InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crossed Wires ❯ Taming the Shrew ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Tell me a lie, who owns Inuyasha?

Remember, lie and do it well!

Crossed Wires

Chapter Eight - Taming the Shrew

Kagome sighed and pushed back the blanket pooled at her waist, "Sango, tell me I'm not hearing what I'm hearing."

The slayer faced the doorway and the fur capped half-demon, "You know what I never got?" she reached for her weapon.

"What?" the miko stood, and grabbed her bow and arrows.

"What's with the baboon fur?" She nodded her head toward the fur covered man.

"As disguises go it's a pretty lame one" she stepped up beside the demon slayer and tilted her head studying Naraku, "so what gives?"

The hanyou rolled his shoulders beneath the fur and grunted, " spur of the moment..."

"Right-t-t-t…" the miko grinned winking at the slayer.

"Look can we get back to the main point?"

"Oh I dunno" the slayer watched the hanyou fidget, "I thought the why's behind that choice of disguise was pretty on point."

"You know" the miko appeared thoughtful, "maybe it is on point, isn't one of the definitions of baboon, a coarse" the miko lifted her bow.

"..ridiculous" the slayer hefted her weapon

"..person of low intelligence?" the miko notched an arrow.

Both women grinned at the hanyou and chorused, "we get the disguise."

Naraku growled and threw off the fur, straightening to his natural height long dark hair flowing behind him in a snarling supernatural wind he lifted his arms in menace and pointed to the women.

"Ohhhhh, you know if you weren't so evil you'd be so-o-o-o hot!"

Sango winked at the miko, "pretty fine huh?"

"In an super villainy kinda way" Kagome grinned as the hanyou huffed exasperated.

"Enough!" the hanyou fumed.

"Close but not quite" the miko grinned loving the way the hanyou was off balanced,

"those eyebally things though" she indicated them with the point of her arrow, "they don't do anything for your sex appeal"

"Those tentacles either" the slayer nodded, then appeared to be considering "although…."

"Bedroom sport!" both girls chorused grinning as the unflappable Naraku did the unthinkable, and blushed.

"He blushed", the slayer snickered.

"Red as Inuyasha's haori!" Kagome tittered.

Sango turned slightly toward the miko, "now that's a cute costume!"

"It is isn't it, and sexy too" the miko grinned at the slayer, "but then so is Miroku's. It leaves so much to the imagination"

"Don't you wonder?" Sango grinned, "what's underneath?"

Kagome's head bobbled, "Heck Yea!"

"WOMAN!" the voice cracked with the force of thunder, prelude to the silence that followed within the tiny hut.


"What?" Naraku flinched.


"There's two of us," the slayer pointed the end of her weapon to Kagome and then to herself, "so it's 'Women'.."

Naraku's fingers clenched in a fist, "I know there are two of you!"

"So why'd you say 'woman' then?" the miko tilted her head inquisitively.

"Fine" the hanyou managed between clenched teeth, "WOMEN!" again silence fell in the tiny hut.

"Naww" the slayer shook her head, "you're right."

"What?" the hanyou felt his brain beginning to drain away as mush.

"Woman, it sounds so much better" Kagome met Sango's nod with one of her own.

Naraku blinked.

Sango motioned, "go on, say it"

He felt like crying, he really did.

"Say it, you know you want too" the miko crooned.

"Woman" the hanyou whimpered.

Both girls smiled at the hanyou, "now don't you feel better?"

Shippo sat mouth agape watching the by play between the evil hanyou and the women. He began to feel for the half-demon in the doorway.

"So.." the slayer hefted her weapon.

Naraku looked up his left eye twitching.

The miko aimed her arrow again, "what did you want?"

"Huh?" The hanyou's hands began to tremble.

Both women frowned, "you woke us, you must of wanted something?"

Naraku tried, he really did, to remember what it was he came into the hut for but his brain had fizzled and died a mush filled death fifteen minutes ago so he shrugged.

It was the miko and slayer's turn to blink.

The miko was the first to reach a full head of steam, "you mean to tell me that you came here in the middle of the night…"

Stomping to the doorway the slayer pushed the hanyou's shoulder, "..woke us from a sound sleep…"

"..and can't remember what you wanted?" the miko having traveled to the door as well kicked the baboon fur in frustration.

Both women glared at him, "go away."

Naraku's head dropped.

"NOW!" the women chorused.

He stooped, picked up the snout of his disguise and turning, hobbled out of the doorway dragging the baboon fur behind him.

"Can you believe that?" the slayer kicked a shower of dirt behind the rapidly disappearing man.

The miko returned to her pallet and placing her bow and arrows beside her crawled under the covers, "Men!"

"You got that" the slayer rumbled slipping beneath her own blankets.

Shippo looked at the empty doorway, back to the now quiet women, then to Kirara, "you saw that right?"

The neko demon nodded and meowed. Long moments of quiet astonishment passed before the neko-demon and kitsune rousted themselves enough to seek their beds as well.

Beneath a gnarled oak the evil hanyou stopped head bowed his baboon fur stretched behind him, the snout cupped in his palm as stars circled the sky before the pale colors of morning lightened the horizon.

It was how Kagura found him mid morning.

He remained unmoving in the violent rush of wind that announced her arrival. "Yo!"

She fidgeted from foot to foot in the quiet surrounding him and finally deciding that maybe anywhere was better than here. She reached for one of the feathers in her hair, only to be stopped by his voice.


She watched him warily, her fan in front of her face.

"My eyebally things are sexy, right?"

She gasped, 'what the hell', as he raised his eyes to hers.


Writer's Note: Oh boy was this chapter F.U.N!
