InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confusion, betrayal, and love ❯ Fight ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Amanage 
After Sesshoumaru left Kagome cried herself to sleep and dreamt.
She was running through the forest trying to get away from something, or more like someone. She knew she couldn’t outrun whoever was chasing her and even though she didn’t know who it was she knew they were toying with her. She looked back to see how close her captor was when she bumped into something hard. When she turned to see who it was they were gone. She then heard a loud laugh infront of her. She looked ahead of her and saw….
Kagome awoke with a start, she never got to see who was tormenting her in her sleep. She relaxed for a moment until Sesshoumaru entered the room. It all flooded back to her; Her, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo were kidnapped by Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha was hurt.
“I see you have awaken” stated Sesshoumaru coolly, staring at the beautiful miko that lay before him still chained.
“What do you want” hissed Kagome.
“Today? Simply your cooperation. Do as you are told and you will be rewarded.” He stated simply
“Do what?” She asked nervously. “And rewarded how?”
“I wish to see how well you fight, you will fight against various demons so I might see how strong you are. With your sacred arrows of coarse. I will simply watch. As for your reward, your friends will no longer be tortured and you may visit with them.”
“Fine” she agreed ‘if it will save my friends then there are no questions’ she thought.
“Good! We will be on our way then” he said as he unchained her and grabbed her upper arm beginning to drag her out of the room. “Wait! I need to get dressed” she shrieked. “You are fine as you are. Besides it will be more entertaining this way” he said.
Needless to say Kagome was mortified at the thought of battling youki in her undergarments, and infront of Sesshoumaru non the less.
He dragged her outside an to the training grounds where several youki were awaiting their presence. Kagome went red with embarrassment at the fact she was practically naked. She groaned in frustration, she knew now no matter what she would have to fight the demons in what little clothing she wore, whether she protested or not.
Kagome fought the first three youki and won without a scratch on her, she only had to fight two more. Sesshoumaru watched her fight the youki and was quit surprised, though he didn’t show it, that she held enough power to win. Though that didn’t bother him for the youki were weak and both Sesshoumaru and Kagome knew that Kagome could never win against Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was also getting entertainment from the fact she wore so little.
Kagome was tiring from fighting but kept it up. As then next demon, a snake youkai attacked her she shot it down with a single sacred arrow. Only one beast left. ‘her miko powers are pretty good’ thought Sesshoumaru. ‘Come on Kags, you can do this’ Kagome mentally reassured herself. As the last youkai, a bear youkai, charged at her she shot another sacred arrow but the bear youkai dodged it and it grazed its shoulder. The youkai screamed out in pain and slashed Kagome’s arm leaving four trails of blood on her arm. Kagome knocked back one more arrow and let it fly, right through the youkai’s heart.
“Very good” said Sesshoumaru coolly “you have done as I asked. As I said before you will be rewarded. Your friends will not be hurt in the slightest way again and you may visit them this afternoon.”
Kagome noded thankful she could save her friends pain, but now she had to figure a way to save herself if Inuyasha didn’t show up for her.
sorry it took so long to write the chapter but a lot of family issues have come up and I have a hard time finding time to write….so I hope you like the story so far…:)
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Horror /
Hentai |
Type: Crossover |
Uploaded On: 02.28.2005 |
Pages: 1 |
Words: 1.1K |
Visits: 1.5K |
Status: Completed
After Sesshoumaru left Kagome cried herself to sleep and dreamt.
She was running through the forest trying to get away from something, or more like someone. She knew she couldn't outrun whoever was chasing her and even though she didn't know who it was she knew they were toying with her. She looked back to see how close her captor was when she bumped into something hard. When she turned to see who it was they were gone. She then heard a loud laugh infront of her. She looked ahead of her and saw….
Kagome awoke with a start, she never got to see who was tormenting her in her sleep. She relaxed for a moment until Sesshoumaru entered the room. It all flooded back to her; Her, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo were kidnapped by Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha was hurt.
“I see you have awaken” stated Sesshoumaru coolly, staring at the beautiful miko that lay before him still chained.
“What do you want” hissed Kagome.
“Today? Simply your cooperation. Do as you are told and you will be rewarded.” He stated simply
“Do what?” She asked nervously. “And rewarded how?”
“I wish to see how well you fight, you will fight against various demons so I might see how strong you are. With your sacred arrows of coarse. I will simply watch. As for your reward, your friends will no longer be tortured and you may visit with them.”
“Fine” she agreed `if it will save my friends then there are no questions' she thought.
“Good! We will be on our way then” he said as he unchained her and grabbed her upper arm beginning to drag her out of the room. “Wait! I need to get dressed” she shrieked. “You are fine as you are. Besides it will be more entertaining this way” he said.
Needless to say Kagome was mortified at the thought of battling youki in her undergarments, and infront of Sesshoumaru non the less.
He dragged her outside an to the training grounds where several youki were awaiting their presence. Kagome went red with embarrassment at the fact she was practically naked. She groaned in frustration, she knew now no matter what she would have to fight the demons in what little clothing she wore, whether she protested or not.
Kagome fought the first three youki and won without a scratch on her, she only had to fight two more. Sesshoumaru watched her fight the youki and was quit surprised, though he didn't show it, that she held enough power to win. Though that didn't bother him for the youki were weak and both Sesshoumaru and Kagome knew that Kagome could never win against Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was also getting entertainment from the fact she wore so little.
Kagome was tiring from fighting but kept it up. As then next demon, a snake youkai attacked her she shot it down with a single sacred arrow. Only one beast left. `her miko powers are pretty good' thought Sesshoumaru. `Come on Kags, you can do this' Kagome mentally reassured herself. As the last youkai, a bear youkai, charged at her she shot another sacred arrow but the bear youkai dodged it and it grazed its shoulder. The youkai screamed out in pain and slashed Kagome's arm leaving four trails of blood on her arm. Kagome knocked back one more arrow and let it fly, right through the youkai's heart.
“Very good” said Sesshoumaru coolly “you have done as I asked. As I said before you will be rewarded. Your friends will not be hurt in the slightest way again and you may visit them this afternoon.”
Kagome noded thankful she could save her friends pain, but now she had to figure a way to save herself if Inuyasha didn't show up for her.
sorry it took so long to write the chapter but a lot of family issues have come up and I have a hard time finding time to write….so I hope you like the story so far…:)