InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ showdown2 ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter 17 Showdown 2

Sorry, for the prolonged wait, but I had to write this chapter twice , since my dear father, shut down my computer without saving this file. I get annoyed when that happens! Oh well, enjoy!


,,Naraku!" her scream split the air, just like the thunder seemed to roll from the skies at her command, making everything tremble in their wake.

Looking at his mate, Sesshoumaru couldn't believe his eyes, or yet the amethyst which now were her eyes. Violet stripes marked her cheeks, and a light purple-pink crescent adorned her forehead, complementing the one on his.

Watching her, he saw how she flew towards them with great speed, catching one of Kykios flying arrows, and sending it back, making it pierce her stomach, just like Rin's had been hurt.

And all that , and she never looked into that direction.

Sesshoumaru smirked, he had thought her well, but her being a youkai, they would discuss this another time.

Turning around , he felt her at his side, and then both of them charged at their waiting opponents.

While Kagome took care, or rather made sure there was something to take care of, with Inuyasha, he was rather preoccupied with Naraku.


,,Why are you on his side ?" Kagome hissed through clenched teeth, delivering a blow to his somewhat pretty face.

,,None of your business bitch! You attacked Kykio!" he screamed to her, launching himself at her.

Smiling evilly, Kagome simply stepped aside , letting him crush into a tree, marching over his crumbled form.

,,Why don't we try this again, why did you join forces with Naraku?" she asked , stomping on his head, making him through some obscenities at her.

,,Inuyasha dear, I'm getting bored, I think I'll trade with Sesshoumaru, after all he would kill you." Kagome told him in a rather off-handy way.

But when she was about to leave she sensed it. The magic suddenly protruding from him. Looking at the other end of the field she saw Kykio chant under her breath.

Oh well, seems like he doesn't deserve to die after all, she thought knocking him out cold, the next instant appearing in front of Kykio.


This was getting fairly tiresome . Not that he didn't mind tearing Narakus tentacles to shreds, he would just rather tear his head to shreds.

Again, he thought dryly, jumping left, right, up, or down, cutting this, that, or that, really dull.

Deciding he'd had enough, Sesshoumaru created his energy whip, shredding some tentacles, but even so they only seemed to get more.

Growling deep in his throat , he tried another approach. Letting his youkai come free, he let a wave crash through the tentacles, rendering them useless for now at least.

Suddenly he felt a pain somewhere, but noticing it wasn't from him, he looked at Kagome, kneeling beside Kykio, a dagger in her back.

Feeling a pain from his back, he turned, not even bothering to look for Naraku as his eyes bled red and he let his youkai take over, transforming him, filleting Narakus useless head into slices.


Acknowledging the dagger in her back, even after she had forgiven this lost tormented soul, she did not cry, did not yell, had no reaction besides a thin whisper.

,,I forgive, but you die." And so Kykio was no more.

Turning she saw Sesshoumaru , or what she assumed was him, over the bloodied body of Naraku. Getting Inuyasha's body she swung it over Sesshoumaru's back, making him bark at her, and then calm when he realized who it is.

Smiling at him, Kagome led the way, out of this cold shadowed place, where all the guilty already had to pay.