InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ Up Yours... ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Wanna see a disclaimer? Go to the first chapter and leave me the hell alone.

* Don't forget that I have an update list for this story. It's in my profile!*

A wee bit of a warning! I use some rather *ahem* strong language in this chapter.


Last Chapter: Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed at Inuyasha. "Where is your healer?" Inuyasha and Sango blinked at him. Inuyasha's face went neutral and he gave Sesshoumaru a small nod and bounded off with Sesshoumaru hot on his heals.

Sango and Shippou ran after them as fast as they could all the while dumbfounded. For a moment there…a brief moment, there had been an understanding between brothers. Maybe…just maybe there was hope for this battle after all.

Chapter Ten: Up Yours…

"DAMN IT ALL!" Naraku threw the doll he had in his hand and narrowly missed Kagura's head. So his plan hadn't gone completely to par but geez, trying to pummel his own daughter/creation with his little dolls wasn't called for. "The damned miko is more resilient than I gave her credit for." He cursed and gave a not so amused smile.

"What had you hoped would happen Naraku-sama?" The empty child-like voice of Kanna asked.

"I'd hoped that she would stay unconscious and the damn dogs would believe that the other hurt her. Thus they would fight and hopefully kill one another." Kagura wanted to sneer. She wanted to go up to him and beat some bloody sense into him. That had to be his worst plan ever. What the hell was going on with him? He wasn't as…conniving and evil as he used to be. Something was slipping and it had something to do with that reincarnated miko.


It wouldn't have bugged Inuyasha so much that Sesshoumaru was there while they were waiting for Kagome to recover if…he hadn't spent most of his waking hours at her side. It was irritating to say the least. Even though he was persona non grata, though he wasn't the one that hurt Kagome, and he was there to offer his aid in the fight against Naraku (which Inuyasha was thoroughly against) he didn't need to be around Kagome-Inuyasha's Kagome, all the damn time like he was attached to her fucking hip.

So they sat in the hut, glaring at each other as they waited for Kagome to wake up. The thing that bugged Inuyasha the most was every now and then when Kagome bordered on consciousness she'd say Sesshoumaru's name. Now what the hell was his Kagome calling out for his hated brother when he was there to comfort her?

What was wrong with Kagome? She'd been different since the day she stepped out of the well. When she almost fell back in…like something hit her. It was…weird to say the least. Spouting nonsense about the Tetsusaiga and something about him being alive…or was it nonsense? Maybe…`Gah my mind hurts!' He thought wryly. It was too damn confusing. And this whole Kagome and Sesshoumaru holding hands thing whether she was unconscious or not was just disturbing.

Hell Sesshoumaru was just disturbing.

Well to Inuyasha anyway. Kagome seems just fine with him. Inuyasha wanted to scream…maybe go postal on Sesshoumaru then "teach" Kagome a "lesson". Of course Kagome would probably "sit" him seven ways to Sunday and he quite liked his back, thank you.

"If you can do nothing more than sit there and glare at us, hanyou" Sesshoumaru's cool emotionless voice broke Inuyasha's thoughts. "Then fetch me her bandages and the salve." He didn't even bother to look at Inuyasha as he spoke.

That was it. He'd had enough.

"Listen you sick fuck I don't know what the hell you're trying to do here or what you're trying to prove but if it's anything like what you REALLY are then stay away from my Kagome." Cold eyes swerved to meet Inuyasha's and the look in them almost was enough to make Inuyasha shrivel up. Almost… "You-you can't just come parading in one day and steal Kagome then come back expecting us to welcome you with open arms. What did you brainwash her or something?"

The taiyoukai's eyes narrowed dangerously but he remained silent.

"Come on say something bitch. Don't tell me the great Sesshoumaru hater of all things human has fallen for a human? My Kagome no less."

"You continue to refer to Kagome as if she is a belonging of yours yet I see no mark and she holds my hand." A slight smirk tugged at the corner of the taiyoukai's mouth. "And it is my name she calls."

"Fuck you, you bastard." Inuyasha bit back, rather childishly.

"As I recall, dear brother, you are the bastard." Sesshoumaru said coolly. Inuyasha took a step forward to which Sesshoumaru stood and put himself between the hanyou and the unconscious girl.

"Leave Sesshoumaru. Get the hell out and stay away from my Kagome."

"She is not yours." Sesshoumaru said in an almost matter-of-fact way.

"She sure as hell isn't yours."

"That may change." Again the smirk pulled at his lips. He enjoyed bating the hanyou and even more he liked the way his thoughts about taking the miko sounded out loud.

"She'll never have you." Inuyasha said. It didn't sound confident even to him.

"You have no idea what's happened between the miko and I." His face went blank. "Or last night."

Inuyasha's jaw clenched and he lunged toward Sesshoumaru but he was too fast for him. Sesshoumaru had him up against the hut wall within a blink of an eye.

"Stay out of my way hanyou. Kagome will be mine. I have spoken intent to claim."

"I'll challenge you." His courage was coming back. Commendable, but stupid.

"Then I will kill you." He stated coolly. `Ok, time for plan B. Please don't let Kagome kill me.'

"You don't know anything about her. She's not even from this time." Sesshoumaru arched a brow.

"Oh really? And you believe that I did not know this?" Inuyasha's eyes widened.


"I told you there things going on here that you cannot begin to comprehend. Things you do not know about."

"She's mine damnit." Ok when everything else fails, whine. Sesshoumaru's blank face came back.

"No," He said calmly as he released his grip on Inuyasha's throat and took a step back. "She is mine."

"Ow," Both brothers turned toward the owner of the voice to see Kagome awake. Their squabbling momentarily forgotten. "I have something in my eye." Sesshoumaru had to fight a smile as he walked over to the conscious girl. She blinked a couple times then looked up at Sesshoumaru looming over her.

"Hi." She said with a sheepish smile.

Sesshoumaru took his seat next to her and trailed a hand down her face then spoke. "Good afternoon." She blinked then frowned and looked out the window.

"Afternoon? Geez how long have I been out?" She said with a slight stretch and a smothered yawn. Inuyasha finally stepped forward with his trademark pissyness and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Since yesterday when you finally decided to come back and got yourself beaten up by Naraku." Kagome glared at Inuyasha.

"Well you know what, I didn't stand there in the forest and say `Gee wouldn't it be great if Naraku would come and beat me up? Oh look there he is now! Oh Naraku!'" Inuyasha froze under her glare for a moment then looked away.

"Keh." Ah, very mature. Kagome rolled her eyes then pressed a hand to her forehead.

"Oh! That's right. Naraku said something before he beat me up. Something weird…but I can't remember what it was. I think it was like an incantation or something." She sighed. "Maybe it wasn't important."

"If he put a spell on you then it is important." Kaede's voice popped up out of nowhere. "Now if you two will leave I must attend to Kagome." Both hesitated then Inuyasha glared at Sesshoumaru. Kagome gave Sesshoumaru's hand a squeeze and a pleading look. He gave her a slight nod then got up and walked out, grabbing Inuyasha's haori on the way and dragging him out with him.


It was that feeling…that feeling that warned her that something horrible was going to happen. Something unstoppable.

She cast her weary eyes out across the moonlit field as fireflies danced by. She couldn't shake the feeling. When all this started again she had hope. Hope that this time she could save Inuyasha and live happily ever after with him. But now…things had changed. Nothing was like it was the last time. This whole ordeal with Sesshoumaru was an all-new ball game.

She was falling for him.

Could she honestly say that she didn't have feelings for Sesshoumaru and go on her merry way of loving Inuyasha? Did she even love Inuyasha anymore? Yes…no…she didn't know.

Naraku was coming and that wasn't her biggest problem let alone fear. She knew he could be beaten, she even remembered how.

The storm was coming…and Naraku had nothing to do with it. An all-out war but not between good and evil…but between brothers. Her torn in the middle, lost, bewildered.

Someone was going to die again and she was powerless to stop it. She didn't want to lose Inuyasha again but Sesshoumaru…

She loved them both and she knew it was wrong. She knew she would only cause pain but she couldn't choose.

But the war had already begun. It was already present like the wind whispering through her hair as she stood at the top of the hill, gazing out across the field. She wouldn't let it happen. She couldn't.

She sighed and she turned to look back at the village. So small, so peaceful. Blind to what was about to happen, naive and beautiful. Like Kagome used to be.

"Kagome?" She turned and looked down at him.

"Hai, Shippou-chan?"

"Are you alright?" He jumped up into her arms and looked up at her worriedly.

"I'm better now that you're here." She smiled sweetly. He smiled back then it faded.

"Something bad's gonna happen, isn't there?" Kagome smiled sadly down at the kitsune who was too wise for his own good.

"I don't know Shippou-chan." He hugged her suddenly with tears in his eyes.

"I don't wanna lose you." Kagome's eyes widened but she wrapped her arms around him.

"You won't, this time I promise."



Aw so sad . Look! I finally updated! I had somebody practically yell at me to update O.o; it was kinda scary. Alright see ya lata and enjoy!

Useless information: Did you know while people swallow and average of six spiders in their sleep during their life time? That's just gross.


Napea *Meamiko*