InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choosing love or choosing life ❯ Interruptions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miroku felt himself begining shooken by someone.He awoke to find himself facing chocolate brown eyes that happened to belong to Sango.
"Is something the matter Lady Sango?"
"About earlier I ...............I wanted to say............."she started but didn't finish.Miroku was now sitting up,the sleep away from his eyes.He seemed to be holding his breath,awaiting her answer,desperately hoping she was going to say what she really meant to say.She parted her lips as if to speak but just closed again.Her features contorted into confusion,whether or not she could really tell him.Miroku's hand placed itself on her shoulder,making her look into his eyes.
"What did you want to say?"he asked gently soothing her shoulders.Her fingers were fiddling themselves into a knot,to tell or not to tell?She would probably end up giving herself am even greater weakness that her protection for her brother.She could feel his warm breath upon her cheek,he was so close.Her own hands were covered by his.
"I wish I could say.........but the words just won't come out"her eyes drifted to the floor.
"Then perhaps you should try and show me what you need to tell me"his voice was barely above a whisper.She closed her eyes for a brief minute and sighed before opening them and staring into his.His dark eyes could nearly be mistaken for black had it not been for a light grayish.She felt herself leaning in and so did he.Their lips brushed against one another,but before Sango could pull back Miroku's hand gently placed itself on her cheek.His other hand placed itself on her side.Her own hands untied themselves and wrapped around the nape of his neck.Seeing on how she wasn't going anywhere his hand from her cheek also moved to her waist and pulled her into his lap.She gasped at how easily he had done so.Miroku wasted no time as his tongue prowled into her mouth,tasteing the truth of her being pure.Their tongues entwined as their breathing became harder.Both her legs had now been seperated and one was on each side.Miroku's erection was growing painfully by the second.He wanted so badly to strip her bare that very moment.And she probably would have let him,had it not been for a knock at the door.Miroku did an Inuyasha like growl as he broke the kiss.Sango quickly got off him and curled into herself.Miroku cursed inwardly and vowed to kill whoever this person was outside his room at these hours.He opened the door to find Hatchi the raccoon dog in front of him.
"Master Miroku!How good to see you!I have been so worried.........why are you looking at me like that?"his eyes glanced past Miroku to see Sango.But before he could say anything his air supply was suddenly cut off as he was lifted off the ground.Miroku's expression was mixed in with anger and hatred.Sango got up and placed a hand on his arm.He let go and Hatchi fell to the floor.He greedily sucked in air as he rubbed his throat.
"Why did you come here?"
"Can't a pal just drop by to say hello?" Miroku's expression grew angry.
"You came here for my protection didn't you?" Hatchi's eyes grew all big.
"I didn't wanna gamble!They made me!And now I lost everything and owe more so they'll gonna kill me!"
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa........I'm not going to protect you from a justice from sin.I'm a monk remember?"he had already lost his patience,and kindness was wearing thin.Here he thought nothing could go wrong and then all of the sudden....of course....Hatchi has to come along and ruin the moment.

Sango was listening with a sense of humor at how angry Miroku was and just how stupid Hatchi was.Miroku closed his eyes as he listend to Hatchi's so called story.Once he was finished he looked at the monk and demon slayer pleadingly.Miroku had closed his eyes and whispered a small prayer before taking in a deep breath.
"Well it would seem ou've gotten yourself in some deep shit.Best of luck getting out of it"this had actually come from Sango.Odds were,she was quite mad as well for being interrupted.Miroku stood up and gestured his hand to the door.Hatchi pouted.
"Master Miroku I have no where to go!"he cried out.
"Then go to my room with Shippo and Kirara,just don't wake them"Sango said crossing her arms.
"Why?I can just stay with you,the three of us can stay up late and play games".
"No"Miroku stated crossly.
"But why?What could you two possible do that's so much fun by yourselves?" A crimson color rose to Sango's cheeks.
"Just go alright?"Miroku.But Hatchi didn't move,even with being threatend by the wind tunnel.
"Oi this is going to get on my nerves.I'm going to go and take a bath"Sango said as she gathered soaps.She nudged Miroku before stepping completely out and headed towards the springs.
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