InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dating Is Not For The Faint Of Heart ❯ Inuyasha Makes a Movie ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sorry for the delays, it wasn't all me this time~! Hope this was worth the wait! I own no one, they only live under my bed talking to the Orkin man! Love you all, love the feedbackers the most. Darth Mer Mer
Inuyasha Makes a Movie.
As the night passed away, Kagome felt her eyes start to droop. She peeked up through her lashes as Inuyasha's hair bushed over her cheeks. It had to be almost four in the morning by now, she thought drowsily. But as Inuyasha gently tightened his grip on her legs as they flew through the forest, she decided that it was worth losing a little bit of sleep. To be able to be alone with Inuyasha like this was truly a rare and precious gem for her memory. Smiling she leaned into him and molded her body against his back. The moonlight dappled their figures through the leaves on the warm summer night as Inuyasha headed to their next destination.
She must be a little tired from the activities of their date.Inuyasha was a little bit worried that maybe, just maybe Kagome wasn't having fun. The way that she was molded against his back and the way her deep breathing was ruffling his hair next to his jaw signaled that she was yet again, starting to dose off. People didn't fall asleep if they were having a good time. He started to do multiplication worrying in his mind. Was she bored? Was she not having a good time? Or worse, had she had a better time with Hojo? Had he tired her out? Forcing an unsuitable image out of his mind about just how Hojo may have make Kagome so tired, Inuyasha turned his thoughts to the task at hand. The fact that it was almost four in the morning never forced it's way through to his mind as the true reason for Kagome's fatigue.
Kagome jerked her head back as her forehead bumped into his shoulder. She didn't care how much she trusted him, there was no real way for him to safely carry her if she was in la-la land. Carefully stretching her arms and back, she settled herself in a more alert position. There had to be some way to stay awake. The last thing she wanted now was another silly fight. Maybe if they talked. "Hey, to me."
He looked back at her for a second. "Uh.why?"
Inuyasha's profile fuzzed as her tired eyes began their nightly rebellion again. "Because, people are supposed to talk on dates." She yawned.
The silence stretched on for a moment.
Inuyasha frantically dug through his brain for something to talk about. Usually it wasn't a problem, but now that she had demanded it of him, he couldn't think of a thing to say. Every idea that presented itself seemed too corny or mean. Most of the stands of thought lead to the burning question in his mind. Did Kagome really like Hojo? If she didn't why on earth did she go on a date with him. His face flushed as Kagome leaned into him again. He had to be interesting or the date was going to fail completely. "Uh, the giant picture show that you saw with Joho was pretty dumb." He could have smacked himself in the head if he hadn't been carrying such precious cargo.
Kagome chuckled. She should have known that the conversation would come back around to Hojo. "Yep, it sure was. There was so many mistakes, it was more like comedy than drama."
"What were those wenches doing with their kimono's tied in the front like that.?"
Kagome blushed.maybe it was better that Inuyasha didn't know what prostitutes were. "Um, well, they have to change clothes a lot, so its easier for them to tie the sashes themselves to save the time and hassle of another person having to do it. We call it time management in my time." Ah, nothing like a little half truth to save the day!
"Oh." His ears flipped back as a gust of wind blew by. "Did you have fun with him?"
She blinked, "Huh?"
He whispered almost too softly for her to hear, "Did you have fun today with Hojo on your date."
"Oh, well, it was okay, I guess." She sighed and tried to get her tired mind to focus. "But I was a little bored."
"A little?"
"Just a little."
He raised an eyebrow. "Bored enough to fall asleep?"
Good grief.he was jealous that she was sleepy at four in the morning. "Maybe."
"Well, you didn't did you?"
"Didn't do what?" Kagome's mind was begging her like a circus poodle to let her fall asleep.
He growled. "You didn't fall asleep when you were with him."
Oh, that was it. "No, but I'd never feel safe enough to let him carry me around on his back and fall asleep there either."
The silence spread its wings around the couple, its quiet feathers brushing their mouths shut and leaving them with only their thoughts. Inuyasha was the first to shrug it off and speak.
"Well.would him again?"
Wow, if she had known how seriously Inuyasha was going to take all this, she wouldn't have gone out with Hojo in the first place. "Does it really bother you that much?" She yawned again and nestled her head on his soft hair.
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe it does bother me, maybe it doesn't"
Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe I'll go on another date with Hojo and maybe I won't."
"Fine then!" He huffed and turned his head back around.
Damitable, infuriating woman. Was she that dense? Granted he had asked her out on a date even when he hadn't the foggiest idea what one was. Still that didn't give her the right to tease him like that. "Yes. It bothered me." His ears laid flat against his head. "I didn't like seeing you with another guy, okay? I like you too much to let another guy try to take up too much time in your life. I don't care if he's human or not. Just because I'm a hanyou doesn't mean that I don't care about you as much as he does." For once Inuyasha was glad for the darkness. At least she wouldn't be able to how red his face was now.
He was getting very annoyed with silence as it descended again. This time it was Kagome who broke the silence.
She snored. Fast asleep on his back, Kagome had ended the argument in her own way. But in the process, had missed the sweet words that had colored Inuyasha's cheeks pink.
Inuyasha sighed. Well, on to the movie.he thought and bounded through the night.
When Kagome woke up, the forest around her was lit by about ten lanterns scattered in the small glade. She rubbed her eyes and looked up as Inuyasha darted to her side. He had been whispering to someone or something behind a huge piece of white cloth strung up between the two trees. The light glowed softly on it, casting the same amount of light as the theater had earlier in the day. A huge grin on his face let Kagome know that he wasn't mad at her for falling asleep.
Now that she was awake, the show could start. He sat next to her and pulled the small bag of goodies closer to them. The grass was soft under their hands as they sat staring at the great white sheet. His ears flicked back and forth in his excitement. "Ready for this?" He asked the drowsy girl at his side.
Kagome nodded and stared at the sheet, ready for anything. Dinner had, after all, been worms. How on earth was Inuyasha going to get a movie to play here in the Feudal Age? Her burning questions were doused as she heard the familiar sound of Miroku's voice behind the screen.
"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Sengoku Jidai Shin-nima." Suddenly the screen was lit from behind by a bright blue flames. Kagome clapped as the silhouettes of Miroku, Sango, Kaede-baachan and Shippou were cast on the cloth. Inuyasha simply grinned as Kagome's face lit up. "We hope you enjoy the show! And when its done, Kagome-sama, will you bear my child?" Miroku's shadow bowed low.
"'Scuse me." Inuyasha leapt to his feet and disappeared behind the curtain for a brief second before his shadow bopped Miroku's on the head. The towheaded hanyou strutted back to his place beside Kagome as the players chuckled. "Sorry." He whispered to his date. Turning he shouted to the screen, "Okay, no more of that! Get on with it!" He then set to searching through his bag.
Miroku straightened. "Our tale tonight is one of terror, love and shadowy figures!" He chucked at his own pun and ducked as Sango took her own swing at the priest. "Long ago, in the remotest part of the forest lived an old witch!" He stepped away and Kaede-baachan stepped forward, pretending to sweep the road in front of her.
"Why do I have to be the old witch.?" She muttered just loud enough to elicit a laugh from Kagome. Clearing her throat she spoke her lines like a pro. "Ah, the air is clean, the sun is bright, there is nothing that could ruin this day!"
Miroku's figure appeared again as Shippou continued the narration. "But little did she know that the Perverted Prince was making his way through her forest!" The Perverted Prince crept around the shadow forest without the witch seeing him. Suddenly he made his move and groped the witch's behind.
The witch howled, "What do you think you are doing, insolent whelp!"
"Oh, you aren't a beautiful young woman!" He leapt back and threw his hands in the air. "You aren't even young!"
"Foolish boy, I will teach you!" She waved the broom and the silhouette of the Perverted Prince. Kagome gasped as Miroku's shadow turned into the round floating demon surrounded by blue flames. "There! Now you know what it is like to be something other than young and beautiful!"
Miroku's voice sounded as the bloated shadow floated into the forest. "Oh, noooo! What can I do now other than hide deep in the forest and hope no one ever finds me!"
Kagome laughed and clapped, as the fires died down and the actors disappeared. Inuyasha handed her a bag of chips and a chocolate bar. Granted he didn't tell her that Shippou had handed them over under to him. Kagome smiled and took the chocolate bar. The plan was in motion. He dug through the bag again and pulled out the secret weapon.
There was a rustle behind the sheet as Kagome heard Sango whispered protest, "I don't get it, why do I have to do this?"
Miroku's voice whispered back, "Because it was in one of Kagome-sama's animes that she likes."
As the fox fire lights reappeared, Sango sighed, posed and twirled across the screen chanting, "Do you know, do you know? Have you heard the news?" Her hair was in pigtails and as she twirled back Kagome cracked up as she caught the reference to Utena. Inuyasha grinned as she laughed. "The Perverted Prince traveled deeper and deeper into the forest. Sadly, he traveled so far that three years from the day he had been turned to a monster he ended up a the witch's house again.
The witch reappeared, sweeping the floor in front of her. "Ah, the air is clean, the sun is bright, there is nothing that could ruin this day!" Then she screamed as the monster that had been the Perverted Prince bit her on the behind. "AH! What are you doing monster!"
The monster replied, "I have learned much in the past three years, if I can no longer grope beautiful, young women, then I will bit the behinds of those who don't see me soon enough!"
"Well, we can't have that!" Suddenly the witch turned into a slender lady with a puff of smoke. "Now then, I am young and beautiful! You can no longer bite me!"
Kagome chuckled, seeing the flaw in judgment. She didn't even notice as Inuyasha yawned and stretched beside her. His arm descended over her shoulders. With his other hand he opened the secret weapon. Kagome started, then leaned into him, eyes glued to the screen as her head nuzzled against his shoulder. A small, contented smile played on her lips.
Meanwhile, on the screen, the Perverted Prince Monster was gnawing on the witch's behind. Finally, the witch yelled, "ENOUGH!" She waved the magic broom and the monster turned into a prince once more. "There are you happy!?" The witch shook with anger as the Prince stroked her bottom.
"No, now I am forever cursed to chase after young women's behinds, not to bite them, but to grope them!" He sat and started to cry. "What am I to do?!"
The witch sighed. "Here, let me help you." She waved the broom again and whapped him on the head. "There let this be your lesson you letch!"
Shippou's voice sounded again, "And so, our story ends with a happy couple forever cursed to be together. The end."
As the players appeared behind the curtain for their final bow, Inuyasha made his move. Quickly gulping down part of the liquid inside, he passed a bottle of Pocari Sweat to Kagome. He could hear his heart beating in his ears.would she drink it?
Kagome glanced down at the bottle in her hands and smiled. So that was what he was up to. Grinning, she delicately sipped from the lip of the bottle, placing her mouth where Inuyasha's had been only seconds before. It was only fair after all, she had done that with Hojo and had promised to do it with Inuyasha too. Then her eyes went wide, wait.did that mean? A bright blush painted her cheeks as the final thought dawned on her tired brain. Did he mean to do that too? OH NO!
Inuyasha only grinned beside her.
Bawahaha! is up, I'm a happy girl. Hope you like this part. Only one to go. If you liked it, please leave feedback(if it's up.) Cough, cough, goodnightkiss. The more feedback the juicier it will be! Love you all! Darth Mer Mer
Inuyasha Makes a Movie.
As the night passed away, Kagome felt her eyes start to droop. She peeked up through her lashes as Inuyasha's hair bushed over her cheeks. It had to be almost four in the morning by now, she thought drowsily. But as Inuyasha gently tightened his grip on her legs as they flew through the forest, she decided that it was worth losing a little bit of sleep. To be able to be alone with Inuyasha like this was truly a rare and precious gem for her memory. Smiling she leaned into him and molded her body against his back. The moonlight dappled their figures through the leaves on the warm summer night as Inuyasha headed to their next destination.
She must be a little tired from the activities of their date.Inuyasha was a little bit worried that maybe, just maybe Kagome wasn't having fun. The way that she was molded against his back and the way her deep breathing was ruffling his hair next to his jaw signaled that she was yet again, starting to dose off. People didn't fall asleep if they were having a good time. He started to do multiplication worrying in his mind. Was she bored? Was she not having a good time? Or worse, had she had a better time with Hojo? Had he tired her out? Forcing an unsuitable image out of his mind about just how Hojo may have make Kagome so tired, Inuyasha turned his thoughts to the task at hand. The fact that it was almost four in the morning never forced it's way through to his mind as the true reason for Kagome's fatigue.
Kagome jerked her head back as her forehead bumped into his shoulder. She didn't care how much she trusted him, there was no real way for him to safely carry her if she was in la-la land. Carefully stretching her arms and back, she settled herself in a more alert position. There had to be some way to stay awake. The last thing she wanted now was another silly fight. Maybe if they talked. "Hey, to me."
He looked back at her for a second. "Uh.why?"
Inuyasha's profile fuzzed as her tired eyes began their nightly rebellion again. "Because, people are supposed to talk on dates." She yawned.
The silence stretched on for a moment.
Inuyasha frantically dug through his brain for something to talk about. Usually it wasn't a problem, but now that she had demanded it of him, he couldn't think of a thing to say. Every idea that presented itself seemed too corny or mean. Most of the stands of thought lead to the burning question in his mind. Did Kagome really like Hojo? If she didn't why on earth did she go on a date with him. His face flushed as Kagome leaned into him again. He had to be interesting or the date was going to fail completely. "Uh, the giant picture show that you saw with Joho was pretty dumb." He could have smacked himself in the head if he hadn't been carrying such precious cargo.
Kagome chuckled. She should have known that the conversation would come back around to Hojo. "Yep, it sure was. There was so many mistakes, it was more like comedy than drama."
"What were those wenches doing with their kimono's tied in the front like that.?"
Kagome blushed.maybe it was better that Inuyasha didn't know what prostitutes were. "Um, well, they have to change clothes a lot, so its easier for them to tie the sashes themselves to save the time and hassle of another person having to do it. We call it time management in my time." Ah, nothing like a little half truth to save the day!
"Oh." His ears flipped back as a gust of wind blew by. "Did you have fun with him?"
She blinked, "Huh?"
He whispered almost too softly for her to hear, "Did you have fun today with Hojo on your date."
"Oh, well, it was okay, I guess." She sighed and tried to get her tired mind to focus. "But I was a little bored."
"A little?"
"Just a little."
He raised an eyebrow. "Bored enough to fall asleep?"
Good grief.he was jealous that she was sleepy at four in the morning. "Maybe."
"Well, you didn't did you?"
"Didn't do what?" Kagome's mind was begging her like a circus poodle to let her fall asleep.
He growled. "You didn't fall asleep when you were with him."
Oh, that was it. "No, but I'd never feel safe enough to let him carry me around on his back and fall asleep there either."
The silence spread its wings around the couple, its quiet feathers brushing their mouths shut and leaving them with only their thoughts. Inuyasha was the first to shrug it off and speak.
"Well.would him again?"
Wow, if she had known how seriously Inuyasha was going to take all this, she wouldn't have gone out with Hojo in the first place. "Does it really bother you that much?" She yawned again and nestled her head on his soft hair.
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe it does bother me, maybe it doesn't"
Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe I'll go on another date with Hojo and maybe I won't."
"Fine then!" He huffed and turned his head back around.
Damitable, infuriating woman. Was she that dense? Granted he had asked her out on a date even when he hadn't the foggiest idea what one was. Still that didn't give her the right to tease him like that. "Yes. It bothered me." His ears laid flat against his head. "I didn't like seeing you with another guy, okay? I like you too much to let another guy try to take up too much time in your life. I don't care if he's human or not. Just because I'm a hanyou doesn't mean that I don't care about you as much as he does." For once Inuyasha was glad for the darkness. At least she wouldn't be able to how red his face was now.
He was getting very annoyed with silence as it descended again. This time it was Kagome who broke the silence.
She snored. Fast asleep on his back, Kagome had ended the argument in her own way. But in the process, had missed the sweet words that had colored Inuyasha's cheeks pink.
Inuyasha sighed. Well, on to the movie.he thought and bounded through the night.
When Kagome woke up, the forest around her was lit by about ten lanterns scattered in the small glade. She rubbed her eyes and looked up as Inuyasha darted to her side. He had been whispering to someone or something behind a huge piece of white cloth strung up between the two trees. The light glowed softly on it, casting the same amount of light as the theater had earlier in the day. A huge grin on his face let Kagome know that he wasn't mad at her for falling asleep.
Now that she was awake, the show could start. He sat next to her and pulled the small bag of goodies closer to them. The grass was soft under their hands as they sat staring at the great white sheet. His ears flicked back and forth in his excitement. "Ready for this?" He asked the drowsy girl at his side.
Kagome nodded and stared at the sheet, ready for anything. Dinner had, after all, been worms. How on earth was Inuyasha going to get a movie to play here in the Feudal Age? Her burning questions were doused as she heard the familiar sound of Miroku's voice behind the screen.
"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Sengoku Jidai Shin-nima." Suddenly the screen was lit from behind by a bright blue flames. Kagome clapped as the silhouettes of Miroku, Sango, Kaede-baachan and Shippou were cast on the cloth. Inuyasha simply grinned as Kagome's face lit up. "We hope you enjoy the show! And when its done, Kagome-sama, will you bear my child?" Miroku's shadow bowed low.
"'Scuse me." Inuyasha leapt to his feet and disappeared behind the curtain for a brief second before his shadow bopped Miroku's on the head. The towheaded hanyou strutted back to his place beside Kagome as the players chuckled. "Sorry." He whispered to his date. Turning he shouted to the screen, "Okay, no more of that! Get on with it!" He then set to searching through his bag.
Miroku straightened. "Our tale tonight is one of terror, love and shadowy figures!" He chucked at his own pun and ducked as Sango took her own swing at the priest. "Long ago, in the remotest part of the forest lived an old witch!" He stepped away and Kaede-baachan stepped forward, pretending to sweep the road in front of her.
"Why do I have to be the old witch.?" She muttered just loud enough to elicit a laugh from Kagome. Clearing her throat she spoke her lines like a pro. "Ah, the air is clean, the sun is bright, there is nothing that could ruin this day!"
Miroku's figure appeared again as Shippou continued the narration. "But little did she know that the Perverted Prince was making his way through her forest!" The Perverted Prince crept around the shadow forest without the witch seeing him. Suddenly he made his move and groped the witch's behind.
The witch howled, "What do you think you are doing, insolent whelp!"
"Oh, you aren't a beautiful young woman!" He leapt back and threw his hands in the air. "You aren't even young!"
"Foolish boy, I will teach you!" She waved the broom and the silhouette of the Perverted Prince. Kagome gasped as Miroku's shadow turned into the round floating demon surrounded by blue flames. "There! Now you know what it is like to be something other than young and beautiful!"
Miroku's voice sounded as the bloated shadow floated into the forest. "Oh, noooo! What can I do now other than hide deep in the forest and hope no one ever finds me!"
Kagome laughed and clapped, as the fires died down and the actors disappeared. Inuyasha handed her a bag of chips and a chocolate bar. Granted he didn't tell her that Shippou had handed them over under to him. Kagome smiled and took the chocolate bar. The plan was in motion. He dug through the bag again and pulled out the secret weapon.
There was a rustle behind the sheet as Kagome heard Sango whispered protest, "I don't get it, why do I have to do this?"
Miroku's voice whispered back, "Because it was in one of Kagome-sama's animes that she likes."
As the fox fire lights reappeared, Sango sighed, posed and twirled across the screen chanting, "Do you know, do you know? Have you heard the news?" Her hair was in pigtails and as she twirled back Kagome cracked up as she caught the reference to Utena. Inuyasha grinned as she laughed. "The Perverted Prince traveled deeper and deeper into the forest. Sadly, he traveled so far that three years from the day he had been turned to a monster he ended up a the witch's house again.
The witch reappeared, sweeping the floor in front of her. "Ah, the air is clean, the sun is bright, there is nothing that could ruin this day!" Then she screamed as the monster that had been the Perverted Prince bit her on the behind. "AH! What are you doing monster!"
The monster replied, "I have learned much in the past three years, if I can no longer grope beautiful, young women, then I will bit the behinds of those who don't see me soon enough!"
"Well, we can't have that!" Suddenly the witch turned into a slender lady with a puff of smoke. "Now then, I am young and beautiful! You can no longer bite me!"
Kagome chuckled, seeing the flaw in judgment. She didn't even notice as Inuyasha yawned and stretched beside her. His arm descended over her shoulders. With his other hand he opened the secret weapon. Kagome started, then leaned into him, eyes glued to the screen as her head nuzzled against his shoulder. A small, contented smile played on her lips.
Meanwhile, on the screen, the Perverted Prince Monster was gnawing on the witch's behind. Finally, the witch yelled, "ENOUGH!" She waved the magic broom and the monster turned into a prince once more. "There are you happy!?" The witch shook with anger as the Prince stroked her bottom.
"No, now I am forever cursed to chase after young women's behinds, not to bite them, but to grope them!" He sat and started to cry. "What am I to do?!"
The witch sighed. "Here, let me help you." She waved the broom again and whapped him on the head. "There let this be your lesson you letch!"
Shippou's voice sounded again, "And so, our story ends with a happy couple forever cursed to be together. The end."
As the players appeared behind the curtain for their final bow, Inuyasha made his move. Quickly gulping down part of the liquid inside, he passed a bottle of Pocari Sweat to Kagome. He could hear his heart beating in his ears.would she drink it?
Kagome glanced down at the bottle in her hands and smiled. So that was what he was up to. Grinning, she delicately sipped from the lip of the bottle, placing her mouth where Inuyasha's had been only seconds before. It was only fair after all, she had done that with Hojo and had promised to do it with Inuyasha too. Then her eyes went wide, wait.did that mean? A bright blush painted her cheeks as the final thought dawned on her tired brain. Did he mean to do that too? OH NO!
Inuyasha only grinned beside her.
Bawahaha! is up, I'm a happy girl. Hope you like this part. Only one to go. If you liked it, please leave feedback(if it's up.) Cough, cough, goodnightkiss. The more feedback the juicier it will be! Love you all! Darth Mer Mer