InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crimson Water ❯ Maya ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note: Yo. I'm Pirate Shinju….Shinju for short. And this is my fanfic. I put lots of effort and thought into it so please do me a favor and review. Thanks. R&R!
"Naraku. Forgive me." A beautiful wind demoness named Kagura said, bowing at the waist and staring down at the hardwood floor. "It was that blasted miko. She constantly protects him. If it weren't for her that mutt would be dead!"
A dark figure sitting in the shadows rose and took a step into the dim light of the candle. He had long, wavy black hair, sinister red eyes, and a sharp nose. Many women, if they did not know his reputation, may find him attractive, yet frightening. As he walked, he conjured a beating heart into the palm of him hand and squeezed it. Kagura gasped and fell to her knees, clenching her chest. She glared at Naraku with all the hate she could muster.
"Remember Kagura,” his voice was deep and smooth. I have your heart. You have failed me many times already. This is the last time I will tolerate it. Next time I won't be so forgiving." He squeezed the heart a little harder before releasing the pressure. Kagura slumped to the ground; her breath coming in short gasps. The two guards on either side of the entrance entered upon Naraku's request and dragged the unconscious wind demoness from the room.
(She has a point.) thought Naraku wryly, standing at the shoji screen door and looking out at the dry, barren land that has been the work of his venomous aura. (That girl interferes's been over two years since the Shikon no Tama was broken. I thought I would have gathered the shards by now. It's taking longer than expected because of Inuyasha and that girl!) He knew she was from another world. He has seen how she vanishes down the well after fighting with the mutt. He also knew how risky it would be to try and kill her. Her soul would most likely return to Kikyo, and that can mean nothing good considering the fact that Kikyo despised him. Returning Kikyo to full power would be foolish. That, and her friends would never allow it. (I have to think of a way to get rid of her...) A thought suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps there WAS a way to get rid of her. A way that would make her want to leave this world and never return.
"Kanna." He spoke to the far end of the room where a small girl with snow-white hair was sitting, holding a gleaming mirror. "When Kagura awakens, have her lure Sesshoumaru here." A smirk grazed his lips and he chuckled evilly.
A fairly large party of about 5 walked down a dirt road heading in no particular direction. The group consisted of a 17-year-old miko whose name was Kagome, a 19-year-old demon huntress named Sango, Miroku the monk, a fox kit named Shippo, and a short tempered half demon by the name of Inuyasha.
This group was on a quest, and no ordinary quest. They were searching for the fragments of the Shikon no Tama, the smallest shard of which can give the user unimaginable destructive power. They are also searching for Naraku; a sinister half demon who has caused pain to each of the group members one way or another.
The cheerfulness of the group was suddenly brought to an abrupt halt when Kagome suddenly stopped walking and stood there with an intense look on her face.
“Kagome, what is it?”
“I-I sense a Shikon shard!” she exclaimed. “It's coming... fast!” No sooner had she said this when a young girl of about 16 or 17 started running in their direction. Her long black hair was tied in a low ponytail by a blue ribbon and her eyes flashed with fear and excitement. She pushed her way past them and leaped behind a huge rock. Suddenly, a huge, gruesome demon that reminded them of a worm and a praying mantis suddenly emerged from the forest where the girl came in an explosion of sound. It completely caught the group off guard. Inuyasha recovered quickly, though, and withdrew his Tetsusaiga. With a loud battle cry he sliced the demon in two... well, at least that's what he tried to do. But, unfortunately, the sword bounced off it like rubber. Kagome took Shippo to safety while Sango and Miroku advanced forward to aid the half demon.
Shippo and her were watching the battle when she felt something.
“MIROKU, YOU HENTAI!!!” she said, slapping the monk…except it wasn't him. It was the girl from before. And she was holding something shiny that looked like…
“The Shikon shards!” Kagome cried. The girl took off running. “Wait!” Kagome chased after her. She ended up following her into the woods. The girl was out of sight but Kagome could still sense the shards. They weren't far off but it was getting hard to move because the trees were getting thicker. Frowning, Kagome came to an abrupt halt. According to her senses, they should be right here. But they were no where in sight. Unless….Kagome looked up. The girl was in the tree. The girl's brilliant purple eyes widened with shock as Kagome made eye contact with her.
“How did you know I was here?!” She cried.
“I could sense the shards.” Kagome replied. She aimed her arrow at the girl. “Give me the shards or I will have no choice but to shoot you.” The girl laughed.
“No way! I've been tracking you down for weeks to get my hands on these…” The girl gasped as Kagome's arrow hit a tree right next to her.
“I don't have time for this.” Kagome said, latching another arrow in her bow. “Give them to me or I'll shoot you.” Wow, thought Kagome, when did I get so firm? She and the girl looked at each other for a moment longer but was interrupted by a crashing sound nearby. An instant later, the demon from before crashed thru the trees and roared. One of it's praying mantis-like pinchers locked around the girl in the tree and lifted her in the air.
“I've found you. Now, wench… give me those shards you carry and I might kill you quickly. If you refuse I will inflict as much pain as humanly possible. Decide.” It said in a high-pitched raspy voice.
“Put me down!” the girl cried, kicking wildly.
“Very well. Prepare to d--” It's sentence was cut short as an arrow cut a clean path thru the demon's head. Inuyasha arrived an instant later looking livid.
“God damn bug! Think you can run, eh?” he yelled but he shut up quickly as the bug burst into pieces and fell to the ground. The girl screamed as she fell thru the air.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled.
“Right.” He said back. He leaped in the air and caught the falling girl before landing smoothly.
“Put me down!” The girl yelled, punching him in the face. He froze as a deep blue bruise formed on the side of his face. A vein popped in his temple. She pushed away from him but ended up landing on her rump on the hard ground. “I didn't need your help. I would have been fine.” She said this in a very moody tone.
“Why you stupid bi--”
“Now then,” Kagome began, a friendly smile on her face. “Please return the shards you took so we can---”
“WHAT!?” Inuyasha yelled, jumping up from the ground. “She took shards?!” He ran over to the girl and lifted her up by the collar of her shirt. “Give them back or I'll--”
The girl laughed. Kagome couldn't help but notice how cute and pretty she looked when she smiled. “How did you do that?” the girl asked between laughs.
“Just a spell.” Kagome replied. “It's the only way I can keep him in line. He has a very short fuse.”
“I noticed.” The girl stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes. She wore a light blue kimono with white flower decorations that had the sleeves cut off. It was also cut short to show off her legs. Her obi was red and she wore what looked like black stockings. It was by far the strangest outfit Kagome had seen in this age. Her eyes were the most interesting of her features. They were amber with flecks of blue.
“What's your name?” Kagome asked in a friendly tone. The girl stepped on Inuyasha and walked into the trees. She returned seconds later carrying two short swords, which she tied to her back.
“My name is Maya. Yours?” She said, a pleasant smile on her face.
“I'm Kagome. And my violent friend out cold on the ground is Inuyasha.”
“Hello, Kagome.” She reached into her kimono and pulled out a small glass vile, which is what they had gathered after Naraku took the much larger piece from them. “It was wrong for me to take this… but…” In one swift movement, she was back in the trees. “I'm afraid that I can't return it. I need it.” With that said, she leaped through the trees and into the forest. Well, at least she tried to. Unfortunately, she didn't make it far before tripping over a branch. Falling from the tree, she hit the ground. Hard. Kagome rolled her eyes.
The lord of the western lands, Sesshoumaru, sat upon to the mossy floor of an old forest, leaning on an ancient tree. His eyes were closed in a light slumber as the summer breeze gently blew against the emerald blades of grass. It was very relaxing. His traveling servant, Jaken, was somewhere close by watching the little human girl named Rin, whom he had saved from a pack of Koga's wolves and had become very fond of.
He wasn't entirely sure what it was about her that made him keep her around. Perhaps it was her intense joy and enthusiasm that, for some reason, seemed to put him at peace. Or maybe it was the fact that she was the only living thing that enjoyed his company. Even Jaken, who has loyally served him for years, cast him dark looks often. Whatever the reason, he had taken care of her for almost two years. Suddenly, the wind stopped and it got eerily cold.
His eyes snapped open when a familiar and unwelcome scent reached his nostrils. "Show yourself." He said to the trees. A figure emerged. It was Kagura.
“Ah. Senses as sharp as always, Sesshoumaru.” she said with a laugh.
“What do you want?” he said.
“You are searching for Naraku, are you not?” He said nothing. “Well, you are in luck. He invites you.”
Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow. “He is a fool if he thinks that I will assist him with anything. I am searching to kill him, not to form an alliance.”
“Maybe, but It wouldn't hurt to go anyway. I know that you have been looking for him for a while. This would cut your search short.”
Sesshoumaru said nothing as he looked at her with his intense, golden gaze. He knew very well that this could be a trap, but he was tired of looking for that damned hanyou. Seconds later, Jaken and Rin came through the forest clearing. Jaken gasped when he saw Kagura.
“L-Lord Sesshoumaru!” He sputtered.
“Jaken, you are to return to the castle. Rin, go with him.” Sesshoumaru commanded.
“B-But, Sire! Where are you going?” Jaken gasped.
Sesshoumaru ignored him and looked back at Kagura. She smiled and pulled a feather from her hair. It enlarged and she hopped onto it.
“I hope you can keep up.” and she soared off into the sky.
In reply, he followed by hopping from one tree to another using the least possible movement as always.
“Enough, Kanna. Withdraw.” Naraku said, sipping on his sake. He had been watching Sesshoumaru through Kanna's mirror and saw that the demon lord was headed in his direction. “Saburo,” He said, looking to a corner where a dark shadow sat. “You will soon have your first assignment.”
“Yes, My Lord.” a deep voice said from the shadows.
Sesshoumaru was almost taken by surprise when Kagura suddenly halted in midair. She lowered her feather down until it was hidden beneath the trees.
“May I ask what you are doing?” he said, joining her.
“I can sense that Naraku has stopped watching us. We are free to speak.” she said in reply. She looked at him intensely. “Why are you going? You are not so naive as to think that this is not a trap.”
“What I do is not for you to question. He and I have something to settle.” he said coldly.
“Is this about the time the mortal girl was abducted?”
“Rin has nothing to do with this. He has attempted to trap me far too many times so he will be torn to pieces by my talons.” He said that in a firm tone that clearly said that it was an end to the conversation. The iciness in his voice caused even the birds to fly away in fear.
((Reckless fool.)) Kagura thought, once again soaring through the air. ((He will regret this. Naraku is planning something… I know it.))
Author's note: well? How'd you like it? I'm almost done with the second chapter so I'll get it on Media Miner asap. REVIEW PLEASE!!! ^___^