RUN!!!”
She was calmed when she saw two figures bolt out of the gas, coughing and wheezing as they tried to get as far away from the dangerous fumes as possible.
When the smoke finally cleared, Naraku was gone, the demons had left, and Kagome was missing.
The tiny group came together, panting and wheezing, as they struggled to compose themselves and to understand just what had happened. Miroku hurried over to Sango as he looked over her wound. None of them could look at Inu Yasha as they watched him scan the field for his mate, finally realizing what had happened.
They could do nothing but cover their ears as Inu Yasha's enraged howl ripped through the forest.