InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crossed Wires ❯ What's Big, Bad, and Oh Never mind! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Ummm, ahhh… well…. Can I? No? Okey. Well what about?

Okey, okey. ! RT owns Inuyasha, I just want them really really bad.

Crossed Wires

Chapter Six - What's Big, Bad, and Oh Never mind!

Kagome and Sango looked at each other, there was no way. No possible way. Shuddering the two women looked back at the expectant demons and the 'prize' at their feet as all around them the sounds of snarling feeding wolves echoed through the cave.

"Umm, Kouga?"

The wolf demon's tail twitched at hearing his name from the miko's lips, "yea?"

"Is there ummm.." the miko winced at the roll of her stomach "anyway we can ah.." she swallowed against the rising bile in her throat, "have fish?"

The slayer put her hand over her mouth to hide her reflexive gag.

Isamu and Kouga - rather proud of their skill at providing and not understanding the women's reactions - just looked at each other. Sango didn't wait around to hear their response. In a mad dash she rushed through the waterfall and out into the early morning sun and emptied the contents of her stomach.

Sounds of her retching filled the cave and fueled Kagome's own dash through the waterfall to the other side. Within moments her own retching mirrored the slayer's.

"What?" Isamu muttered.

Kouga listened to the girls being sick and looked down at the kill. Opaque eyes glared back from pale blood speckled skin split by the sharp claws of his hunters. Bone winked from one of the gashes that still oozed a dark crimson wetness into a congealing puddle on the floor. He sniffed, no the kill was fresh. He turned to the demon beside him and met the confusion he saw there with his own.

Outside the miko fought against the black dots corroding her vision as she pressed her hand to her aching stomach. It had looked humanoid, the snake demon the wolves had bought back for their 'breakfast'. There was no way she could eat that, and by the sounds the slayer was making, she agreed.

Lightheaded from the purging she wobbled to Sango's side. Wrapping her arms around the slayer they supported each other as they put as much distance between themselves and the snarling feeding pack in the cave, as possible.

"Kagome?" they fought with dizziness as they stumbled along side the waterfall's pool.

Sinking onto cool moss they both laid back and let the spray cool their heated skin, "yea?"

"I don't think I want to know how the other half live anymore."

The miko closed her eyes against the bright sunshine and willed her rolling stomach to settle, "yea".

Afraid to move and unsettle their stomachs both girls lay quietly, the soothing sound of rushing water drowning out all other noise. Before long both women were deeply asleep. That's where Kouga and Isamu found them, hair glistening with droplets from the waterfall.


Kouga refused to remove his gaze from the raven haired beauty's sleep softened face.

"Alpha, I want leave to court the slayer."

Sapphire eyes flicked to silver gray, "You know about the monk?" the wolf demon nodded, then returned his gaze to the curled figure of the slayer.

"He won't let her go easily." Kouga warned.

A lecherous grin spread across Isamu's features, "neither will I".

Kouga nodded. He felt the same about the tiny miko. Sinking onto the moss by her side he allowed his sharp vision to move over Ginta and Hakkaku in sentry positions. Satisfied with their placement he went back to studying the woman beside him.

The mutt was a fool, he reasoned as his heart filled with warmth at her beauty. When you had a beautiful, capable, strong, and powerful woman attracted to you, you didn't treat her as Inutrasha had done Kouga's Kagome.

His Kagome. His smile was full of wildness as he brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. He knew she didn't believe that he truly loved her and he also knew that it was his own fault. His method of courtship had been sporadic, and brief the odd moments he had been near her. It wasn't how he wanted to woo her, but his thirst for revenge had drove him to seek out the bastard Naraku and deal with him, first.

How could he put his own desires ahead of those of his pack who still cried out for blood at the loss of their brethren? That didn't mean he felt any less for the woman sleeping beside him. It only meant that duty and the pack's well being always came before his own. Regardless of how much his heart ached to hold this woman, or how much he craved her nearness. Despite the at times crippling desire to know she was well, or the longing to lose himself in her at night.

His thumb moved from her lips down her jaw, so beautiful. His chest ached with the need to hold her. Just hold her. He moved closer, his upper body held aloft by an elbow below him. Well, why not? She had chosen to leave the mutt and come with him. So, why not?

Taking a final look around to ascertain the placement of the sentries, he noted Isamu's nearness to the slumbering slayer. Satisfied all was well the wolf prince lowered himself to rest beside the miko. He watched her breath slip between her parted lips, and the trembles of her lashes as she dreamed.

Did she dream of him?

Rumbling low in his chest he pulled her close and nestled her head on his shoulder, his arms moving around her to hold her loosely. If not now, he promised himself, she would. He would teach her how. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and allowed his lashes to fall as her subtle scent filled his being. She was his. He sighed in contentment. He would not be giving her up.

It was growing cool. Sango sighed and burrowed closer to the warmth cradling her, tickling at her nose. Inhaling she sneezed abruptly and blinked awake at the low rumble of laughter beneath her ear. Fur, she blinked again. Fur? She pushed up, and then stopped as a heavy weight pulled her back against a hard, fur covered chest.

Biting her lip she looked past tendrils of silver streaked black hair to a square jaw, full lips, chiseled features and silver gray eyes, "Isamu!" she squealed and sat up abruptly pushing long brown locks out of her eyes.

Startled awake by the slayer's squeal, Kagome blinked against the warmth of a strong neck, and long black hair mixing with hers across her shoulders, "Kouga?" The muttered name caused the arm across her waist to squeeze her closer against his side.

"Well, well, well isn't this cozy" was snarled along with, "Oh HELL NO!"

Both women jumped up at the well known anger filled voices.



'How he get here?' the wolf prince snarled, before looking around. His shoulders relaxed at the sight of Ginta struggling up, rubbing a knot on the back of his head.

Smiling lazily Kouga and Isamu rose with fluid grace and moved in front of their respective women, "what are you doing here mutt?"

Inuyasha reached around the wolf prince, grabbing Kagome's arm he gently yanked her toward him. Snarling at the wolf demon he buried his nose in the nape of the miko's neck, inhaling deeply of his woman's scent.

"Now mine!" the monk snarled pushing the slayer within easy reach of the half-demon's nose. Satisfied his Kagome was untouched the half-demon sniffed the slayer and shook his head no to the monk.

Blinking in shock at first waking up beside the wolf demons, and then being subjected to the snarls and sniffs of the monk and half-demon, the slayer and miko suddenly found themselves mouths agape behind the half-demon and monk as they faced off against the two wolves.

"Just what the hell do you think you were doing?" the monk's knuckles whitened as he gripped his staff.

Isamu arched a brow, "…napping with my woman."

Sango gasped, "your…"

Isamu flashed her an doting grin crossing his arms over his chest, "yea, I'm courting you."

"Fuck that, and fuck you wolf breath" Inuyasha pushed against Kouga's chest.

"What's the matter mutt, got a problem with a man enjoying his woman's company?"

"She's not yours!" the half-demon snarled, fangs bared in rage.

"And neither is Sango" the monk's snarl was as impressive as the half-demon's.

The wolf demons dropped into a fighting stance, fangs bared and responded in unison, "Yes, they are!"

"ISAMU" the men turned toward a tawny haired she-wolf bounding down the cliff face. "Just what the heck do you think you're doing?"

Isamu pushed the woman to the side, "not now Ren!"

Kagome and Sango fully awake now and hopping mad grabbed the monk and half-demon and whipped them around, "what are you doing?"

Pushing the miko behind him away from the wolf prince, Inuyasha snarled, "protecting what's ours!"

"Damn straight!" the monk growled attempting to push Sango behind him as well.

"YOURS?" the slayer and miko shouted.

Inuyasha suddenly felt a rather hard fingertip jabbing his chest, "what about your promise to Kikyo?"

"And yours to half the child bearing females in Japan?" Sango glowered hands on her hips.

A loud guff snatched Kagome's attention as she watched the wolf prince double with laughter, "What's so funny or have you forgotten Ayami?"

"and what about you Isamu, you told father you'd bond with that she-wolf of the southern pack!" frowned Ren.

Kagome boiled, as Sango steamed.

"Kagome, look it's not like that…"

"I didn't promise Ayami anything, besides she was a small, really small…"

"Sango dear, you know those other women…"

"Ren I am going to bond with Sango she's …"

"ARGGGHHH, Shut. Up!" the miko bellowed, eyes closed, hands over her ears.

Noting the thunderstruck silence she grabbed Sango's hand, "I've just about had enough." she hissed fighting back tears, "you're all so busy blustering about owning this, protecting that, that you never stopped once and asked what Sango or I wanted! Any of you…"

Sango's hand tightened around Kagome's, continuing briskly as the tiny woman faltered, "Evidently, not one of you is free to stake a claim on either one of us, no matter what Kagome or I want. So what are you doing? What is this all about?"

"Sango," Kagome interrupted with a forced laugh, "forget it, they don't get it."

Jaded beyond limits, the slayer called out to the fire cat who - Shippo perched on her shoulders - had been watching the exchanges nearby.

"Sango…" Isamu moved in her direction, hand extended.

Shooting him a black look the slayer turned her back and climbed a top Kirara.

"Go on, go back to whatever you were doing," the miko spiritedly waved her hand as she climbed behind the slayer, "it's obvious it had nothing to do with Sango or I so we won't be missed."


"Yup," Kagome nodded and looking away from the astonished men, leaned back as the fire cat left the ground and sped away in the late afternoon sky.

"This is all your fucking fault!" the half demon rounded on the wolf prince.

"Like hell!" Kouga growled pushing his face into Inuyasha's menacingly.

"Where do you think you're going?" the monk grabbed Isamu's forearm.

"After my woman!" the wolf wretched his arm away.

"Isamu!" the she-wolf snapped as all hell broke loose.

