InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Close Quarters ❯ Flowers ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author Question: This question just came to me one day out of no where. Whose braid of hair is longer, Bankotsu's or Hiten's?
Sango couldn't believe she had ever given up just relaxing. Sango she was currently dancing around her living room in her panties and a tank top to her collection American music. She never thought much about American music at first but Kagome had gotten her into it. She had laughed at the names of the artists and even though she couldn't understand much of the words, it still sounded good to her.
This song was called `Starry Eyed Surprise' by some guy called `Shifty'. Those were the only words she recognized in the song and could say, but the song was so up beat and happy she couldn't help but dance, or just jump around. The music was up loud, and Sango was flipping her hair around and she danced around the house. The last thing that was on her mind was work.
And this how Miroku found her when he walked into the house. He froze in the doorway watching his girlfriend look more relaxed and care free than he had seen her in a long time. If this was all it took to get her back to her old self then he should have thought about pulling out that American music a long time ago. He almost dropped the groceries looking at her bounce around in such little clothing.
Sango for her part was completely unaware of her boyfriend standing in the door looking at her act like a fool.
“Sango?” He called, but she couldn't hear him over the music.
`Well,' Miroku thought, `she does look lonely.'
He dropped the bags on the couch; went over to his unsuspecting girlfriend and started dancing with her from behind. She didn't notice until she turned around and bumped into him. Her face immediately went red and she walked over to the stereo and turned the music off. Her embarrassment was the cutest thing to Miroku right now and he couldn't help but tease her a little.
“What Sango? I thought we were having fun?” He said, winking at her. Her face flamed even more and she punched him in the shoulder.
“Ow Sango, you shouldn't treat your dance partners so roughly.”
“Shut up Miroku!” She walked over, and retrieved the bags from the couch and headed for the kitchen.
“So you only do that when I'm gone?” He asked, leaning against the kitchen doorframe admiring her perfect backside.
“Yes, and from now on I'll lock the door when I do it,” she said, putting up the food.
“I have a key,” he laughed.
“I won't play the music so loud next time and I'll hear you unlock the door,” she reasoned.
“Anyway, I'm glad to see you `letting loose', so to speak.”
“Yeah, I feel a lot less tense lately.”
“I'm glad.”
“Kagome wants to go out this weekend.”
“Well I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you just take it easy.”
“Actually we wanted you and Inuyasha to come.”
“And what will we be doing?”
“Keeping each other company while Kagome and I get massages and facials,” she said, opening a new bag of chips and sitting on top of the counter.
“Inuyasha agreed to this?” Miroku asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sounded like it.”
“I guess it would be good for you.”
“I'll call Kagome later and tell her.”
“Now, lets get back to what we were doing.” Miroku started mimicking Sango's dancing, and was immediately knocked out by a flying pot.
The air in the room was tense and uncomfortable. Two parts of the project were done already; the magazine ads would go public first, then the billboards. The commercial was going to shot as soon as it was casted. She and Kouga had barely spoken two words to each other when it wasn't necessary. She knew he was upset with her and she didn't care because she was upset with him too. But every time she felt herself getting angry she would just think about that beautiful dress Inuyasha had bought her, or just that fact that Inuyasha had bought her a dress.
When she had been thinking about it earlier she had started smiling and didn't even know it. When Kouga asked her if it was good news, she only gave a curt reply by saying she was just thinking about something. And that had been the extent of their personal conversation.
“The casting company said they would send over a hundred children to the studio at 9a.m. on Monday,” he said, reading from the e-mail on his computer.
“Good, we can have this wrapped up then,” she said, organizing her files.
Kagome wanted so bad to ask Sango when she was returning to work, but she didn't want to risk her friend's health just because she couldn't stand her co-worker. Her favorite college professor had told her she would probably have to deal with people who she didn't want to because that was life. But honestly she couldn't stand being in the same room with Kouga anymore. It's wasn't that she hated him; Kagome didn't think she could ever hate anyone. But the tension in the air was stifling, and after their last confrontation she just realized that Kouga was not someone she would like to be around in her life outside the office.
`Maybe I can ask Miroku if we go out this weekend…'
Inuyasha was annoyed, which was becoming very commonplace while he was at work. He didn't know how many more phone calls he could take from magazines who were not invited to the press party trying to get an invitation. Before he had this idea for a new hand held player his life was simple, he had a small workstation with the other employees designing video games. He was just another guy, but now that he was moving up in the company his private life was being poked at.
He knew he was interesting to look at, handsome, whatever. He had been hearing it for a very long time now and of course it had given him an ego but now that he'd heard it so much it fell on deaf ears. But apparently his looks were new news to everybody else, suddenly teen magazines were asking for interviews and photos, and wanted to get into the press party to meet him. He had no secretary at the moment, so he had to take the calls. After about five from the girly tabloids he'd turned on the answering machine.
He left the sound on just in case it was an important call he had to pick up, but so far it was just more of the same old babble.
“Kyouryoku-san this is Namiko Abe from `L&G' magazine and we're doing a list of all the hottest bachelors so I was wondering if we could set up an interview? If you're interested call me back at…” And he stopped listening after that.
He was twenty-five years old, why would he want a bunch of teen girls running after him? Or, for that matter a bunch of middle aged women who are sick of their old husbands? He was just about to take a “break” when the phone rang again and the answering machine picked it up.
“Inuyasha my magazine is covering the story at the press party and I called to tell you that since you and I have dated I won't need to set up an interview but I will need your permission to print your bio. Any information on your new product I can get from the speeches at the party.” The machine beeped and Kikyou's voice was gone.
“So Kouga what's up with you an Ayame?” Ginta asked, trying to appear casual.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked.
“Uh nothing.”
Kouga had agreed to go out with his younger twin brothers Ginta and Hakkaku after he got off from work. Their excuse was that they hadn't seen him in a long time and wanted to catch up with him. Now they sat in a karaoke bar sipping drinks.
“You seeing anyone special, Kouga?” Hakkaku tried.
“Well now that you mention it, I do have my eye on a certain girl,” he said, grinning as he thought about Kagome.
“What's she like?” Ginta asked.
“She's beautiful, smart, and fiery. She'll be my woman soon enough.”
“Oh so you're not really dating her?” Ginta said.
“We would be if it weren't for Ayame!” He seethed.
“Ayame? What did she do?” Hakkaku asked.
“She showed up while we were on a date and ruined it with her marriage talk. Now Kagome won't even speak to me,” he said, drinking some more.
“Well you are betrothed to her Kouga,” Ginta said.
“I'm not betrothed to that girl! Our parents never even enforced that stupid agreement!”
“Well if the other girl isn't speaking to you what choice do you have?” Hakkaku asked.
“Don't worry I'll win her over. In fact I've already started.”
There was a knock at the door and Kagome called for Inuyasha to get it since she was washing dishes. But imagine her surprise when he walked into the kitchen carrying a bunch of flowers.
“Who are those for?” She asked.
“For you stupid, who would send me flowers?” He said, sitting them on the counter.
“Well you did say that those magazine reporters are after you.”
Kagome dried her hands and walked over to the bouquet looking for a card. When she found it she opened it and it read…
“This is the only way I could give you my apology. I'm sorry I upset you and I promise to work things out with in my life before I try to involve you in it. I just wish you would speak to me.”
Kagome knew who it was from because there was only one person she wasn't speaking to at the moment…
A/N: If you want to listen to “Starry Eyed Surprise” by `Shifty' e-mail me and I'll send you the song file.
I recommend that everyone read “Stormy Nights” by `Amzidiske'.
For the rest of you who don't want to read this, it is the end of the chapter. So you better make hey while the sun shines before I suck you into another one of my author discussions!
Amie: Thank you for your review! I'm glad that you like the story and I'm sure a lot of people thought this was going to be a quickie. The reason why I chose to have Sango diagnosed with borderline-workaholic is because to me that would fit more into her personality than a simple nervous breakdown. I take Sango as a very ambitious and determined person. Like in episode 27 when she was about to try and kill a demon and wasn't completely healed yet, she said “I have a reputation to up hold”.
I took that attitude and channeled it into her job (since there are no demons to slay). She is one of the best employees and wants to up hold that reputation by giving her full efforts and producing the best work. Once you look at it this way it's easier to give her problem of work-alcoholism because then you can picture her staying up all night to work on something and trying make sure it's to the best of her abilities. Giving her a nervous breakdown, to me, would have been making her OOC. Sango is strong and knows how to stay calm so a breakdown would be something Kagome would have because she's so gentle, mild, and more guided by her emotions. And I don't think of Sango as getting exhausted easily.