InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Complications ❯ Chpter 1: Trying to Figure things out ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Omamori 
Disclaimer: I don't own ANY Inuyasha characters sadly...*sniff sniff* But INuyasha still is my puppy slave...mwuhahaha*looks frm side to side smiling evilly*
*~~~CHAPTER 1:Trying to figure things out.~~~*
"Will you hurry up,we ain't got all day you know!?" Inuyasha yelled. He looked back at his comrades with his usual scowl. "Excuse uh for getting tired from walking *all* day Inuyasha." Miroku growled back at Inuyasha. It was a hot muggy day for the group and since it was hot, they were hot...adn agitated...not a good combination. To add to their horrible day,and their moods, they had lost their lead towards Naraku's castle.
"A strange castle you say?" Miroku rubbed his chin slightly as if pondering. He then stopped and turned to Inuyasha. "Do you think it's Naraku coming out of hiding?"
"Keh! Of course, it has to be bouzo!" Miroku shook his head nad turned to the chief of the village. "I believe I have detected an ominous cloud in your home earlier." The chief's eyes widened slightly. "Oh my....then please perform a harai houshi-sama." He bowed and the rest of the group just shook their heads. Miroku cleared his thoat and started walking towards the chief's hut. Once there, he took out an ofuda and placed it at the entrance door. "There," he dusted his hands off and grinned."Now you shall be protected once again." The chief bowed once thanking him, and inclined for them to follow him. Shaking their heads once again at the monks tatics, they followed step. The chief led them to two rooms. "The men can sleep here." He eye Inuyasha, and the hanyou glared back at him. Kagome seemed to be the only one who noticed or the other two were ignoring it. She stepped up and bowed to the chief. "Thank you sir, we'll be fine." He looked at her and then the rest of the group then bowed once more, eyeing Inuyasha before he left.
"Keh, fucking bastard..." Inuyasha mumbled loud enough only for Kagome to hear. She stared at after him with sad eyes as he went into the room. The rst of the group followed him into the room and slid the door closed behind them. "My Sango, I didn't know you wanted to be with me tonight." He slidloser to her only to recieve a slap across the face before he couldlay a hand on her. "Houshi-sama, we are here to discuss about NAraku, then KAogme-chan and I will go to are rooms. Nothing more." She glared at him for the last part. "Hai, hai." SHe glared at him once more before turning to go sit over by Inuyasha adn Kagome who were just staring at the monk with dry looks. Rubbing his cheek, he nodded with a slight sigh and sat next to Sango, causing her to eye him suspiciously. Kaogme was the first to break the tension in the room. " So, if Naraku has come out of hidng....why haven't we sensed any of his youki?" She scrunched up her face in confusion. "Plus, I don't sense anything concerning the how...," Sh stopped looking down at her hands folded in her lap while shaking her head. "I'm not sure guys...what if it's a trap or something?" Miroku sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It is possible, since it *is* Naraku, we won't rule out anything out."
"Even if it is a trap, I'm still gonna kill the bastard," Inuyasha said hile gripping Tessaiga at his side. It was Sango's turn to sigh. "Still Inuyasha, we need to take precautions...who knows what we're getting ourselves into."
"Keh!" Inuyasha turned his head to the side staring at the wall. Kagome stared at him with a blank face then turned to Sango and Miroku. "Sango-chan," she said softly, "we should go over to our rooms and get some rest. I have feeling we're going to need it for tomorrow."
"I suppose you're right." They bth started to get up when Sango felt a certain hand in a certain spot. ~*SLAP!*~ "Hmph! Good night." She stomped out of the room slamming the slide door open with a loud 'bang.' Kagome shook her head and followed siut saying goodnight to the boys while closing the door behind her.
Miroku sighed happily while rubbing his cheek. "Fucking lecher." He just smiled and layed on the futon set up for them. Inuyasha, however, ignored the futon and settled against the wall facing the door aware for any danger that may come.
(A/N: ^^ What did you think? I wouldn't mind some reviews you know *wiggles eyebrows* Plus I shall try and update the next chapter ASAP but I am having some major school work dumped on my this week, but I hsall try my best~!!! Review please~!!...I know you wanna....heehee...
Ofuda- paper scrolls monks.priestesses use to ward off demons or punishment, ect.
Bouzo- a slang..or direspectful way to address a monk.
Youki- to simply put it...a demonic aura...roughly translated...
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama / Hentai / Angst | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 11.18.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 789 | Status: Work In Progress

Disclaimer: I don't own ANY Inuyasha characters sadly...*sniff sniff* But INuyasha still is my puppy slave...mwuhahaha*looks frm side to side smiling evilly*
*~~~CHAPTER 1:Trying to figure things out.~~~*
"Will you hurry up,we ain't got all day you know!?" Inuyasha yelled. He looked back at his comrades with his usual scowl. "Excuse uh for getting tired from walking *all* day Inuyasha." Miroku growled back at Inuyasha. It was a hot muggy day for the group and since it was hot, they were hot...adn agitated...not a good combination. To add to their horrible day,and their moods, they had lost their lead towards Naraku's castle.
"A strange castle you say?" Miroku rubbed his chin slightly as if pondering. He then stopped and turned to Inuyasha. "Do you think it's Naraku coming out of hiding?"
"Keh! Of course, it has to be bouzo!" Miroku shook his head nad turned to the chief of the village. "I believe I have detected an ominous cloud in your home earlier." The chief's eyes widened slightly. "Oh my....then please perform a harai houshi-sama." He bowed and the rest of the group just shook their heads. Miroku cleared his thoat and started walking towards the chief's hut. Once there, he took out an ofuda and placed it at the entrance door. "There," he dusted his hands off and grinned."Now you shall be protected once again." The chief bowed once thanking him, and inclined for them to follow him. Shaking their heads once again at the monks tatics, they followed step. The chief led them to two rooms. "The men can sleep here." He eye Inuyasha, and the hanyou glared back at him. Kagome seemed to be the only one who noticed or the other two were ignoring it. She stepped up and bowed to the chief. "Thank you sir, we'll be fine." He looked at her and then the rest of the group then bowed once more, eyeing Inuyasha before he left.
"Keh, fucking bastard..." Inuyasha mumbled loud enough only for Kagome to hear. She stared at after him with sad eyes as he went into the room. The rst of the group followed him into the room and slid the door closed behind them. "My Sango, I didn't know you wanted to be with me tonight." He slidloser to her only to recieve a slap across the face before he couldlay a hand on her. "Houshi-sama, we are here to discuss about NAraku, then KAogme-chan and I will go to are rooms. Nothing more." She glared at him for the last part. "Hai, hai." SHe glared at him once more before turning to go sit over by Inuyasha adn Kagome who were just staring at the monk with dry looks. Rubbing his cheek, he nodded with a slight sigh and sat next to Sango, causing her to eye him suspiciously. Kaogme was the first to break the tension in the room. " So, if Naraku has come out of hidng....why haven't we sensed any of his youki?" She scrunched up her face in confusion. "Plus, I don't sense anything concerning the how...," Sh stopped looking down at her hands folded in her lap while shaking her head. "I'm not sure guys...what if it's a trap or something?" Miroku sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It is possible, since it *is* Naraku, we won't rule out anything out."
"Even if it is a trap, I'm still gonna kill the bastard," Inuyasha said hile gripping Tessaiga at his side. It was Sango's turn to sigh. "Still Inuyasha, we need to take precautions...who knows what we're getting ourselves into."
"Keh!" Inuyasha turned his head to the side staring at the wall. Kagome stared at him with a blank face then turned to Sango and Miroku. "Sango-chan," she said softly, "we should go over to our rooms and get some rest. I have feeling we're going to need it for tomorrow."
"I suppose you're right." They bth started to get up when Sango felt a certain hand in a certain spot. ~*SLAP!*~ "Hmph! Good night." She stomped out of the room slamming the slide door open with a loud 'bang.' Kagome shook her head and followed siut saying goodnight to the boys while closing the door behind her.
Miroku sighed happily while rubbing his cheek. "Fucking lecher." He just smiled and layed on the futon set up for them. Inuyasha, however, ignored the futon and settled against the wall facing the door aware for any danger that may come.
(A/N: ^^ What did you think? I wouldn't mind some reviews you know *wiggles eyebrows* Plus I shall try and update the next chapter ASAP but I am having some major school work dumped on my this week, but I hsall try my best~!!! Review please~!!...I know you wanna....heehee...
Ofuda- paper scrolls monks.priestesses use to ward off demons or punishment, ect.
Bouzo- a slang..or direspectful way to address a monk.
Youki- to simply put it...a demonic aura...roughly translated...
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama / Hentai / Angst | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 11.18.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 789 | Status: Work In Progress