InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cross My Heart ❯ Contemplation ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
[A/N] Sess's thoughts on Rin
=#= Contemplation =#=
He never asked for her attention. He never asked for her touch. Yet, she knew that he needed them. She knew to persist, to never give up on him. She knew, as he came to understand, that he needed her.
With soulful, grave dark eyes, she places her hand on his empty sleeve and he lets her. By touch and by taste she is intimately familiar with the stump there. He has no more mysteries hidden from her. One by one, he has entrusted them to her care. Even the ones that hurt; the ones that fill him with shame.
So many times he turned her away before he let her she show him she could love him exactly as he was—a cripple; less than perfect.
She has suffered because he is a demon.
She loves him anyways.
It is in her gentle touch, in the whisper of her lips across his brow. It is in the rocking sway of her hips as she straddles him and the flushed joy of her face as she rides him to completion. It is in the quirk of her smile and the secret, feminine light in her teasing eyes.
It is in the wealth of her tears.
It has been paid for again and again in the blood she has shed.
She has fought for the right to stay by his side. She has the won the right to bear his children. She has gifted him with lovely daughters and strong sons. She has given everything and surrendered herself into his care.
He will never again deny her the place she has in his heart.