InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demons, Vamps, and Lawyers ❯ Evil Lawyers Rule ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1: Evil Lawyers Rule

"Where the hell are we?!"

Buffy Summers blinked at her friend, Xander Harris. "I don't know, so why are you yelling at me?"

Xander was opening his mouth to respond when Spike suddenly spoke up in a sing-songy voice. "Pea-ches…"

"Huh?" Buffy and Xander questioned, giving Spike weird looks, when another portal, like the one they themselves had been thrown through, opened up directly above their heads.









Buffy and Xander stared at the newcomers, Angel, Cordelia, and two unknown people, while Spike played chicken with the streams of sunlight.





Spike, giving up his game, rolled his eyes. "If you're all quite done with exchanging names, we have more visi-tors…" He said the last part in his sing-songy voice.

Angel's head whipped around, and he stared. "What? Spike!?"

Then, another portal.






"Bloody hell!"




"How rude!"


"Oof! Well, at least I didn't fall through the floor this time."

The six newcomers, three of whom were Willow, Anya, and Dawn, stood up, brushed themselves off, and glanced around.

"Oh, great." The other three, all male, said, one sullenly, one sarcastically, and the last Britishly, when they saw Angel and his group.

It seemed that someone was going to attack someone else, when a glowing figure appeared. "Now, now, play nice you guys! Anyway, to business! Spike, Poof-err, Angel- due to some uh, circumstances, you two will be able to be in sunlight for this. Now, introduce yourselves!" with that, the figure disappeared.

They all shared confused looks, when Willow shrugged. "At least it's not as weird as the whole Sweet situation." The Sunnydale gang all nodded sagely.

"Now, how about those introductions?"

Angel nodded. "Well, everyone here knows me, and most everyone knows Cordelia."

One of the unknown guys rolled his eyes. "Ditto here."

Buffy blinked. "Wesley?! What happened to your glasses?"

"I discovered the wonderful world of contacts." He said dryly.

Cordelia took over the introductions for the LA gang. "This is Winifred Burkle and Charles Gunn. They're part of Angel Investigations. That's Connor, Angel's son, and Lindsey, an evil lawyer."

Buffy held up a hand. "Wait, wait. When did Angel get a son?"

Cordelia sighed. "Long story involving an evil law firm and another dimension."

Buffy blinked. "O-kay… Well," she said, turning to Lindsey, Connor, Fred, and Gunn, "I'm Buffy Summers, this is my sister Dawn, that's Willow Rosenburg and Xander Harris. That's Anya, she's a vengeance demon, and that's Spike. And don't worry Angel, Spike's not evil anymore. He got a soul."

Of course, this shell-shocked the many people who didn't know that.