InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crossed Wires ❯ Escape ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Have I told you yet, I make no money, or that I just love twisting them into pretzels? Well consider yourself told.

Crossed Wires

Chapter 17 - Escape

Darkness bled in shadows across the courtyard of the Western Lord’s estate. The central fountain gurgled within the pond it fed filling the night with soft washes of water and tiny waves. Flush against the side of the castle two shadowy figures paused before darting to the next concealing tree. Pressed flat against the bark, breaths were muted as anxious eyes studied the surrounding area for the next move.

A slightly larger hand grabbed the smaller and with a quick nod bent low to the ground and ran until slamming against another tree. Kagome fought to keep her heart from racing from her chest, her breath from harsh gasps as Sango peered around the trunk and watched a sentry move by unaware. Leaning back against the tree trunk she gulped another breath and looked at her friend.

“We have to make the tree line this time Kagome” the slayer whispered squeezing her companion’s hand lightly. Nodding her understanding she gave the slayer the tiniest of smiles. Briefly answering her smile with one of her own, the slayer bent and carefully marking the sentry position pulled on the miko’s hand as they made a dash for the forest tree line.

Slipping past the tree line within the forest shadows the girls slammed against another tree and holding their breaths waited for the sound of discovery. The sound of insects, and the eerie howl of a lone wolf was the only response. Trembling with reaction the girls slipped down the tree trunk to rest momentarily, heads back against the bark as they drew deep breaths to calm their fears and allowed their eyes to adjust to the deep darkness within the forest.

Not wanting to risk discovery so close to Sesshoumaru’s sentries the slayer slid back up the tree and grabbing the miko’s hand pulled her along quietly as they made their way deep within the forest surrounding the Western Lord’s domain.

Sango gave thanks for the clouds obscuring the moon feeding the forest’s dark shadows aiding with their escape. Slowly she pushed herself and Kagome further within the wooded depths, her heart whispering a silent prayer for her monk.

Unknown to the fleeing women two other shadows had watched their progress across the lawn into the tree line. Moving with the silent skill of hunters the shadows made the girl’s passage safer eliminating any obstacle to their progress.


The whispered hiss, caught the hanyou’s attention and he quickly reached up and knocked the approaching sentry senseless as the monk drew closer to the hanyou’s position.

Pulling the sentry into the shadows the hanyou and monk quickly moved to the tree line through which they had watched the slayer and miko escape.

Slipping within the trees the hanyou and monk searched the immediate area looking for the girls until a long eerie howl filled the night. Straightening the half demon and monk looked at each other and shivered.

Shaking himself the hanyou took a deep breath and found the scent he knew so well. Motioning to the right and just ahead he and the monk took off needing to reach the girls before someone else could.

Sango berated herself softly at not picking up her weapon when Sesshoumaru had taken her and Kagome. She pushed through the brush trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the castle behind them. It was tough going, her eyes were not use to the night like her hanyou friend and they had to move slower than she would have liked.

She hated pushing the miko so hard but they had to make some distance before the clouds moved from the moon’s face. Grabbing the miko’s hand again she was surprised when Kagome stumbled to a stop.

“Sango” the miko whispered, “someone’s following us”

The slayer stopped and tilted her head, eyes closed. There to her left, a slight sound of leaves crunching. Turning toward the sound she pushed Kagome behind her and backed them both deeper into the shadows. Both girls held their breath as the sounds drew closer.

A set of red glowing eyes peered toward the shadow that held the slayer and miko, the rest of the demon’s appearance hidden by the long trunk of a fallen moss covered tree. Harsh breath filled the silence as a long snout pushed from beyond the tree. A long red tongue falling from a gaped mouth full of sharp teeth.

“Don’t move Kagome” whispered the slayer as the large bodied wolf stepped before the shadow where they hid.

Slowly the animal lifted it’s snout and breathed in the girl’s scent. The long tongue wiped at the muzzle dripping with saliva as the wolf crouch low to the ground. Both girls froze as the red eyes swept the shadow and their forms. Growling low in his throat the wolf tensed, then sprang.

A long piercing scream filled the forest and plunged the hearts of the half demon and monk into their stomachs.

“Go Inuyasha” the monk barked, as the half demon took flight bounding into the tree tops. His heart hammering, the half demon flew through the branches racing to where the scream still echoed.

Ahead of him he heard the snarls of a wolf and the cries of a woman in pain. Reaching the area he bound to the ground and pushed aside the slayer who was trying to wrestle the miko from the wolf’s grasp and grabbed the neck of the wolf squeezing tightly as it whipped it’s head the miko’s arm within his jaws.

Inuyasha squeezed as Kagome screamed, the bones in the wolf’s neck snapping with the force of his hold. Dropping the wolf’s body he grabbed the wolf’s snout and prying it apart released his miko to slump unconscious on the ground.

“Kagome?” the half demon picked her up and cradled her in his arms, his hand pressing against the bite wound trying to staunch the flow of blood. “Kagome?”

The slayer, tears streaming down her face, crawled to her friend’s side, “she stepped in front of me when the wolf attacked.”

The monk burst through the trees at the sound of the slayer’s sobs and quickly pulled her into his arms. Holding her close he murmured softly to her as the half demon picked up the miko in his arms.

Pushing herself out of the monk’s arms the slayer torn the bottom of her furisode and wrapped the flowing wound, tears silently coursing down her face. Looking up at the half demon he whispered, “I’m sorry” before turning back into the monk’s arms.

Inuyasha shook his head, “not your fault” he quietly whispered fighting against his fear, “I’m heading back to the idiot’s, Kagome needs help”

Turning he began running back the way they had come his thoughts on the woman in his arms.


Wr iter’s Note: Well, well, well…
