InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Deception ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but this idea is mine!
Inuyasha was beginning to show signs of irritation from Naraku's antics; Naraku had been having hoards of insects follow them in the very unlikely chance that the demon lord would let slip something concerning the location of the real jewel.
“This is getting old,” Shippo sighed.
Inuyasha glared at the little fox demon, “it was old this morning.” Everyone expected Sesshoumaru for some reason to say something but the dog demon was silent like he usually was. His talkative mood had passed and now only spoke when the fancy struck him. Even though he was quiet, it was obvious that he was annoyed with Naraku's attempts as Inuyasha was.
They're so different and yet so alike Kagome mused as she stared at Sesshoumaru's back. The group had only spent a couple days with the stoic demon but already they were learning of his habits and even vaguely of his temper. No one dared to comment on it, but the similarities between the brother's fuses were numerous. It seemed that the only difference was that Sesshoumaru knew how to control his.
“Why is Naraku doing this?” Sango asked, “this isn't like him.”
“I think Naraku saw the fight between Sesshoumaru and the demon, “Miroku started.
“If that's true then there is even more reason to Naraku,” Myoga commented from the safety of Kagome's shoulder.
“So Naraku might know about the fight and how well Sesshoumaru did in it,” Kagome thought out loud. “He's keeping his distance and going out of his way to find out about the jewel because he's afraid of Sesshoumaru.” Inuyasha sneered a little at the idea of someone fearing his half brother more than him. Admittedly, everyone in the Inugroup felt disappointed that they weren't the reason Naraku was keeping his distance.
“He's hoping that Sesshoumaru will accidentally let something slip concerning the location,” Miroku hypothesized.
“Do not speak about Lord Sesshoumaru as if he can't hear you!” Jaken squawked. “Besides, Naraku's plan is an exercise in futility. Lord Sesshoumaru would never make such an error!”
“Will you guys shut up about that bastard!” Inuyasha yelled, he had all he could take of his friends praising his brother.
“Jealous little brother?” Sesshoumaru taunted without turning around. Inuyasha didn't respond, he just drew the Tetsaiga and charged at the current source of his anger. Sesshoumaru leapt out of the way and drew the Tokijin while he landed. The Inugroup simply sighed and watched the two brothers attack each other.
“Those two just can't get along can they?” Sango sighed and stroked Kilala. The battle only lasted a short while before Inuyasha was on his back with Sesshoumaru's sword at his throat. It felt like hours had passed with the two like that, but really it was just minutes. The dog demon sheathed his deadly weapon and then continued walking. Inuyasha lay there for a second trying to process what had just happened. He had to cut it short because everyone was leaving without him.
The rest of the day passed in awkward silence. As nightfall came, Miroku performed and “exorcism” on a village so the group could stay there. It wasn't until later that everyone noticed that while Rin and Jaken were there, Sesshoumaru was nowhere to be found. When asked, neither Rin nor Jaken knew the reason for their lord's absence.
“Just leave the jackass alone,” Inuyasha ordered. “If the bastard wants to sleep outside, that's his problem.” Kagome ignored Inuyasha and headed towards where she had last seen him. While walking there, she heard the villagers talking about a demon just outside the village. No one knew what to do about the demon but for now it sounded like they were going to leave him be since he showed no interest in the village. Kagome stopped walking when he came fully into view. Sesshoumaru was sitting under a tree while staring off into the darkness and just like before, it was unnerving to watch him.
“It is impolite to stare priestess,” he commented but never even looked at her.
Kagome jumped in surprise when he spoke and blushed a little, “Sorry about that.” The dog demon said nothing more and Kagome decided that she wanted to at least try to have a conversation with him. “Why aren't you in the village?” She asked.
“I am a demon” he replied simply but still didn't look at her.
“Well Shippo isn't exactly a duck,” she replied.
“He is a child and not a threat to anyone,” he answered. It was annoying Kagome to no end that he didn't even look at the person he was talking to. Still, it made sense that was his reason for not entering the village.
He is not telling me everything she thought but figured that there was no way he would tell her. “Thank you for not killing Inuyasha,” She changed the subject.
“I will kill him, but while I am needed by his followers, I will leave him alive,” he responded. Kagome by know had sat down and now the two of them sat in silence. It was when Kagome started to shiver that Sesshoumaru again spoke, “You are cold priestess. Go back inside.”
Slowly she stood up and began to head back to the village when she saw Inuyasha skulk off. Quietly she followed him and hid when she saw him meet up with Kikyo. Kagome could hardly stomach watching them but something in her couldn't look away; it dawned on her that Inuyasha was telling Kikyo about the secret of the Shikon Jewel.
“The bastard won't say anything about it's location to anyone,” Inuyasha continued, “and as soon as I know where it is, I'll take it and we'll use it to give you back your soul.” Kagome couldn't believe what she had just heard and couldn't even bring herself to move until Inuyasha and Kikyo had long since parted ways. I feel like I've been hit by a bus she thought and wiped away at her forming tears. Before she even realized it, she was running back towards Sesshoumaru.
She stopped a couple of feet away and watched him as tears ran down her cheeks. Kagome watched him shift a bit and couldn't bear it anymore; she ran over to him and began crying into his lap. Her whole body shook as she cried. She didn't even notice that she was cold until she felt something warm and soft be wrapped around her. Kagome didn't have to look to know that it was the fur he always had over his shoulder that was now keeping her warm.
“I just can't compete with her,” she sniffled and snuggled into the fur. “All I am is a tool to him.” There was no response from him but a warm hand being placed on her arm. She had long stopped crying but still didn't move from the dog demon's lap. “Why do I have to live in her shadow?” If Sesshoumaru responded, she never heard it because she had fallen asleep.
You are a strange one Kagome,” he commented and stared at the moon in thought, it would seem that I can not escape my heritage.
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Sorry it took me so long to update! My life isn't so hectic right now so I'll do my best to update as much as I can!