InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Three

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Sesshoumaru barked, getting impatient by the second, tightening his grasp on his sister's throat.

"..Agh.." Yuki-Hime coughed. She may have recovered a little bit, but not enough to suit her needs as of now.

Inuyasha stood gaping like a cow, staring blankly with his mouth open.

"Ah..Wha….How….???" Were all he could muster.

Kagome stood there, perplexed, unsure of what to do, and so were everyone else.

"Put her down, and maybe she would be able to tell you!" Miroku suggested.

Sesshoumaru snorted, and threw Yuki-Hime down.

"I….Told you!" Yuki-Hime gasped, as she crawled out of the rubble she had made. "She's dead…That…That Human killed her!"

"I bet." Inuyasha snorted. "You probably killed her yourself, and besides, who is to believe you----"

He was caught by surprise, and to everyone's dismay, the sky became gray, and Naraku appeared out of nowhere, thunder clapping everywhere.

"Ku,ku,ku." He laughed, coldly. "I see you have found each other, finally."

"Oh, and what? Are you going to say something about that?" Inuyasha challenged.

"Oh, No." Naraku sneered. "I just came to return something to Yuki-Hime." He smiled with sinister.

Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru glared at him with doubt.

"And what exactly would that be?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly.

"Just her Demon powers, Sesshoumaru. Nothing to be afraid of." Naraku assured, not giving anyone assurance.

He had a glimpse of conspiracy in him, and everyone saw it.

When he took out a blue misty ball, everyone jumped, except for Yuki-Hime, who stared at it with misery in her eyes.

Inuyasha looked at Yuki-Hime briefly, and then at the misty ball.

"That seems to not be one of your belongings." He stated.

"Of course not." Naraku answered without a trace of discomfort.

"This is your dear sister's Demon Soul. All of her powers, in this one misty orb." He declared.

"Give it back…" Yuki-Hime screeched, her voice, somewhat detached.

"Sure. Why not?" Naraku spoke coldly, as he threw the misty ball at Yuki-Hime. It dissolved instantly into her, glowing bright blue. The Blue color symbolizing her demon powers.

Yuki-Hime stiffened.

She instantly began to heal, but something was not right.

She fell down on her knees, clutching her heart.

She gasped for breath, causing Kagome to run besides her.

"What did you do to her?" Inuyasha growled.

"Nothing, Inuyasha. Just a side effect of all of her Demon powers returning. I had great use. I thank you, Yuki-Hime." Naraku told them.

A gasp escaped Yuki-Hime's lips, as her breath became shorter, and shorter.
Then she blacked out painfully.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stared at her with the greatest of the concerns, they had never shown anyone else. Inuyasha had come to respect the fact that she seemed to really be his sister.

"Ok, something is not right here." Sango remarked. "Why do YOU have her Demon Soul in the first place?"

"Yes. We need explanation." Miroku demanded.

"Relax, Sango and Houshi. I have done nothing. Just use it for my convenience." Naraku sneered.

"Yeah, right." Inuyasha sneered back. "Probably used it `Just' for some evil plans again."

Sesshoumaru shot Naraku a warning glare.

"You better spit it out, if you know what is good for you." He spat, his cold golden gaze locked on with Naraku's.

"You aren't Naraku, are you?" Inuyasha yelled. "Probably one of his Kugutus."

"Must be. Why else would he be here in the first place? He hates to make his hands dirty. Plays dirty, but doesn't get a scratch." Miroku snorted.

"Relax, Houshi. And Inuyasha, I see you are putting that thick brain of yours to use. Very rare. Must be very scared by your sister's appearance, aren't you." Naraku hissed. "Very well. I will tell you. It will not change anything for me, either way."

The air all around them grew tense, and time itself seemed to cease, as Naraku stood, his villainous smile creeping it's way to the surface.

"Tell me……" Inuyasha growled.

"I just borrowed some of her useful `healing powers', nothing to worry about, my friend." Naraku sneered coldly.

Sango and Kagome gasped, as they looked down at the frail girl, unconscious.

"You didn't… How would that help YOU?!" Inuyasha barked.

"Oh, it may not look much useful, but believe me, I'll have my uses for it." Naraku soothed, as he began to erode.

"Wait! Bastard!" Inuyasha yelled, but Naraku had already vanished.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha cursed, and Miroku hissed under his breath, about how they shouldn't take care of the pretty ladies in such ways.

Sango looked at him, angrily.

Sesshoumaru walked away, silently.

"Hey! Where are you going!? You aren't going to leave HER here, are you!?" Inuyasha yelled after him.

"She is your business for now." Shesshoumaru answered coldly, and floated away on his fluff.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^.^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Yuki-Hime groaned.

She never experienced such pain before from just rolling over.

And she opened her eyes.

Her surroundings were dim and unclear.

It was misty all over, but her sense of scent was coming back, before her sense of eyesight.

She yelped in surprise, as she jumped away from Kagome, who was trying to re-dab a piece of cloth in cold water, to place on Yuki-Hime's forehead.

Yuki-Hime crouched in the corner of the hut, ready to pounce if necessary.

Kagome and Shippou stared at her, startled, and Kaede looked up from her herb-making process.

"You shouldn't move!" Kagome shouted. "You're hurt!"

"Where am I?" Yuki-Hime demanded.

"That's not the problem! You need rest! Get back in the Futon!" Kagome ordered.

"Lowly Human. It isn't worth talking to you!" Yuki-Hime snarled.

Shippou whimpered as he hid behind Kagome, who was patiently sitting next to the Futon mat.

She winced silently, as the cold dirt seeped into her bandaged skin.

"So much for the temper." Kaede spoke up. "Just like thy brother. Why, you are in my hut right now. And young demon, there is no one here to hurt you."

"And so every one says." Yuki-Hime snorted.

"What have you got to lose?" Inuyasha sneered, as he came into the hut, along with Miroku.

Yuki-Hime winced at the light, and covered her eyes.

"Shut up, Half-Breed. Some nerve you have to talk to me in such way!" Yuki-Hime shot back.

"You take that back, you bastard!! So much for getting beat up by a human!" Inuyasha yelled, baring his fangs.

"Oh, and you point is? Half-Breed, so much for you comment, but you are HALF HUMAN for god's sake!" Yuki-Hime yelled back, her face in controlled rage.

"Ok, that's it!" Inuyasha yelled, as he thrashed his claw through the air, and sliced a ribbon of Yuki-Hime's retreating hair.

"INUYASHA!" Kagome shouted, in her `dangerous voice'. "SIT!!!!" she ordered, and Inuyasha stumbled forward, and was in his `sit' position.

Kagome sighed, and looked at Yuki-Hime.

"What is your name?" She asked, trying to be friendly as possible.

"Why should I tell you?" Yuki-Hime growled, not willing to let down her barrier.

"It's just a simple question!" Kagome retorted.

Miroku whisked past the angry girl, and to right in front of Yuki-Hime.

"Fair lady," He began, as he took her hands in his. "Will you bear my child?"

Yuki-Hime stood, stationary, unable to over come the shock, and Miroku was slammed face first into the ground by Sango's boomerang.

"HOUSHI-SAMA?!" Sango's voice boomed. "MUST YOU ALWAYS DO THAT?!"

"Sango, Sango, it was a mere joke! No, serious!" Miroku laughed, scratching his head.

Yuki-Hime was still stoned to the spot, unable to move.

"Is she alive?" Inuyasha asked, as he waved a hand in front of her face. "Hello? Hello? Is the dimwit there?"

A strong arm gripped his, and threw him into the ground once more.

"Thanks." Yuki-Hime sneered. "That was some way to talk."

"Now, will you tell us what your name is?" Kagome asked again.

"………" Yuki-Hime looked down.

Don't trust humans! Her instinct told her. You've learned your lesson! Don't trust them!

"Well?" Inuyasha growled, as he got up, his face twisted with anger, right about to punch.

"Uh….." Yuki-Hime mumbled. "My name is……"

She was reluctant to tell, yet, she had this feeling she might be able to trust these humans……Why?

She thought to her self.



"…..Himeyasha….More commonly known as Yuki-Hime, from my mother's blood, I have received a loyal demon blood, and from my father's side, I have inherited the great Daimaou of the West's blood." She reluctantly told them. "Same as you in that part." She told Inuyasha as she looked up at him. "What is YOUR name anyways?"

"Inuyasha…" Inuyasha grumbled, unsure of how to react.

"Inuyasha? Hmm…I say you should have a little more respect for your elders, such as my self." Yuki-Hime grumbled.

"You're OLDER?!" Sango breathed.

"Of course, and even if I was not, 50 years ago, I will be, now." Himeyasha sighed. "At least, I am not 15, as you can plainly see."

"………" Everyone sat for a while, digesting all the new information.

"Where is Sesshoumaru?" Yuki-Hime suddenly asked, as everyone jumped.

"Gone. Off somewhere, to nowhere again, I suppose." Inuyasha yawned. "It's getting late. Kagome, get some rest. We're going shard hunting tomorrow. Oh, and I don't want to be with this bastard. I'm going to be on the roof."

"Watch who you're calling a bastard!" Yuki-Hime yelled after him, as he swung himself onto the roof.

Yuki-Hime began to head out, and leave, but someone grabbed her arm.

Yuki-Hime looked back, and saw Kagome tugging her across the hut, and into a Futon.

"Hey, what are you………" Yuki-Hime was left with no way to protest, as Kaede set up a demon barrier, so she couldn't get out of bed.

"Thy needs rest." She told her silently. "And Thy is not to get out of bed."

Yuki-Hime grumbled in response, and sighed. Why, why is she always so controlled by humans?

As everyone drifted off to sleep, she began to fall to a deep sleep.

She began to dream, of a long time ago.

She was running around in the woods, when a bunch of child wolf-demons surrounded her.

She tried to get away, but a little pup, threw her down, and began taunting and beating her. The others came in, as she fought to get away.

Something surged within her, and a blue aurora exploded around her, and the wolf-demons were blown away. She took the time as an advantage, and began running away.

She never did find out what that big explosion was all about, until now……..

She awoke with a drench, and cold sweat all over her.

She was almost completely healed.

Small streaks of bright sunlight made their way into the hut.

Himeyasha attempted to get up,before remembering painfully that there was a barrier, as thousands of magical pain shot through her.

Yuki-Hime growled.

"Hey!" She barked at Kagome, who was sleeping next to her. "Girl! Get this damn thing off of me!"

Kagome grudgingly opened one eye, and then sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Then she yawned.

"What did you say?" She asked sheepishly.

"I said, get this damn thing off of me!" Yuki-Hime's temper was indeed a one to come next to her brothers.

"Oh, yes. Sure." Kagome yawned again, as she tore off the piece of enchanted parchment off Yuki-Hime's futon.

Yuki-Hime yelped in happiness, as she shot out of the door, startling everyone.

"Don't go too far!" Kagome called after her. "Breakfast will be ready soon!"

Inuyasha grumbled, as he shook himself awake, and began bouncing his way after Yuki-Hime.

And so, another day ended for the Inuyasha gang, and another new one, with much more adventures packed in it, were to begin………..

To be continued…………….

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^o^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Thanks to you all who sent reviews to me!!!!

I actually found time between my homework, reading Inuyasha, watching Inuyasha, Japanese Homework, and Psychologist appointments to get this chapter done!!!!!!


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