InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Obsession ❯ That little slut! ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7- That little slut!
“Spoken”- ‘Thoughts’
Same disclaimer applies.
Inuyasha howls in pain, and falls forward. His body covers Hiten’s body. His face is pressing against the back of Hiten’s neck.
At that moment, the door opens.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Kouga’s eyes widen in disbelief. He looks at Hiten’s ripped shirt, bloody lip, and the claw marks on his arm. Then the way Inuyasha is straddling Hiten’s body. “Get the fuck off my bitch.” He steps forward, and grabs Inuyasha’s shirt, yanking him off of Hiten.
Inuyasha takes a step back, and stares at Kouga in bewilderment. Taking in deep breaths and panting for air, he tries to catch his breath. Finally, he breathlessly answers him, “We was... just talking.”
“Just talking? You have a fucking odd way of talking to someone. It didn’t look like just talking to me.” Kouga moves his gaze from Inuyasha to Hiten. “What was going on, Hiten?”
“I don’t know. He attacked me for no reason.” Hiten raises to his knees. Grabbing the couch for support, he pulls himself up.
Inuyasha begins to shake with cold fury. He fights the urge to knock the fuck out of Hiten for that bold-faced lie.
“Why did you attack him? What was you really trying to do to Hiten?” Kouga questions.
Inuyasha’s eyes widen, and his mouth is slightly ajar. He can’t believe this is happening. The way Kouga is looking at him suspiciously is infuriating him. “WHAT!? You’ve got to be kidding me. I can’t believe this shit. You’re going to believe that little slut, over me?”
“Little slut?” Hiten steps closer to Inuyasha. “You’re one to be talking. I’m not the one who ran off with a man he just met last night. And by the way you walked in here... it looks like Naraku got a hold of your ass pretty good!”
“Well I’m not the one who was fucked in the hallway, during a party! Anyone could have watched your ass getting tapped!” Inuyasha angrily counters.
“You mean anyone... like maybe you? You enjoyed watching that, didn’t you?” Hiten smirks, and crosses his arms over his chest. “Did it turn you on? Is that why you attacked me?”
“I didn’t attack you. I’m fixing to kick your ass though!” Inuyasha growls, and lunges for Hiten. Just as he grabs for Hiten’s throat, Kouga steps between them, and pushes them apart.
“Both of you knock it off!” Kouga grabs Hiten’s arm, pulling him further away from Inuyasha. “Is this true Yasha? Did you watch?”
Inuyasha hesitates for a moment. Somehow, Hiten knows he was watching. Naraku must have said something to him. Because of everything that’s happening, he thinks it will be for the best to confess. “Yes,” he blushes, and looks away.
“So something else you forgot to mention to me?” Kouga sighs heavily. “At what point did you start lying to me, Inuyasha?”
Automatically Inuyasha’s ears flatten against his head. As long as he and Kouga have been friends, this is the first time Kouga has used his full name. The questioning look in Kouga’s eyes tells him all he needs to know. Kouga doesn’t believe anything he’s saying. “I didn’t lie to you. I guess it doesn’t matter what the fuck I say. You’re going to believe him over me.” Trying to hide the hurt, he’s feeling over this, he tries to act indifferent. “Feh, I don’t need this shit. I’m going home.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” Kouga throws Inuyasha the keys to his car. “I already changed your tires. I’ll send Ginta to pick up Miroku’s spare tire later in the week.”
“Whatever.” Inuyasha moves his gaze from Kouga to Hiten. “You had better watch your ass. Oh that is... when Kouga’s not riding it.”
“Is that a threat?” Hiten pulls his arm free from Kouga’s grip. “Why don’t you just admit that you’re jealous?”
“That’s enough! Stop it right now!” Kouga exclaims sternly to the both of them.
“Maybe it’s both a threat and a promise,” Inuyasha smiles. “Jealous of you? Don’t make me laugh.”
“I’ll give you something to laugh about!” Hiten pushes past Kouga. Balling his right hand into a fist, he springs forward, and slams his fist against Inuyasha’s jaw.
Inuyasha stumbles backwards from the force of the blow to his jaw. Briefly white lights dance before his eyes. He shakes his head from side to side, and slowly comes back to his senses. As his vision clears up, he begins to flex his claws, the ominous sound of his knuckles cracking echo throughout the room. He fluidly jumps towards Hiten. Raising his hand up in the air, he gets ready to thrust his claws into the thunder youkai. Kouga steps in front of Hiten, and blocks him. Quickly Inuyasha pulls his hand back so he doesn’t hurt Kouga.
“That’s enough!” Kouga growls. Placing his hands on Inuyasha’s chest, he forcefully pushes him away. “You need to go home!”
“It fucking figures that you protect him. Was he that good in bed?” Inuyasha doesn’t bother to wait for an answer. He heads for the front door. Once he reaches it, he turns around, and shoots Hiten a murderous look. He starts to say something and changes his mind. Shaking his head in disbelief, he opens the door and walks out.
Kouga walks over to the door, and slams it shut. Sighing in frustration, he leans his head against the door. Feeling the need to release some of his pent up anger, he slams his fist through the door. He pulls his hand back, not paying attention to the blood that is now dripping off of his hand. Closing his eyes, he tries to sort through everything that just transpired.
Hiten thinks this is a good time for him to leave. He looks towards the kitchen and remembers that there is an exit there. Slowly he backs up, and starts to head for the other room.
“Where do you think you’re going? Stop right there. We still need to have a little talk.” Kouga turns around and faces Hiten.
The tone and sharpness of Kouga’s voice makes him stop dead in his tracks.
“I’m going home. You’re in a shitty mood, and I’ve have a hell of a day already. I'm not in the mood for one of your talks, Kouga.”
“Not in the mood? I asked you to leave the room earlier so Inuyasha and I could talk privately. But no, you had to defy me and stay. You fucking disrespected me in front of someone. I will not stand for that kind of bullshit. I expect you to show me some respect!” Kouga steps closer to Hiten, and takes in a deep breath, trying to calm down. “So yes, you and I need to have a little discussion.”
“I’m sick of you treating me like some submissive little bitch that submits to all of your demands,” Hiten starts to raise his voice. “Are you sure I’m the only one you’re mad at? Or is it the both of us? I think it’s the both of us, so that basically means I get to pay the price for Inuyasha pissing you off too!”
“First of all, watch that fucking tone that you’re using with me. Second, I’m dealing with you right now, and only you. Don’t you ever fucking question my actions again. And third, you are a submissive little bitch. And if you want to be with me, you’ll continue to be that. If not, there’s the door.” Kouga motions towards the door. It’s then that he notices the blood and dirt on his hands. The blood is from hitting the door, and the dirt is from changing Inuyasha’s tires. “I need to wash my hands. You think on that, and make your decision. If you’re still here when I get back, that means you submit.” He spins around and leaves the room.
Hiten watches as Kouga walks off. For months, he’s been after Kouga. At times, he was obsessive on finding out where Kouga would be at, so he could be there too. Finally, he has him. Yet he is in danger of losing him now. He knows that if he wants to stay with the ookami, he will have to do as Kouga wants. To submit. Not that he minds submitting to him sexually, it’s the submitting at other times, that is the problem.
Hiten tilts his head up, and closes his eyes. He decides that he will stay, and do as the other male wants. He will do whatever it takes to keep Kouga with him. He will not let anything or anyone get in the way of his and Kouga’s relationship. Suddenly it hits him. He’s falling for Kouga, and he’s falling hard. The sound of the kitchen door opening brings him out of his musings. He looks over at Kouga, and notices that his hand is bandaged. “Are you okay?” he asks, with genuine worry over the other male’s well being.
“Yeah, it’s just a small cut,” Kouga smiles over Hiten’s concern for him. He’s glad that Hiten is still around. For a brief moment, he wonders if he should punish him.
‘Damn I’m getting soft hearted. If I do nothing, he’ll just defy me like that again. I have to do this.’ Kouga decides it’s time to show the thunder youkai what happens when he behaves like he did. “It’s time for our talk. Go to my room, we’ll need some privacy for this.”
Hiten nods and starts walking to the bedroom. Kouga follows him. When they finally make it to the bedroom, Hiten turns the knob and opens the door.
Kouga raises his unhurt hand up, and then quickly slams his open palm down on Hiten’s ass. Hiten gasps and stumbles forward through the doorway. Swiftly he turns around and looks at Kouga with a questioning look.
“That’s just a taste of what is going to happen. Take everything off, except your boxers, and get on the bed.” Kouga shuts and locks the door. Smiling as he flexes his fingers. “It’s time for our little talk.”
Inuyasha slowly departs his car. His limps to the door as his body is screaming in pain, from the rough fucking from Naraku to the fight, or make that fights with Hiten. The pain coursing through his body he can handle. It’s the pain over Kouga not believing him that bothers him the most. He wonders when everything went so wrong today. This hell began right after Naraku dropped him off.
As he’s walking through the doorway, he notices the dried blood on his leg. He knows he has to get his jeans off and soak them, so they will not stain. He shuts the door and limps to his bedroom to undress. Emptying his pockets, he throws everything on the dresser. His keys hit something on it, and he looks to see what it is. He lowers his head when he sees that it’s his gold wedding band. Slowly he picks it up and gently rubs his fingers over it. The guilt begins to hit him hard. He feels like he can’t breathe, like something is sitting on his chest weighing it down. He knows what it is. It’s guilt.
He slides the ring on his finger, and moves his hand to his mouth. Closing his eyes, he places a kiss upon the ring. “I’m so sorry, Kagome,” he whispers, as he pulls his hand away.
He doesn’t want to think about this anymore. If he keeps his mind and body busy doing something else, the guilt will slowly fade away for a little while. With that thought in place, he undresses and carries his clothes to the washing machine. He throws them in and lets them soak. Opening the dryer up, he pulls out a pair of jogging pants, and puts them on.
He grabs his paperwork on the way to the kitchen. Grabbing a beer, he sits down at the kitchen table, and begins to fill out the paperwork. After a few hours of working, he thinks that’s enough for tonight.
He checks his cell phone to see if he has any calls. Sighing in frustration when he notices there’s no message or missed calls. He was hoping that there would be a message from Kouga, saying that he was sorry, that this was all a misunderstanding. Putting the phone away, he remembers his secret voice mail account that Kouga sometimes leaves messages on. Well that’s when Kouga wants to leave a particular naughty message.
Inuyasha checks it, and shock plays across his face when he hears Naraku’s smooth voice on the recording. It surprises him that Naraku is already calling him. It’s just been a few hours since they were together. He smiles as he listens to the message. Naraku tells him how much he enjoyed being with him, and that he cannot wait until they see each other again.
Chapter 8- Kouga punishes and plays with Hiten.
Note- Thank you so much to everyone who has read this little story! The next chapter will be longer, and have some smut in it!
Special thanks to the following-- From MM~ InuGrrrl, ladyrin_remix, moonhanyou, sesshys numba1 gurl, chibirin8, Lucient, Bishieboylove, and VelvetNight.