InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Death Before Moonlight ❯ Behind Hazel Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Death Before Moonlight
Author Note: I'm sorry if there's a spelling or grammar error. I just wanted to update it...but if you find and grammar errors...feel free to tell me and I'll edit ASAP. Cheerio!
Disclaimer: Don't own anything -tear-
Chapter 1: Behind Hazel Eyes

Four years ago...
A fiery ball of light was lifting the dark blanket called night. Birds began chirping a beautiful morning song; Beverly Hills is being woken up. But in a small neighborhood, the sleeping beauty was still…sleeping. Her red curtains blocked the sunlight from coming through. As the sun rose higher, it gave out more sunlight. Sunlight seeped through the window's shield towards the lovely creature that lay on her white, comfortable bed.
A slender leg peeked out of the many white sheets, the light caressing it. Feeling the sun strike against her skin, she recoiled from it.
The phone rang. Rolling her eyes and she groaned, Kagome furiously scrambled out of her bed to the phone and answered.
“ `Ello?”
Hearing a small, quiet snicker, the person innocently answered, “Did I wake you, sweet Kagome?”
She groans into the phone.
“No need to get angry. Sango already is.”
Kagome couldn't help but smile.
Miroku and Sango are engaged. They have been together for three years, thanks to me, Kagome thought. At first Kagome wasn't happy since Sango was—
Kagome shook her head trying to get rid of the awful thoughts.
“So…you guys are doing okay…I mean…living together…?”
Miroku sighed, “Of course! I love this woman! She's the only—I mean…I love you too Kagome—”
“Miroku! I get you! But—never mind. Anyways, why are you calling on an early Saturday morning?” She leaned against her black, metal headboard.
“Oh dear Kagome. Always goes straight to the point.”
“Miroku…” Kagome growls.
“Okay! Okay! Remember ninth grade?”
“Eh…yeah. It was great! It was when we-”
“No Kags!”
There was silence on both sides.

Kagome fell down onto the muddy ground, crying. `Why! Why did he do this to me!'
Kagome!” Miroku burst out of the school building, running towards the fallen Kagome.
I know. I should've done something. I'm so sorry Kagome.”
End of Flashback

“I don't know what you're talking about, Roku.”
“Inuyasha, Kagome. Inuyasha.”
She whispers his name.
“Yeah, he called this morning and he told me tha-You know what. Let's go to Starbucks and get coffee and a muffin for breakfast.”
“Ok, give me thirty minutes. I'll be there. Bye Roku.” She hung up.
Crawling out of the bed, Kagome walked towards her bathroom, wanting to take a shower. Kagome looked at herself on the mirror. She was crying! Wiping her tears away with the back of her hand, she stripped out of her white gown and turned on the hot water. When the water was at the right temperature, she stepped inside.
Why did he call now? What does he want? She wondered.
Letting the steamy hot water caress against her creamy skin, Kagome placed her palms against the tile wall in front of her, leaning forwards.
Just thinking of him again, resurfaced all the horrid feelings, all of the emptiness, sadness and betrayal. She pounded the wall with anger. Stupid Inuyasha! I despise you!

Running out of the tall Shikon High School building, Kagome ran as quickly as she could. She did not care if she was skipping class, she did not care if the wind was windy and she did not care if her short skirt was flapping everywhere, showing her legs and panties to perverted strangers. She was going to meet Inuyasha in front of the school building.
When she ran into the school's front lawn, she leaned forward, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. Feeling a bit of dizziness, she closed her eyes and stood up straight. As she began to feel a little bit better, she pulls down her sailor-like shirt and skirt and retied her red scarf that came unloose.
Finally looking decent, Kagome looked around her, searching for Inuyasha.
`Inuyasha is not here yet…'

Behind an old willow tree, there stood Inuyasha, watching as Kagome burst out of the school building, running. Her tiny, forest green skirt flapping around her, wrapping around her smooth, slender creamy legs.
`Stupid wench, she shouldn't be running around like that with that skirt on.'
His irresistible golden, bright eyes travel around Kagome's now hidden, curvy body. Taking in her inner and outer beauty. He still watched her as she came into a stop, in front of the school building; just like he asked her to do. When Kagome leaned forward, Inuyasha thought she was going to faint and he had the urge to go to her and embrace her. But he couldn't. He can't. His furry white dog-ears perked up as she took in deep breaths. He watched as her soft chest rise up and down with every breath. Once again, his eyes started to examine her for the last time. His eyes wanted to see her, her face. The goddess before him was looking up at the sky. She was so damn beautiful. Her silky raven hair was a bit tousled and her cheeks were rosy pink from the run she had. Or was it because of the cold wind? Humph. He did not care.
Feeling a warm fuzzy feeling inside him, he directed his eyes upwards, wanting to get rid of the forbidden pleasant he shouldn't be feeling. The sky's turning an ugly gray color, meaning it was about to pour a wet ocean.
`It looks like it's going to rain.'
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, `It's not the only thing that's going to rain water. Perfect weather for an ugly event, I must say.'
Inuyasha stepped out from behind the tree and strode over to where Kagome stood.

`It's going to rain. Hard.'
Kagome felt a tickling sensation just hearing Inuyasha whisper her name like that; but it also gave her a creepy, hollow felling at the bottom pit of her stomach.
A shiver ran down her spine just thinking what this horrid feeling could be. The raven beauty wraps her arms around her, trying to stop feeling lonely and sad.
“Inuyasha…” She turns towards him with a bright smile on her face.
There stood Inuyasha, five feet away from her. Her smile disintegrates when she notices his cold expressionless face.
The harsh wind started to pick up, making her hair tousle, blurring her vision of Inuyasha, the first person she ever loved; her first for most of the things.
Without her noticing, Inuyasha took a couple of steps towards her and grabs her by the arm, hard. Kagome winces a bit and notices her fellow classmates watching their every mood.
Inuyasha pulls her to him and places both of his hands on her cheeks, moving her face towards his.
Golden eyes peering down towards her worried ones; Inuyasha lowers his lips to her soft, rosy ones, into a bruising kiss.
Sensing Kagome running out of breath, Inuyasha pulls away and then pushes her roughly. Kagome stumbles back a bit. `Inuyaha?'
Inuyasha glares at her, a smirk spreading across his face.
“I got you again, Ka-go-me. You stupid fool, I never loved you. I just wanted to prove to everyone that I, Inuyasha, could get anyone to fall for me.”
Walking away, Inuyasha laughed cruelly, leaving Kagome into broken pieces.
Kagome couldn't believe what just happened. Her world was shattering right before her eyes. Feeling her legs go numb, she tumbled down, onto her lap. Not wanting to cry no more, she turned her sadness to anger. She began thrashing mud around, pounding it, scratching it, throwing it.
All of the sudden, the school doors burst open, and a tall, violet eye guy ran towards her. Crouching down, Miroku grabbed hold of her and hugged her tight against him. Trying to stop her thrashing.
“I know Kags. I should've done something, but I didn't. I'm so sorry. Forgive me.”
Kagome just grabbed hold of his uniform shirt and cried. Miroku just sat there stroked her wet raven hair, rocking her back and forth, trying to comfort her.

Turning the knob around, Kagome turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel to wrap it around her.
Kagome walked back to her room, thinking of something to wear. Hmm… maybe I'll just were a pair of jeans and white shirt. Causal.
After she changed into the so said articles, Kagome put her hair in a messy bun, grabbed her flip flops and walked out of her condo.
Wanting to meet Miroku as fast as she could, she ran to her black Mercedes and went for the kill. Speeding, Kagome turned on the radio and listen to `Behind this Hazel Eyes'. Kagome took a turn to her right and parked her car on the side of the street, right in front of Starbucks. Stepping out of her car, she locked it and went inside of Starbucks looking for Miroku. There he was, in one of the dark corners of the Coffee Shop, was Miroku talking animatedly with a silver headed man. Oh no! Kagome's whole body went stiff with shock. When she was about to turn and run away, Miroku turned her way and waved at her. Kagome went pale with sadness and fear. How could he!
Not wanting to make a fool of her, Kagome walked stiffly towards their table. Thousand of words ran through her head. What should I say? What should I do?
“Hi Kagome!”
Kagome nodded towards Miroku. Her throat went dry, not able to respond. Just then, Inuyasha turned towards her, after hearing her name being spoken.
He stood up and looked at her. His molten eyes, peering through her, like he always had done.

FF.Net Reviewers:
DropofCrimson: I do hope it turns out to be a magnificent story. 'It' while be revealed in much later chapters. And for pointers on your story: You have a good way of starting! Can't wait to read more!
Lonely-Yasha: I'm glad you love this story! - But...I can't tell you who 'it' is...and the event that took place. You'll just have to find out! Well, here's the update. Hope it didn't take that long. Oh! Thanks for adding my story!
I'll try to update soon!