InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Code of Honor ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, so I thought that I wouldn't update for a bit because I wasn't getting any feedback- except for Twilight Myst and Kagome-chan2004 from Mediaminer! Thank you two for your support. It meant so much to me! As for the rest of you, shame! Just kidding. I know that you are all busy and stuff and I know that I'll eventually write this story anyways, because I want to. I am not abandoning this story. Now that my personal issues are out of the way, there's nothing but school work to hold me back.
Also, Sesshoumaru may seem a little OOC in the beginning of this chapter, but he is changing. The ring is working on him and the truce between him and Inuyasha is giving him a chance to play a role he denied himself before. Of course, he thinks that he is completely doing this for his father, since his father asked him to look after Inuyasha.
This chapter is dedicated to Twilight Myst and Kagome-chan2004!
Phase 2
Chapter 18: Code of Honor
"Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never. Never -- in anything great or small, large or petty -- never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." - Sir Winston Churchill
"Sadder than destitution, sadder than a beggar is the man who eats alone in public. Nothing more contradicts the laws of man or beast, for animals always do each other the honor of sharing or disputing each other's food." - Jean Baudrillard
Sesshoumaru watches as the humans, the kitsune and the fire cat walk away. He can plainly see how Kagome's shoulders are partially slumped as she effortfully puts one foot in front of the other. He wonders what happened briefly, but quickly puts the pieces together from his recollection of what she and Inuyasha said. The dead miko attempted to take the necklace from the girl and perished. Before the consequences took her, Father took them to Equilibrium. He nods to himself, remembering what Inutaisho told him about the place that is not a place. Then, the girl cried for the hanyou's pain and he immediately blamed her for what happened to the dead miko. Such actions are typical of him, but amazingly dishonorable to his future mate. Father told me to take care of her. He shudders slightly at this. Take care of a pathetic miko- for shame- but more for shame if I do not honor Father's request. How can Inuyasha not recognize how he feels? He has so many weak feelings and yet he still can neither control nor recognize them. He is truly an idiot. Right now, I need to talk to Inuyasha and teach him what Father did not. Father, I am doing as you asked, so do not question my honor.
Throb… Throb… Throb. Inuyasha rubs his head as a brand-new headache pounds in his temples. He sits up in the hole created when Kagome subdued him. Rubbing his head with more vigor, he lightly growls. He can no longer hear his friends talking, nor can he see them, for they have moved away. In his mind, he can only imagine the conversations that they are all having… most likely about him. It's amazing that they were so quick to take her side. Wait- that's not a surprise! Whenever there is doubt, they always take her side over mine. Keh! It never fails. I am the one to blame, according to them- end of story. It's not fair! They've known me for as long as they've known Kagome, so why are they so much more loyal to her?
He notices a chipmunk run past him and take possession of a groundnut. The tiny animal watches Inuyasha out of the corner of his eye, in case the hanyou wants to attack him. For the moment, he has no problem with the forager. His mind is elsewhere. The small animal realizes this and moves on with his precious cargo in tow.
Deep in thought, Inuyasha lays back and watches the fluffy clouds glide across the azure sky. Why do they take her side all the time? I know that I have made some mistakes in the past, like when she saw Kikyo and me together. Whenever something happens that upsets her, she runs back to the future and comes back smelling like salt from the tears and they all blame me. Man, I hate it when women cry, especially when Kagome does it. She seems to do it an awful lot. There were times when I knew that my mom wanted to cry, but she held in her tears. Women's tears always make me feel so… helpless.
Back then, in Equilibrium, she was crying when I saw her. I couldn't smell her tears, but there was something strange about that place. She was crying, but I don't know why. It could have been an act. Part of him chastises him for that thought. Ok, so maybe it wasn't an act. If not, what on Earth was it?
At this moment, he looks up into two cool, golden eyes. A moment later, he stands up to face the imposing presence of his regal and immaculate brother. Inuyasha's hair is dirty from lying in the hole and part of him feels annoyed to face his brother in this ruffled state. “Sesshoumaru, what brings you out here?” Inuyasha's body unconsciously moves into a fighting stance, as if he senses a challenge.
Sesshoumaru stands with perfect posture and does not move to put himself in an unnecessary fighting stance. “Inuyasha, I wish to speak with you, not fight with you. Your fighting stance is unnecessary, not that your readiness would save you if I could fight you. I am bound not to hurt you for the moment, as you know.”
Inuyasha's eyes narrow, but his stance diminishes a tad. “What do you want, Sesshoumaru? Do you have some brotherly advice to share with me?”
“As a matter of fact, yes, I do, as much as it pains me. I cannot allow you to shame yourself, your blood and your family. Despite your tainted blood, you are of the bloodline of Inutaisho. That honor brings obligations, Inuyasha. You do remember at least some of the youkai code of honor?”
Inuyasha sighs and rolls his eyes. “Sesshoumaru, maybe you should stop your lecture there, because when it comes to playing big brother, you suck!”
Sesshoumaru's irises flash red momentarily, but he calms immediately. “Inuyasha,” he growls, “please show some courtesy. I know that you were not raised that way, but it is necessary to live a civilized life.”
Inuyasha shakes his fist at the proud taiyoukai. “I am civilized- more so than you are!”
“I doubt that, but that is not the point, Inuyasha. We must discuss recent events and your response to them.”
Inuyasha raises his eyebrow gently. “To which events do you refer dear aniki?”
Sesshoumaru's mask momentarily wavers as he detests this form of address from Inuyasha as much as his previous style. “If you mean to try the limits of patience, you are succeeding, whelp.”
“All right,” says Inuyasha. His headache escalates in waves of pain. “My head hurts too much to continue these games. What the heck are you talking about? What have I done now?”
“You are bound to protect the girl, but recently, your actions have been dishonorable.”
“You mean Kagome?!” Sesshoumaru lightly nods. Inuyasha's eyes narrow. “I am not bound to her! She is just a human wench from the future and yet you insinuate that there is more than that between us. Besides, if anyone did anything dishonorable, she did, not I.” His anger escalates once more as he forgets his thoughts from a couple minutes ago.
Sesshoumaru does not move, but inwardly sighs. “Whether she is more than that to you or not, Inuyasha, you promised her that you would give her strength and protect her. You are bound by honor to fulfill that promise for at least the duration of this escapade.”
Inuyasha opens his mouth to retort, but stops immediately. I did say that, didn't I?, he thinks to himself. I am bound to Kagome. Damn! He has a point, but still… Inuyasha whines, “But she betrayed me- shouldn't the promise become null and void under the circumstances?”
“You know the code. Those were not the terms under which you made the promise.” Inuyasha's face becomes increasingly sullen-looking. Sesshoumaru continues, “But despite that, you do not have proof that she betrayed you in the first place.”
Quietly and angrily, the hanyou answers, “Even you are on her side, aren't you, Sesshoumaru?”
“I am on no one's side.”
“Then what do you mean?”
“I was listening to the girl's defense to your accusations earlier. Her explanation is logical, more logical than yours is in fact. Your anger is the answer to most anything that you do not know or like. You let your emotions get the better of you. You need to learn to control your pitiful human emotions.”
Not knowing how to respond exactly, he says, “So you are on her side! Besides, why do you care so much? Why are you getting involved?”
“Honor demands it of me, as much as I despise it. You must cease this detestable stubbornness and continue to protect the girl. You are mistaken and I hope that your feeble hanyou brain will become aware of this in time. Honor demands much of us, Inuyasha. I will not cease to remind you of your responsibilities in the hope that you will learn while I am here.”
Inuyasha looks at his brother with a mocking grin. “So what? Should I take notes and follow your every move, sensei?”
“Remember what I said.” Sesshoumaru walks away. He turns for a moment. “You will keep the code, or I will make you.”
Inuyasha defiantly yells, “I'd love to see you try!” Still, Sesshoumaru does not turn around to exchange insults. He quickly disappears and leaves the hanyou alone, again.
Kagome picks at her stew with her chopsticks. The smell makes her mouth water, but her mind is not on the food. Her mind is back there with Inuyasha, reliving the scene from before. Without thinking, she picks up a piece of meat with her chopsticks and places the hot, flavorful morsel into her mouth. A split-second later, she reflexively spits the hot meat out. Trying to be as composed as possible, she takes a sip of cool, purified water from the bottle her mother gave her a couple winters ago. The white bottle automatically filters water as she drinks and has probably saved her from infection more times than she would want to count.
Shippo sniffs the air and smiles. “Rin is coming. Can I serve her some food so that she gets some, Kaede? I don't want to run out and have her go hungry tonight.”
Kaede looks up and smiles with all of her wrinkles forming little rivers on her face. “Yes, child. Of course ye may. That would be a kind gesture.” Shippo smiles and begins making a bowl for the sweet, little girl who had become his friend. A moment later, Rin runs out of the woods with Jaken in hot pursuit, although he is panting especially unattractively. He stops in relief and leans on his staff to catch his breath.
Shippo calls, “Rin, are you hungry? I saved you some of Kaede's stew.”
Rin nods. “Yes, thank you so much! Rin was sooo hungry!”
“You are welcome, Rin. Eat up!”
The girl begins eating with relish as Sesshoumaru comes up behind her. She begins to get up, but he motions for her to stay and finish her meal. She gushes, “Hello, Sesshoumaru-sama! Rin is very glad to see you!” He doesn't respond, but she grins happily.
Meanwhile, Jaken prostrates himself on the ground. “Sesshoumaru-sama, where have you been? The girl has been torturing me again. Isn't this a waste of my time and talent?”
Sesshoumaru quietly answers, “No, it's not. Leave me be and be silent, Jaken.”
Jaken frowns and steps back, but nods. “Of course, Sesshoumaru-sama.”
Inuyasha appears nearby, behind Kagome. He comes closer and everyone, except Sesshoumaru, Jaken, Rin and Kaede stare at him to see what he will do. He looks into the cauldron without comment and makes a bowl for himself. After grabbing some chopsticks, he walks so that he stands directly in front of Kagome. “Kagome, I cannot apologize for what I said earlier. I will protect you as I said that I would; I am bound by the youkai code of honor.” His eyes momentarily glance to his half-brother, but a human would not have noticed it. “You must understand that I will fulfill my duties to you, but nothing else will occur. We are not friends, not after what you did. I know that you say that you did not betray me. We shall see with time. I will watch you and see what is truly in your heart- friendship or treachery.”
Kagome has not looked up at him; she looks down into her lap, where the cooling stew sits. She closes her eyes and whispers, “In America, they say that one is innocent until proven guilty, Inuyasha.” Even Sesshoumaru looks at her after she says this.
“This is not America, Kagome.” With that, he walks out of the clearing and sits down by himself to eat.
She mumbles, “No, it is not. I don't know what this is.”
After a minute of silence, Miroku comments, “Well, that could have gone worse, Kagome-sama. At least he will act civilized from now on.”
Shippo has an uncertain look in his eyes. “This is civilized? I don't know about that. America sounds more civilized- that innocence thing.”
Kagome half-smiles. “The country has its faults as every country does. Besides, the definition of civilized is created by each culture. There is no one definition.” She sighs. “Honor- I guess that I should be glad for this, but the tension will not go away until he understands what really happened.”
Sango nods sympathetically. “Still, he was more open to the concept that you may be right. Time is already working its magic, Kagome-chan.”
Inuyasha, who has heard all of this, sighs as he devours his meal, wishing that it was ramen. He wishes to join the group, but he feels the chasm that he erected. Alone on the imaginary precipice with his friends on the other side, he thinks, this sucks.
OK, c'est fin for now. I'll be back with another chapter soon. This is my birthday gift to you- as of 11/17 I am 23, so let's celebrate. Please review, peeps! Please!!!!!!