InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Damn Strait-Drive Cars ❯ Sesshoumarus Trouble ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey, I'm back with another one shot. This is AU and makes very little sense/

D*amn Strait drive cars

`Why did I come here in the first place?' Sesshoumaru questioned himself for about the tenth time in the past hour.

He was at a party, supposedly supervising his little brother. Inuyasha had a tendency to get drunk or mess with drugs so Inutaishou made Sesshoumaru trail him.

"Inuyasha, I am leaving."

"No you're not big brother," Inuyasha slurred back.

"And why not?"

"You can't get out. Miroku, me, Sango, and Kikyo boxed you in."

"Fine, I'll find Sango and borrow her car." Sesshoumaru stormed off in search of her.

"Sango, I need to borrow your car."

"Why? Are you leaving now?"


"Fine, here ya go." She tossed him her keys and Sesshoumaru handed his to her.

Sesshoumaru walked out to the parking lot looking for Sango's black as night '69 mustang. His own car was a Nissan ZX300 twin turbo, also black. Sesshoumaru found the car and slide into it.

"Just fucking great. I just had to choose her car didn't I?" He muttered when he caught sight of the gear shifter. "Now, this shouldn't be too hard…"

He managed to pull the car out into the street after stalling out a few times and began to drive down a deserted road. He started to think he had the hang of driving it when he caught scent of burning rubber. He just shrugged it off as he continued. About a mile down the road, smoke began billowing out of the exhaust pipe and from under the hood. He cut the car off, cussing up a storm.

"What the hell is wrong with this thing!?!?" He screamed. "And of course, I leave my fucking cell phone with my brother!" He kicked the car and screamed a bit more before finally just sitting down in it to wait for someone to come by. To make things worse it began raining. After a good hour or so, a car finally came into view. It slowed down next to him. It was a Bronco II with a chic driving it.

"Need some help?"

"It appears that I do. Something was burning in the engine and now it won't restart."

"Strait-drive I bet."


"Then I know exactly what's wrong. You fried your clutch. I could tow it into town for you."

"Would you? This is not my car, I was driving it because my car became boxed in and I wished to leave."

"Hang on and I'll get the chain out." The woman went to the back of the car and pulled the heaviest damn chain out.

"You need that heavy a chain?"

"No, it's just the one I carry around. Could you attach this to the back of my Bronco when I back it up to you?"

She got into the car and backed up quickly, nearly hitting him. They got the chain attached, checked to make sure the Mustang was in neutral and began their way into town.

"By the way, I'm Kagome."


"What were you doing way out here?"

"Trying to find my way home from a party my little brother was attending."

Kagome suddenly reached up a pushed a button on the top.

"What was that for?"

"I forgot to put it in 4*4. With it raining like it is, and me towing you, I need all the traction I can get." (Push button four-wheel drive baby! Gotta love it!)

"Where you staying anyway?"

"My fathers house. 23543 Linkin Dr."

"Damn, that's an hour away."

Should I leave it there or what?