InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Code Pink ❯ Chapter 5
KCLark: Good guess, but no.
RavenShadow: I like the flash backs too. Besides lightening the mood they also give you some insight on each character and how they relate to the story.
Squeaky: Yeah, I just don't have the heart to hurt kids, even in a story. If I did have a situation like that though, I would probably just suggest bad things happened, but not describe it. Shippou's an interesting character, and I think the most versatile. While he can be, and does quiet often, thrown for comic relief, he can also be aged into a teenager. At that point he can do just about anything because you can make up any sort of past you want with little restrictions. Yah, the necklace is the Shikon, but that about as far as that goes.
Kaye: Halloween would be a blast!
Sarah: Yeah, I know I'm not on line as much as I'd like to of late. But the fall semester is coming to a close and the teachers are all hot and bothered about finals, so they are keeping me busy.
The Literary Dragon: The story is 7 chapters long. Not my longest story, I know but it was also one of my more whimsical.
Applejacks: Sell you at age 4… I'll just assume the deal bottomed out. Anywho, this is the fun Kagome wake up chapter. Fun being a relative term of course.
Lil'inu: This is the chapter everyone's been asking about. 'When is Kagome going to wake up?' Well, this isn't going to be pretty, but here it is.
To all my other reviewers: Thanks for reading.
Code Pink
Chapter 5
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<Flashback>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>
Inuyasha landed soundlessly on the top step of the shrine entrance. In one hand he held a picnic basket and in his pocket was the necklace Shippou had found. When a quick glance didn't reveal Kagome's whereabouts he scanned the area with his ears. He easily picked up the sounds of a man and a woman talking on the far side of the shrine. Curious he moved towards the sound but stopped when the voices became clear.
"Kagome will you marry me?" Inuyasha's heart nearly came out of his chest. He thought he'd made his affections clear, why would she even be interested in another male?
"For that last time: No, I will not marry you." Came Kagome's annoyed reply. Inuyasha breathed again. He moved quickly to stand just around the corner of the building, careful not to alert the people to his presence.
"But why Lady Kagome? Haven't I done all you could ask? Do you find me unattractive in some way? What can I do to change you mind?" Inuyasha heard her give an exasperated sigh.
"Hojo… I'm flattered, really I am. It isn't that you aren't attractive or kind, I'm just don't look at you that way. I'm sure you'll find a wonderful girl someday who will love you with all her heart. I'm just not that girl. And before you say anything, no you can't change my mind."
"No Hojo, and that's final." There was a masculine sigh and the sound of footsteps walking away. Inuyasha couldn't help but smile as he leaned his head back against the building. "Really Inuyasha, spying on a girl. I would have thought you better then that." He jumped slightly and looked around the corner. Kagome was kneeling next to a small herb garden, her back to him. She was dressed in the classic robes with her hair pulled into a low ponytail. He stepped around the building but couldn't loose the smile.
"I wasn't spying. I was protecting." He protested.
"Hojo is harmless." She chided as she sat back to look at him.
"Around one as beautiful as you, no male should be thought of as harmless." He replied. Kagome blushed deeply.
"Anything to get a moment of your time." He held up the basket, "Are you hungry?" She smiled at him and rose to her feet.
"Let me wash and change. I'll meet you under the God Tree."
Inuyasha only had to wait in the shade of the great tree for a few minutes before Kagome arrived. She had dressed herself in a nice mint sundress and let her hair down. She smelled of fresh water and strawberry soap. A breeze rustled her hair and sent a few stray strands into her face, it reminded him of the first time he had seen her. Smiling he took her hand and they sat on the bench together.
"Kagome." He started then bit his lip nervously.
"I got something for you." He took the necklace from his pocket and held it out to her. The sunlight caught it and it sparkled.
"Oh Inuyasha it's beautiful… but I can't accept that… it's too much." She looked away blushing.
"Of course you can accept it. I got it just for you." He held it closer.
"If you don't like it I can find something else." He offered. She looked up at him and tear rolled down her cheek. Inuyasha felt panic rise in his chest, making her cry had definitely not been what he wanted. "Kagome, please don't cry. I didn't mean to upset you." He reached out his other hand and wiped her cheek dry with his thumb. Suddenly she leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips on his cheek. Inuyasha blinked in surprise, she'd kissed him. Kagome had retracted sharply and had both hands over her mouth in shock.
"Forgive my forwardness lord. I did not mean to…" Her apology was cut off when he suddenly pulled her to him and pressed his lips firmly against her own. Kagome was stiff with surprise at first before melting into him.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;<<<<<<End Flashback>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>
Inuyasha sat next to the hospital bed as he waited. The air seemed to hold a great tension, as if something were about to happen. He really wanted one of his people to walk in carrying his daughter. But that seemed unlikely. Miroku had reported the building clear, but still held all the people inside. Sango had reported that the city exits had been closed and Sesshoumaru's troops now backed her own. He hadn't heard from Shippou at all. Of course that was usually good news, if he hit a dead end he would have come back for more information.
Inuyasha's ears perked at the sound of a soft sigh. He turned to see Kagome stirring from her sleep. With baited breath he watched her, willing her to sleep a little longer. At least until he could tell her something other then he didn't know where their daughter was, who took her, or anything about her condition. Or better, until the hanyou child was safely back in his arms. It was not to be. The next moment her cobalt eyes fluttered open. She looked at him and smiled.
"Inuyasha…" it came out as a contented sigh.
"Hey Kagome." He replied trying to sound natural. "How are you feeling?"
"As good as can be expected I guess. Tired though."
"You should get some more sleep then." He sounded more hopeful than he would have liked.
"I want to see Takara first." She replied.
"You should sleep Kagome, you had a long day."
"Inuyasha…?" He closed his eyes and bit his lip. Carefully he moved to sit on the bed next to her and took both of her hands in his larger ones. He gently ran his thumb back and forth over her knuckles, watching it and gathering his thoughts. Finally he heaved a sigh and looked into the questioning blue eyes.
"Kagome… Listen to me. Takara is… someone has… she's been kidnapped. But I swear to you I am doing everything in my power to bring her back!" Kagome looked at him with a slightly dazed look in her eyes as if she didn't understand what he had said.
"What do you mean? Where's my baby?"
"I don't know yet Kagome, but I have everyone working on it and who ever did this will pay dearly." This didn't seem to sooth her any. Tears breached her eyes and she began trying to get out of bed. Inuyasha caught her easily only to have her start struggling against his hold. He did his best to comfort her and she tried to pull from his grasp. It was a fruitless struggle. After several minutes she finally resigned herself to just crying and weakly pounding her fists against his chest. Inuyasha cradled her as she wept and muttering nonsensically to herself, even if she had been hitting as hard as she could there was little damage her fists could do.
He sat with her until she had cried herself back to sleep. Gently he held her to him as he stood once again and returned to his chair. He cradled Kagome in his lap, her head resting on his shoulder, and continued to whisper comforts. Even in her sleep she looked sad now. Her mouth was turned down and her eyes slightly puffy from crying. He placed a kiss on her forehead and swore once more to kill who ever was responsible for this.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<&l t;<<<<<<<Flashback>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"You want what?" Inutashi asked in total disbelief.
"I want to get married." Inuyasha repeated.
"What a day! First your brother and now you. Your mother will be thrilled! Tell me who's the lucky girl who caught your eyes?"
"Her name is Kagome Higurashi." His father made a face.
"I know that name… but from where…?"
"The shrine you forced me to visit a while back." Inuyasha provided. The light of realization dawned on Inutashi's face then suddenly fell.
"I could have sworn the Higurashi's were human…"
"They are." His father's eyes snapped to his.
"You wish to wed a… human?" he sounded slightly confused.
"Rin was human." Inuyasha reminded him.
"True." Inutashi replied as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. "But wedding a human comes with a lot of problems. Wedding Rin was political… originally, this will cause great unrest."
"I know that."
"Inuyasha, my son," Inutashi leaned forward the table and pressed his fingertips together, "I want what's best for you and I want you to be happy. If this is what you want, I will not stand in your way. But you must understand that in some cases love is not enough. If, when you bare children they will be hanyou and there are many, both demon and human, who will object to such a union in the royal family." He held up his hand for silence as Inuyasha started to protest. "You will put any child you create at great risk. Even with all the kingdoms power behind you, it may not be enough to deter everyone. On top of that, even if you can deter the parents from action you can not control thoughts and prejudges, things that often pass to children. No matter how powerful you are, you can not shield a child completely from the world." Inuyasha frowned and looked at the table. The room fell silent for a long time before either spoke again.
"But I love her." Inuyasha's voice was soft, but confidante.
"Then my the gods smile on you."