InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Collected Works ❯ Her Protector ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Her Protector
Author: LuxKen27
Universe: Canon (post manga)
Word length (free): 1342
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
Summary: He always showed up when she least expected it, so she was trying her best to never expect to see him again.

Entry for: iyfic_contest Week 164, “Demon in Disguise” prompt

Disclaimer: The Inuyasha concept, story, and characters are copyright Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media.


She could not be swayed, and they did not understand why.

Kaede had witnessed the hand-off, and she saw nothing pass between them that would warrant her new charge being so determined and full of hope, so sure that he would eventually return for her. Even now, ten years on, she could only shake her head when she noticed Rin glancing about, a faraway look in her eyes.

Sesshoumaru had gone above and beyond the call of duty, really: leaving her at the human settlement should have been the end of their contact, but he dropped by once in a blue moon with some small gift for her. His visits weren’t often enough to spark suspicion, or to even give the girl any realistic hope that he would return and make a permanent arrangement other than the one she already had. He treated her like a guilty afterthought.

Yet still, through all of these years, she remained stubborn, unwilling to give up hope.

She matured, blossoming into an unexpectedly beautiful young woman, capturing the attention of all eligible (and a few ineligible) men of the village. One by one, they made their way to the old miko’s hut and tactfully asked for her hand in marriage. One by one, she gracefully turned them down, unable – or maybe unwilling – to forget how savagely she was treated as a child.

No: for her, humans were weak, indecisive, fearful creatures who could turn their hearts in an instant. None would meet her measure as a suitable mate.

As the summer of her eighteenth year wore on, and the offers for marriage began to wane, the women of the village had an impromptu conference about her behavior.

“I don’t know where she’s getting this idea that Sesshoumaru is returning for her,” Kaede sighed. “He does not have his brother’s softness of heart for humans.”

“What I don’t understand is why she’s clinging so stubbornly to the idea,” Sango mused. “She’s a smart girl, and usually more grounded than this. Are we sure Sesshoumaru didn’t say something to her to lead her on? When was the last time he visited her?”

Kagome’s brow furrowed as she counted backwards in her head. “It’s been months,” she confirmed, “and the only thing he did was give her that kimono. It seems he only shows up when she needs something…”

Sango snorted. “Well he would’ve long ago made a claim on her if he wanted her for himself,” she remarked wryly. “She’s far beyond the first bloom of youth.”

Rin listened to their whispers with a complacent smile. She knew they were all wrong, and she was patiently biding her time for when her lord came back for her. She didn’t know why he was taking so long, but then, she had never understood the inner workings of his mind. He always showed up when she least expected it, so she was trying her best to never expect to see him again.

Nobody understood why she felt so strongly that he would return, and she liked to keep her reasons a secret. The truth was – shortly after being dropped off at this village, she had taken notice of a small, frail old man who made his home at the corner of Inuyasha’s Forest. When invited within the confines of the settlement, he had politely refused, insisting he was happy to live on his own in his little hovel and fend for himself. It seemed that wherever she went – around the village with Kaede or Kagome, or into the forest seeking herbs for medicine, or travelling with Sango and Miroku on their youkai exterminations – she glimpsed that same old man from the corner of her eye. He was a protector of sorts, watching over her from a distance. Over time, she realized that she recognized him, even though they never met face-to-face or spoke with one another.

“I’m going to collect those herbs now, Kaede,” she said, waltzing into the room and pulling the large basket from the top shelf. She cheerfully ignored the grave stares of the women as she moved towards the door. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Be careful,” Kaede called after her.

Rin hummed as she strolled into the forest, carefully eyeing the beds of herbs that grew along the forest floor. The particular one she was after only grew in a certain spot, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d miss it.

“Ah, there it is,” she muttered, falling to her knees next to the small patch. She picked diligently, still humming to herself, and the now-familiar feeling of being watched settled over her.

She pulled the last plant from the earth and settled back on her heels, wiping her brow with the sleeve of her kimono. She stood up, lifting the now-full basket into her arms, and turned back in the direction of the village.

She had only taken a few steps when she spotted him, the little old man who lived on the outskirts of the forest. He was standing in the middle of the path, looking at her with something akin to sympathy in his eyes. She stopped in her tracks, her heart beating swiftly as she stared back at him.

“Is it time?” she whispered, clutching the rim of her basket with white knuckles. “Is he returning for me?”

The old man sighed, leaning heavily on his cane. “He’s not coming back, Rin. Don’t waste your life waiting for him.”

She dropped the basket. “I don’t believe you,” she bit out, her shaking hands forming fists. “Why else would you be here, Master Jaken?”

The little old man smiled. “So you knew it was me all along,” he said quietly, his disguise quickly reverting to the imp’s true form. “You always were a clever girl.”

Rin eyed him for several moments, the implication of his words weighing down on her. “I don’t understand, Master Jaken,” she finally said, fighting back tears. “If it’s not on Lord Sesshoumaru’s behalf…then why are you here?”

He fidgeted under her scrutiny, suddenly unable to meet her gaze directly. “It was always my job to protect you and keep you safe, Rin. When Lord Sesshoumaru brought you here out of the blue, I was shocked – and relieved. Finally, my burdens were lifted from me!”

Tears slipped down her cheeks at that, and he gave a strangled cry. “Oh, but don’t you see, silly girl? I…I couldn’t stop worrying about you! Just because you weren’t in our company anymore didn’t mean my job was over.” He chuckled nervously. “I didn’t tell my lord when I began sneaking away to check on you, but of course he figured it out. He told me I could stay here with you if I so chose…and I did.”

Rin’s head fell against her chest, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

Hesitantly, Jaken approached her. “I’m sorry, Rin,” he murmured, his eyes trained to the ground between their feet. “I didn’t realize what I was doing until now, until I overheard the human women’s conversation. I should have known that you recognized me – or my youki, since this was a damn good disguise – and thought I was here under my lord’s order. That’s why I finally approached you after so many years of watching you from afar.” He paused, knowing that his next words would forever change their dynamic.

“I’m sorry, Rin, for giving you false hope, but my lord has already taken a bride as part of a political alliance.”

“No!” she argued, her voice muffled as she covered her face with her hands.

Jaken opened his mouth to argue, but she took off at that moment. “I hate you!” she cried, spitting the angry words over her shoulder. “Leave me alone! I never want to see you again!”

He watched her leave with a sad expression, leaning against the walking stick. “I can’t do that,” he murmured as she disappeared, her basket of herbs lying forgotten at his feet. “I vowed to always protect you, and I never go back on my word.”