InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confrontation II: Trials and Tribulations ❯ Stolen Moments ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Remember all characters that I haven't created will be walking that fine line of OOCness, because that's the way it has to be in order for this fic to work!!Now that the first chapter has been posted, I think it's only fair that I explain something to you guys. Even though this fic is a definite continuation of `Confrontation I', the main focus will be switching to Sesshomaru, Rin, and Kanomaru. However, Inuyasha and the others will also have their own side stories, the same way every one else had side stories in `Confrontation I'. Also, I know more than a few of you are probably reading this fic for the yet to happen lemons. So it's only fair that I tell you that there will be no lemons without cause. Yep, I said it. No…pointless…violent…sex. However there will bemeaningful lemons in later chapters and more than a few gory deaths. I hope this doesn't piss anyone off or turn you away from the mayhem that is yet to happen, and if it does, well…be on your way, because I can't make you stay. That being said, thank you guys for all your wonderful amazing reviews and I'm praying with each chapter that I post, that I don't disappoint anyone.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them, with the exception of Joudama, Mana, Rinji and Kanomaru.
Chapter 2:
Stolen Moments
Rolling onto her side, Rin smiled at the sight before her. Her son lay sprawled across her mate's chest, his face buried in the crook of his father's neck. Sure she had seen this scene one time too many, but the newness of it never grew old.
It was like looking at a forbidden portrait of a God at his weakest moment. The way their hair intertwined to make the most beautiful river of black and silver. And the way their skin tones molded together as if it was merely a blanket covering them.
Kanomaru, her son, was truly his godsend. Outside of the fact that he was missing two pointy ears on the side of his head and that his hair was the most unmistaken-able shade of black that she had ever seen, everything about him screamed his fathers' name. His slim frame, the milky unblemished tone of his skin, the way he'd smirk shyly when he knew he'd done something wrong, and even the manner in which he spoke at times.
`You are surely your fathers' child,' she thought as she rubbed the back of her sleeping son's head.
She wouldn't be able to explain it, if asked verbally. But she knew that the birth of their son had softened the Inu Lord somewhat. Of course he was still cold and intolerant as ever when it came to the outside world, but with her and their child, he was a true father and a husband…mate in everyway possible.
The day after she had given birth to Kano, she awakened to find, not her normal maids at her bedside, but instead her tutor turned midwife, Mana.
Mana was a no nonsense bear youkai from the continent who had come over with her mate, Rinji when Sesshomaru was just a boy himself. She and her mate had been employed at the castle for centuries upon centuries. So when the older woman advised her that at her loves request, the other demons that took care of the mansion and the grounds were ordered to leave effective immediately, she never questioned why.
However, after that brief encounter, Sesshomaru brought in her day old infant son and advised her of what he had done. He didn't explain to her exactly why, because quite honestly he never did. But he did tell her that Mana would be staying on as Kanomaru's nanny and tutor. He also advised her that Rinji would maintain his current position.
As she watched the love of her life stand at the foot of their bed holding his son, his golden eyes smiling down at the beautiful innocent child that they had created, she understood why he had done what he had and she was grateful to him for it.
It was his first act at protecting what was his and it would not be his last.
Unfortunately there were also times when Rin found it hard, if not impossible to control her impetuous pup. She supposed it started at the tender age of one or round about there.
The boy was so quick and agile that he'd terrorize the lower floor of their home, touching and breaking everything that was breakable and then disappear before she could get a bead on him.
Rin was certain that it had to be a mixture of the terrible two's that human children went through and the chewing clawing stage of puppies, because Kano ripped through everything and anything within his reach and out of his reach. When he was done with that, he would find the biggest fluffiest pillow and rip it open with his little fangs. Then he would sit in whatever corner his journey took him to and stare up at her with those sad golden puppy eyes, and that shy grin that always melted her heart, while he chewed slowly on the cloth from the shredded pillowcase.
On one such occasion, he leaped up onto her most elegant drapes and hung there. His claws ripped ever so slowly into the material as he slowly descended to the floor then crawled back up to the top, only to repeat the process again.
Knowing full well that she couldn't reach him, she called for her mate's help. When he got there, Sesshomaru stared around him at the mayhem that lay in his heir's wake, and then up at the boy that hung haphazardly from their curtains. He was mischievously grinning down at them as if daring them to remove him.
One would think that Sesshomaru would have told Kanomaru, `no', or that he shouldn't be doing that. The Inu Lord did neither.
Sesshomaru never seriously reprimanded his son for anything. He didn't raise his voice or tell him he was bad for doing something. He'd just scoop him up in his arms and walk away or he would look at him with a softer version of his infamous stare, then turn and leave the room. But he never…ever chastised him. Not once in the almost five years that the boy had been breathing. It didn't matter what he did or whom he did it to.
As a matter of fact it was those times that made Rin feel like an outsider. She knew it was foolish to think such things, but she could see it. The two of them had an unbreakable bond…an unspoken understanding that she could only wish to comprehend. She was Kano's mother, not his mentor. She was Sesshomaru's mate, not his heir, and she understood that. Though sometimes, she wished she didn't.
Glancing at the two men she loved more than anything in the world, Rin smiled sweetly as she slowly sat up. Stretching her arms lethargically she yawned, wanting nothing more than to curl up for awhile longer with her family. She knew that want was futile, since there was still a lot of planning to do for her son's birthday celebration.
Of course it took some coaxing in order to get her mate to agree to have it. He had never liked cavorting with people, family or not. Neither demons nor humans, he was somewhat of a recluse, that way.
When she first brought it up he stated, `no', vehemently. So she left it alone and brought it up again a few days later. This time he didn't say, `no', he just walked away.
Most people would have taken that as rejection, but she had traveled with him so long, that she knew it meant, `I don't care,' or rather, `Do what you want.'
Still that wasn't good enough for her so she waited until they were locked in the throws of passion; he weak with need for her, and then she asked him again. Of course he said yes, or rather howled yes. So the next day she began planning for the special occasion.
Thinking back to that moment she knew that it was a rather shady thing to do. She also knew that she had to use what few weapons she had in order to get her way and so she did.
Sliding gently off the bed, Rin pulled her long sleeve silk yukata over the thin one she normally wore to sleep in. Glancing down she grimaced at the reminder of the one demon that still haunted her dreams at night.
There were four long claw marks that traveled down and almost wrapped around her forearm. Though all the wounds that he had inflicted on her healed so well that they were barely visible, this one healed, but rather then blending in with her complexion, it sat proud upon her skin. As if it was a reminder that she should never forget just how close she came to loosing everything.
Though it was 5 almost 6 years ago, the anguish that she felt at that moment… The pain that he had inflicted on her and the torment he put her through, thinking that he would rip her child from her womb was still fresh in her mind. It had taken her more than a little while to get over what he had done.
Truthfully, she never got over it; instead she just learned to deal with it. She accepted what had been done to her and she understood that there wasn't a thing that she could do to change it.
It was at those times that she would grasp onto her son or her mate, whoever was closest, and just hug him. She never gave an explanation, nor said a single solitary word, she would just hold on until the fear she was feeling subsided enough that she could think straight. Then she would give thanks for the gifts she had been blessed with.
Shaking her head in an attempt to dismiss those un-welcomed thoughts, she turned to her mate and pup to find comfort, but instead found two sets of golden eyes staring suspiciously at her.
They were both still laid in the exact position they were in while asleep. It almost looked like neither one wanted to move for fear of waking up the other.
`Kami they're so much a like that it's scary.'
The younger of the two, inquired softly, “Mommy, what's wrong? Why are you afraid?” He wasn't sure how he knew for sure that she was scared; perhaps it was the increase of her heart rate or maybe the spike in her scent. Whatever it was he was too young to figure it out.
Sesshomaru said nothing, because his son had asked the question he was wondering.
Smiling sweetly at her only child, Rin held her arms open, silently calling him to her, “Mommy just needs a hug, that's all.”
Kanomaru smiled widely as he pushed off his fathers' chest and leaped into his mothers' arms, “Next time you need a hug, just wake this Kanomaru up, okay? He doesn't like it when you smell like that.”
Hugging him tighter to her, she smiled at her husband, `Yes, I am truly blessed.'
The Inu Lord stared in awe at the two of them. They were so free to show their emotions. They didn't think before laughing or expressing the way they felt for one another or anyone else for that matter, but he on the other hand…
Though he knew he loved them…would kill for them…would give his life for either one of them with out a second thought, he had never once uttered those three little words. He didn't grin and play tickle games with his son the way his brother did. He didn't play hide-n-seek or any other little childish game with him like his mate did. He didn't pour words of love and romance on his wife the way he had seen the Houshi do to the slayer. It just wasn't in him, no matter how much he would've liked to, he just couldn't be that person.
Sesshomaru had promised himself long ago that he would make sure that his son didn't grow up to be like him with his mate…with the ones he loved. He would make sure that Kanomaru knew he was free to express himself without fear of looking weak or being challenged. He would make sure that he understood that he could openly love and laugh and still be feared and respected. This he would do.
Noticing the far off look in her mate's eyes, Rin asked, “My love, did you sleep well?”
He would have liked to say, `With you, always,' instead he nodded as he slid off the side off their bed and stood to his feet.
Gently pinching Kano's bare chest, Rin asked playfully, “And you mister, where's your yukata?”
Giggling he fought off her hand, “Daddy doesn't sleep in a yu…yu…one of those things!”
Sesshomaru smiled to himself, his son was too smart for such a young age.
Nuzzling his stout nose, she stated, “Well daddy doesn't have a mommy that will pinch him silly if he doesn't go put his yu-ka-ta on, right now.”
His tiny-clawed hand gripped her cheeks gently in an attempt to push her away, “Why doesn't daddy have a mommy?”
`Oh Kami,' Sesshomaru thought, as he hurried around the bed and took the boy from her. This was not something that he wanted to discuss right now. “You ask entirely too many questions,” he stated softly. Turning away from his smiling mate, he headed out the door and towards the stairs that led to the kitchen.
The young lord in all his childish innocence, replied, “If this Kanomaru doesn't ask question then he won't learn. That's what Mana-sensei said.”
Rin giggled as she trotted a little to catch up with the two that were moving swiftly down the stairs. She knew what her mates' intention was, but she also knew that it wouldn't work. Her son was not easily detruded once his heart and mind was set on something. He could and would, go on and on for hours if you let him.
Glancing down at his son, the Inu lord asked in an almost humorous tone, “Mana said that?”
“Yep, and she said that if something was ever bothering me, I should ask or tell a grown up.”
“She did, did she?”
“Father, you are a grown up, right?”
Looking at his son out the corner of his eye, he decided that he wouldn't answer that.
Stepping around her son and mate, Rin stated happily, “Yes honey, daddy's a grown up.” She wanted to hear his response to this question because she honestly, in all the years that she had been with him, had only seen his mother on one occasion and it wasn't one that she cared to remember.
“So daddy, why don't you have a mother? Doesn't everybody have a mother? Did you fall from the sky or did the puppy fairies bring you here?”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at his grinning mate, and then turned his attention back to his son. “This Sesshomaru has a mother.”
“Well then where is she? Why isn't she here with us? Can we go visit her?”
Growling softly to himself, he made a mental note to make his mate pay for this later. Sitting down at table with his son in his lap, the Inu Lord responded, “No, we can not go visit her.”
It had taken everything in him to say that one little sentence. Shouldn't his son, the heir to these lands be able to meet his grandmother? `Perhaps in another life or at another time,' he thought, knowing that his mother had to have heard about his mating and the consequent birth of his pup, a hanyou. Had she wanted to see him, she would have come to him. Wouldn't she?
Twining a portion of his fathers' hair around his small finger, Kano arched his back so that the crown of his head was pressed against the center of Sesshomaru's chest. Looking up at him, he asked, “Why can't we go visit her?”
Sesshomaru inquired as if bored, “Rin, don't you need some help in there?” He was secretly hoping she would say yes, so that he could pawn his overly inquisitive pup off on her.
“No my love,” she replied happily, her ears straining not to miss a single word that was being said.
He could hear her giggling but decided to let it go, her punishment would come later. Figuring that it was best to not lie to him, he stated in an attempt to end the conversation, “Perhaps when you're older, I'll explain why you can not visit with her.”
Settling back against his fathers' chest Kanomaru thought that over as he reached up with both hands and palmed his fathers' cheeks, “You promise?”
“Yes, this Sesshomaru promises.”
Holding up his five little clawed fingers, he asked, “Will this Kanomaru be old enough when he turns five summers?”
Sesshomaru looked at the little hand, then at his son's hopeful little face and pleading golden orbs, `Oh, Kami, does he ever give up?' “We shall see.”
Relieved that the pup finally seemed content with that answer, Sesshomaru pulled Kano back towards him so that he was sitting up straighter in his lap. Of course they wouldn't eat in this position, but this was also something that had become…more of a routine. Sighing softly a thought occurred to the Inu Lord, `If only he didn't have to grow up.'
Simonkal of Inuy
Holding the crumpled parchment within his tightly clasped fist, he sat seething as he stared into the ocean that sat outside his bedroom window. The waves crashed uncontrollably about the shore as if it was mimicking the rise and fall of his aura.
How dare they invite him to partake of a celebration for a hanyou! How dare they think that, that mutt would even be worthy of such a celebration! He was nothing! He was no lord! He was nothing more than a pathetic half-breed, an animal that should have been killed while still in the womb!
It didn't matter that his father was a Tai-Youkai, it didn't matter that his Grandfather was the Great and almost unstoppable force called Inutaisho! He…all of them were nothing more than dirty despicable stains upon the Inu-Youkai race!
`For 5 years I've sat here quietly while he ran a muck! Mating with a human! Proudly siring a half-breed! This must stop!'
When he first heard the news of the dog demons decision to follow in his fathers' footsteps, he thought little of it. He didn't think that he would be foolish enough to actually sire an offspring with her! Not after what happened with the pup that his father sired with that bitch, Izayoi.
He thought that perhaps this was a phase. He thought that perhaps one day he would awaken and the lust would have worn off, but now this?
`Does he really think that we will accept a half-breed as a Lord…as an equal? How dare he give that bitch the title of Mistress to the Western Lands? For the love of Kami, she's human! An insignificant piss ant of a human! Who would ever honor her? She's nothing!!'
Demons were not meant to mate nor sire with humans. They were supposed to be nothing more than pets! Things one would kill for fun, rape for the hell of it, and then disposed of, without so much as a second thought!
He, like many demons had raped human women, but he killed all of them!
`Was he really that desperate? Did he really think that this would work? Did he think that we would turn our heads and pretend that we did not know that he had obviously lost his fucking mind?'
Grinding his teeth so fiercely that he could taste bits of it on his tongue, he stood to his feet and stepped on to his balcony where the southern flow of the wind was the best. His eerily silver eyes glowed in the darkness; his floor length silvery white mane blew back away from his body.
`This has to stop!'
It was the truce that he had called long ago with the late Inutaisho, then renewed with Sesshomaru, that kept him from storming in there and taking the land from him. And it was that treaty that was being threatened at this moment.
Did he dare continue to respect a truce with a human loving demon? Did he dare tell his kingdom, his followers that they were to bow to a half-breed? Was he…they suppose to be honorable and respectful to a ninjen woman? `I think not!' He thought viciously as he let the invite fall from his claws and into the ocean below him.
Growling violently he turned and stared into his empty bedroom looking for something, anything to tear apart, to rip to shreds. He found nothing. This room like the rest of his home…his heart, was empty, devoid of any valued possessions, emotions, and warmth.
Simonkal of Inuy
Sango sat watching her two-year-old daughter chase the dragonflies that cluttered the field in front of them. She watched in awe as she ran and twirled. Laughed and giggled at everything and nothing.
She was so innocent. Untouched by this hateful unforgiving world. She knew nothing of the lies men told, or the heartbreak that was awaiting her when she reached puberty. She knew nothing of what her mother went through in order to bring her into this world, and by the grace of the gods she never would.
The only thing she wanted her daughter to know was that she was loved unconditionally, and without remorse or boundaries. Sighing softly the ex-slayer whispered, “The jewel of my heart.”
Sitting quietly next to her, Kagome reached over and squeezed her friend's hand. “A penny for your thoughts.”
After smiling at her companion, Sango turned her attention back to her daughter, “I was just thinking about how innocent she is.”
“We were all innocent at that age, and then life happens.” It was a blank statement, but the truth in her words was enough to shake the miko to the core. Refusing to give into her mind and harp on things long passed, she plastered on the most brilliant smile she could muster, “So are you as excited as I am to see Rin-chan again?”
“Of course I am, I just find it hard to believe that Sesshomaru would agree to having such an affair.”
Giggling girlishly, Kagome replied, “She seems to have some kind of special hold over him.”
“I'm sure her hold over him is no different from your hold over Inuyasha,” Sango replied, sounding playfully snooty.
Laughing the Miko ignored her best friend's comment, “I'm just glad we're going to get there early, so that we can help her with the arrangements.”
“Kagome, why is Rin doing this herself? Why doesn't Sesshomaru hire someone to do it for her? Doesn't he have maids or people that work in the castle that can handle the preparations?”
Kagome thought that over for a moment before responding, “I asked Rin on one occasion why she didn't have a staff of maids to take care of that huge place. She told me that she didn't need them. I suppose she just likes taking care of her family on her own. Although in a place that size a little help definitely wouldn't hurt.”
“Do you think its Sesshomaru that doesn't want anyone there? I just can't believe that she would actually try to take care of that place on her own.” Running her hand through her tangled mane, Sango continued, “There's like 9 Bedrooms there, isn't it? Not to mention the huge kitchen and sitting rooms and what about Sesshomaru's study. My Kami, the girl needs help.”
Kagome laughed at the hint of hysteria that was leaking into her friend's voice, “Trust me, if Rin was overwhelmed she'd demand that Sesshomaru hire a few more people, but I don't think she really feels she needs it. Besides she does have Mana to help out with Kano. So that frees up some time for her to tend to the small things she needs to do around the house.”
“Hmm, perhaps you're right. Anyway, I don't know how much help I'll be having to watch after this little one, but I'm always willing to lend a helping hand.”
The women sat in silence for a moment longer both lost in their own private thoughts before the Ex-Demon Slayer broke the silence with a question that had been plaguing her mind lately. “Kagome, are you and Inuyasha planning on having any children?”
The Miko almost choked on her saliva, “Umm, Sango-chan why…would you ask me such a question?”
Motioning for her daughter to come to her she responded as if she was asking Kagome about the color of the sky, “Well you two have been mated for quite a while and I'm quite sure that you have a very active personal life. I was just wondering, do you choose not to have kids right now or has it just not happened?”
`Oh my Kami, she is not asking me this!' Blushing feverously the miko replied, “Well Inuyasha and I haven't discussed children, beside we're still very young by demon standards.” `Okay, that was a good answer! I never thought about having kids. Of course I want them…I think…''
Dusting her daughter's purple and yellow kimono off, Sango stated, “Oh, I forgot about that. You no longer age by human standards. So how old does that make you?”
“Well I was 20 when we formerly completed the mating ritual, so that makes me 24. I'll continue to age as I normally would when you think of it in numbers, but my appearance will age a lot slower.” Scratching her head since she really didn't understand it that clearly herself, she continued, “Oh, holy hell! All I know is we have more than enough time to have babies…pups, besides I have this little princess to baby all day.”
Taking a moment to tickle the little girl next to her, the miko continued as if it was an after thought, “You know Sango, babies don't make a relationship. With or without them, Inuyasha and I would still be happy.”
Smiling at her friend, Sango decided that she would let the subject drop. After all it really wasn't her business, and her friend was right, they did have more than enough time should they decided to bless their union with a few children. “So when are we leaving for Sesshomaru's?”
Taking the little angel that rarely cried or said much, Kagome responded, “As soon as the guys get back, I suppose. Inuyasha has been a little antsy about getting there before the other guests arrive.”
“That soon, huh?”
Placing a chaste kiss to Joudama's forehead the miko replied, “Yeah, you know he's never been one for making a good entrance.”
Staring at her best friend as she played with her daughter, Sango couldn't help going back to what they had just discussed, “Kagome, you should really have a child. You would make a great mother.”
Noticing the approach of her mate and his comrades, the flustered young woman ignored her companion's statement and yelled, “Inuyasha, we're over here!” `Saved by a hanyou, a monk and a kitsune!'
Until Next Time…(From here on out the updates should be coming pretty damn quick, my friends. Please don't forget to review!!)