InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ The Blood That Binds... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha-tachi not me.


Chapter Five: The Blood That Binds…

Sesshoumaru's training, which I had renamed torture, went on for months. When I threatened to give up he'd say something about Shippou like "He looks rather lively at this age. I'd hate to see that end." Or "You really must not care about your pup if you'd rather relax than let him live."

I sighed and hunched over the Tetsusaiga, taking a break from trying to break the seal. I'd been working on it for a week on and off. It was proving more difficult than I had previously predicted. It must have absorbed some of Inuyasha's loathing of Sesshoumaru. Wouldn't blame it really.

It doesn't help that I'm not entirely happy with him either. The sword's testing my determination to have my way and break the seal. Again I didn't blame it; I wasn't putting my heart into it anyway.

Again I sighed. "I'm referring to a sword as if it had a mind of it's own." I scoffed. "I've been doing that a lot lately. First the sky then a sword. Where is my mind going?" I couldn't help but think that at least I'm more sane than Sesshoumaru. At least I'm not trying to change the past.

I tried to concentrate on the sword again, bringing all of my energy to one point and trying to find the proverbial door to pick its lock. After a few moments I found the door. Now all I have to do is get the key.

I growled in frustration and flicked the sword away from me. "Oh just let Sesshoumaru's bloody hand on you for Christ's sake! Is that too fucking much to ask?" I cried out. "Do you want a fucking sacrifice? Maybe some blood or something? WHAT?! What will it take?!" Ok so I was a little more than frustrated.

The door slid open suddenly and Sesshoumaru peered in. "Kagome what are you doing?"

"Getting ready to beat the shit out of the Tetsusaiga. You?" I tried to sound casual but it was hampered by the fact that I was speaking through my teeth. He frowned.

"Don't get too violent I don't want you to cut yourself and bleed on my carpet." I quirked a brow at him and opened my mouth to snap back at him but closed it. Blood…maybe…

"Sesshoumaru come here." He stiffened slightly.

"Woman, I make the commands not you." He all but growled. I frowned but stared at the sword.

"If you want me to break the seal then I suggest you listen to me. I have an idea." He paused for a heartbeat then stepped in, closing the door behind him. He padded toward me then gracefully slid down to sit across from me. I found myself feeling rather envious of his liquid grace.

"What do you need?" He asked blankly.

"Your blood." His eyes narrowed a fraction.


I sighed at his suspicion. "I've found the `door' to the seal now I need the `key'." His eyes narrowed slightly more. Geez if he kept that up his eyes would be closed.

"Do not speak in riddles."

I huffed. "What I mean is I can't break the seal without a certain something, which I refer to as a `key'. I think your blood may be the key." He was silent for a few heartbeats then held his wrist out to me. I frowned at him.

"You want my blood, do you not?"

"You make me sound like a vampire. Aren't you going to ask how much blood I need?"

"That is inconsequential."

"To you maybe." I said under my breath then grabbed a hold of his wrist. "I need you to cut my hand."

"Why?" I wanted to tell him to trust me but that would be worthless.

"I need to absorb your blood to give the Tetsusaiga a taste of your power. If I'm right then it will break the seal and make you the wielder." Without warning he twisted his arm out of my grasp and sliced open my palm. "ITAI! Son of a…"

"You said to cut you." I glared at him as he said it so calmly.

"You could have warned me."

"Again, inconsequential." He waved it off with a graceful shrug.

"Maybe to you." I shot back.

"Get on with it Miko." He warned.

"Fine. Cut yourself." He did, slower than he cut me. It was a demonstration. The jerk was mocking me for feeling pain from a little cut, which he could withstand without even flinching.

I continued to glare at him and held my hand out to him. He hovered his wrist over my palm and let his blood drip freely into my hand. I could feel his warm blood being absorbed into mine and mingling. It was an electric feeling that had me buzzing with energy. A warm wave of calm swept over me as I pressed my palm to the hilt of the Tetsusaiga and searched once again for the door.

Within a few moments I was forming the key and trying it out on the door. Then it happened. There was no click like you would think or expect. Just, suddenly I felt something tugging on my power and the blood from my cut was flowing faster.

A wave of cold washed over me, totally annihilating Sesshoumaru's warm, comforting power. A flash of red signaled that my miko powers were kicking in but the sword seemed to be feeding off of it. It was starting to get colder and colder but I couldn't free my hand from the hilt.

The Tetsusaiga was getting greedy. When it started glowing blue I started to panic. With a final and determined yank I finally wrenched my hand free before it sucked me dry. I flew back, my breath coming in short pants as Sesshoumaru caught me and took me into his lap.

"Kagome?" He asked, showing the first signs of emotion…worry. The red light surrounding me faded but the bluish color around the sword stayed glowing strong.

"Grab the sword Sesshoumaru." He hesitated. "NOW!" Without more coercion he grabbed the hilt of the sword. The blue light surrounded us then flashed brightly and faded. Sesshoumaru hadn't dropped the sword and it wasn't burning him. A genuine smile graced his features as he stared at the sword in his left hand and me clutched in his right.

I sighed, the great weight being lifted from my shoulders and let sleep claim me.


I woke to two voices arguing. Well at least they sounded like they were arguing.

"I needed her to do it. I didn't know it would harm her." Ah, that would be Sesshoumaru.

"You almost killed her Sesshoumaru! For Christ's sake I almost lost her AGAIN!" And that would be Shippou.

"Quiet kit. She's fine."

"But she almost-"

"As usual you are overreacting." Someone growled, I was guessing it was Shippou. "It was her choice to use the method she did."

The growl stopped. "So what now?"

"She's going to attempt to go back tomorrow."

"Already?" A pause. I struggled to open my eyes or protest or something but I couldn't. "And if she wont?"

"She has already agreed to it."

"And if I don't want her to?"

"You already agreed to it. Remember what I told you." Sesshoumaru's voice held the warning he used with me when I threatened to quit.

"Fine." Shippou said, defeatedly.

"Kourin, see to the Miko." Sesshoumaru's command came louder than his words with Shippou, which made me jump.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama." At this I finally cracked an eye open. A female servant called him by his real name. That's odd. There was a breeze and the bed shifted under someone's weight. "She's awake Sesshoumaru-sama." More little breezes.

"Kagome?" I finally got both my eyes open and looked up at Shippou.

"Yo." I said half-heartedly.

"Kourin, water, now." Sesshoumaru's cold voice made me jump again.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama." Another little breeze.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Sesshoumaru almost killed you." Shippou glared at the Inu youkai who just narrowed his eyes at him.

"No Shippou. Sesshoumaru's right. It was my doing. He only did what I asked him to." Both turned slightly widened eyes toward me. The girl, Kourin returned with some water, which I took and downed within a few seconds.

"Let her sleep, kit. She'll need rest for tomorrow." Shippou hesitated then gave my hand a squeeze. With a small smile he left.

"Something else Sesshoumaru?"

"Tomorrow I'm taking you to the well. Be ready." I wanted to protest but I knew I couldn't. So instead I gave a small nod and he left without another word.


It was an unusually quiet morning in the Nishi household. Shippou wasn't his normal energetic self. He kept glancing over at me as if I'd disappear at any moment. The ride to the shrine was just as quiet and almost…foreboding.

When we arrived I asked to go inside and Sesshoumaru gave me a slight nod. Before I made it to the door Souta came bounding out, all smiles.

"Okaa-san, Okaa-san! Kagome's home!" He attached himself to my leg as Mama came walking out the front door.

"Kagome-chan? How was training?" I rolled my eyes.


"That great, yeah?" She smiled at me. I gave a woe-is-me nod as she hugged me. She leaned back and looked me straight in the eye. "Something's up. You're going back aren't you?"

I sighed. You really can't keep anything from here. "Yeah. That's why Sesshou-Nishi-san has been training me. I have-there's something for me to do in the past." I shot a glare at Sesshoumaru, hoping mom wouldn't see it.

"Then we should cook you something before you go." Mama smiled making me smile.

"Yeah. Nishi-san and I are gonna go check out the well." Mama gave a nod.

"Cool can I come too?" Souta asked suddenly. I frowned down at him.

"Only if you stay up at the top of the stairs and don't come down at all." Souta gave a quick nod, which I responded to with my own. As we made our way across the shrine I continued to glare at Nishi-san but he just ignored me. Shippou had wandered into the house with Mama and Kourin.

Souta slid open the door to the well house and ran in and sat down on the first step, I followed him and Sesshoumaru glided down the stairs and stopped next to the well. I slowly descended the stairs and eeped and jumped when something rubbed against my leg.

"Buyou!" Souta called the obese cat that immediately waddled up to meet him. The oddest feeling of Déjà vu passed over me as I moved closer to the well, a hand on my side where the Shikon no Tama was re-absorbed. It was pulsing in my side and a warm and rather uncomfortable heat was resonating from it. What was more frightening was the fact that the Tetsusaiga, which I had strapped to my back, was pulsing like at slow heartbeat. It was all a little too weird for me.

Sesshoumaru removed the lid with one quick swipe causing me to jump at the sudden noise. I stood next to Sesshoumaru as he looked down the well as if waiting for something to jump out of it.

"Try it." My eyes shot to Sesshoumaru's.

"What?" I choked out.

"See if the well works." I gaped at him.

"No…not yet!"

"You can come back Kagome just try it. I want to know if it will work." I glared at him as he put a hand on my arm.

"No!" I snapped back angrily.

"Just try it woman." He started pushing me towards the edge and gave a soft scream.

"Stop it! Stop Sesshoumaru-what are you-STOP!" Suddenly I lost my footing and started falling down the well. I grabbed onto Sesshoumaru for dear life and pulled him in with me and almost laughed when his eyes widened in surprise. Almost…



Yes I did use Kourin from Fushigi Yuugi for the servant's name. I just like it… *cute smile*

See ya!
