InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions of Two Hearts ❯ Going Home ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi.
This was written for the First Tweak community at LiveJournal. The prompt was “New Beginnings” and the requirement was that it be a drabble (300 words or less).
Title: Going Home
: Canon
Genre: drama, angst
Rating: G
Word count: 300
Summary: They say you can never go back - but sometimes you have to.
Going Home
“You wished your way back to me, so I know you can do it,” InuYasha said as he and Kagome stood next to the well. “It's time to return to your era.”
A tear trailed down Kagome's cheek. “InuYasha…”
“You know it isn't safe for you here any more. It was my mistake to think…” the hanyou's voice trailed away.
“But it was only a few,” she challenged.
He shook his head vehemently. “I can hear the whispers. Some want to kill the abomination before it's even born. Kagome, I can't protect you every minute of the day. You'll be safe this way.”
“But Sango, Miroku… they'll help,” she argued again.
InuYasha wiped her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “They agreed that this was for the best. They'll miss you, but your safety comes first. Kagome, there isn't anywhere where a miko married to a hanyou would be safe. We'd always be on the run with someone trying to kill us. I've lived that life already.”
She rubbed the swell of her abdomen as her tears fell freely. “But I wanted to be here with you, in your era.”
“No, we have to do this. The villagers can no longer tell themselves that we aren't really married - that I'm only your protector. I'm afraid it's now or it might be never… just remember… if for some reason… just remember that I love you. More than anything, I need to know you're safe,” the hanyou said urgently.
“But you're coming with me,” the miko whispered.
“Just in case… just in case it doesn't…”
“InuYasha!” She wrapped her arms tightly around him. “It'll work for both of us - it has too.”
“I hope you're right.” He carefully picked her up, jumped up on the edge of the well, and leaped.