InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demonic Seduction ❯ Why She Left ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fluffy: I'm sorry for not responding to reviews in the previous chapters. I checked the wrong address.'
Nara: Hold on! I want to preserve your confession of stupidity for posterity!
Fluffy: (holding big metal mallet) Naraaaaaa.
Nara: Um. Fluffy, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Oops. I mean don't hurt me! (Running into the distance being chased by Fluffy.)
(Acheron from Dark Hunter series randomly shows up.) I guess I should do this. Fluffy doesn't own any of this except for Megumi. She is hers. Sue her and the wraths of the Atlantean gods will fall-
Fluffy:(Acheron is bound and gagged along with Nara who has a big lump on her head) Shut up Ash. Don't listen to him. Except for the disclaimer. I am also sorry for not updating sooner. My cat just got hit by a car and will most likely be put to sleep. Don't let that affect your love of this story. Enjoy the fic. Secrets will be revealed!

Kagome never wished more that she never left Sesshomaru like that.

Kagome had just gotten up from a long, intoxicating, wedding night with Sesshomaru. She decided to make him a breakfast to wake up to so she quickly and quietly got out of bed and headed downstairs for the kitchen. Just as she was about to start when someone we all hate walked in through the door without even knocking (how rude!).
“Hey, Kagome! Come on! We're going to miss the boat to Egypt!”
“Shh! Naraku, quiet down! Have some respect for the people who sleep!” Kagome said quietly. “And just so you know, I'm not going to Egypt with you and Dad. I'm staying here with Sesshomaru.”
Naraku was doing a real jaw drop right now. “Kagome, what are you talking about? You've been looking forward to this trip since you heard about it. Why are you choosing to stay with that perverted asshole?”
“First of all, call him that again and I will make sure you never have the right stuff to be called a man. Secondly, I love him and I think that a wife should stay with her husband no matter what.”
“Well, Kagome, I didn't want to tell you this, but I have a few people I want you to meet.”

End Flashback
Ever since then, she was always wondering why he did such a horrible thing. She was always asking herself, 'what's wrong with me? Am I not pleasing enough? What made him do this to me?' As the horrible memories bubbled up from the depths of her soul, she did the one thing she hadn't done since that day. She cried until her still mending heart broke again. She just wanted the pain to stop.
Unfortunately, the circumstances are worse than back then. At least then, her father was there to comfort her and dry her tears and she had something to occupy her time. Now, the only thing occupying her time was finding her father.
She knew that she felt the same way she did before she found out. She wanted to tell him that she did, but she also didn't to feel like a fool in front of him if he didn't feel the same way. This was going to be a long walk.
Sesshomaru was walking toward his house, thinking about the horrible day that Kagome packed up her suitcase.

Sesshomaru was planning on waking up to see his beautiful wife's face, but as he woke up, his plans went out the window. Instead of waking face to face with Kagome's gorgeous face, he woke up face to face with the backside of a suitcase.
“What the-?” he yelled as he fell out of the bed.
“Good morning, Sesshomaru,” Kagome said in the voice she used with people that she really disliked that could put a chill down the most powerful man's spine. And on her face were a pair of beautiful silver blue eyes that sent ice that was the same color to the receiver. Sesshomaru was really scared right now, but he barely hid it.
“ Um, hey, Kagome? Where are we going?”
“WE'RE not going anywhere. I'm going to Egypt.”
“Huh? Kagome, you told me that you weren't going.” Sesshomaru was really confused this time. Not only that, he was actually scared.
“I changed my mind.”
“Kagome-” he said in a tone that oozed seduction.
“Don't give me that tone! I am leaving and that's final!”
“Kag- OOF!!” Sesshomaru yelled as an urn hit him in the face.
“PIG,” Kagome said as she slammed the door.
That was the last he saw of Kagome for four long years.

End Flashback
Ever since then, he had been shot down in the self-esteem department. He was always asking himself, 'what's wrong with me? Did I not please her enough? What made her do that to me?'
This really stunk. He thought their relationship was going great. Back then, all he had to occupy his time was the drink and a buxom barmaid or two.
Now, the only think occupying him was this bloody damned mission. Well, if he was going to get any benefit out of this hell he was in, he was going to find out why she left. No matter what happens, he will find out why he saw her walk out of the door instead of walking into his arms.
Sesshomaru changed directions from his house to Kagome's to get a good interrogation done. Starting with why she left. As he was about to round the corner to her house, she came out looking like she was heading out for a walk.
'This will be very entertaining,' Sesshomaru thought.
While Sesshomaru was thinking about that day, Kagome received a letter through the letterbox. She did admit that it was strange since the mail arrives in the morning, but what really scared was that she couldn't find the deliverer. When she read the letter, she was appalled.
To Higurashi:
I have the old man. You have the jewel. We both have something the other want. Come to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens at midnight. Meet me at the urns filled with the Roses of Sharon You should have the jewel if you want your darling father back.
Come alone,
Someone you shouldn't mess with
Kagome showed a mix of emotions on her face. Happiness to know that her father is still alive, anger that his kidnappers still thought she had the jewel, confusion as to why they would think she had the jewel, fear that her father might not be well or that it was a trick. All these emotions clouded her thinking so much that she raced out the door.
As soon as she was out the door, though, she became the picture of civility. She walked onto the street as if she were taking her morning stroll- with dignity, pride, and honor.
When she reached the park, it was pretty much abandoned. All except for a strange figure next to the Roses of Sharon. As she was walking towards the figure, the man came toward her quickly, wrapped his hand around throat and lifted her off the ground.
“I will only ask this once,” the man said in a voice that sounded fake. “Where is the jewel?”
Kagome was really straining to speak while trying to get the man off her throat.
“I don't have it. Please, return my father.”
“The deal was to give me the jewel. You don't have the jewel, so why should I give your father back to you?”
Kagome was turning blue right now. She probably would be pale in five minutes, if Sesshomaru didn't suddenly come out from behind his hiding place and punched the man square in the jaw.
“Now is that any way to treat a lady?” Sesshomaru asked as if he were superior to the man, which he was.
“Nah. How about I just give her a 'Sesshomaru' greeting and screw her without saying a word.”
This really set Sesshomaru off. Not only did this man hurt Kagome, he has the audacity to insult her as well as him. Sesshomaru, in his rage, rammed him to the ground and beat the living crap out of the strange man.
This amazed Kagome. She knew he would be ticked but, damn, he was furious. She was sure the man could tell by the punches he was getting. She hadn't seen something like this since she was called a bitch in front of him. The man wasn't even out of the hospital last time she checked four years ago.
Sesshomaru was more than furious. No one talked that way about Kagome and left unscathed. He ran into the relatives of the man he beat up last time he got angry last week. It turns out that the man died three days after the beat down due to the injuries. He didn't even pity the family. He deserved it.
After he finished, the man didn't even look human. In fact, I will not describe it.
Sesshomaru got up after about ten minutes and took an actual look at Kagome. It had been four years since he really saw her. What Toto-sai described her as was an understatement. Her hair reminded him of the darkest ebony. Instead of seeing her eyes, she saw a beautiful pair of silver sapphires. He saw malleable ebony where he once saw black hair. He saw porcelain where skin resided. She was still the most beautiful woman he ever saw in his life. Even with the lines of worry and tiredness near her eyes filled with fear and worry for her father. He hated those lines that marred her beautiful face. He figured that she didn't deserve those lines for a second.
' Are you crazy? Snap out of it! Don't you remember the plan?'
'Yeah. The plan,' Sesshomaru thought reluctantly. “Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked. “Huh?" Wha-” Sesshomaru was snapped out his thoughts by that one word. There wasn't a lot that could do that. She had a real power. “You wanted to ask me a question,” she said irritably. Sesshomaru suddenly regained his cold, harsh face. “Yes. I would like to know why you left me,” Sesshomaru stated as if he were a royal talking to a commoner. “You want to know why I left you when you were the one who cheated on me?”