InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Shoes ❯ Christmas Shoes ( Chapter 1 )
Christmas Shoes
italics - song lyrics
normal - story
AN: If you have the song, I suggest that you listen to it while reading this. It really adds a special something. I was listening to the song when I wrote this, and I cried. If you haven't heard the song, I think you should, it really is beautiful.
If you spot any errors, grammar or otherwise, please notify me. Or if you think it could have been improved in any way, please notify me of that too! Thanks!
Okay, enough of my blabbering, on with the fic! Enjoy!
It was almost Christmas time an'
There I stood in another line
Sesshoumaru was waiting in line to buy some presents,
And getting very impatient
He knew he should have sent a servant to do it
But Inuyasha was home from college for the holidays
With his girlfriend, Kikyo
Tryin to buy that last gift or two
Not really in the Christmas mood
So he volunteered to go out and buy presents
For relatives, friends and such…
Anything to get away from Inuyasha
So to say his father and mother were shocked
That he offered
He sighed
This really was not turning out to be his day
He almost wished that he were back at university
Even though he just graduated a couple months ago
Standin right in front of me
Was a, little boy waiting anxiously
That's when he noticed the little girl in front of him
She was standing there
bouncing from foot to foot
anxiously waiting for her turn
She noticed him then, turned around and smiled
"Hi! My name's Rin! What's yours?!
Rin can't wait for her turn!
Rin's been waiting for a long time!"
Abruptly she turned around
Pacing round like little boys do
And in his hands he held a pair of shoes
She started pacing slightly
It was amusing to say the least
He could see she was eager
But pacing like that was just childish
Then again she was a child
She turned his way slightly
And he could glimpse what it was
she held in her hands…
It was a pair of shoes
And his clothes were worn and old
He was dirty from head to toe
He took in her appearance
Her clothes were old and frayed
And she was filthy, right from head to toe
He almost grimaced, but held it back
behind the cold mask he always wore
how repulsive the girl looked
he would just ignore the girl
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say
It took a long time
but Sesshoumaru and Rin finally reached the front of the line
The little girl went up to the counter…
And what she said next
Would be something Sesshoumaru would never forget
"Sir, I wanna buy these shoes
For my mama, please
It's Christmas eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I, know these shoes will make her smile
And I, want her to look beautiful
If mama meets Jesus tonight"
Sesshoumaru was taken back
Did this girl actually mean that?
What's more, how was she
going to pay for those shoes?
From the looks of her
Sesshoumaru didn't think that
Her family had much money
If any at all….
The little girl held out a jar to the cashier
It was filled to the brim with coins
Sesshoumaru almost sweat dropped
She was going to pay for a pair of shoes
With a jar of coins?
He counted pennies for what seemed like years
And the, cashier said "Son, there's not enough here."
From the look on the cashiers face
He knew the cashier
was thinking the same thing
Nonetheless, the cashier started counting
And, for what seemed like forever
All you could hear was the click click click
Of coins as the cashier counted them
Then finally the cashier looked up
The sadness in his eyes and voice was evident
As he informed Rin that
There just wasn't enough
"I'm sorry miss, but there
isn't enough money here
to buy these shoes."
He searched his pockets franticly
Then he turned and he looked at me
Rin started to search her pockets
She was starting to panic
She looked around everywhere!
Then all of a sudden she turned
And looked at Sesshoumaru
With hope and tears in her eyes
He said "Mama made Christmas good at our house,
Though most years she just did without,
Rin looked at Sesshoumaru with
Those pleading eyes
And told him of her mother
How every year she would
Tell Rin bedtime stories
How she tried her best
to get Rin a present
and yet, with everything she did
Every year she would be
The only one without a present
Tell me, sir, what am I gonna do
Somehow I've gotta buy her these Christmas shoes"
Tears started to form in Rin's eyes
As she cried she asked Sesshoumaru
How was she going to buy those shoes?
She was determined
Sesshoumaru could see it in her eyes
Even through all the tears
He knew that she would find a way,
do anything
To buy those shoes
So I laid the money down
I just had to help him out
Sesshoumaru put a hand on her shoulder
And asked her to stop crying, to quite down
Then placed his other hand in his pocket
He took out his wallet
Withdrew some money…
And paid for the shoes…
Sesshoumaru didn't know
what made him do it
He just felt he had to
And I'll never forget the look on his face
when he said "Mama's gonna look so great"
But he was glad he did
The look on her face was priceless
Sesshoumaru would never forget it
That day, was one that Sesshoumaru
Would never forget…
Rin looked at him with wide eyes
She squealed and said
"Mama's gonna look so great"
Sesshoumaru let a smile grace his lips
It had been so long since he smiled
The only one who could ever get
a smile out of him was
Kagome……his betrothed
He smiled even wider
Just thinking about her
He truly felt happy
Sir, I wanna buy these shoes
For my mama, please
It's Christmas eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I, know these shoes will make her smile
And I, want her to look beautiful
If mama meets Jesus tonight
Sesshoumaru looked at Rin
Her words ringing in his head
This little girl had somehow
Managed to break his barriers
And open his heart
I knew I caught a glimpse of heavens love
As he thanked me and ran out
She thanked him a thousand times
That smile always on her face
Then she ran out
The happiness in her eyes never fading
Sesshoumaru's heart went out to her
He knew it was heaven's doing
I knew that god had sent that little boy to remind me
What Christmas is all about
As she ran out
Sesshoumaru knew
That some one had sent her
To remind him
That Christmas was more than getting
It was about giving too
Christmas is a time to enjoy what you have
Even if it's a brother that annoys you like no tomorrow
He's alive and he's your brother
That's all that counts
So look around you and see how much you have
Then be thankful you have it
And enjoy yourself…
this Christmas
Sir, I wanna buy these shoes
For my mama, please
It's Christmas eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I, know these shoes will make her smile
And I, want her to look beautiful
If mama meets Jesus tonight
Sesshoumaru came home that night
With a slight smile still on his face
He didn't care that he was
Getting stares from everyone
And for once, Sesshoumaru went
Pass Inuyasha WITHOUT punching him
He left Inuyasha gawking behind him
As he went to his room…
He stayed up that night
Thinking about that little girl
The little girl he would never forget
The way she looked at him
as she ran out of the store,
clutching the shoes to her chest…
He went to sleep that night
With Rin's sweet face
Smiling at him from the stars…
Merry Christmas everyone!
I want her to look beautiful
If mama meets Jesus tonight…
Posted: December 21, 2004
Hope you guys liked! If you don't want to, you don't have to review. I just want everyone to appreciate the meaning of Christmas and giving. Call me crazy if you want, but it's what I believe in and I mean it, so have a very Merry Christmas!
Ja ne!