InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Deaths of My Past ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story unless there is Maryah who is me!!
Lightning streamed through the dark gloomy sky as rain came down from the heaven's soaking the singed trees. Maryah's silver hair plastered the shape of her tear stained face. Her gold amber eyes were now red and puffy as her clothes clung to her small frame. She sat there in the drowning rain next to a dead woman. Her mother. She had long flowing midnight hair and rosy cheeks. Her complexion was as pale as the moonlight but still beautiful. Maryah held her cold hand to her warm chest, closing her eyes as a blurry vision appeared in her head.
Balls of fire rained down from the sky creating burnt patches on the grass. Naraku, “His Majesty”, floated down from the sky with his long black leather jacket flapping behind him as his long dark hair shaded half of his snake like face.
“Naraku what are you doing here?” Maryah said glaring at him
“Well can't you see, I'm redecorating this horrid place. It was too bright a colour” Naraku said as he came closer to her.
Maryah took a step back growling in her throat. Unknown to her, Naraku had one of his hands behind his back holding a fireball in the palm of his hand, swirling with purple electricity.
“Whats wrong Maryah don't you like the new colour?” Naraku said
“No, I'm not a fan of-“ Maryah was cut of but a sudden sting to her eyes
“Black” Naraku said as he placed his hand on Maryah's eyes which held the ball of purple electricity
“Ahh!!” Maryah screamed in pain as the substance of the ball blinded her
“You are as blind as a bat, finally I can kill you” Naraku said
“No you won't” Maryah said taking out her sword, from the back of her, slashing whatever was infront of her.
She heard the sword connect as a warm substance drenched through her hands. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, as she wiped off the substance that was on her eyes with the ends of her jacket.
When she was done, Maryah was surprised to see what was in front of her. Her mother stood there with protective arms opened with a sword through her heart. From the time Maryah realized what was going on, Naraku had already disappeared.
Blood drenched through her clothes as Maryah regretted even living as she looked down at her mother's face again. The one face that she will not be able to see anymore. Everytime she wakes up in the morning there will be no more bright smiles to greet her in the kithchen, in her bedroom or any where in the house. Holding her cold mother's hand as her blood started to boil and anger filled her eyes.
End of Flashback
“I will get my revenge on Naraku for what he did to my mother and avenge her death!” Maryah said darkly to herself as she looked up to the heavens.
Yello!! Everybody thank you for reading my 1ST oneshot story please send in some reviews on this plz! Also Go!, Read! and review Who Let The Dogs Out!!, Fate of the Heart, Desperate Times Call for Desperate Situations !!!
Music, Style, Reviews foreva!! This is your favoriteauthoress Baby Maryah!!