InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cut and Paste ❯ Washed Away Whispers ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Washed away Whispers
By: emeraldoni
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha.
Rain thundered again dripping stone as rushing rivulets poured through small dips in the ground. Darkened skies screamed with unruly outrage as they let loose on hidden homes and quivering creatures caught in the torrential downpour. Lighting flashed, revealing one staggering person on their knees as the confusion of the storm only reflected their emotion.
She heaved slightly as thick mud cloaked her fingers with a second skin. Sopping hair clung to her neck and shoulders, falling past her face to mingle with the flooding ground. A steady stream of tears fell down blanched cheeks, unnoticed as they mingled with the crying of the sky.
“InuYasha…” She whispered, hunching over her knees as the dampness soaked into her panties and skirt, her rear flat in the ground, quickly forming into a quick.
“This wasn't supposed to happen… InuYasha…” A sob forced its way out of her thickening throat, constriction welling up in her chest, her neck, her nose, until another sob painfully pushed its way out.
Cold eyes flashed before her own pained orbs, her heart bleeding painfully over a scene that she couldn't rid herself of. Over and over it replayed in her mind, endless in its torture, cutting and scarring in a way never meant to be healed.
Too much, too much…
It was all too much. The entanglement of silver and shadow, the embrace of love resulting in an action of hate.
I love you…” He had whispered, a strangled unlike his normally abrasive voice. The voice she dreamed about, her savior, her companion, her friend, her love.
Her betrayer.
I love you…” He whispered, his claws wrapped in coal black hair as golden orbs narrowed in affection and sadness. Pale hands returned the desperate embrace, slowly warming up in the living heat of his body.
I love you…” He whispered, “Kikyo…”
Wind whipped around her as she squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to rid her self of the damned plague of unwelcome thoughts.
“Stop it.” She muttered, her voice tight and breathless as forceful current of air stole the vibrations of her voice away from her. Her face stung as though bees had attacked her, or she had been slapped, yet was just a welcome distraction from words she didn't wish to speak.
Water rose as she hunched over, grasping her head in an attempt to shake away the nightmare, to believe in something that was not reality. To believe in a dream that had peppered her life since the moment she had fallen into the time-encompassing fate.
Go away, go away…
“Save me,” she cried silently as echoes of hurt radiated off her small, smothered body, “Help me…” she whispered.
Coolness, soothing coolness. Her body slowly stopped shivering as the currents of water and debris moved about her, below her, above her. She floated away, relaxing as somehow what mattered didn't matter so much anymore, as her pain was washed away.
“InuYasha…” Whispered a bubble, popping at the surface of a pond, echoing in the calming wind and slowing rains.
I love you…
A/N: Did you understand? I hope so. Okay, I have to finish my HW now.