InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Close Encounters Of The Fluffy Kind ❯ Let's Talk About Sex ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Thanks so much for the reviews. They keep me very happy. Enjoy the new chapter.
Several weeks passed and Kagome found herself, once again, wondering which Kami she upset to have her life so screwed up. Kouga and his two companions had joined them on the search for the shards and Inu Yasha spent much of that time irritating Kouga into a shouting match.

Finally, Sango had heard enough and threatened to beat the ever-loving shit out of both males if they did not settle down and keep quiet. But, they kept making obscene gestures at each other and that seemed to satisfy them for a while.

When Kouga and his men first joined their group, he had made a plea to her to reconsider joining with him as his mate. He told her that he could love her more than Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha ever could. Kagome really thought the world of Kouga, but knew that her feelings would never go beyond friendship, and she told him so. Kouga seemed upset, but handled himself very well, which was more than what she could say for Inu Yasha.

When he had told Kagome that he would not allow Sesshomaru to mate with her on the next blood moon, Kagome told him that he was not her boss, nor her mate and she would do whatever or whoever the hell she felt like doing. He had thrown a fit and called his half brother every name under the sun, screaming that he did not deserve to mate with her and that he would only hurt her in the end. Kagome finally had to `sit' him to get him to shut up. After everyone had calmed down, Kagome explained as calmly as she could to both Kouga and Inu Yasha that she and Sesshomaru had made a bargain and that she knew that Sesshomaru only saw her as a way for a powerful heir, but also knew that he would viciously protect the child. She also knew that he would protect her as well, and told the two males that the discussion was over and that she did not want to hear another word about it.

Kouga had listened to her comments and felt his heart break. He had really wanted Kagome for his own bitch. However, he had to respect her decision and he would respect it. Wolves were honorable and he would hold himself to the standards set by his forefathers. However, when she asked him if they could still be friends, he could not resist those large eyes of hers and told her that he would always be her friend, no matter what.

Inu Yasha began keeping to himself, muttering to the group that he had a lot on his mind, and ended up smacking the shit out of Shippo when the kit muttered, “What mind?”

So, that now brought them to the present and it was getting dark. Kagome's eyes widened as she felt the beginnings of pain in her stomach. Panicking, she grabbed Miroku and asked, “Is there supposed to be a blood moon tonight?”

Miroku glanced up at the sky and then down at Kagome's frantic expression. He saw the others looking at him and he said, “I am not sure. Until the moon rises, we won't know for sure, but if you are hurting, Kagome, then I would say so.”

Kagome gritted her teeth and cursed her luck once again. As day turned into dusk, Kagome could feel the waves of passion beginning to surface and she looked over at the males in her group. Where in the hell was Sesshomaru? Suddenly, all thoughts of Sesshomaru faded as Kagome's mind went into a fog and she had visions of all three males before her naked and glistening with sweat. She stood up and allowed a grin to cross her face, but before she could step forward, a large hand clamped down on her shoulder and spun her around. Kagome quickly found herself staring up into the golden eyes of her partner.
Sesshomaru had been in his study, oblivious to the world, and had felt a sudden urge to fuck. He glanced around and only then noticed that it was dusk, and that the moon had a red tint to it. Jaken had been babbling about some nonsense and instead of paying attention, Sesshomaru allowed his senses to extend and find Kagome. When he found her, he could feel her arousal and knew that it would only be a matter of time before she would loose control of herself. When Jaken went into the reasons why Rin should be punished for pushing him into the pond, Sesshomaru knocked him down in an attempt to get to the door. Without any words, Sesshomaru left his palace and made his way to where Kagome was, and when he got there, he found her slowly approaching the males, who were sitting by the fire. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, ignoring the gasp that came from the slayer. Without a word, he bent down and gathered Kagome in his arms. He held her close and could hear his youkai screaming for him to mate with her. However, Sesshomaru had made the decision on the way to Kagome to take her back to the palace so that he could mate with her in comfort. After all, he was not a savage. That title was reserved for Inu Yasha.

He turned on his heel and began to leave the area, but was stopped when Inu Yasha started to yell at him.

“Where in the hell are you taking Kagome, you asshole?” The hanyou shouted, his hand on the hilt of tetsusaiga.

“I am taking her home. She is in the throws of the blood moon curse and I will not mate her with all of you watching.” Sesshomaru replied, his tone leaving no room for arguments.

Sango bit her lip and watched as the taiyoukai left the area with Kagome in his arms. She really did not like the idea of Sesshomaru taking Kagome somewhere that they could not have easy access to her. However, Kagome had assured her that Sesshomaru would not harm her so she would keep quiet.

Kouga watched with envious eyes as Sesshomaru left with Kagome. It was not fair. The taiyoukai could never love her as he could, but Kagome wanted Sesshomaru and had told him that they were friends and nothing more. He reached into his pouch to pull out a small knife, but instead, his fingers found the pendant that Ayame had taken off. He held it up to his eyes and he could clearly see her upset and pain as she took the pendant off and walked away from his den. He could almost bet that she had done as he told her and explained to her grandfather what had transpired at the eastern den. No doubt that her grandfather would be furious with her for making a fool out of herself. But, still, he had told her that he would mate her but had gone back on his word. But, was all of this upset really worth it now? He had lost all rights to Kagome and had given up his promise to Ayame, so what did he actually accomplish? Sighing, he placed the pendant back in his pouch and then looked up at the night's sky. He just needed time to think.

Inu Yasha could not believe that everyone had just allowed Sesshomaru to take off with Kagome. How could they? They all knew of his reputation and how he hated humans, but they never stepped in. Not even that stupid wolf, Kouga. Well, he would not stand for it and he would take off after them.

But, before he could leave, he watched as a single soul collector floated by and he soon found himself standing before Kikyo. The miko looked ethereal as she glanced over at him, her hair released from its binding and blowing in the gentle wind. She opened her arms and he found that he could not do anything except to go to her and accept her embrace. As they stood in each other's arms, Inu Yasha made the silent promise that he would go after Kagome just as soon as he found out what Kikyo wanted.

Miroku, Ginta, and Hakkaku watched the entire scene with open eyes. It was clear to them that Sesshomaru was more interested in Kagome than he let on, and Miroku could bet that Sesshomaru's affliction would be very interesting to watch as it developed. The two wolves had seen their leader looking at the pendant that Ayame had left, and they both knew that he was rethinking his words to her. Yes, Ayame had been wrong to question Kouga's authority, but he had been wrong when he hit her and then ordered her to tell her grandfather that she had been dishonorable. Ayame's grandfather was an elder who was proud of his family, so this black mark against Ayame would displease him greatly. They both knew that the great meeting was to take place in a few weeks, and they could be certain that Ayame and her grandfather would be there. It would be interesting to see what would happen when Kouga and Ayame saw each other again.
Sesshomaru made it back to his palace and strode quickly through the halls. It was hard to concentrate when Kagome kept kissing his neck and distracting him from his current goal. But, they managed to make it to his private chambers and when he closed the door, he placed her on her feet and then quickly got rid of his clothing, swords, and armor. He watched as Kagome peeled off her garments and they soon found themselves on the bed, locked in a kiss that threatened to consume them.

He groaned when he felt her tiny hands travel from his chest to his groin. She allowed her hands to grip his cock and started to stroke him. With each passing, he felt his orgasm approaching and finally he had to stop her, lest he spill his seed before it was time. He smirked when he heard her groan in frustration.

“Patience, miko.” Sesshomaru murmured, his lips trailing over her neck and down to her breasts. When he came to the tip of her left mound, he took the hardened peak into his mouth and suckled. He felt her dance beneath him and growled. Her movements were distracting him from his task. After she had settled down, he allowed his fingers to invade her soft curls and he delighted when he felt the moisture that seeped from her core. Without further ado, he plunged a finger into her body and began to pump it in and out of her, reveling in her gasps and moans of pleasure. Finally, he felt her body convulse around the privileged finger and knew that she had just experienced the first of many climaxes that he would give to her.

After both of their needs to touch the other had been met, he felt his control slip and he quickly positioned himself between her thighs. With a growl, he plunged his cock into her body and began to rock. Soon, their breathing became heavy and when Kagome met her climax, she threw back her head and screamed his name in pleasure. When he met his climax, Sesshomaru roared loud enough to let the occupants in his palace know that he had just had the best fuck of his life.

When they had calmed, Sesshomaru's tail wound around Kagome as he allowed her to rest for a moment. Truth be told, he also needed a rest.
Rin and Jaken sat in the library. Jaken was going over some very important papers to give to Sesshomaru and Rin was busy playing with the doll Sesshomaru had recently bought for her.

They both jumped when they heard Sesshomaru's loud roar. Rin looked over at Jaken, and timidly asked, “Is Lord Sesshomaru ok, Jaken?”

Jaken knew exactly what his lord's roar meant and quickly nodded his head. “Yes, Rin. Lord Sesshomaru is fine, just very happy.” Jaken said, hoping that the human child would drop the subject.

“Why is he happy, Jaken?” Rin asked the flustered toad demon. She watched as the toad's color went from green to a sickly looking yellow.

“Lord Sesshomaru is happy because he has a new friend.” Jaken explained, praying to every Kami that he knew of that Rin would go back to playing with her doll.

Rin was quiet for a moment and then asked, “Rin is Lord Sesshomaru's friend, but he has never done that before, so what did his new friend do to make Lord Sesshomaru yell so loud?”

Finally, Jaken snapped and said the first thing that came to his mind. “They are having sex, Rin. Now, kindly shut up or go to bed.” He said, not caring that he might have upset the child.

“What is sex?” Rin asked, ignoring the last part of Jaken's request. Rin watched as the little toad's back stiffened. Finally, Jaken said, “Sex is when two people request a pup or in human terms, a baby.”

Rin gasped. Her lord was requesting a baby brother or sister for her to play with. But, who did he have to speak with to make this request, and where would her lord have to go to get the baby once he was told that he could have a baby? So, Rin decided to ask.

“Jaken, where do babies come from?” She asked, her curiosity perked.

Jaken looked at the little girl, opened his mouth to speak, and then proceeded to faint to the ground. Apparently, Sesshomaru and Kagome were not the only ones who needed a rest.

Rin looked at the toad and then shrugged. She would just ask her lord in the morning and tell him that Jaken had started to explain, but decided to go to sleep instead. She was sure that her lord would want to thank the toad later on for giving him the opportunity to explain about babies and where he had to go to get one. Yes, Jaken would probably be well rewarded.
It was near dawn and Kagome could feel the effects of the blood moon fading away. She looked down at Sesshomaru and felt his hips surge against hers in an attempt to reach his peak. She was on top of the proud taiyoukai and she could not help but be relieved that he had come in time before she did something really stupid.

He knew that Kagome's lust was departing and he found himself griping her hips and increasing his speed as he continued to push up into her until he finally was able to release his passion inside of her hot body. He felt the familiar clenching of muscle around him and knew that she, too, had met her climax. He heard her laugh in pure pleasure as she fell upon his chest, and he could not help but put his arms around her soft body and hold her close to him.

They stayed like that for several minutes before Sesshomaru realized that Kagome had fallen asleep. He sighed and then realized that he was still buried within Kagome's body. With a groan, he slowly turned them over and placed Kagome upon her back. He then slid out of her body and then sat up. He took in a deep breath and realized that he had not eaten since the previous morning.

He removed his body from the bed and covered the exhausted miko. He grabbed a robe and wrapped it around his body and then made his way to his hot spring. He took his time and when he was sure that he was clean, he dried off and then allowed his manservant to help dress him for the oncoming day.

He left the hot spring and made his way to the dining room, where he was greeted with a very cheerful Rin and an exhausted looking Jaken.

As soon as Rin saw her lord, she hopped out of her chair and ran to him, attaching her small body to his leg and waited for the head pat she knew he would give to her. She was not stupid and knew that her lord did not really care for humans, but he seemed to like her and took care of her better than her old mommy and daddy did. When she let go of his leg, he walked her over to her chair and she quickly sat down and looked over at Jaken. He seemed to be sick and kept giving her small glances.

Finally, Rin's curiosity got the better of her. “Lord Sesshomaru?” She asked, hoping that he would not mind her asking the question that seemed to make Jaken nervous.

When the demon lord looked over at her, Rin took in a deep breath and said, “Jaken said that you have a new friend and that you were having sex, which means that you were requesting a baby. So, where exactly do babies come from and do you have to go very far to get it once the person who tells you that you can have a baby agrees or does the person bring the baby to you?”

Sesshomaru's face was in it's normal mask, and to the world he looked cool, calm, and collected. However, on the inside, he was frantically searching for a way to explain to a small human girl how nature worked. He allowed his golden eyes to glance over at the toad, and he mentally made a note to thank Jaken later for involving him in this mess. When he looked over at Rin, he could see that she was expecting an answer and decided to make it short and sweet.

“Rin, you are to go to Anyumi after breakfast and ask her your question. This is something that a female should explain.” He said. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the mighty Lord Sesshomaru chickened out and decided to make someone else explain the facts of life to his young ward. It looked as though it would be Kagome that their pup went to for information regarding sex when it was old enough.

Rin pouted, but decided that perhaps it would be wise to follow her lord's wishes and go see Anyumi. After all, the healer had been wonderful when she explained what Jaken had meant when he tattled on a guard he had caught masturbating while on duty.

Sesshomaru sat in his study for most of the day, but during the late afternoon, he returned to his chambers and found that Kagome was still asleep. He walked to the side of the bed and reached for her shoulder. After a few good shakes, she awoke and smiled up at him.

“Good morning.” She said, stretching. Sesshomaru allowed a brow to rise and then said, “Miko, it is well into the afternoon.”

The miko gasped and then jumped up from the bed. She began to search for her clothing, but failed to notice the look upon Sesshomaru's face. He had ordered a servant to collect the obscene clothing and burn it. So, when Kagome looked at him, he merely shrugged. “You will never wear anything like that again. From this point on, you will dress as a woman of your station should.” He said, using a tone that he usually used with Rin.

“And what exactly is my station, Sesshomaru? I am a miko, and that outfit cost a lot of money that my mother simply does not have.” Kagome said, her anger beginning to get the better of her.

“You are to be the mother of the heir to the western lands. You have a place in society that you must accept and deal with. Now, a servant will be up to escort you to the hot spring and I suggest that you clean yourself well. I have a feeling that my baka brother will not like smelling my scent upon you as you travel with him.” Sesshomaru said. He walked out of his bedchamber and down the hall. He found Rin sitting with her doll and he looked over at her. When she looked at him, she blushed and then lowered her head. `Ah, Anyumi must have explained the ways of nature to her and now she is embarrassed.' He thought. He shook his head and walked by Rin, patting her head to let her know that he was not upset with her for being curious.

When he got to his study, he found Jaken standing before his desk. Sesshomaru growled softly and closed the door behind him. “Let's talk about sex, Jaken.” He said, his tone telling Jaken that he was about to be in need of Anyumi's services.
Kagome sighed happily and allowed the servant girl to rinse her hair. When she was clean, the servant girl helped her out of the hot spring and dried her off. She then placed Kagome in a kimono that was white in color with a green trim on the sleeves. The obi was also green and after it was tied, Kagome looked at her reflection in a mirror. The kimono looked lovely. The servant girl took Kagome's arm and led her to a chair, where she proceeded to do Kagome's hair. When the girl was done, part of Kagome's hair was done up in an elaborate design while the rest of it hung down her back. She heard the girl sigh and then felt the girl help her up.

“Lord Sesshomaru has ordered me to take you to the dining room to eat and then after that, you are to go to his study.” The girl said. Together, they walked down the long hallways and finally came to a stop in front of large doors. The girl opened the door and led Kagome inside and over to a chair. Within moments, a plate of food was placed in front of Kagome and Kagome needed no urging to eat.

After she was done, the girl led Kagome to Sesshomaru's study and then knocked on the door. When they were told to enter, the girl opened the door and motioned for Kagome to enter. When Kagome was in the study, the girl quietly closed the door and left her new lady with her lord.

Kagome looked around her and then over at Sesshomaru, who was glaring down at the small toad that she had seen following him a few times. She made her way over to the desk and stopped when she saw Sesshomaru look at her. He glanced over at a chair and said, “Sit down and be quiet. I need to finish with Jaken.”

Kagome nodded, and sat down. She looked at the inu youkai and had to feel sorry for the toad. Apparently, he had done something wrong and was now hearing about it.

“The next time you decide to entertain the idea of filling Rin's head with material that only an adult should possess, I will remove your head and use it as a new paperweight. I don't care if you thought that telling her about sex was a good idea, but know this, she is still a child and I won't have her childhood corrupted by your filthy mind. Am I clear, Jaken?” The lord asked, his piercing gaze never leaving the frightened toad.

“Crystal, my lord.” Jaken replied in a small voice. When his lord was satisfied, he waved his hand and told the toad to leave. Once he was gone, Sesshomaru directed his attention to Kagome.

“We will go to your companions after dinner. I will be sending other kimonos with you and you will wear them. Further more, you will wear a pendant with my family's crest upon it and will do nothing to humiliate me in front of other noble youkai.” He said, leaning back in his chair.

Kagome quirked an eyebrow and said, “Listen to me, Sesshomaru. You and Kouga are the only youkai nobles that I have been around and I don't really care to meet any others. As for my clothing, I get into so many fights that I will only end up ruining these beautiful kimonos, so it would be best if I dressed in my normal clothes when I am away from here.”

“No. You will do as I have told you, Kagome. There is not going to be any further discussion about this matter after this day. As for all of the fights that you get into, well, when the other youkai see the pendant, they will not dare touch you. They will know that you are mine and that touching you means their death. Now, let's talk about your duties while you are away from me. Last night, you were approaching the males while you were in your blood lust. I would suggest that from this point on, you make sure that you learn some control over your lust until I am able to arrive. The next time this happens, I will kill the male and mate you in front of the others to prove to whom you belong. Also, I do not like the fact that the wolf prince is with your group. I have heard that he desires you and has made a silly claim on you. I will be staking my claim upon you as soon as we get to your group and you will accept it.” He said, his body rigid with anticipation. He knew that his claim had to be witnessed by others for it to be valid, and he had to make sure that the wolf knew that his claim was now non-existent.

Kagome gulped. “And when I accept, what will happen?” She asked, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

“All you have to do Kagome is tilt your head to the side after I make my claim. I will take over from there.” He said. He looked out his window and then sighed. “Come. It is time for dinner and I want to be back here before it gets too late in the evening.”

Kagome nodded and stood up. When he extended his hand to her, she took it and followed him. What was she getting herself into?
When Kagome and Sesshomaru finally arrived back at her group, she watched as Sango rushed over to help her with the large bag that Sesshomaru handed to her. The slayer's face quickly turned from anxious to happy and quickly brought the young miko to her for a hug. After a quick look-over, she concluded that Kagome was all right and took the bag from Kagome's hands.

Sesshomaru placed his hands on Kagome's shoulders and led her over to the fire. He glared at his half brother, but then said, “I am placing my claim on Kagome. I am aware that you have a claim on her as well, Prince Kouga, but you have failed to complete your claim. So, I stand before you and am now informing you that your claim upon Kagome is now void. Kagome, if you will.”

Kagome sighed and tilted her head, just as he told her to do. She watched as Kouga and Inu Yasha sported horrified looks and then felt Sesshomaru's mouth cover her neck. Suddenly, she felt his fangs embed themselves into her flesh and then she felt nothing at all. She had passed out.

Sesshomaru removed his fangs and cradled Kagome next to his body. The courting mark had been placed and he had effectively removed Kouga's claim upon the small miko. He licked his bloodstained lips and then handed Kagome over to the eager hands of the slayer.

“What in Kami's name did you do to her, you monster.” Sango demanded. She did not care that he was a taiyoukai, nor did she care that he was known as the most dangerous youkai in all of Japan. All she cared about was what he had just done to Kagome.

“I have given her a courting mark, and staked my claim on her. She will be fine, but probably won't awaken until morning. Ask the hanyou or wolf about courting marks. I have wasted enough of my time speaking to you and need to return to my home.” He said, his voice dripping with disgust. He turned and left the small group, but he could not help but feel a bit of anxiety over leaving Kagome behind. He growled and then berated himself for even caring. She was his to pup and was nothing more than a way to get a powerful heir. He would not lower himself by caring what happened to her. Yes, he was at the top of his game, and nothing could break him.