InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chrysalis ❯ Dreaming of Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: A sheltered state of being that she has lived in for eight years and is not willing to leave. Her once perfect life discarded to the side. An object from her past, a challenge of both health and soul. She's out to show what the world missed...or maybe the world is showing what she missed.
A/N: In 'Chrysalis' there aren't any demons, mikos or so on. Yes, some have silver hair and golden eyes but there are people in real life that actually look like that (without dyes, contacts or surgery) People who are albinos were born with no or little pigment and so they usually have blue, red or golden eyes. Strange isn't it? Their skin is also -extremely- pale close to white. I'm just telling everyone in advance!
Dream or memory”
“…”- change of scene
(Author's notes)
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha but I own the plot and a few of the characters. So -No Touchie- or else I'll send my rabid blue and brown cow after you.
"True friends stab you in the front." -Oscar Wilde
Chapter One: Dreaming of Memories
Two young children skipped side by side, taking the largest steps they could each take. On the left was a young girl, her long black hair pulled back in two, loose ponytails that swung gently. Her pale lips were shaped in a large grin revealing a chipped front tooth. Her overalls were probably a size or two too big and her sneakers were untied but she was too happy to notice.
On the right was a boy who was slightly taller and he was grinning even larger than the girl's as he pulled ahead, the girl struggling to keep up with fast steps. His hair was peculiar colour, shining silver and was pulled into a single, neat ponytail that reached to his tiny waist. His golden eyes were darting back towards his friend sending an unspoken message.
The young girl just grinned and stuck out her tongue in an equally quite response. Why didn't they yell and scream like the other kids in the park? It was simple. At least to the two best friends. The little Taisho boy was a mute. But he didn't need to talk; his best friend spoke enough for both of them combined. The little five-year-old had a way with charming others even though some of her actions were rude. When the two had first met and she had learnt that he didn't speak she had simply grabbed the older boy's chin, opened his mouth. She was disappointed to find that he had a tongue; after all she had heard from another kid that all mutes had no tongues.
The first week had been a painful affair for both the children and parents. His silver hair somehow managed to have blueberry bubblegum imbedded in his hair, and the girl had woken with a strange rash. But it all had subsided…eventually…
Their names were called and reluctantly the two headed back to their waiting parents, waving a silent good bye.
She rolled in her bed, a soft moan escaping her parted lips as she snuggled even deeper into her blankets. Her raven hair was spread on her pillow. The delicate body rolled over on to her stomach. Even with her head facing her white sheets, her eyes were tightly closed. She refused to let the morning light and her memories in.
His golden eyes were wide as he watched the girl dance across the stage. Yes, there were others but it was clear that she was the `prima Donna' as he had been informed. His best friend was dressed cutely in a periwinkle blue that matched her sparkling eyes and worn, but impressive ballet slippers.
The albino's gaze never wavered as he watched her make a changements she landed gently before leaping behind the rest of her ballet class. The dance went on and he stayed entranced. Though he never would have admitted it, he actually enjoyed it. He joined in with the applause, waiting impatiently.
When his parents said so he dashed out of his feet. In a sprint the boy ran down the isles, a single blue rose in his hand. His silver hair flew out behind him as he delicately made small leaps. He imitated the ballet dancers he just saw for moment and then he stopped.
The Prima Donna was giggling right in front of him. Her hair was no longer in a tight bun, and she was now dressed in her trademark and oversized overalls.
Ya' should have joined the classes Fluffy. Then we could be together like always,”
He blushed and ducked his head. Ruefully he stuck out his hand with the delicate rose balanced on his palm. The young ballerina let out a small gasp as she gently picked it up. In one quick motion she flung her arms around the boy's neck.
It's so prettiful Fluffy-kun! It's even my favourite colour,”
The girl let out another giggle and then grabbed his hand before pulling him towards a bright blue door. He pushed it open for her and she delicately danced out the door.
Why do ya' always have to have the gooder manners,” the girl asked pouting cutely. The proclaimed `Fluffy' laughed and grabbed the girl's hand before pulling her outside. His eyes met hers and she quickly understood his expression. It was the `cos I'm older'look that made him feel superior.
Their hands still tightly clasped they headed to an empty, green bench. The boy gracefully sat down and the girl, despite her once flowing movement s just plopped down. The two sat in silence, their only contact was the girl's head that rested on the boy's small shoulders.
All of a sudden the girl was slowly moving, stifling her giggles behind an outstretched hand as she gazed at her friend's head. On his head was monarch butterfly, drying its wings peacefully and not even noticing the noise that the girl once made.
Fluffy, it's a butteryfly! I've always loves butteryflies. They're so prettiful and graceful,” the girl whispered into her Fluffy's ear.
Fluffy moved his head as much as he dared to, as his expression changed to a `Kagome shush, you'll scare it away' look. It always amazed onlookers that they could understand each other so perfectly.
Kagome pouted but said nothing as she sat there with Fluffy and the peaceful `butteryfly' as she liked to call it. That's where they stayed and were found by their extremely worried parents.
He made no movements or noises. He was like ice as his eyes fluttered open and closed. His face was emotionless as he acknowledged the coming light. He knew that he should really get up to complete his morning routine but his body felt heavier than usual. His mind sluggish. Maybe it was though dreams…or were they memories that he was experiencing? Either way, he somehow let his body fall gently back to sleep. The appearance of innocence slowly creeping over his sleeping body.
The silver-haired boy beckoned for Kagome to come forward with a hand. Kagome started to walk to him her eyes wandering to where another seven-year-old held a hot pink birthday hat. Unconsciously she shuddered. She always had hated pink.
She stopped for a second but Fluffy was getting impatient. The older boy jumped forward his longer fingers resting gently above her eyelids. Kagome let them flutter close and relaxed as she felt her friend's fingers on her bare neck. A cool material wrapped around her neck and she shivered for a second.
Kagome could feel the light digits above her eyes again and she let them open. Now on her neck was a silver chain and hanging from it was a delicate, butterfly chrysalis. It flashed in the light as she fingered it lightly.
She felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked to see Fluffy grinning from ear to ear. He slipped a delicate card into her hand and waited for her to read.
`Because you want to fly with the butterflies in the sky'
She moaned again. A wavering hand grabbed the pillow beneath her head, yanking it out sharply. With another moan she placed it on top of her head. She could feel the pillow was beginning to get damp. For a moment she was wondering where the water had come from. Then she realized, it was coming from trickling tears. Why did these nightmares have to haunt her? Why couldn't the past just stay where it belonged instead of depriving her of her much needed sleep.
Her body was moving without a thought, the routine simply drilled into her head and brain. She pointed her toes in her ballet shoes and began her final pirouette. All she knew was that she was flying, leaping. Just like her beloved butterflies. And soon she was bowing low a bright smile pasted across her face. Kagome was happy whenever she was like this. She was free and no one could take that away from her.
Bowing one last time she walked off the stage expecting to see her best friend but he wasn't there. Her bright blue eyes widened. Fluffy must have been lost or something. Maybe he was waiting for his parents to let him come and see her. Yes! That had to be it. After all he was always the perfect gentleman.
So refusing to let the nagging feeling, take over her she ran into the change room and changed out of her ballet clothes. Kagome didn't use the usual care that she usually used with these special clothes. After all, her mother had spent several, painstaking hours stitching these beautiful clothes for the dance competition with her fading eyesight.
She slung the neon yell backpack over one shoulder and ran past the other girls to reach the familiar door. Kagome threw it open as she struggled to tie her hair back with a white scrunchie she had conjured from her pocket. Her bright blue eyes searched around the hall. But all she could spot were her waving parents that were calling compliments at her. But she couldn't hear them. Kagome was too disappointed. He had promised. Fluffy had promised that he would come to all the competitions. These were the finals! They meant everything to her. Everything had been arranged so that he could come without any trouble.
Where's Fluffy-kun?” Kagome asked with doe-like eyes.
Her parents met each other's gaze but this wasn't the language that she and Fluffy shared. No, this was the unknown and forbidden language of the adults.
Sorry honey,” her mother murmured softly.
Tears pricked Kagome's eyes and she brushed them aside determinedly. Fluffy had promised he would be here. Fluffy had never broken a promise. Keeping her eyes cast down she clutched her parents offered hands and squeezed them tightly as they made their way to their saved seats.
Now on the empty stage was a small group of people. The first man was big and had a large moustache. This eight-year-old had named him `Walrus Man' but the others were new and they were so easy to understand. They were using big, grown up words that she couldn't understand. Maybe she would have been able to known what they were saying if she hadn't been staring at the big, blue door the whole time.
And the official winner is Higurashi Kagome!”
There was applause around her and Kagome's parents hugged her close before they stood up and walked her to the stage. Kagome should have felt joy. She should have been happy excited and happy but she couldn't be without Fluffy. He was practically part of her. He was always there for her.
You in or what kid?”
The silver-haired boy nodded quickly as his eyes darted around the group. He was with ten-year-olds and even some tweleves! This was every kid's his age dream. To be cool with the cool group.
How he got in? He wasn't sure. Maybe it was the fact that Aizuko Kyoko had taken a liking to him. Kyoko was really nice to him and she was a good ballet dancer too but she had lost to Kagome much to her disappointment. Kyoko hadn't taken it too well either. She was kicking and screaming, her older brother trying to comfort her. It never did help that Kagome who was known for her bubbly attitude…and fiery temper once punched her in the nose. There had been blood everywhere.
Fluffy had stood by the sidelines not knowing what to do. Instead he suddenly seemed quite interested in his new glasses. Kagome wouldn't mind now, would she? They had slowly grown apart and nothing that they were going to do was going to hurt her in the least.
What kid? I didn't hear you,”
Yes,” The voice was soft at first before gaining volume “Yes Aizuko-san,”
Kagome…We're moving,”
Her eyes were already red and puffy from crying the whole way home and now her parents were telling her this! How could they? How could they even move? They had lived at the shrine practically her whole life. Her life was basically perfect with her caring family, several close friends and a well-known name. They just -couldn't- leave.
She choked back a sob as she let out an animal-like sound. “NO!” She turned on her heel and ran towards the door, opening it up and slamming it behind her with all the force she could muster.
Kagome! Dear, come back!”
It was pouring rain and his too large hoodie that he had pulled on didn't help at all. It only limited his view. His glasses were already covered with droplets of water and everything was blurry. Then you had Fluffy's silver hair that was sticking to his face not making it any better.
He had been following the `cool group' for hours. Or at least that was what it felt like. They had spent the slow passing time sauntering about looking for something…or someone. They were talking about someone but he couldn't tell who.
There she is!” a boy cried. His voice was met with several agreeing sounds as the small group ran across the wet grass of the park. He was smaller than everybody and he had to struggle to keep up. Her feet hit the ground softly but he was slowly falling behind. Then he was falling, falling, falling.
His face landed on the muddy grass. He pushed himself up as quickly as he could but it was all a stumbling motion. Somewhere there were stifled sobs, moans and groans but he didn't think anything of them. It was probably the old lady Ai for some reason or other.
He finally made his way to his feet and ran to where the group of boys were. They were all crowding around something…a rock? Or at least that's Fluffy made out with his distorted view. Aizuko and his small group were shouting jeers, ugly sneers on their faces as theypunched and kicked the poor thing. Somehow he managed to squish in at the narrower end of the object.
The albino boy stood motionless as he struggled to make out more of his surrondings. Aizuko glared at him and without a second though he pulled his leg back and kicked. He would never fully forget that sickening snap and the piercing scream of pain…The worst was when he heard his name being called out from the supposed rock.
In Tokyo, two teenagers woke up in instant. One as silent and cold as ice, the other's scream piercing the once silent morning air. Her breath was cracking as her body shook with sobs.
A cool hand was stroking her now throbbing ankle. Through her tears Kagome could make out her mother. Her mother was beautiful though slowly aging. When she had been younger she had thought her mother was simply the most beautiful woman in the whole world. But now she seemed quite worn as she hugged the tortured girl close to her chest. Humming softly she rocked her daughter back and forth.
“Oh, you poor soul,”
The story behind a -changements-`
It's a small jump that you change the position of your feet in the air. Say you put your left foot in the front instead of the back like it once was…At least it's pretty much that. I love to watch others dance and all but I am a complete klutz and so I've never really tried…
If some does dance be free to correct me on the way since you've probably figured that dancing is going to have a large part of this fanfic! I also would like if you find this fic like every other one -Tell me-. I'll try to fix it. I think it's fairly original but every writer usually thinks that!
And that ends my endless rattle today! Please Review! Review! And tell me what I need to fix. It is my first fanfic, but that doesn't matter. I don't want any mercy…Okay maybe Mizu-chan does…So give Mizu-chan very constructive information and if you want to…flame. I really don't care!