InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Close Quarters ❯ Take-Out ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome jerked awake violently by the sound of a slamming door. She had dozed off in her bed hours ago after screaming into a pillow like she had done when she younger. Her head hurt from the stress and the scream, and she got into her bed hoping she would just sink into oblivion.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha's shout sounded like someone had put a bell over her head and banged on it with all their strength. She moaned and rolled over, pulling the covers over her head and began to whimper.
“Kagome, where are you?” He bellowed. He finally decided to check her room and practically kicked the door open on her. The loud bang made her shriek and she looked out from the covers at her roommate.
“Kagome, why are you working with Kouga? Your work affects my job too and he'll screw it up! You better not let that ass-wipe mess this up!” He yelled, standing above her.
“Inuyasha please leave me alone,” she mumbled, burying herself into her covers again.
“Pay attention to me bitch!” He commanded as he yanked the covers completely off her bed.
“Stop it!” She yelled. She sat up quickly trying to cover her lower half since she was only wearing a pair of panties and a t-shirt. She was so annoyed and stressed; was it too much to ask that everyone leave her alone?
“Kagome I don't want him working so close to you and I don't want him on this project,” Inuyasha said, crossing his arms as if the decision was final.
“Do you think I have a choice?” She yelled. All the pressure, stress, and anxiety had built up to maximum in her and now she was finally going to explode.
“I have a job just like you! I have to do what I'm told or I'll lose it! I told you earlier that my boss is making me work with Kouga! Do you honestly think I would go near him after what happened?”
“Well what happened to Sango?” He asked a little lower. He did not expect an outburst like that from her. He had never seen her so upset and angry.
“Like I know! I show up at work and she's not there and then I get paired with Kouga because of it!”
“He said you fainted.” He finally remembered the rest of the details from his phone conversation with Kouga. If she was already unwell, he didn't want to upset the situation further.
`I didn't mean to yell at her like that…'
“Look Inuyasha I'm really tired and my head hurts so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't yell at me for things that I have no control over,” she said, rolling back over.
“Are you sure you'll be fine working with that guy?” Kagome sighed. His concern was really touching, but she just wanted to sleep right now.
“Yeah, I'm sure he won't try anything in the middle of the office.”
“Are you hungry?” This question took Kagome by complete surprise because in all the time she had known Inuyasha he had never asked if she was hungry. He would tell her that he was hungry and that she needed to cook. And if she ever stated that she was hungry out loud he would simply give her a comment like “Then eat something wench.”
But now that the subject had been brought to her attention she remembered that she hadn't eaten anything since earlier that morning.
“Yeah I am now that you mention it.”
“You shouldn't sleep on an empty stomach, that's just going to make your headache worse. Go sit up on the couch, I'll order us something and after you eat you can go back to sleep.” He helped her out of bed and to get to the couch where he turned on the TV, and then went to get the phone book.
Kagome didn't realized just how hungry she was until Inuyasha asked her what she wanted. She blushed as she ran off a list of Goma-ae, Yakitori, Sashimi carpaccio, Nabeyaki Udon, and Gyo-za. Inuyasha ordered Tako Salad, Zuke don, and some Yakitori for himself.
“When was the last time you ate?” He asked, coming sit beside her.
“This morning, before I let for work.”
“No wonder you're about to eat like a man…”
“Oh shut up,” she said, but it held no fire.
“I'm glad to see you have an appetite.”
“I should call Sango and see what happened to her. I'm really worried. You know it's not like her to just suddenly not come to work and not tell me.”
“You have no idea what happened?”
“No, I was only told that she needed time off for personal reasons.”
“Call her,” he said, handing her the phone.
Kagome took the phone and dialed Sango's number. It rang three times before Miroku answered. He and Sango were watching a movie together, curled up on the couch when the phone rang. Miroku had not been letting Sango anywhere near the phone since they learned of her problem; he took it upon himself to answer it. It wasn't that he didn't trust her; he would just rather not give her the chance to be tempted to call into work.
“Hello Miroku where's Sango, is she okay?”
“Kagome, I was wondering when you were going to call. Sango is fine; she just needed a little time off.” Sango looked at him, but she knew he probably wouldn't let her on the phone. Kagome had most likely called to ask about work.
“Can I speak to her?” Kagome asked. Miroku thought this over carefully. He didn't want to stop Sango from talking to her best friend but he didn't want Kagome talking about work and risk undoing all of Sango's progress. She hadn't spoken about her job all day and he was hoping that she was coming out of the hole her work had dug for her.
“Maybe you should talk to me first Kagome.” Miroku got up from the couch and left the sitting room where Sango was. She knew he was going to tell Kagome that she was “sick”, and that she couldn't come back to work for a while. She knew she was getting better but she was still having trouble accepting the fact that she had let herself get so out of hand.
Kagome was getting more worried even though Miroku said Sango was fine. Why wouldn't he let her talk to her?
“Miroku what's going on?”
“Sango has a problem Kagome. She's been spending too much time with her work and I got concerned. When I convinced her to go to a doctor, she was diagnosed with being a borderline work-alcoholic. That's why she needed the time off,” he explained.
“Oh Sango…”
“I'll let you speak to her but you cannot talk about work. I don't want her worrying about it, it may cause a relapse.”
“So she's going to be okay?”
“The doctor said she should take this time off, and try to relax. It's supposed to bring balance back into her life. If it doesn't work she'll have to enter therapy sessions.”
“Oh my goodness. Okay I won't say anything about work.”
Miroku returned to the sitting room and gave the phone to Sango. He trusted Kagome so he left the room to give his girlfriend some privacy. She hadn't spoken to anyone but him and her mother for a while so she deserved to hear someone else's voice.
“Hello Kagome.”
“Sango I'm glad you're okay, I thought something really bad had happened.”
“No I'm fine as long as I learn when to take it easy.”
“I've been stressed too. I think I need a break.”
“Is it work?” Sango whispered.
“Oh no, it's just this whole thing with Kouga and you know how it is living with Inuyasha.” She was panicking that she had almost went into problems at the job.
“Oi bitch! I'm sitting right here!” Inuyasha growled.
“Sorry Inuyasha,” she said, unconvincingly.
“I see what you mean Kagome,” Sango said, giggling.
“So maybe we should do another girl's day out and relax?”
“I don't know; Miroku won't leave my side for anything,” she said, checking to see if he was coming back up the hall yet.
“Well he can come; he does work at the massage clinic. Inuyasha could come and keep him company!” She said, brightly.
“Still sitting here!” Inuyasha said, sounding annoyed.
“Oh Inuyasha just come with us. It's not like you have anything else to do.”
“Feh,” he said, crossing his arms.
“He'll come,” she said, to Sango.
“Okay I'll run it by Miroku later,” she said.
“Okay,” Kagome said, just when there was a knock on the door.
“Food's here,” Inuyasha said, standing and going to the door.
“I'll talk to you later Sango.”
“Okay bye.”
Kagome took her food from Inuyasha happily and began to stuff her face as soon it was open.
“What makes you think I'm coming with you on some girl day?” Inuyasha complained.
“To keep Miroku company. You can get a massage if you want,” she said, trying to bribe him
“Whatever,” he said, giving in.
“Thank you Inuyasha, for the food and for agreeing to come with us this weekend.”
“Yeah; you bossy wench,” He said, stuffing a piece of tuna into his mouth.
A/N: Okay I do agree that this chapter was boring so you get two this time to make up for it.
Goma-ae: spinach salad with sesame sauce
Yakitori: grilled chicken on a skewer
Sashimi Carpaccio: thinly sliced fish in sesame soy sauce with greens
Nabeyaki Udon: Shrimp, scallop, mussel, crab, spinach, and udon noodle
Gyo-za: pork dumpling
Tako Salad: spicy octopus salad
Zuku Don: 12 pieces of seasoned tuna over steamed rice
Thank you to all of my reviewers!!