InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ trapped ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter 15 Trapped

Well Hi guys sorry for keeping you waiting. Next week, Monday till Thursday I have exams. So please forgive the lack of update in that time.

Enjoy, oh and to jamila, or punk_rocker, I'm sorry but I can't find your story.


Kagome. She suddenly invaded him. Looking around he realised he was no longer in the forest but in some kind of dark mage.

No light anywhere. He could see extremely well, but hey that was not the fucking point. The point was he could smell and feel Kagome in this place and yet he couldn't get to her.

He heard her voice. In his mind. It called to him, wanted desperetly to tell him ... something , the one thing he couldn't hear.

As he had said before, the one behind this should commit suicide for having his mate kidnapped was not something he took lightly.

Walking further into this Labyrinth of the Minotaur, he was suddenly facing . . .


,,Who are you? And why are you keeping me here?"

Kagome couldn't help let the question escape her once she regained her voice. Guilt invaded her knowing , knowing she had sent her love

to die.

Love? Suddenly her eyes brimmed with tears.

Yes love . She had found it . . . and now was destined to lose it.

She cursed her own stupidity, her own heart for crying out to the one beeing she so desperetly wished to protect . . .

For a long time now it hadn't been about just being friends, helping eachother, it was about comfort, trust, love .

,,So you see little miko you have made the most common of mistakes. Emotions should not guide you, only feed you."

And with that her world went black.


. . . one extremely repelling dragon. Green, with other green ... stuff on it.

,,The mighty Lord Sesshoumaru diying by my hands. What honor." the dragon yelled to him.

Sesshoumaru smirked . 'Kill nr.1'


This was boring. Two dragons, three lion youkai, and something which had an odd resemblance to a bull.

All this and still nothing. No Kagome, no asshole he could kill, other than the ones just listed, and oh yes did he mention his evergroving temper? Temper , hes something his mate had accustomed him to very well.

Mate, mate, mate . . . everytime he thought of her, it sent stabs to his . . . heart. Can you believe that? He the Ice-Prince , a heart?

,,Thinking about eternity dear brother?" a chiding voice suddenly asked from beside him.


,,Thinking of sweet death. Yours to be exact."

Sesshoumaru answered bluntly.

,,My death?" Inuyasha said with a hurt expression just coming into view.

,,Who has her?" Sesshoumaru asked instead of going into his game.

,,Why you don't know? Our father-in-law. "


,,Well yes, you see while you were avoiding marrying Rin, I fucked the brains out of her sister, finaly wishing to marry her."

,,Naraku. Kykio. Rin. You. Father." Sesshoumaru couldn't help but count, count his newest victims. . .

,,Oh no, father dearest was totally against it. That's why he wanted you to give up skating he knew you would anger Naraku. Poor daddy, so stupid . . ."

And with that Inuyasha atacked, almost hitting Sesshoumaru when he found himself flat on the floor.

,,Leave now hanyou. The next time I will kill."

He left, left to finaly meet his Kagome.


,,Wake up now honey." The man said chuckling cruelly. ,,Don't want to miss your puppy now do you?"

Opening her eyes, she saw it, the glimpse of hope she so desired, the sight of gold and silver, of cold and passionate, of the end and the beginning.

She couldn't help it. She had to tell him, what she longed to tell him all along.
