InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Conversations Concerning...'That' ❯ A Last Ditch Attempt ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsuki: we're back, and we have Japanese music to prove it!
Akina: dances about in a kimono
Tsuki: boogies yeah, so we're not going to write a real chapter to the story. This is going to be a last-ditch attempt to not write the ending. And so, Tsuki and Akina (your wonderful and beautiful and PERFECTLY SINGLE authoresses . hint hint) are proud to introduce…
The CCT Crew Musical!
insert triumphant sound effect here
Inuyasha and Little Stalker Buddy stared at the dog pile that was Miroku and Sesshoumaru. They weren't really sure what to do, but knew that they had to do something. So Inuyasha opened his mouth and song poured forth.
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood
He twirled Lil'Stalker around a couple of times, starting to tap-dance.
Singing is fun, everyone should—
Sesshoumaru stared at his brother with a look of utter contempt. “I am not going to join this horrendous event. I'm going home and taking a bath.”
He stalked off, flipping his long silver hair over his shoulder in anger. Inuyasha walked him go, but didn't spare the teenager much thought as he caught sight of Kikyo.
We're all friends so let's not fight
Miroku and Kikyo joined in with some well-placed `la la la's in the background, holding hands and spinning in happy circles. Little Stalker Buddy began to throw flower petals into the air, humming along with Inuyasha's little melody.
Watch out for Kikyo, she might bite.
“Hey!” the first stalker exclaimed, hurt. “You have to sing about nice things!”
Inuyasha gaped at her. “Did you materialize out of the floor or something? How did you find us?”
“…I heard music.”
Oh, I'm a girl with no name, I know this guy that's not really tame
Little Stalker Buddy began spinning around in circles all on her own, bursting in this happy bundle of stalker between Inu and Kikyo. She grabbed their shoulders and rocked back and forth with the confused mini-priestess and the semi-angry hanyou.
“Hey, I was singing!” Inuyasha protested.
I'm not sure how I came,
And those arrows are really lame.
“What?” Kikyo asked, eyes narrowed. The swaying came to an abrupt halt. So abrupt that Inuyasha's head collided with Little Stalker Buddy's.
“Ow!” they both cried, rubbing the hurt.
“Why did you stop!” Inuyasha demanded of Kikyo.
She stared at him for a moment, and then sighed. “I think I'd better explain it in song,” she confessed.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. “Huh?”
Every breath you take,
Every move you make,
Every heart you break,
Every step you take,
I'll be watching you.
“Ack!” Inuyasha exclaimed, trying to get away. Kikyo whipped out a disposable camera and began snapping pictures of him. Where she got the camera, I have no idea. I'm just a Moon Demon, not a rocket scientist.
Clawing at Kikyo's face and scrambling for a way out, Inuyasha was totally surprised when Miroku began to croon. No, that's not a typo. This kid just opened his mouth and out poured flatness.
I smell s in—
In the air,
Who's that lounging—
In my chair?
Who's that casting—
Deviant stares in my direction,
Mama this surely is a dream.
And if the key change had been a hurtle, Miroku would have plowed straight into it. The second time he sang those same seven lines over, he got wedged under that hurdle and lost a shoe. And the third time, the hurdle simply grabbed him around the throat and chucked him off the track.
Tsuki helped Miroku out of the bleachers and back onto that track. “You're not allowed out here,” she admonished, shaking a finger at him. Akina walked up with a roll of industrial-strength duct tape and handed it to the crazed authoress.
“Here, this'll help,” she said, being the helpful taco that she was.
Tsuki set about duct-taping Miroku's shoes to the Track of Dreams. After she was done and the kid was through ally horrified, they stuck a piece over his mouth.
“Take my advice—never try for American Idol,” she told him.
Waving cheerily, Tsuki and Akina retreated back to the Bleachers of Authoress Power. The blonde (Tsuki) paused before she got there, though, and ran back to the Track. Grabbing Adult Inuyasha and hauling him off she happily took her seat again.
“You can't just kidnap Inuyasha,” Akina told her. Tsuki didn't reply, but hissed at her coauthor and brandished a few claws at her.
“You're just jealous because he's mine,” she growled.
Young Inuyasha looked up from the dog pile that was Little Stalker Buddy, Kikyo, and the paralyzed Miroku.
“I sense a disturbance in the Force,” he said suddenly. That was when he noticed the silver stuff that Miroku was wrapped in. “…what is this?” he asked curiously, ripping it off the pervert's face.
“OW!” Miroku screamed, smacking Inuyasha.
“…it's…sticky. What is it?” he asked, playing with the duct tape. Kikyo grabbed it out of his hands.
“Wow, you're right. I wonder…”
She slapped the duct tape down on Inuyasha's head. The hanyou began to protest, as any sane person would.
“Um…guys? I have this bad feeling like that's going to—” Little Stalker Buddy began.
“I don't know if you should be—OH! MOTHER OF GOD! DAMNIT, THAT HURTS! AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!” Inuyasha screamed as Kikyo ripped the ducttape off his head.
It was now a small rectangle of silver hanyou hair.
“Intriguing,” Kikyo muttered, studying the tape.
That was when the authors remembered that it was four o'clock in the afternoon and they weren't being very hilarious. And so, the Inuyasha Broadway Show was brought to a close. Future Rin but the chairs on the tables and locked the door behind them, to prevent such a horror from ever occurring again, by order of the Adult Sesshoumaru. And if you're wondering what inspired this, then you'll just keep wondering. Authoresses hold no answers to the anti-logic that is this fic.
Tsuki: so the next chap you're going to get is the ending. Sorry.
Akina: cries
Tsuki: but how about some feedback on our last-ditch attempt for a longer story?
Akina: we'll even answer reviews, because that's just how spiffy we are.
Tsuki: and now that my idea slave has given me Japanese music, I'm good to go! .
Review Replies:
Sesshomaru Rules (u know its true) OK, then we will.
UsagiKurari 1. it came from my flange/brain, I explained that in my last review replies. 2. yes. At least, as far as all we fans know he is. Besides, has any1 ever pulled your hair? It frickin hurts! (Tsuki knows from experience, her hair used to go down to her butt). 3. …um…he…well, he unhinged his jaw like a snake and just kind of shoved it into his tummy, and…well, I dunno. He just did. 4. because what else would she do? 5. why am I answering all these questions? There's really no reason to explain the scarce logic behind this ficlet… 6. since I usually post at 11 on school nights, it only makes two of us night bunnies.
kumi meyano …yep. I agree to everything. Especially the chapter two part. You go.
kumi meyano nods whatever would he do without the tales of love and valour? …the world may never know…
kumi meyano it's Akina's favorite show! How could Tsuki not use that song? innocent eyes AND, mi tacos es MUY bueno, gracias.
kumi meyano …logic is not Tsuki's friend. Analogy? What is this `analogy'? oh yeah, we said that didn't we? Well…maybe we'll explain it. Hang in there, there's only one more chapter left! Y.Y
aaannnnddd…a special surprise from Tsuki, the Mediaminer Bunny!
Ancientdragon tanky! bows I would tell you that we try, but…well, we don't.
Sessgirl you've reviewed a lot for us on mediaminer, which tends to be less review-happy than fanfiction. Thank you very much, we aim for just a little bit of comedy every chapter. We're serious people.
Akina: stifles laughter
Tsuki: smirks
Once again, thank you all for the reviews. I want all you lazy bunnies viewing my pages and LEAVING to pipe up. Why have you left me without feedback? When Tsuki gets discouraged she stops posting chapters. (view my other fanfictions to verify). .