InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cinderella's Prince ❯ To the ball!!! ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Cinderella's Prince
Rating: Teen
Genre: Romance, Hentai (because of the letcher), Fantasy, and Comedy
Summary: The three couples are destined to find each other but will fate keep them together? They go to Sesshomaru's ball and he has an interesting little surprise waiting for his guests. The pairings are as follows: Sesshomaru/Rin, Kagome/Inuyasha, Miroku/Sango. Fyi: Rin is as old as Miroku in this story.
Hey every one, this is I Love IY coming out with a new fic… Whoot, whoot! Just so everybody knows, my name is Meagan and I will sign my chapters with the name.
Away to the ball!!!
"Hey! What's that big group over there?" Rin asked her two best
"Mom!" Yelled Kagome Higurashi frantically.
"What now, dear?" Said a tired looking woman. Indeed she was tired, she had been doing this for the past hour.
"We need a little bit more hairspray to make sure Rin's curls and Sango's waves stay put."
'10… more… minutes…' She said to herself. Then the limo would take the girl's away. She knew it was coming. Ever since she brought that piece of mail into the house, she knew it was different from the other letters. How could you miss it? It was a rather large letter and Hot Pink with Confetti pasted on the front along with swirling ribbon. It was dazzling to the eye, but it carried with it frenzied and hysterical excitement.
The limo driver arrived 5 minutes early and for that, Mama Higurashi was thankful. She ran to get their invitations with their numbers on it. Nobody had told them what it meant but it said to bring the invitation. The girls were then ushered out to the limo and sped away from the house.
"Oh my god! I can't believe we are going to Sesshomaru's party! It is supposed to be the greatest one yet."
The girls couldn't contain their excitement. They had went all-out on a party that was going to be, in their view right now, the most impacting thing that the would ever get the joy of experiencing. And, why should they even try to contain their excitement, it was a party, and they were teenage girls. Girls is to party as green is to grass… macaroni to cheese… little boys to Michael Jackson… well, you get the picture. The girls looked like movie stars and when they arrived, they were greeted as so.
"Red carpet entrance? Could this get any better?" Sango said to Kagome and Rin. They nodded their heads in agreement. They felt the same way. Surrounding the red carpet were reporters, news anchors, and the other people that weren't invited. They were enclosed in blinding lights when their feet touched the carpet.
"Woah" The girls said in unison. They walked with poise and grace and stepped into Takahashi Manor.
'Stupid party, he's just showing off.' Thought Inuyasha Takahashi. 'Blah, blah, blah… aren't you Sesshomaru's brother… yadda, yadda, yadda… For once, I want someone to know me as Inuyasha and refer to Sesshomaru as Inuyasha's brother. It would make a nice change for once.'
Sesshomaru came in and found his half brother tying knots around his neck. "Try not to kill your self before the party…"
"Shut the hell up Sesshomaru and get this damn thing off of me." Replied a grumpy hanyou. "Why did you even throw this party in the first place? All it is is planning, planning, and more planning. Every little detail has to be precise and it's just too much work."
"Inuyasha, your brain is too tiny to take in the joy of it all. Just don't trip, fall on your face, spill punch down the front of you, or any other moronic thing you are capable of…" With that, Sesshomaru left with a smile.
'I'll show him. Everyone else probably thinks I'm gonna screw this up too. I will do the right thing and I will be victorious and succeed… I just wish I could believe it…' And with this last thought he descended the stairs. An enormous crowd of people greeted him…
So how was that for a first chapter? Anyone wonder what will happen in the next chapter? This is only my 2nd fanfic that I'm publishing. The first was Valentine's-A day for lovers.
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