InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Define Family ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Define Family

By Hiroko

Chapter Seven

"Mmmm…" Yuki grumbled, as she tossed and turned a bit on Kagome's bed. "Ow! God that hurt!"

Her sour muscles cried out in pain.

Yuki got up slightly to observe her surroundings. She almost jumped a foot in the air after her vision cleared, and saw her brother lying just inches from the side of the bed.

After she noticed that he was fast asleep, all cuddled up in a ball, she took the time to sit back a little, and inspect the place she was placed in.

She took a good look around, and slightly sniffed the air to conclude that she had been here, only a day before.

The sun was almost all the way up in the air, and the birds were singing their happy tunes.

Kagome yawned, and silently got herself to get up from the futon she was sleeping in, in Souta's room.

Morning already?

She thought to herself.

I could use a little more rest.

She yawned again, and forced herself back up.

That was when she heard a shrill cry of terror, coming from her room.

Kagome jumped, now fully awake. She quickly ran out of Souta's room, and into her own.

What she found there was Inuyasha, about to slice his sister into 5 pieces.

"Inuyasha, What are you doing?!" Kagome demanded, as she quickly barged into the room.

Yuki was up against the wall, breathing heavily.

"Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god." She was muttering.

"I'm not going to miss this time!" Inuyasha growled, as he got ready to strike again.

Yuki flinched slightly.


"Inuyasha, sit!!!!" Kagome ordered harshly.

Inuyasha was immediately slammed onto the ground, and twitching madly.

"Yuki, are you ok?" Kagome asked, concerned.

"No, do I look ok?" Yuki yelled. "That freak was trying to kill me, because I accidentally stepped on him!" She protested.

"On accident? Are you kidding? Who do you think I am, to be fooled by such a joke? You stepped on me on purpose!" Inuyasha yelled back.

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

Kagome sighed, and shook her head, and began to head out the door.

"Hey, if any of you decide to become civil and act like a person today, then come downstairs for breakfast." She muttered.

Sibling fights. This happens To everyone.

She silently walked downstairs, hearing the two still arguing in the background.

At least they aren't killing each other now.

She thought, a little happily.

"Our men are ready to go, my lord." The gruff voice informed.

"Very well. How many are there? I need barely 50 assemblies. It would not be too much. Just taking my wife back for her children." Lord Aves smiled, inwardly.

"Fifty, my lord? I have 1000 men on assembly as of now. What shall I do?" The gruff voice sounded truly surprised.

"I only need some of my top officers." Aves replied, as he got up.

"As you wish, My Lord." The man bowed, and left.

"Houshi-Sama, when will Inuyasha and Kagome-Chan return?" Sango asked, concerned.

"I have noted that the Jaki has become more powerful too, Sango. I guess all we are able to do is to wait and see." Miroku sighed.

Kirara slept, curled up in Sango's arms.

"Father? What is it?" A young shrill voice asked.

"Ah, Nami. You are here. Your mother, she will be coming home." A man's voice, belonging to no other than Aves chuckled.

"Mother? She's coming home? But why, father. She has been away for such a long time!" Nami asked.

Nami had the form of a young child with elfish pointed ears, and small, yet beautiful wings. Her hair shined silver, and her wings, pearl-white. Her face showed features of a royally brought up children.

Her golden eyes held wonders, and curiosity, which she was rarely allowed to use.

"I am going out to get her back, my dear daughter. Do you wish to come with me?" Aves asked, smiling.

"I would, father, but what about Saka? Wouldn't he like to come too?" Nami asked, a bit disappointed that her brother might not be able to come with her. Innocence showed up through her features, and she was not evil demon like at all.

"Ah. Nami. Always considering her little brother. But for once, child, wouldn't you like to come with me… Alone?" Aves asked, keeping firm control over his children.

"Well…A guess that might not be bad…" Nami thought out loud. "But father, wouldn't he get upset?"

"Don't worry about him. We'll deal with him when we get back. As of now, I expect you to be ready in an hour." Aves ordered, and Nami bowed respectively and left.

"Ah. My time has come" Aves chuckled.

"So, you two decided to become civil, huh?" Kagome asked, as she looked up from her food.

Inuyasha grunted, and roughly pushed a chair out for himself.

Yuki looked tired, and daintily sat herself in one of the other chairs, placing herself as far away as possible from Inuyasha.

"My, my, you both do look alike!" Mrs. Higurashi exclaimed, as she brought out two additional plates.

Kagome winced. Not a smart thing to say was her opinion.

As if on que, Inuyasha growled, and Yuki scoffed, and turned her head.

Mrs. Higurashi looked curious, but kept her mouth shut.

"Kagome-Chan! You're back!" Sango screamed, happily. "I was wondering when you would!"

"Inuyasha, do you feel that?" Miroku asked, seriously, sounding the complete opposite of Sango.

"Yeah. What is it?" Inuyasha asked, as he heaved up Kagome's yellow backpack from the well.

He then yelled into the well.




Sango and Miroku peered cautiously into the well, and right that second, a blurry figure jumped out of the well in great speed, and landed softly on a tree branch.

"Show off." Inuyasha muttered.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome warned.

Yuki snorted annoyed.

Then she snapped into a trance.

She could feel it.

The feeling… The dangerous, yet very familiar ki.

Her whole body became alerted, and she began to quiver slightly, her face was gray.

"Come down here, you idiot! What are you doing, sleeping in the tree?" Inuyasha yelled impatiently, as everyone stared up to the branch Yuki was on.

"No…" They heard her mutter. "No…No…Not him…"

"No what, Yuki?" Miroku asked gently.

"No…" Yuki covered her face, then leaped up into the air, and came softly down to earth. Her usual cool expression back in place.

"Now, you come down." Inuyasha growled, annoyed. The gang proceeded in going down the hill, and back to Kaede's village.

They all agreed to set out after lunch, and that was exactly was they did.

The party, with now a new demon involved, once again began their journey in finding the Shikon-Shards.

Since Inuyasha had information that there was one located across a mountain, they began heading out towards that side.

They were almost over the mountain, walking clumsily along jagged, so-called roads, going higher and higher to reach the other side.

"God…isn't it almost the top yet????? I'm so damn tired…" Kagome gasped, as she reluctantly took another step forward.

"Almost…" Sango gasped, as she too fought to climb further up.

Just when they thought their troubles were over, and over they go, they were suddenly stopped by an alarming amount if Ki they sensed.

Suddenly, a large herd of some kind blocked the sunrays from reaching them.

As the group looked up, to their astonishment, they saw what they would all remember for as long as they lived.

"What are you doing, protecting a human… Princess?" A voice crackled overhead.

"Princess?" Miroku inquired, as he squinted up to see who was talking. "Who are you talking about? Are you talking about Yuki-Hime?"

Yuki-gritted her teeth.

"Aves." She growled.

"Ai, it is I." The deep voice replied, his body casting large shadows on to the ground, few of his men residing right behind him, ready to strike if necessary.

"What do you want? What are you doing here?" she demanded.

"You escaped, so I'm here to take you back."

"And am I going to let you?" Yuki grumbled.

"Probably no, so I'm going to have to make you, like so many times ago." Aves gave a short laugh, and descended with dangerous speed.

His large wings spread overhead like a roof, and his long white hair flared behind him.

As he landed, everyone witnessed his human-like form of a muscular, yet relatively thin-framed man.

His elf-like ears and wings were the only signs that showed he was truly not a human.

"Leave me alone, and go back to where you came from!" Yuki shouted at him.

"My princess, Just as I remember." Aves chuckled, and suddenly grabbed her, and kissed her on the lips.

Yuki was paralyzed for a second, but the next second was a different case.

Inuyasha suddenly attempted to slice the demon in half, enraged by the sudden thought that this idiot was kissing with HIS sister.

Aves easily dodged it, by jumping to a near by rock, carrying Yuki in his arms.

"My, my... What a short tempered one you have there. You must be my brother in law, are you not?" Aves chuckled.

"YOUR WHAT?" Inuyasha bellowed, as he once again, picked up his sword in pure attempt to use the Kaze-No-Kizu on the rude idiot.

Yuki flinched slightly, ready to take full blast, and at the same time, attempting to get away from Aves.

"Are you sure you want to do that, to my dear?" Aves asked, as he laughed, and toughened his grip on Yuki-Hime's shoulders. "And to you, my dear princess, are you sure you want to risk your brother killing your daughter?"

Yuki's face became alerted, and alarmed.

"My what?!" She yelled, as she, for once, looked Aves directly in the eyes.

"Your daughter, my dear. Princess Nami is here with us. Look up there." Aves crooked his head slightly, pointing at a place in the sky, slightly behind both of them.

Blood drained from Yuki's face, as she looked up. To her horror, there she was, her only daughter, resting on a piece of fine board covered with cloth, smiling at her.

"You leave her out of this!" Yuki yelled, enraged, and at the same time broke free of the intruder's grasp. She gasped quietly for air, as she glared at him, and then desperately at her daughter.

"Her WHAT?" Kagome shouted, as she too, looked up.

A small girl sat, her hands folded neatly on her knees, and her golden eyes shining brightly, as if she knew not what was going on around her.

Inuyasha, with his fangs stare bared, as well as his sword, flickered his eyes up for a second, seeing all he needed to see. There, sitting, was a girl that looked almost just like Yuki, except for the small, white wings. He was confused. Was this idiot really what he claimed to be? But how can that be possible?! He was, after all, claiming to be Yuki's mate, but that cannot be true… She said she had been living with her mother.

She beamed down at him, as if she was watching a funny comedy, and expecting him to laugh with her.

What the hell? What the hell?

"You- Let-Go Of -Her!" Yuki-Yasha snarled, as she slapped Avery's face with her hand.

Aves scoffed angrily, as he wiped of a trickle of blood from his lips.

"That is no way to speak to me, Yuki-Yasha-Hime!" He raised his voice, as if talking to a child, as he tried to grab her.

But Yuki dodged him swiftly, and landed on a stone a few meters away.

"Nami? Nami-Chan? Do you hear me?!" She yelled up to the smiling girl.

"Yes, Mother. I hear you! Nice to see you again! I thought maybe you won't come back for a while, but it has only been 4 years!!" The little girl answered, happily.

"Her what? Her what? Her what?" Sango muttered, as she shook her head vigorously, and at the same time, staring up at the girl.

"I order you to bring my daughter down!" Yuki suddenly yelled up to some of the guards.

Some struttled, unsure of what to do, but one, the general yelled back harshly, and mockingly.

"We ain't gonna be able to do that princess. We got us own orders. Ain't able to do nothin' fer ya now!"

The others looked at each other, and nodded grudgingly.

"Who do you think you are?!" Yuki yelled back sharply.

"I ordered them not to listen to your orders, my dear." Aves told her, coolly. "And they will not let her down, what ever you say."

"Well, then I'll just have to force them, don't I?" Yuki snarled, as she got ready to launch.

"NO! Wait!" Kagome suddenly stuck her hand out.

"NO, I CANNOT WAIT!" Yuki yelled, as she ignored Kagome, and preceded further up.

"I SAID WAIT!!!" Kagome yelled, as she got her arrow set in her bow. "Get out of my WAY!!!" And with that said, she released the enchanted arrow. Yuki flipped to the side, to get out of the way just in time, not even knowing what was about to hit her.

"What the hell do you think you are---" Yuki was unable to finish, as the arrow pierced through one of the unsuspecting guards.

The guard did not even know what happened when the arrow hit him, but he disintegrated instantly.

All of the other guards, including Aves became aware of their danger.

Aves clicked his tongue, annoyed.

"Human, you have just slayed one of my top warriors." He announced. Even though he did not say it much louder than a whisper, every one could hear him, as the voice echoed around the mountains dangerously.

"Yeah, so?" Kagome shouted back, staring straight into Aves' eyes. "What are you going to do about it, huh? Mr. I'm-So-Great-That-You-Cannot-Beat-Me?" She snarled.

Only Yuki knew that Kagome had gone too far……

To be continued……...

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Hola, everyone!!

As always, thanks for reading DF!!

God, I can't believe how long it took for me to write this one chapter! ><

Well, you can always visit my Weblog @ to find out whether or not I decided to start the new chapter!

I put some bits of the new chapter up, when I feel like it, or just finished with it.

That's the only place I'd be previewing, so if you want to see, that's where you should go! ^^ Ok, now to the real Author's Note:

I have a slight problem right now, and I want all of your bright ideas.

The decision I have to make soon is, should I, or should I not kill Yuki off. ^^;

Ok, so maybe some of you think that is the MOST pathetic question, but it's important. I was originally planning to kill her off, when I first started the story, but generally, it came to my attention that many of my readers wanted a `happy ending', which probably means that I'm not suppose to kill her off. --;

So, I want all of you who have an opinion to e-mail me @:

Or go to my site @:

And write in the message board.

It'll change A LOT of things in the course of this story, and I don't want to be the one to be blamed sourly for killing my main character off. ^^;

Anyways, I hope you all liked this chapter!!

(Kind of a clear-up from the last chapter. )

Ha…*sighs* I do get tired from all the school stuff, and everything, and as if to make all matters worse, I have to go talk to a psychologist, who wants to know EVERYTHING about me!!!

No, no, says Hiroko!!

Well, Adeviu, until next time!!!