InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Two

"Iiiiii wwwwwweeeeeeellllllll geeeet yoooooou!!!" The giant snake spluttered, as it slithered its way across the street, its fiery present in every eye, inching nearer to Inuyasha and the gang.

"Inuyasha! It has a Shikon-Shard in its throat!!!" Kagome warned Inuyasha.

"And where exactly IS this throat of his?" Inuyasha yelled.

"Uhm…. Well, kind of hard to explain…..." Kagome trailed off, unable to decide how to put the location in words.

"Geeetttt yyoooooouuu….." The Snake Demon hissed, as it glided towards Inuyasha.

"What the hell!!" Inuyasha grumbled. "KAZENO-KIZU!!!!!" he yelled on top of his lungs, as he jumped up, his sword in the air, and brought it down to the ground, causing streaks of energy erupt, and mince the demon up.

"AGHHHH!!!!" the Snake Demon twisted what was left of his head, unable to die yet.

"Just die already!" Miroku stuck his Shaku-Jyou into the Demon's head, as Kagome hurriedly ran over to retrieve the Shikon-Shard.

"The girl!" Sango exclaimed, as she ran over to Yuki-Hime, now laying her face, white as a chalk.

"Ah! I almost forgot!!" Miroku too ran over, feeling Sango in the process.

Sango picked up the girl by her shoulders and knees, and slapped Miroku hard across the cheek.

"Whew!" She gasped. "This girl is heavy!"

"I think, Sango, that it's because of those stuff that's connected to her ankles." Shippou commented.
"I think you're right Shippou." Miroku remarked, as he inspected the binds, his cheek bright red. "This must have been made especially for her, or somehow made to shrink to fit whoever that it was cast on."

"I wonder what this girl did." Sango wondered.

"Now that's what I call stupid…" Inuyasha mumble, as he looked at the rubble, or what was left of the snake demon.

He suddenly looked up, and towards Yuki-Hime.

"Kagome!!" He yelled. "Get away from there!!! Sango, get put her down!!"

"What? What do you mean, Inuyasha?" Sango asked, perplexed. "She can't pose any threat! Yeah, her hair's kind of weird, but hell, yours are too!"

"That's NOT the point!!" Inuyasha pressed. "Let go of her! NOW!!!"

Sango placed the girl on the ground carefully, unsure why Inuyasha had commanded her, and she and Miroku jumped back.

Inuyasha pulled out his sword, once again.

"She's a demon." He growled. "I can smell it. And the smell of blood coming from her claws!" he snared.

Yuki-Hime's face, pure white a moment ago, began to have movements.

Her face twitched, as the venom began sinking deeper into her body.

She began to breath heavily, sweat dripping down her face.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried. "She's just a child!!"

Yuki-Hime's consciousness began to return, due to the pain and the loud voices.

<What……is happening?> she wondered, as her consciousness drifted in and out.

She painfully attempted to open her eyes, and succeeded half way, until she could bear no longer.

"I think she's moving!" Shouted Shippou, terrified. "Do you think she'll come and eat me?"

"Don't be stupid, you stupid little fox!" Inuyasha barked. "Now stand back. I want to get rid of this thing in one swing!"

"Inuyasha!!" Kagome yelled. "STOP IT!!"

"You ain't going to stop me!!" Inuyasha yelled back, as he raised his sword.

Yuki-Hime suddenly sensed the danger, and against all protests from her acing body, flipped over, and landed on her knees and hands.

Breathing very heavily, she struggled to steady herself, about to fall over any second, swaying from side to side.

"Agh! Just look at her!!" Inuyasha growled, as he tightened his grip. "Smell of blood, so fresh. She killed the human, not the demon itself!"

Yuki-Hime swayed slightly, her head swimming, and beating, giving her a severe headache.

Why does she have the feeling he is somehow familiar?

"Inuyasha," Kagome growled. "SIT!!!!!"

Inuyasha was slammed head first into the ground, causing the whole area to shake, and leave a small crater. He was unable to move for a few seconds, his Tetusaiga falling right next to him.

"What the Hell was THAT for?!" he demanded, as soon as he was able to speak again, except for it came out as: "Whavethvellvasthigvor?!", for he had not yet taken his face out of the ground.

Yuki-Hime swayed, perplexed by the scene before her.

Kagome ran over to Yuki-Hime, and peered down, concerned.

"Are you ok?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. The girl looked anything but ok.

<Caution!> Yuki-Hime's brain told her. <Be cautious! Don't trust humans! You learned the lesson by now!!!>

"Kagome!!" Inuyasha growled, finally picking his head out of the sand and gravel. "I told you to STAY AWAY!!!"

"Inuyasha! How is she to attack us? Just look at her! All bruised and cut! It's not like everyone in the whole world is as `regenerative' as you are!!" Kagome yelled back.

She tried to help the girl up, but Yuki-Hime was not about to let the disaster happen to her again.

She slowly inched herself back, glaring at the humans and a few demons that were accompanying them.

"What's…..wrong?" Kagome asked, concerned.

"Don't get any closer to me, Human!" Yuki-Hime barked. "You shall be slain if you must!"

"But……" Kagome whispered. "You're hurt…."

Yuki-Hime stared, through the veil of haziness from the venom.

This human girl was…… worried about her?

What kind of a theory was that?

Human and Demon, they were always enemies.

Except for the exception of her father, of course, but she had heard so little about him, or what it is about him, that all she knew was that he had a half-breed son. Such a shameful fact for such a noble family. A Daimaou for god's sake!

But now he had been dead for a few decades, and nothing could change it.

"Mind not of me…" Yuki-Hime's voice cracked, as the venoms began it's way down various air-pipes.

"Feh." Inuyasha snorted, as he stood up. "So much to say for such a small person, about to be dead of course."

"Set my brother to kill you then." Yuki-Hime crackled.

"Feh." Inuyasha snorted again. "Your brother. Oh, brother. He'd be dead before my own will be."

"You will not talk about my family in such ways." Yuki-Hime glared at Inuyasha. "Such things should be kept to yourself. I would think my so called brother whom I've never met would be stronger than you are."

"Oh, really. I'll see who that unlucky one will be, after I'm finished with you." Inuyasha sneered, as he looked down at the small girl.

Yuki-Hime swayed yet again, her long silver hair shining in the sun.

<The end of me.> She though gravely. <So quickly. I've only lived for 66 years, only 6 decades, and now I'm going to be sent to hell by this idiotic demon. Why is he holding a sword? That looks exactly like the one my brother has, well not really…. But why would a demon need a sword with such power if he is strong enough himself?>

Her hand felt around a small Katana she had in her pocket. Very small. The length of a palm.

Its saya was made of an ancient tree's limb, and carefully polished by the maker, whom also made its blade. She had never used this before, except for when she was cutting open fruits, or meat for it was so small.

Just a rusty bit of junk it was, but she had kept it, for her mother had insisted that she do. It was the only thing left of her father.

<A father whom I don't even remember.> Yuki-Hime thought gravely. <What use was this to my anyways? Better just use it on something useful. Like to kill myself.>

She silently took out the sword, (or rather a knife from the length of it.) and unsheathed it.

Inuyasha looked at her suspiciously, as she held it in her palms.

Then it made a beat.




Yuki-Hime stared. Her eyes seemed to begin clearing.

The katana was still beating, as if it had a heart.

Inuyasha stared, and gulped. This was defiantly not good.

Especially when his Tetusaiga began to beat too.

Yuki-Hime clutched the katana, cutting her hand slightly.

Blood trickled down her arm, and onto her kimono.

It wasn't just the two swords beating.

"Me Lord? What is it?" Jaken asked his master.

"Jaken, keep your eyes on Rin." Sesshoumaru commanded his servant suddenly.

"Ay, Me Lord, but why ever so?" Jaken asked, slightly uncertain if he should be questioning his master.

"Do you see the sword?" Sesshoumaru asked quietly, motioning to his Tenseiga.

"Ay, Me Lord. It's….It's…. beating?"

"Yes, and for this, I have a feeling I need to go. Check on something." Shesshoumaru stated.

"Ay, Me Lord." Jaken sighed. He was always stuck with the brat.

Rin was sleeping peacefully on Aun.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome spoke to Inuyasha, worried.

"My…My Tetusaiga…. It's in rhythm with that other thing." Inuyasha whispered in disbelief.

"Get away from me!" Yuki-Hime suddenly shrieked.

"Eh?" everyone looked up from Tetusaiga.

"You….You…..Disgrace of a Demon!!" Yuki-Hime kept on shouting.

"Demon? Speak for yourself, you arrogant, son of a ---" Inuyasha was unable to finish, for there was a loud clap of thunder, and Sesshoumaru appeared, staring right at Yuki-Hime.

<Great.> Thought Yuki-Hime. <He's nice enough to pay a visit. Never here when I need him, and there he is! What do you know? Probably come to beat the living hell out of me….>

"Sesshoumaru…" Inuyasha growled. "What do YOU want?"

The others were unable to move, or speak, too astonished by his appearance.

"Ah, little brother. I have a task yet to be finished. I will spare you for the moment." Sesshoumaru spoke, quietly.

He took out his sword, the one made by the evil demon, which had been made by a fang of the dead Oni. Inuyasha had killed it.

Yuki-Hime shuddered, and slid back a meter.

Sesshoumaru advanced, his sword stuck out in front of him.

"No…" Yuki-Hime whined, shaking her head.

But Sesshoumaru took no notice in the girl's feebleness, and gripped the sword harder. Strings of energy shot out of nowhere, cutting into Yuki-Hime.

She winced, as the rays cut through her legs, arms, and face.

Trickles of blood streamed down her desperate face.

There were more where it came from, and she knew it.

As more and more energy blasts were summoned for Sesshoumaru's use, the girl suffered quite a lot of pain.

She was half covered with blood, and with the next blast, was shot to the wall. She crumpled, inhaling sharply.

Inuyasha and Kagome, along with all others watched horrified.

Yuki-Hime looked like a torn rag doll.

Her eyes had lost all of its rich gold color. It was now hazy gray, not focused on anything.

"S-Stop!" Inuyasha croaked.

Sesshoumaru took no notice, and once again struck the girl with lightning whips.

"I said STOP!!!" Inuyasha bellowed, anger showing brightly in his face.

Sesshoumaru stopped, and looked at his younger brother for some time.

"Ah, little brother, so you have sympathy for you sister, do you?" Sesshoumaru sneered, coldly.

"Si-sister?" Kagome whispered.

"What the Hell are you talking about?" Inuyasha spat. "You know as clearly as I do, that we have no sister, just us two, in the midst of a war!"

"Yes. That may be. But you never knew about your sister here. You do not, correct?" Sesshoumaru asked, keeping his cool.

"What? No, this can't be true!" Inuyasha growled. He wasn't about to believe his brother after 15 years of put-downs.

Sango and Miroku looked at each other.

Shippou was long gone, curled up inside Kagome's basket on the bicycle.

Kirara snarled, baring her fangs at Sesshoumaru, as always.

"She….She can't be my sister! I mean, look at all of the odds against it! It's obvious! My mother died years ago, and well, I don't know anything about yours, but Hell, father was with my mother before and after I was born!" Inuyasha protested.

Sesshoumaru suddenly took a step towards Yuki-Hime.

He unleashed his whip from his finger, and wrapped it around Yuki-Hime's neck, and dragged her closer to him.

He held her in the air, and shook her vigorously.

Yuki-Hime groaned.

"Yuki!" Sesshoumaru growled. "Where is mother?"

"…..Dead…" Yuki-Hime was able to cough out the location or rather the state of Sesshoumaru and her mother.

"DEAD?" Sesshoumaru barked, though still keeping his pride. "Explain yourself!" He demanded.

"Aniue…" Yuki-Hime pleaded, as she cracked her eyes open slightly. "Have mercy!"

"Tell me." Sesshoumaru growled.

Inuyasha and the gang decided it was time to take a few steps back.

Sesshoumaru seemed serious about his mother.

((Surprise, Surprise!! The 4th thing he had shown affection to!



Inuyasha ))

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Sesshoumaru barked, getting impatient by the second, tightening his grasp on his sister's throat………….

To be continued…………

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AN: If I don't get a good amount reviews, then I might reconsider, and not write, because of all of the mini-crisis going on in school and everything.

Thanks for reading!

Please Review!!!!

I try to use as much English words as possible, and less Japanese words, but there are words I get stuck on, and I keep them Japanese if they cannot be translated. So if you have any questions or comments, please e-mail:
