InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cure for a Wounded Soul ❯ Prouloge ( Chapter 1 )
Cure for a Wounded Soul
The storm that came that night was the worst anyone had ever seen. Within the little town, the windows were barricaded and doors locked against the strength of the gales. Rain lashed the earth, turning it brown with rivers of mud. Every so often, lighting lit the bruise colored sky, and a great rumble of thunder would sound, like the neigh of the Boanerges. One light shone through the deep night, coming from one of the houses somewhat away from the others. Within, a story was about to unfold, one that would touch the lives of everyone on both sides of The Wall.
Inside the lit house, an old crone was telling tales by a crackling fire. Around her sat a mixture of children, faces shining in the firelight as they listen to her tell her legends of enchantment and mystery. Behind the children sat the adults, pretending to be listing to the rain, but in truth, were just as wrapped up in the woman's fairy-tale as the children.
Suddenly, over the noise and clatter of the storm, a great blow came upon the door. The company of people sitting inside turned to the door, eyes wide. Another heart stopping blow came upon the door, and it rattled upon its hinges. A young man, obviously braver then the rest, arose from his seat and went to the door. Undoing the latched, he opened the door a crack and peered out. The pouring, wind driven rain blinded him for a moment, and then he saw the visitors.
A man with rain soaked back hair was leading an equally sodden horse, who carried an undistinguishable mound of blankets upon his back. His obsidian black eyes bore into the mans. "Please help her." He said, his voice powerful, as it rode above the storm. Reaching up, he removed the mound of blankets from the horse. Carrying the bundle, he stepped by the astounded young man and into the hut, dripping wet. Setting down his load with the utmost care, he pushed back the hair that clung wetly to his forehead and looked at all the faces, staring at him in disbelief. "Is anyone in here a midwife?" He asked with a calm desperation. After a few moments of silence there was some rustling, and a few young women stepped forward. "I leave her in your hands." He stated, and then moved away from the bundle.
The oldest and bravest of the women who had stepped forward was called Romira. With hesitant movements she knelt by the blankets and began to unwrap them. As she moved the first one away the face of a woman came into view. Her skin was white as milk, with a bit of color around her cheek bones. Raven colored hair was coming loose from a bun, and she opened her eyes, which were a cerulean blue. Romira, with the help of some of the younger girls, fully unwrapped the woman and laid her near the fire. A nine moon belly rose like a mound from the woman's body, and she shuddered with contractions every few minutes, although never made a sound. The midwives, ordered by Romira, began the preparations to birth.
One hour later a small, wrinkle faced baby girl filled the hut with her screams. One of the younger girls held the baby while the other began to wrap up the mother's body. The poor woman had only been able to remain in this world long enough to finish giving birth before the stress had taken her over and extinguished her spark of life. The man, who had carried the mother in, obviously the father, stepped out of the shadows and gathered the infant in his arms. Tears brimming from his eyes, she looked down at his daughter. Her cries faded away, and cerulean blue eyes stared into black ones, the same color as her mothers. "She must be blessed." He said softly. The custom after a baby was born was to place a general blessing against sickness, spirits, and all other things that could cause her harm throughout life. The old crone who had been spinning tales stepped forward to bless the baby. But as she took her to perform the blessing, the little body shuddered once, then was still.
"She to has passed on." The woman said, and made to relieve herself of the corpse. "No." He father stated. "Perform the blessing." Unsure of what to do, the old woman studied his face. His eyes burned with a vengeance, and it sent chills to her soul. Afraid of what he might do, she began the blessing, chanting rhythmically and passing her hand back and forth over the lifeless body. "And she shall be called…" The woman waited for the father to fill in her name. "Kagome." He said solemnly. "And she shall be blessed with…" again she paused, waiting for the master blessing that would help her make the rest of her decisions in life. Most children were blessed with honesty, courage, of something of the like. However, some have an immediate affinity for magic, and are blessed with there magical element, such as Light, Earth, Fire ect. Only children with strong magical background could be recognized as such, and this girl was one of them. But only the parents knew of the element. Everyone waited with bated breath for her element to be spoken.
"Rashinga." The father stated. A few people gasped, and the woman turned to the father with terror written in her eyes. Rashinga was the ancient word for miko, a female with amazing spiritual powers and that could control any and all elements. "You mean to say that this girl is a miko?" The woman asked in disbelief. The father didn't answer, simply looked at the crone with patience. "Very well. And she will be blessed with Rashinga." As she traced the mark of the miko upon the child's head in ash, the body began to glow strangely. The sage was scared out of her mind now, but she finished the symbol. It flashed silver, and vanished into the forehead. "But that's…impossible. The blessing took to a corpse." A few moments later, the baby, Kagome, began to cry again. The old woman almost dropped her. She had seen many strange things in her life, but never something lie this. A baby brought back to life after being blessed with miko powers? She looked at the father, who was breathing hard as his hands faded back to a normal color. They had been glowing gold as he cast a spell to bring his daughter to life. "We are going to need to stay with you for awhile." He stated calmly.
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There you have a prologue! Before anyone asks, I'm going to answer why Kagome's father, who is obviously a very powerful wizard, did not bring his wife back to life. You see, the wife's soul had been slowly slipping away as time passed, and because it was in 'bits and pieces' so to speak, he was unable to gather all the bits to form a complete soul. But because Kagome's soul was still complete, he was able to save her.
If any of you have read Sabriel, I am basing this story loosely off that book.
Special note: A Boanerges is a huge, mythical black horse. Obviously very loud.