InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Six

What the hell? What the hell?

Inuyasha thought furiously, as he pranced back and forth at the mouth of the well.



I just don't understand her! First, she's all ruthless, and trying to kill every human in sight, then she tells me so much weakness, and now, she's no where to be seen.

"Why so irritated?" Crackled a voice not so far away.

Inuyasha flipped around, as he witnessed a large winged creature land softly onto bare earth.

"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha asked, suspiciously, his eyes narrowing. "And what business do you have with me?"

"Ah. Lord Inuyasha, do not get so infuriated!" The winged creature chuckled dangerously. "I came not for harm."

"Like you'd be able to harm me! If you know my name, than the deal is on faster. So, how about answering my question, huh? It might help the damn situation a little." Inuyasha spat.

"Where is Yuki-Hime? I happened to hear that she had traveled this way. And I also happened to hear that you were her half brother." The creature told him, miraculously.

"And why do you want to know that? And also, why would I tell you that?" Inuyasha growled.

"Because, if you don't, I will get it out of you." The winged creature sneered, as he spread his brownish wing to its full extent.

The creature looked like an angel, with humanoid body, and wings. His elf-like pointed ears also proved that he was not human. He was a short and blunt man, in gray attire. He had brown shaggy hair, and a crooked nose that almost hid his cruel mouth, curled up in to a menacing smile.

"Yeah, right." Inuyasha scoffed, then suddenly, pulled out his Tetusaiga. "And who are you?" He asked dangerously. "I'd like to hear the name of the one who I make sliced meat out of."

"Ah. I beg your pardon. My name is Aggress. The chief in the army of my lord, Aves, and a member of the Bird demons, who dominate the skies." Aggress sneered. "And I do doubt you can harm me. Allow me to demonstrate."

Aggress leaped up in the sky, and gave out a war cry.

He punched his hand in the air, and began to spin around quickly, until he became a spinning blur. A gust of wind began to form, and he suddenly stopped. The wind gust kept on spinning around him, and Aggress spread his arms and legs wide. The funnel began to expand, whipping away everything in its path. Soon, the whole place was in wrecks.

Inuyasha covered his eyes, as he struggled to stay on the ground, and not get blown away. He dug his Tetusaiga into the ground, and decided to looks for the best chance. He smelled the winds…The smell of spirit powers rubbing together, the place where the two meets…

"THERE!!" Inuyasha screamed, as he rammed his Tetusaiga into the wind. "Take this, you bastard! BAKURYUHA!!!"

Aggress, not expecting a gust of wind to knock him over, and worse, begin to slice him up, began to scream pathetically. The voice was nerve wrecking, but Inuyasha ignored it. All he wanted to think about was where that idiot went, and what she thought she was doing. When she came back, if she came back, she was in quite a lot of trouble.

Kagome began to slowly walk up the staircase which led to the roof of the school building, when she was yet again, stopped by Hojo.

"Hey, Kagome!" He ran towards her, waving his hand happily. "Are you free this Saturday?"

This Saturday? I need to be back in Sengoku Jidai by then! Or else, Inuyasha will come to take me back!


"Great! Can we go to the movies then? I'll be waiting at the movie theater at 12 tomorrow!" Hojo smiled brightly, and ran out before Kagome could utter a word.

"Haa..." Kagome sighed, defeated. "Why? Why does this all happen to me?"

"Ok, Kagome." Kagome's friends ganged up on her. "You better not screw this date up! For god's sake! He needs time with you, so give it to him! Break up with that selfish, violent, double-timer! Kagome, you need Hojo! He's the type for you!"

"Ah! Just shut up, will you?!" Kagome growled, and sighed again.

"What are you doing?" An angry voice vibrated the hallway. "You said you would come up. I have waited. It is almost sundown. What do you think you are doing?"

Kagome slowly turned around, half expecting, and half afraid to see who is was. Her face was blue, and flames of anger began to flaw when she saw who it was: Yuki.

"I told you STAY UP THERE UNTIL I COME UP!!" Kagome yelled, her friends jerking back in surprise.

"I stayed for hours. You never did come up." Yuki shouted back. "What are you humans to break promises? I should never have listened to you. I should have followed my instincts! I should have killed you in the spot!" Yuki spluttered, furiously. Her mind was somewhere else. She was saying things she never meant to say. And worse, she was not in the right mind. Her past was repeating itself in her head.

"Yuki! I told you, you need to go to Lord Aves' castle!!"

"But father…"

"No, Yuki, I ordered you. You are to follow what I say. You WILL do as I say!"

"But father! Why? Why do I need to go? Why do I have to? You care only for Aniue and Inuyasha!! Aniue is always allowed to do what ever he wishes! Father this is unfair!!"

"You know the answer to that question very well! You are a female!! Females don't run around, killing! They are born to mate, and make their families stronger!!"

"You can talk! You are a male! You never experienced how it feels like! Locked up all day, nothing to do, and worse! There are things haunting you everywhere!! No this, no that, don't do this, don't do that! It's always that way! What is there for me to do? Father, I'm tired of this!! How everyone tries to control my life! All you care about are my brothers! All you ever care about is Inuyasha!! All of this!! I'm going away! I'm NEVER coming back home!!"


She was shook back to reality, when Kagome took out a piece of stick, and with a grunt, poked it right into Yuki. The Miko's power was not in it, but a stick only a centimeter wide, sticking into your arm is not a very sensational feeling.

"You say anymore, and I promise you some of my arrows in your body!" Kagome growled in a monotone, trying to make it so only Yuki can hear.

She expected Yuki to scuff like Inuyasha, or come charging at her like Sesshoumaru, but Yuki did neither. She flipped around, and entered the nearest classroom, where everyone in there parted, and stared at her.

She pushed one of the windows open, and jumped out.

Most of the school were following her every move, and scrunched out their necks from the window, just to get a glimpse of a girl who was falling from a three story high window.

Yuki flipped once, and landed on the ground effortlessly, and glared back at the window where she came from. Most of the crowd shrank from her angered eyes.

Kagome hurriedly ran down the steps of the school building, and flung herself into another hallway, leading to all of the after-school sports activities were held. She ran into one of them, where there was an archery meeting.

Slightly out of breath, Kagome slid open the door roughly, and walked right in.

All of the archery members stared at her curiously, and one of the leaders came up.

"Are you trying to join the club? If you are, I am sorry, but we are done with the sign-ups for this year." He told her, calmly.

"I (huff) need (huff) to borrow (huff) a bow and some arrows!" Kagome blurted out.

"I can't do that...Really." He answered.

"Please! I promise, I'll return the bow! And I will make a new arrow for you when I have the chance! Please! I really need it! It would only take a few minutes!!" Kagome pleaded.

The only way to get Yuki back without her hurting anyone was to give her enough shock to go unconscious, and then, call Inuyasha for help.

She had decided.

The leader looked around the room for support.

"Give it to her, leader. I think it'll be fun to see what she's going to do with it." One of them piped up.

"Yeah." Others agreed.

"Oh, alright…" The leader began to walk over to the racks, and grudgingly gave her a couple of arrows. "Now, for the bow…"

"I can choose them myself" Kagome put in, hopefully.

"Are you sure? It isn't that easy to find a fit…" the leader looked doubtful, but moved to the side a little, so Kagome can get a better view of all the bows cleaned, and hanging neatly on the racks.

Kagome quickly picked out one that looked, felt, and weighted about the one she used in Sengoku Jidai.

"Thank you SO much!" She exclaimed, as she quickly bowed, and ran out of the building.

"What was that all about?" One of the members questioned out loud.


"Hey, leader! Can we go out and watch?"

"YUKI!!" Kagome yelled, as she neared the front of the school building, and ran outside. She expected to see Yuki, in a fighting stance, ready to pounce, but what really happened was quite the contrary.

First, Yuki was not in a fighting stance. She was standing, leaning onto the school, and clutching her head.

And she was not about to prance. She was more like, ready to drop in a mass of head ach right this second.

"Yuki!!" Kagome yelled again, this time, a little bit softer. "Hey!! Come out, and fight like a demon!"

"Fight like a demon, huh? Weird people say weird things." The archery members shrugged their shoulders.

"Fight? Who said fight?" Yuki grumbled, as she pushed herself off the wall, and stood up straight. She stared long and hard at the arrows and bow in Kagome's hand. "Where you, by any chance planning on attacking me with those?" she forced out a laugh. "Very funny, Miko, but you cannot kill me with that."

"We'll see about that!" Kagome yelled, as she strung the arrow to the bow.

"Whew! Here comes the show!" One of the archery members whistled.

Kagome unleashed one arrow, and the arrow went straight for Yuki's heart, but Yuki moved slightly, and dodged it. The arrow pierced the ground about a meter from where Yuki was standing a second ago, and created a rather large crater in the ground.

The whole school was watching with awe, not understanding much of what was happening.

"Yuki, Prepare to die!!" A voice rang out loudly, as Inuyasha jumped from the top of the tree, and with his Tetusaiga out, and bracing before him.

Yuki smiled wearily.

"Ah, Inuyasha, so you have turned on me also…" Yuki quietly voiced out.

Then suddenly, she began to collapse, her legs bucked, and she fell onto the ground.

"What the?!" Inuyasha and Kagome gaped, as Yuki-Hime became clearly unconscious.

"Mother…" Yuki suddenly muttered. "Father… Was I meant to be brought up this way?" and she fell completely silent.

Kagome and Inuyasha suspiciously inched up on Yuki, ready to strike if necessary.

"Why? She's really unconscious!" Kagome gasped, clearly surprised. "I wonder what cause that?"

"Probably…" Inuyasha began, but then shook his head.

"Probably what?" Kagome asked.

"Never mind." Inuyasha shook his head again. "Never Mind."

He lugged Yuki on his back, and both of them, with out looking back left the school ground.

"Lord Aves." A gruff voice called.

"What is it?" A voice which unmistakably was owned by a young male asked.

"Aggress has been killed."

"What? And who exactly did that?" The voice inquired, as he picked up some meat, and threw it daintily in his mouth.

"It has come to my attention that it was Inuyasha, the youngest of the Inutaishou." The owner of the gruff voice answered.

"Was it? Very well. Get the army. We are heading south."

"As you wish, my lord." He bowed, and left the room.

"Very interesting, and at the same time, intriguing. This should be nice. It is about time she came home too. To where her family lies."

"Inuyasha?" Kagome spoke up suddenly.

"Hmm?" Inuyasha grunted in response, as he shifted his position slightly.

"Should we go back? I mean, you know, to Sengoku Jidai?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know, Kagome. What do you think? By the way, I'm pretty hungry. Got any food?" Inuyasha yawned.

"Ok, ok. I'll go get something." Kagome sighed, and picked herself off her chair in her room, and closed her math textbook.

Inuyasha was lying on the floor next to the bed, and Yuki lay, fast asleep on Kagome's bed.

Kagome, she won't kill. She can't kill. She doesn't know how.

Inuyasha thought, as he turned, and looked up at his sister.

She looks so much like me And yet, she's so different. I wonder how my father was like. Did he look like us? He must have.

Inuyasha gave out a grunt, and flipped around.

Hell, what am I thinking?

"I wonder when Kagome-chan and Inuyasha is coming back. I have a feeling something not good is going to happen…" Sango mumbled, worriedly as she looked up at the pale blue sky. The sun was about to set.

"I feel some spirit powers approaching. I think we better get out of this village soon, before they reach us." Miroku agreed. "I doubt they'll get here by tonight. We better rest. Lady Kagome and Inuyasha should be coming back tomorrow, if not now."

"I guess you are right." Sango sighed, and picked up Kirara. "Houshi-sama, I'm going to sleep. Good night."

"Good night to you too, Sango. Rest well. Tomorrow threatens to be a rough day." Miroku smiled.

"Lord Aves, the military is ready to head out by tomorrow morning at sunup." The gruff voice emerged again.

"Very well. I will go to my chamber now. You may rest, sergeant." Aves replied, as he stood up.

"Yes, My Lord."

"Tomorrow, you shall be mine once again, and you will stay that way now." Aves gave a shrill laugh, which echoed, around the whole stone castle…

To be continued…………

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Weeeee…. Two chapters done in a row!!!!

Yeah, I know. It doesn't make sense, does it.

Neither does it to me. (No, just kidding! Well…Not entirely… ^.^;)

School started again, and for some reason, I'm pretty well loaded with homework, including my Algebra homework, which isn't that hard, but when you have 5 sections to do…Well, not very intriguing.

Well, I hope you all had a happy New Year!!!!