InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Secrets ❯ Chapter 5

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(Hehehe I'm evil My nickname should be Naraku's twin instead Of Heero's twin will these cliffies..MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) okay now that is out of my system.chapter 5 I hope u don't kill me for it I'm just doing my job.
in his baboon bilt walked out of the forest and came up on Kagome and Inuyasha's kissing, the moans into eachothers months could be heard which was starting to get to him. He grabed Kagome's arm and pulled her away,"Inuyasha what do you thik ur doing with my daughter?"
looked up at Naraku and glared at him,"YOUR DAUGHTER I'M NOT EVEN YOUR DAUGHTER SO YOUR BLOOD RUNS IN MY VAIN SO WHAT THAT NOT HALF OF ME!" she screamed at him.
just grined at her,"it may run in your vains but that is half of u.'' and He looked at inuyasha and smirked at him.
GET AWAY FROM KAGOME NOW!!" and pulled tetsusaiga out,"LETS FIGHT NARAKU!!!"
smirk widen until part of his teeth were seen,"fight me....."He looked at Kagome,"then Kagome will never exist, inuyasha"
shacked didn't move from his stop, then he looked at Kagome, and he put tetsusaiga away,"sorry Kagome I wasn't thinking"
got up and walked over to Inuyasha and wraped her arms around him,"it's alright inuyasha." and HIs arms wrapped around her.
crouched to the ground and looked at the two as they held eachother.told everyone but Shippo,who was asleep on Kagome's backpack, all the things that Kagome told her.
do we fight him now?"Sango whispered and looked at Kaede and then to miroku.
don't know,Sango,I just don't know?" miroku looked at her then to the small kitsune who had just woken up.
back?"was all that he asked, and layed back on her bag.pulled awayed and looked at Kagome then to Naraku,"this doesn't change anything between us Naraku, you did kill Kikyo"
looked at the ground,''but I had to or kagome would never been born and you would know how much of a bitch she is"
step back and to inuyasha side, she felt a small presents of something but didn't a lock on it until it was to late.
soul gather had wrapped itself around Kagome and flew off in the direction of the mountians.
and Naraku were still yelling, until inuyasha cought Kagome scent move away from him and Naraku,"IS THIS YOUR DOING NARAKU?"
inuyasha it's not do u think I would kidnapped my own daughter?"Naraku jumped into the godtree and climbed up it to see if he could see where the soul gather took Kagome.
jumped up into the tree and stood next to Naraku,"Its a soul gather........"He looked at naraku"Ki...Ki.........Kikyo took her"Jumped down of the tree and ran to the village to tell Keade of the doing.
stood outside of the village and the started to take a lead to get Kagome back, he deceaded to wait for he lost track of the soul gather.woman stood on a clif of a tall mountain and a single tree stood be hind her and the wind blew her hair over shoulder and her eyes shown a deep hatered to the girl that was being carried be a soul gather.As for her appearnace was the same as Kagome,"So girl you should die." and walked closer to Kagome, as the soul gather let Kagome on the ground.
why?"Kagome asked and looked at Kikyo.
should be in love with me and not u,"kikyo glared at Kagome and walked closer to her.
step back and was pushed back tot he tree and a gaint soul gather wrapped around Kagome and tightin it's grip.
guess whats going to happened Next??? but guess what I'm not gointo to tell u mhahahahahahaahhahahaa