InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Upon Reflection ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pt 2: Upon Reflection
After the Goshinboku hushes everyone and refuses to reveal anything more, the humans, hanyou and youkai simply stare at the now-silent tree as if they expect it to speak more, which is exactly what they believe might happen. Still, just as quickly as the tree made contact, the tree again seems as silent as it has always seemed. The only clue that anything strange happened is the still, but not stagnant feeling that lingers in the air. The entire group can feel the remnants of the crackling energy in the air currents.
A nerve begins to pop in Inuyasha's head as he makes a fist and holds it up to the tree. “Yeah go ahead and be mysterious! You couldn't even tell us what to do right now. All you did was freak us out. You better not be playing with us, you damned overgrown weed! I think that you're lying and that this is all one of Naraku's plots!” The rest of those gathered look at the spazzing hanyou and sigh, except Sesshoumaru, who remains unaffected.
Just before Inuyasha looks as if he wishes to start bashing the Goshinboku, Kagome calls out to him. “Come on, Inuyasha; let's go tell Kaede-baa-chan about this whole thing. Standing here and staring at the tree will get us absolutely nowhere. Insulting Goshinboku-jii-chan won't help either.” Inuyasha ignores her rationalizations and continues to throw murderous looks at the Goshinboku. Shaking her head with frustration, she tries again. “Inuyasha, please do not make me say it.” He still does not respond. She screams at the top of her lungs in hopes of getting his attention. “Darn you, you stupid pain in the neck; why don't you ever listen to me? Catch at least this: come now or I will say it a bunch of times!” Finally, he looks back at her and walks away with a darkened look on his face. The group begins to walk back to Kaede's village.
Suddenly, Miroku remembers Sesshoumaru is still there. He gestures to his friends to pause for a moment. “Sesshoumaru-sama, would you like to come with us or must you go back to your castle? We are all on the same team now and we know that you possess larger amounts of knowledge about this situation than we do. We are in need of your help, in the name of working together to the same end for different purposes.”
“Stupid human, of course I possess more information than you do. I will keep my word. I told Goshinboku that I would help you in order to protect my lands and I will. I must return to my abode, but I will return.” He nods to the rest of the group before disappearing into the woods so fast that they could not tell exactly which path that he took.
Kagome looks after him. “He has great honor and pride. Still,” she says as she looks at Inuyasha, “I never thought that Sesshoumaru would ever work with us. This should prove to be interesting. Both of Inutaisho-sama's sons will work together for mutual advantage? It's almost like the Twilight Zone or something, you know?”
Shippo gives her an uncertain look. “Um, yeah, but Kagome, what's the Twilight Zone?” She sweatdrops and shake her hand. Under her breath, she mutters to him to forget that she said anything about it. Without another word, the group returns to Kaede's house.
Kaede sits beside her fire while gently sipping a cup of tea. As the vapors fill her nose, she waits to feel the peace that she usually feels when she does this. Instead of te usual peace, a tiny of bit of anxiety fills her heart. Just as she begins to feel a little strange, Inuyasha and gang burst into the room. Kagome greets Kaede and fills her in on what happened. Kaede's eyes widen in surprise, but she nods in slight understanding.
After hearing the entire explanation, Kaede sits back on her heels and sighs. Inuyasha, who already feels a little unsettled by the news, begins to fidget and act generally obnoxious. Everyone narrows their eyes at him, but his dense mind does not realize it. He calls out to Kaede, “Kaede-babaa, so can you help us or give us some damned information or something? Sheesh, we need to do something.”
Unperturbed by the annoyed hanyou, Kaede sips a little more of her tea. “So, the youkai are playing with the concept of time travel and are trying to create more Shikon no Tama's.”
Inuyasha yells at her. “Not just any youkai; it's that bastard Naraku! He thought that he was so smart to hide in other time periods- ha! We'll show him and I'll finally defeat him once and for all!”
An almost-playful smile upon her lips, the old miko gazes at Inuyasha. “Are ye afraid of meeting Inutaisho-sama? Ye have never met.”
“Wha… what? Me? Afraid? Hell no! But I don't remember him… not at all. My mother told me a few stories and she said that he got to see me a few times when I was a pup; she loved him very much.” His face softens somewhat, but his eyes look clouded. Kagome puts her hand on his shoulder and leaves it there as she smiles at him in order to encourage him to speak. Surprised, he looks into her eyes, smiles and has nothing more to say. After a moment, he lightly pulls his hand away and rests his hand on his knee.
Kagome looks into the fire for a moment before speaking her mind. “He said that this was my original task, but how could that be? Was Naraku attempting this before I came back in time? Is that why I was needed?”
“Those who have been called have talents that are needed.”
The young woman puts her head to the left side and considers this, but continues thinking. “This time and mine are the ones that are in the most immediate danger. Our two times are connected particularly strongly, just because of me. Is this whole thing my fault? Am I endangering the future? Am I endangering all my family and friends from both times?”
Kaede gives her a sympathetic look and shakes her head. “No, Kagome-chan. Tis not your fault. Methinks that time itself was already altered; Goshinboku-dono also confirmed this. Ye are not the cause; ye are a result that will make all as it was. Ye will not be alone. We are all with ye at least in spirit, no matter what time ye go to.”
Inuyasha turns and looks deeply into Kagome's eyes. “Kagome, I'll be there right beside you, to give you strength and to protect you. We can do this together. We all have faith in you and your abilities.”
Sango smiles. “Don't doubt yourself, Kagome-chan. We will be proud to help you. We are just as surprised to hear about this as you are, but together we can win.”
Open-mouthed, she glances around at the encouraging faces of her friends. Then, she firmly nods. “You are right. Yes, we are still a team and you guys are still there for me when I need you… and I am going to need your help more than ever.” She sighs and pulls on her braid. “I still don't understand why it must be me. More than that, I have no idea what it meant when Goshinboku-jii-chan said that I exemplify the original human condition. Kaede-baa-chan, do you know what he means?”
The older woman shakes her head slightly. “No, the meaning is illusive to me. I suspect two things: that it has something to do with you and the Shikon no Tama. It may also reflect the purity of your soul. Goshinboku-dono said that ye had an old soul, did he not?” Kagome nods. “Well that could explain your power… and maybe Kikyo's powers in turn. Ye are not ordinary miko; ye are special.”
Kagome shrugs. “Special I may be, but what about Inutaisho? He exemplified the original youkai condition? What on Earth is that supposed to mean?”
Sesshoumaru walks in quickly without greeting any of them. “Original youkai condition… Inutaisho explained something about that to me once when I was very young, but I do not remember it very well. I suspect that you must ask him what the “original condition” refers to when you see him.”
Kagome welcomes him. “Oh Sesshoumaru, welcome back. I'm sorry that we didn't see you coming.” He shrugs and leans gracefully against the doorframe.
Miroku also stands to welcome Inuyasha's half-brother. “Welcome Sesshoumaru-sama. I trust that your trip was pleasant.” The youkai blinks before barely nodding his head to acknowledge the monk. Miroku thinks for a moment and looks at Sesshoumaru. “Sesshoumaru-sama, what did you mean when you told Kagome-sama that she could ask Inutaisho-sama when she saw him?”
“I thought it was obvious. That's where they must first go before starting the journey. He can explain to them what steps should be taken next in this conflict.”
Inuyasha looks at his brother with a petulant gleam in his eyes. “So don't you know…”
Sango quickly interrupts Inuyasha before he angers the taiyoukai about lacking knowledge. “That makes sense.” She laughs lightly and shakes her head in disbelief as she says her next words. “Kagome and Inuyasha are going to see Inutaisho.” She turns to Kagome. “When will you leave, Kagome-chan?”
Kagome shakes her head at how strange the conversation sounds to her. She shrugs. “Tomorrow I guess.” She looks at Sesshoumaru and he doesn't argue. “Tomorrow it is, unless Goshinboku-jii-chan has objections. Besides, it would see that time is of the essence.” Everyone sweatdrops at the bad pun, except for Sesshoumaru. “Sorry guys. I didn't mean for it to sound that way.”
At that moment, Rin chases Jaken into the house. In response, Sesshoumaru watches for a moment and rolls his eyes. “Rin, stop.”
In the past three years, Rin has grown a few inches, but her biggest growth spurt is just around the corner. Her grammar still needs attention, but there has been no one to properly instruct her. In her eleventh year, she radiates energy, optimism and devotion. A gentle and inquisitive child at heart, Rin is beginning to grow up. Rin runs to Sesshoumaru and pulls on his outfit as she agrees with a salute. “Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama.” Her big brown eyes look around and she smiles with glee. “Sesshoumaru-sama, you've given Rin some people to play with! Thank you!” She runs around and begins playing with Sango's hair. Soon afterward, she switches to playing with Shippo.
The two youngsters, completely uncaring of the fact that one is a youkai and the other is a human, frolic and enjoy themselves. The adults go outside and watch the kids play, but do not speak. Each is lost within the labyrinth of his or her thoughts. Suddenly, Kagome yawns and disturbs the somewhat comfortable silence. Everyone turns to stare at her and she blushes cherry red.
Sesshoumaru glances at her and unemotionally comments. “Miko, you should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day and your energy reserves will be tested. I suggest that you go to bed. Inuyasha should too, but he won't listen to reason.”
Inuyasha mutters a keh in response. “I just don't want to listen to you.”
No one had paid attention to Inuyasha's retort, but almost everyone's eyes widen in surprise that Sesshoumaru would sound almost as if he cares. Kagome lightly smiles. “Thank you for being considerate, Sesshoumaru.”
He understands the meaning underneath her comment and answers, “You misunderstand. You will perform better if you rest, human and your performance partially determines whether we win or lose.” He turns to the tiring children, calls them near and orders them off to bed, an order that they both follow almost without complaint.
Quietly, Kagome nods and gets ready for bed. When she's ready, she lays down in her sleeping bag. Sango lays down next to her. Miroku bids her good night as he walks out the door. Shippo leaps in to give her a hug before he goes to sleep and is closely followed by Rin. Inuyasha sits down beside Kagome and pats her feet. He smiles at her and brushes his fingers over her face before heading off to his tree.
What will happen when Kagome and Inuyasha travel through time? Will they reach their desired destination? What will Inutaisho think about Kagome and does he know that they are coming? Will he explain the significance of the Four Souls and the Original Conditions? How is a Shikon no Tama made? What other time periods must they go to?
If you want to hear more, please review. Please, please, please tell me what you think. Flames accepted, tho logical and constructive flaming preferred.