InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions of Two Hearts ❯ Death by Sake ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi.
This was written for the First Tweak community at LiveJournal. The prompt was “hangover” and the requirement was that it be a drabble (300 words or less).
Title: Death by Sake
Rating: T
Warning: Language
Word count: 300
Summary: InuYasha wakes up hungover in Kagome's room. What happened?
Additional notes: This piece is a follow up to Bouquet's Aren't Always Flowers
Death by Sake
InuYasha found himself unceremoniously on the floor of Kagome's room. “Oi, what happened?”
He heard a giggle from the bed above him. A wild tangle of black silken curls spilled over the side followed by one blue-grey eye peering over the edge. “You fell out of bed, silly.”
The hanyou started to get up but immediately lay back down. Wrapping his hands over his eyes he muttered, “What the hell happened, and why do I smell like a cask of sake?” `She's gonna kill me.'
“Don't you remember?” Kagome asked, trying to hold back her tears. She didn't know if she could take him not recalling anything about the previous evening.
Uh oh. `Fuck - what happened last night?' the hanyou asked himself. Gods it was hard to think; his head was throbbing so. But he knew he'd better remember before she started to cry.
Then he realized his heart was pounding as loudly as his head was. In addition, he wasn't bathed just in the scent of sake, the fragrance he knew was unique to Kagome was clinging to him as well - that exclusive bouquet that was hers and hers alone. `Bouquet - I was drinking with the old man. Oh, shit.'
He pried his fingers far enough apart to peer through them and see that he was still fully clothed. “Kagome?”
“Kagome? I'm sorry. Just forget it, okay?”
Sniffle. “What if I don't want to?” she questioned quietly.
“But we didn't… did we?” he anxiously replied.
“You kissed me, carried me to bed, and fell asleep,” she answered.
The hanyou breathed a sigh of relief. “I'm sorry.”
“I'm not.” Kagome rolled over and landed on top, facing him.
“Not for kissing you - for passing out.”
“Good answer. Now kiss me, my hung-over hanyou.”
“Kagome… oh, fuck…”