InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Defects of Perfection ❯ Expecting the Unexpected ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The priestess woke, senses muddled, sharp pain lessened to a dull, repetitive thud in the back of her head. No scarlet blood sprung from the minor wound.. After all, she wasn't entirely alive. After this, two things occurred. One - she realized that she was in a cold, damp place slightly resembling a dungeon, and that she was manacled to a wall. Rusting chains and cuffs chaffed her delicate wrists, ebbing away at her otherwise flawless skin. Two - memories came crowding back to her temporarily bereft mind. She'd been attacked, quite weakly at that, by Naraku, and then she had been knocked unconscious by something or other. It angered her. As she would often summon those phantom serpents to her for the souls of young women, fury was easily summoned to her. She was free to hate in this body.

Which brought her to pondering. Where was Naraku? What room was this? Could she receive souls here? What did he plan to do with her? What was that whimpering noise?

Yes. A small, breathy gasp burst from the child's trembling lip as her small hands clutched the bars. Shuddering sobs wracked the young one's body, and she bent her head in complete misery, warm tears streaking her rosy cheeks. Something inside of Kikyou stirred at once; She'd always had a soft spot for children. Especially those that suffered in some way. The child was in the next cell over - not beyond comforting.

"What ails you, child?" She questioned softly, gaze met by the wide, innocent eyes of the child.

"Sesshoumaru-sama.." Was all she uttered, sniffling pitifully.

Something registered. That name.. It sounded vaguely familiar. "What is your name?"

" Rin's name is Rin." She pulled her slender fingers away from the bars, plopping down on the filthy floor and folding them in her lap. Moonlight struck her tearstained face, eyes grown luminous as she was distracted from her unhappiness.

" Why are you here?"

"Rin was-"

The child's sentence was severed, and Kikyou's eyes narrowed sharply as Naraku swept through the crude doorway. Something glinted in the light - he clutched it loosely in his hand. And he was smirking. The most smug, victorious smirk she felt she'd ever seen it made her stomach churn. What was he doing with the child? She began to reach for her bow, only to remember that her wrist was bound and, to her horror, that her bow and quiver had both gone missing. The purest, most primal form of anger stirred within.

'The moment you let me free..' She thought to herself, 'I will tear you to shreds..'

Surprisingly, he jerked the heavy, metal door to Rin's cell open almost at once. With a long finger he pointed to the doorway and sneered in disgust, "Go."

The child only hesitated for a split second, giving Kikyou a fleeting glance. She felt the tension thickening in the room. And she ran as fast her stubby little legs would carry her - there one moment, gone the next. Naraku's wicked laughter filled the room.

" Why have you brought me here?" She asked coldly.

"You will find out soon enough," He responded, flicking his wrist upward to show her the object eerily shining in his hand. A fine sword. She lifted her gaze to him, with a scolding smile.

"You plan on killing me with a blunt sword?" A bitter chuckle escaped her. "You can do better than that."

"I have no intentions of slaying you, Kikyou. Not yet. You are still useful to me." He approached her calmly, dark robes hissing against the icy floors. He lifted her chin with a long finger, sword raised.

There was the sound of steel slicing the balmy air, a startled cry, and then.. Deafening silence.

* * *

She lifted her pale face to his eyes, which were gleaming in the darkness. The moon had strayed behind wispy cloud cover - No longer shedding its wan light upon them. Spikes of blood stained gossamer falls of raven hair.

"What have you done to me?"

* * *

A/N: Short chapter, I know. ^^; Thought I might attempt suspense..

To clear up the Rin situation: She was important, why? Because of the sword. How was that important?

The sword is the Tenseiga (spelling, neh?), capable of bringing the dead back to life. But we all know that Sesshoumaru would never in a million years lend it to Naraku, or aid him in any way. Which is why Rin needed to be captured in order for an exchange to be made.

'Spikes of blood stained gossamer falls of raven hair' - after she'd been "attacked" with the sword

'No scarlet blood sprung from the minor wound.. After all, she wasn't entirely alive' -before

I hope that shed some light for those who didn't get it already.