InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Choosing love or choosing life ❯ Down by the water's edge ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Miroku quietly crept down to the edge of the springs.He had heard Sango's humming from a few feet away.He also heard water sloshing around ina wooden bucket.He crouched down to a bush and waddled his way to the water.Sango was no where in site,but how could that be?She had just been there a second ago..........or was his mind playing tricks on him?He stood up stealthily and looked around.He turned his head from left to right,searching for his water godess.A soft crunch of footsteps hitting earth reached his ears.Before he could even start to turn around a force pushed him into the clear water below.It wasn't the spring itself so it was somewhat cold.He then resurfaced,spitting out the briny water.He rubbed his eyes and glanced in the general direction which he had been a minute ago,standing.The shadowy figure who had pushed him,stepped into the pale moonlight's glow.An evil smiling Sango stared at him,face shining with triumph.She blinked a few times and then moved closer to the edge to help him out.Miroku swam the few feet ahead of him to the edge.He grabbed Sango's warm hand with his own chilled one and dragged her in along with him.She yelped as the cold water seeped right past her kimono.Her hair stuck to her cheeks as Miroku laughed.She picked up her palm and slashed it through the water,soaking him even further.
"Its only alright for me to push you in!This water is so fucking cold!"her teeth started to chatter as she climbed over the dirt edge.She proped herself up only to be dragged back down by Miroku.His steal bands of arms wrapped around her waist starting swimming off towards the springs.
" know......w......we....could........w.w........walk"she chattered.
"But...........l........ll.........lady Ssssssssango........where'sssssss the fun that?"Miroku chattered back.After swimming in the ice cold water for a few minutes they reached the springs,where Sango and Miroku eagerly jumped in.Letting the warm water flow around them and heating them up,Sango sprayed Miroku once more.
"Swim to the springs..........not one of your better idea's Houshie-sama"she laughed.Miroku smiled as well,but inside he asked questions.
'Why can'y you call me by my real name?Does it fear you?'His lips quirked to the side as he continued to ponder.
"Miroku?Everything alright?"Miroku immedaitely looked up.
"How is it you can read my mind Lady Sango?"he asked smiling warmly.Sango's eye brows raised and her cheeks grew a tint of crimson.She then closed them and smiled.
"I have no idea.Can you guess what I'm thinking?"she asked tilting her head to the side.
"Honestly I have no clue".
"Me either".They both laughed heartily.
"Alright since your so good at guessing my thoughts,what am I thinking?"Miroku smiled.Sango started to think but movement caught her eye.Miroku ahd gotten up and walked to her side before sitting back down on a rock.She then shook her head.
"I dunno,what are you thinking?" Miroku then suddenly inclined his head and layed a kiss upon her lips.
"That I love the taste of your lips"he whispered.
Her face began to grow even redder at the compliment,and Miroku couldn't help but find it cute.He grasped her hand with his.She looked down and then back up into his eyes.Love was shining from his very pupils as he stared down into her's.
"Miroku.............."she started to say but allowed herself to be cut off by his breath taking kiss.Once he pulled away he looked deeply into her eyes,seeing the glazed passion from within.
"".Miroku's very heart stopped,he felt as though he had just died and gone to heaven.
"Lady Sango..........I love you too".Her hands reached up and wrapped around his neck,pulling him into another embrace.His own hands placed themselves around her waist,pulling her closer into him.
'God,I'll kill anyone who dares interrupt now.Even if it is Hatchi'he thought as his pants became uncomfortably tight.Miroku's hands released her waist and rubbed all down her back.One of his hands escaped her back and moved to the clasp of her kimono.Miroku then broke the kiss as he started undo it completely.He then started kssing Sango's neck,leaving welts of pleasure.Sango exposed her neck for him to have easier access.The straining in his pants were becoming unbearable.Sango's hands then untied his top part of his robes.He shrugged them off and continued working on her kimono.Once succeeding he unwrapped the bonds that kept her breast tamed like a bra.Cool air caressed her body from her exposed stomach to her neck.Miroku carefully picked her up and placed her back on the rock.It was a little chilly,but felt wonderful for her heated skin.Miroku then used his tongue and teeth to taunt and play with her breast.Sango moaned at the immense pleasure he was giving her with the slightest touch.His hands moved down to her thighs,yanking her skirt down and letting it hit the water and sink.He inserted two fingers in her and her legs bucked.Miroku gasped at her wetness,knowing she wanted him so well.
'You don't need to be a demon to sense when your girl wants you'he thought smiling against her breast.His fingers stayed in rythm as her moans began to become louder.Using the last strength Sango had,she grabbed Miroku's shoulders and pulled him off her chest and to her mouth.Taking his fingers out he began to untie his pants.After what seemed like an eternity of struggling the slid off.Miroku reached behind him and grabbed his wet robes.He easily picked up Sango and made his way to the soft dirt,where he then layed his clothes and her.Once settling his weight on her he looked down into her lust filled eyes.
"Your sure you want this?"it was the last ounce of control he had,so his voice was barely a whisper.
"Only from you"she whispered back with a smile upon her face.Miroku then kissed her long and passionately.His hands,now clean raking through her silken hair.Her legs wrapped around his torso,inviting him in.With one thrust he took her virginity and was inside her.She then broke the kiss and yelped her own noise out of pain.Miroku held her hand and looked at her with concern.After a few moments she nodded,allowing him to proceed.His rythm was slow at first at an even pace.It was how he wanted it,to take it slow with her.But her being a demon slayer,nothing was ever soft.
"Miroku........harder"she gasped into his neck.Obeying her he began to thrust harder and a little bit faster.Her moans and pleasurable cries became his commands.Her hips thrusted with his,bringing him pleasure beyond recognition.She felt a ball inside her tighten with every second.
"oh........budda.Miroku don't stop".
" far from my mind Sango".Sango arched into him many times.She picked up her head and nibbled his ear,driving him wild and to go faster.Sango's nails dug into the folds of skin on his back where his shoulders blades were located.His rock hard stomach molded so easily with her surprising soft one.She started to breath faster and faster with each thrust until..........
"MIROKU!!!!!!!"she screamed at the top of her lungs as her climax hit.Hearing his name echoe off the forest from her lips sent him into orbit,making him scream as well.He collasped out of breath on her.He could barely hold himself up as he withdrew from her.He then pulled her into his chest and used his now ironicly dry robe to cover them
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