InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chimera ❯ Moero*Burn ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Arella 
The abrupt and long awaited conclusion! It halts rather suddenly, but I like it. It ends on a good note and hopefully leaves you feeling all tingly and loved inside. Kisses and huggles to all you wonderfully delightful readers! There is a full story translation at the end. I hope that is is correct, but if it isn't, I apologize. I own nothing.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Hentai |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 10.23.2003 |
Pages: 7 |
Words: 5.4K |
Visits: 3.3K |
Status: Completed
Kagome woke when she felt something hard poke her in the back. Opening her eyes and blinking away the sleep, she pivoted her head to find out what was poking her. Her face looked vaguely amused when she found Sesshoumaru, still asleep, and fully aroused. The taiyoukai mumbled something and rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him in the process. When he had settled back down, Kagome smirked wickedly and decided to surprise her adorable mate. He looked so kawaii in the mornings.
Sliding down his body, Kagome came to his hardened member. Hesitantly, she licked the tip of it, blushing all the while. She'd heard that this kinda thing was supposed to be extremely pleasurable for the male, so she would try it for Sesshoumaru. Slowly, she took his head in her mouth and nipped the tip. He moaned and his breathing became shallower. She smirked and ran her tongue up his length, which was becoming even harder. Sesshoumaru arched his hips and Kagome took him in her mouth as far as she could. The taiyoukai, she noticed, now had a death gripe on the poor mattress.
Kagome began licking and sucking on him as he began thrusting up into her mouth. If his purring and moaning were any indication, he was enjoying this a lot. Finally, she raked her teeth up him and sucked him dry when he seemed to explode in her mouth. Yuck, it didn't taste all that great, but seeing the strong youkai panting and sweating under her made it worthwhile. Amazingly, he was still asleep.
All that foreplay left the miko herself aroused. Unfortunately, Sesshoumaru seemed to have softened again. Kagome thought a moment and slid back up his body to lick and blow on his nipples. That earned her an increase in purring and a strangled groan. Yep, he was up again. She shook her head in mock disappointment. It took so little to get him horny.
Moving to straddle his hips, Kagome rubbed her arousal against him teasingly for a moment. Kami, she wanted him bad. In one swift motion, she lifted up and impaled herself on him. Sesshoumaru clenched his jaw and growled at the sensation. Kagome arched her back and set a quick pace on him. He felt so good inside her. The strange haze built up again between them as they both felt their climax nearing. Kagome threw back her head and tangled her hands in her hair before dragging them down her body to cup her breasts. With one last thrust up, Sesshoumaru sent them both tumbling into oblivion.
Sesshoumaru was having an unusually erotic dream. Buddha, it felt like he was actually inside Kagome again. Groaning and unconsciously thrusting his hips up, he cracked open his eyes. He nearly died on the spot when he saw a goddess astride him with her head thrown back and her face contorted in ecstasy. She arched her back and tousled her hair with her hands before caressing her own breasts. When his fuzzy brain finally drop kicked into awareness, he realized that Kagome was the goddess on him.
"Kagome," he whimpered as he thrust into her and felt himself shatter.
She panted and collapsed onto his chest. "Morning."
If he'd had the strength, he would have chuckled. "That was one way to wake up."
Kagome grinned in satisfaction. "Don't blame me, you're the one who woke me up with your, ahem, `sword' poking me. What was I to do?"
Sesshoumaru finally got his breathing under control. "So you decided just to mount me and see what I'd do?"
She looked somewhat mischievously. "That's not exactly how it happened. In fact, I do believe that you came twice this morning."
"Huh?" Was his intelligent response. His body was still caught up with being inside his mate.
The miko eased off of him, drawing a low growl from her mate. "Well, if you really want to know…" she proceeded to reenact the events leading up to his first orgasm. Sesshoumaru clutched the bed and wondered vaguely what he did to deserve this kind of Heaven.
Much, much later, Kagome followed Sesshoumaru to his private hot springs. After washing, he brought out a lovely white kimono with a silver obi and gave it to her.
"This was my mother's favorite. I think she would want you to have it."
"Arigato, it's beautiful."
Sesshoumaru smiled and showed her how the kimono was worn. Kagome, in turn, aided him dressing as well. When they were done, he led her to the dining room. Servants rushed in and served them breakfast. Kagome poured his tea and then her own while waiting for him to begin eating. Once he did, she picked up her own chopsticks and dug in. She grinned when she saw that his tail was curled around her.
"I guess I figured out why you don't like people touching your tail," she said coyly.
He nearly choked on his food before composing himself and looking at her in mock annoyance. "Hai, an inu youkai's tail is an erogenous point."
"And inu youkai can purr, apparently."
Sesshoumaru sighed. "It is a soothing growl. It is supposed to indicate pleasure or calm a family member. I guess I found out that you're really a nymphomaniac."
Kagome blushed and turned her attention back to her food. "I am not. I was just trying to make you happy this morning. Besides, I didn't hear you complaining, Mr."
He chuckled. "Iie, why would I want to do that? I had no intention of letting you stop. I must warn you, mate. Turnabout is fair play. I intend to have my revenge on you."
"Sure, whatever. No way will I be more surprised than you were. I wish you could have seen your face when you woke up. It was priceless!"
Just then, the door opened and a small, green toad looking thing hobbled over to Sesshoumaru. Kagome looked at him in question, but remained silent. Sesshoumaru motioned for the youkai to speak, but didn't seem to care overly much.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, the other taiyoukai have sent word that they wish to meet with you. Apparently, that hanyou, Naraku, has been giving them trouble as well. They will be here within the hour." Jaken paused and then looked at Kagome. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he raised his Staff of Skulls to fry her. "Filthy ningen! How dare you desecrate milord's table! Feel the wrath of the Staff of Skulls!"
"Jaken," Sesshoumaru said in a warning voice.
Jaken looked at him, awaiting his orders.
"I would advise using more respect when addressing my mate. If I hear of you insulting or threatening her again, you will die."
The toad sputtered and gaped at the two. Finally, he bowed and apologized to Kagome. She smiled and inclined her head to show acceptance of his apology. Sesshoumaru dismissed the servant and finished his tea. He caught Kagome looking somewhat worried.
"I didn't think about what everyone would say to you when they find out that I'm human. I can't imagine what they'll do when they find out that I'm a miko as well."
Sesshoumaru tightened his tail and pulled her into his lap. "It is of no concern to me what they think or do. You are my mate and nothing can change that." He nuzzled her hair and breathed in her scent. His mark allowed her to smell faintly of him as well. "Know that I love you and will stand by you no matter what."
Kagome snuggled into his embrace and stroked his tail. "Everything's so screwed up." She looked him in the eye and ran the back of her fingers across his cheek. "Wo ai ni, my Sesshoumaru."
He lowered his head and kissed her passionately. When they pulled away for air, Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked to the door. He calmly stood, drawing Kagome up with him and motioned for her to follow him. She did and he led her to the front doors of his palace. Servants scurried forward and opened the doors to reveal three youkai standing there.
Sesshoumaru had on his emotionless mask, which bothered Kagome a bit, but she knew that he only did it to protect his lands. She took her place to the left and slightly behind him.
"Koga, Kunse, Ping. We will discuss this in my study," Sesshoumaru said.
The three taiyoukai walked over to him and noticed Kagome. Koga broke into a huge grin and walked around her, seemingly taking measurement of her.
"Well, it seems you finally broke down and got a concubine. Perhaps I'll use this one when you're done, Sesshoumaru."
Before he could say anything else, Sesshoumaru had him pinned to the wall with his claws around the wolf's neck.
"That is my mate, bastard."
Koga's face paled and the other lords took a small step respectfully away from Kagome. She was watching her mate with concern and finally put her hand on his arm. His eyes flicked to hers a moment.
Let him go, Sesshou. He didn't know any better.
He insulted you. He deserves to die.
What he thinks is not important, though. You said so yourself. Besides, you need to work together to defeat Naraku. It isn't worth starting a war over.
Sesshoumaru's eyes turned golden once more and he released Koga. "Know this, it is only by my mate's request that you continue to live."
Koga coughed and scampered over to the other lords. Sesshoumaru led them to his study where he motioned for them to have a seat. Kagome sat to the left and behind Sesshoumaru. Jaken brought in tea and Kagome served it to the lords after offering Sesshoumaru a cup first. He smirked at this. Usually, it was custom to serve the guests first, but Kagome, apparently, didn't think much of them yet. They seemed to notice this and exchanged glances.
"Why did you mate a ningen, Sesshoumaru," Ping asked.
"She is a powerful miko. In fact, she is the embodiment of the Shikon no Tama. Her powers surpass even Midoriko's. Kagome is my equal, though not a youkai."
She smiled at this, but kept her face politely averted. She knew that in Sengoku Jidai, it was tradition that the women let the men to all the work. That was fine with her. She liked the fact that Sesshoumaru protected her, but knew that he knew she could take care of herself. Besides, she didn't really want to deal with the pompous lords anyway.
Kunse cleared his throat. "Well, pup, introduce us properly."
Sesshoumaru gestured Kagome to stand beside him. "This is Kagome, my mate. Kagome, this is Kunse (lion youkai), Lord of the South; Ping (kitsune) Lord of the North; and Koga (wolf), Lord of the East."
Kagome bowed respectfully to each of them. She then resumed her place.
Sesshou, Koga has three jewel shards. One in his right arm and each of his legs.
Sesshoumaru leveled his gaze at Koga. "I thought we had agreed not to use the shards, Koga."
"Then why are you utilizing the power of three shards?"
The other two lords looked at Koga in question. "Is this true, Koga?"
Koga shifted in his seat and seemed to pout a bit. "Yeah, I've had some trouble with a rival tribe called the Birds of Paradise. I needed the shards to counter what their leader had. How'd you know, anyway?"
The lords all looked at Kagome, but she seemed content to study the fabric of the pillow she was kneeling upon. (They were seated at a low traditional Japanese table.)
"Is she mute?" Ping inquired.
Sesshoumaru startled them all when he actually chuckled. "Hardly," he snickered.
It took a moment for them to realize that his laughter didn't mean imminent death for someone in the vicinity. Once they'd calmed, they continued to study the silent woman.
They're rather rude, aren't they? She thought to Sesshoumaru.
His eyes flicked back to meet hers which were looking at him. Hai, they're aristocrats; what'd you expect?
Jaken stumbled into the room again and scuttled to the corner to await any orders his master might give him. Kagome rolled her eyes and tuned out the rest of the meeting. Geez, the snobby lords spent a good two hours just arguing over how to remove Koga's shards without killing him. She finally got fed up with it and looked over to Koga who was now standing and growling at an equally agitated Ping. Sighing, she held out her palm and called to the shards. They floated painlessly and harmlessly out of Koga and settled in her hand. Her body absorbed them and she returned to looking at the floor.
That was the fastest Sesshoumaru had ever seen the lords shut up. It was quite amusing, really. Ping and Koga seemed to be frozen in their stances, blinking at Kagome, who was stubbornly ignoring them.
He smirked. "I told you, she's the Shikon's mistress. Now, if you, Koga and Ping, will return to your seats, we'll try to get something productive done."
The flabbergasted lords plopped down and consciously shut their gaping jaws. It was going to be a long, long day.