InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desires that bring life ❯ Unbearable Pain ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter one. Unbearable pain
It is nearing midnight.....
"Argh, damn it!" Inu Yasha cursed as his head began to throb.
"Master Inu Yasha? What is the matter?" Myouga asked, popping up on his shoulder.
"Ah, nothing...bug-off..." He said, breathing vastly.
"Hmmm....I know this symptom,...Do you begin to have painful headaches? hazed visions, and drowsiness?"Myouga looked at his sweating master.
"'d you......" Inu Yasha looked back, trying to keep his eyes open.
Myouga raised his head to stare at the stars, " I thought as much......Do you know what season it is me lord?"
"Feh, yeah...Spring."
" Hai, but another season as well...." Inu Yasha's mouth slightly opened as he heard the next words come out of Myouga's mouth, "Mating season my lord...."
"What?" He whispered
" You are not effected as badly, because you are a hanyou. The pain will continue to proceed if you don't find a mate soon." Myouga explained.
"What? there any other way to relief it?"
"Then you'll have to wait till these months pass, you are lucky, yours only last half the season. For other demons however, it causes them greater pain than a hanyou. I will use your older brother for example, Sesshomaru is far more powerful than usual demons, the pain is almost unbearable for him."
"Ha, got what he deserved, he can die for all I care....har....this is only my second time having to experience this..."
"Twice! how is that possible!?.........Ooohhhhh..........forgive me, I have forgotten about your fifty year delay..heh..."
"Uh,yeeeeah...." Inu Yasha dulled his eyes into small pupils, "guess I'll just have to deal with it for a while..."
In Sesshomaru's castle, Jaken stands near his master's den, listening to sounds of pain. Inside the den, Sesshomaru is suffering like his otouto, but much, much worse.
"Argh, damned the seven hells..." Sesshomaru sat on his bed, leaning against his pillow.
"Uh, me lord?" Jaken gazed at the door in front of him, "Is, there anything else you need?.......Oh! and I have done your bidding, Rin is safely away from the castle, she is in a village with humans."
"Agh....very well.......Damn Inu Yasha, curse that he doesn't have to suffer similar pain. May death come upon him for all I care.....ohh....." Sesshomaru moaned.
"Hey Miroku, since you're a guy, do you know what's wrong with Inu Yasha?" Kagome questioned, still unable to sleep.
"No, I'm afraid I do not know..." Miroku responded.
"He has been acting strange......Why do you think he is spending his nights away from us?" Sango looked over to the forest.
"I don't know....maybe he has some deep dark secret or something..." Shippou wondered, "and Myouga, where IS he?"
"I presume he is with Inu Yasha..." Miroku supposed.
Inu Yasha laid against the stalagmite that stuck out of the ground, panting.
"My lord, do you wish me to tell you everything about this particular subject?" Myouga watched nervously at Inu Yasha.
"Hai." Inu Yasha urged the word to come out.
"Well, when demons reach a certain age of maturity, let's say seventeen, they start feeling the urge to mate. When their desire is fulfilled, their pain stops. But for females, it's quite different, they don't go through this process at all, but get chosen by the males, but their scents get stronger which attracts the males."
"Aw Damn! That, isn't fair!" Inu Yasha pounded his fist on the ground.
Myouga sweatdropped, " Ah, yes well, I didn't make these rules....when you get old like me, it doesn't effect you anymore."
"You,...bastard...." Inu Yasha mumbled.
"Dah! don't take it out on me! I'll just be leaving now, heh, heh...." Myouga pounced away.
"Grrrr.....come back here........stupid flea..." Inu Yasha didn't have enough energy to catch Myouga.
He closed his eyes breathing deeply, and attempted to take a nap. His eyes snapped open when he heard a fimilar voice.
"Inu Yasha?"
"Aha?...Ka, Kagome? Wha, what are you doing here? You're supposed to stay away...."
"I know, but I had to find out.....What's wrong Inu Yasha? You look sick..." Kagome kneeled down, and put her hand on his forehead, "Ah, you sweating..."
Inu Yasha quickly grabbed her hand, Kagome gasped, "Inu Yasha...what....are you doing?"
White hair covered his face, his claw stroked her cheek, she trembled.
Inu Yasha pulled forward.
"Wha-ah!" Kagome yelped as she got pushed backwards. He leaned forward, Kagome's eyes squeezed shut, only little tears came out. All she felt was Inu Yasha's hand on her cheek, then followed by a small lick. He leaned closer, and buried his face in her neck, sniffing her scent. Kagome whimpered as she felt his wet tongue touch her neck. His other hand slipped under her shirt, she tried to back away from Inu Yasha, "No, Inu Yasha..."
Kagome slowly got up, hoping he wouldn't notice, Inu Yasha grabbed her ankle, and tripped her.
"Ah!" she rubbed her head, "Ohh.......Why are you doing this?!"
" Oh I forgot-...Bwah! Master! Stop this!" Myouga screamed.
"Myouga! what's going on?" Kagome demanded.
"Ah......" Inu Yasha got up, "Wha?"
"Ma-Master! You almost took her!"
"Took her?.....Kagome...I'm sorry, I couldn't control it. The more I thought of doing it, the more it seemed to relief the'd better leave, it's coming back..." Inu Yasha laid back down.
Kaogme nodded, "Myouga, come with me, you've got some explaining to do..."
"Duh....yes..." Myouga gave one more glance at Inu Yasha, then hopped away.
"What?! Mating season?!" Kagome yelled.
"What? arghh........Miroku! please take your hands off my ears! I can't hear what they're saying!" Shippou stuggled.
" I'm doing this for a reason....this is not meant for children to hear..." Miroku replied.
"What?! I can't hear!" Shippou cried.
"(Sigh)...nevermind....." Miroku gripped tighter.
Jaken yelped as he saw the door in front of him slide open, "Me lord! you mustn't be up yet!"
"Agha..........Jaken, I leave you in charge of the castle..."
"Bu-but where are you going?!" Jaken asked.
"I do not wish to be contained in my dwelling.........I'll be back soon....." Sesshomaru walked down the hall, to the exit of the castle.
Jaken sweatdropped, then sighed. "Ahah?..........Ah! wait! me lord! what about your armor!? Shouldn't you put it on?!" Jaken realized.
Sesshomaru just kept walking, "I do not need it for now....I will be fine....."
Deep in the forest, the air is humid, a thick white fog enviorment. Sesshomaru walked alone, his vision began to blur, he grunted, then decided to sit down leaning against a tree trunk. He slumped down, taking a rest.
A few moments later, one minute, one hour, he didn't keep track of how long he had slept. Suddenly fluttering noises got caught in his ears. Sesshomaru slightly opened his eyes to see, a bird, a white bird , *Why would any living creature pass through this forest....?* he thought. He forgot about it and went back to sleep.
The white bird concentrated on bringing the jewel shard back to it's master, but took a quick glance at the sleeping Sesshomaru, then stopped. I slowly flew towards the dog demon, it used its beak to nudge his cheek. Sesshomaru awoke again, his eyes half opened.
*Argh....irratating creature, I will cease your exsistance.......* he was about to lift his left arm, *wait......I reconize this being.....these species of birds belong to....of course, it has to belong to her, it has a jewel shard in it's claws.....*
The bird blinked its blue eyes once more, it flew backwards, then proceeded to where it was heading.
"Hmmm......I have stayed here long enough.....maybe there is more peace back in my castle rather here..." Sesshomaru got up with another grunt, then started to head towards the castle.
"Jaken.....I have returned....." Sesshomaru announced holding on head, it was aching
"Oh! me lord! I have something for you!" Jaken exclaimed happily, then went to call something out. It was a enchantress, she had long, dark green hair, and violet eyes, she wore very little.
"Argh.......What is the meaning of this?" Sesshomaru hissed at Jaken.
"NO! iie! Lord Sesshomaru-sama! It's not like that.......I have found her, she is here to revive your arm!" Jaken reassured.
Sesshomaru sneered, "Is this true witch? Do you have the power to renew my missing arm?"
"Hai..." she smiled catishly.
"You should know that I you don't do what you promised, I will have to kill you..."
"I understand..." she kept smiling.
"Hmph.....I accept your offer..." his head was getting dizzy but he didn't want to admit it, "you may proceed..." he sat down
She smiled again and put her hands on the unfinished arm, and closed her eyes. Bones appeared, then flesh, then tissue, finally the skin, didn't take very long. Sesshomaru flexed his hand, "Hmmm......well done...."
"Yay Lord Sesshomaru-sama! Good witch, you shall recive your pay....What do you wish?"Jaken asked
" Ahmph.....I only desire a powerful demon to bear me a child....." she crawled over to Sesshomaru, "such as yourself....."
"Hmh, hmh......." Sesshomaru chuckled, "You wish to mate with me? I'm sure your beauty can attract others as well, rare you lucky I am to have such a woman..."
She grinned thinking that her seduction has worked, just then Sesshomaru grabbed a hold of her neck.
"Foolish witch, I have no yearning to mate...." with this, he killed her off and turned her into ashes.
"Uh...Lord Sesshomaru-sama?..........Why do you not wish to mate?" Jaken curiously questioned.
Sesshomaru glared at him.
"Dah! not that's it's any of my business, just wondering why...heh, heh...." Jaken wringed his hands like trying to wring his nervousness out.
"Humph........My father mated, do you see where it has gotten him?.......But a demon such as myself has to suffer through pain like this......each year seemed to get worse, each year it seems to be more difficult to withstand mating...." Sesshomaru started to walk through the halls.
"But my lord, I doesn't seem that you are in pain...." Jaken studied his face.
"Showing that you are in pain, is a sign of weakness.......even if you are alone." Seshsomaru stopped at his room, " I shall be not disturb me...." he shut the door behind him.
"Ohhh......hmmm......I think I should be outside...." Jaken jumped back when he found something glowing on the floor, "Gack! I must tell the lord!" Jaken grabbed it and quickly ran into Sesshomaru's den, " Me lord! me lord!" he shouted.
"Arrhhhh.............Jaken"Sesshomaru scowled.
"Oh forgive me my lord! but you must see it for yourself!" Jaken put his hand out for Sesshomaru to see, "It's a Shikon jewel!"
"Where did you get this?"
" I found it on the floor, I assume it was from that enchantress you destroyed..." Jaken jumped
"Jaken, you have done all you could......I want you to leave me be.......leave this palace, and go to Rin.....she is more important, I can fend for myself, I shall keep the jewel in possession for not argue with me, go..." Sesshomaru grumbled.
"Da?...hai me lord!" Jaken quickly scattered out.
Sesshomaru laid back down, and put the jewel aside.
A gentle breeze in the large room, the wind rose, then dropped to be calm. Sesshomaru opened his eyes, *I have no rest because of all the intrusion...What is it now...* but he was a bit surprised when he saw a certain demoness in his room.
She stepped out of the shadows, "Sesshomaru-sama...."
It is nearing midnight.....
"Argh, damn it!" Inu Yasha cursed as his head began to throb.
"Master Inu Yasha? What is the matter?" Myouga asked, popping up on his shoulder.
"Ah, nothing...bug-off..." He said, breathing vastly.
"Hmmm....I know this symptom,...Do you begin to have painful headaches? hazed visions, and drowsiness?"Myouga looked at his sweating master.
"'d you......" Inu Yasha looked back, trying to keep his eyes open.
Myouga raised his head to stare at the stars, " I thought as much......Do you know what season it is me lord?"
"Feh, yeah...Spring."
" Hai, but another season as well...." Inu Yasha's mouth slightly opened as he heard the next words come out of Myouga's mouth, "Mating season my lord...."
"What?" He whispered
" You are not effected as badly, because you are a hanyou. The pain will continue to proceed if you don't find a mate soon." Myouga explained.
"What? there any other way to relief it?"
"Then you'll have to wait till these months pass, you are lucky, yours only last half the season. For other demons however, it causes them greater pain than a hanyou. I will use your older brother for example, Sesshomaru is far more powerful than usual demons, the pain is almost unbearable for him."
"Ha, got what he deserved, he can die for all I care....har....this is only my second time having to experience this..."
"Twice! how is that possible!?.........Ooohhhhh..........forgive me, I have forgotten about your fifty year delay..heh..."
"Uh,yeeeeah...." Inu Yasha dulled his eyes into small pupils, "guess I'll just have to deal with it for a while..."
In Sesshomaru's castle, Jaken stands near his master's den, listening to sounds of pain. Inside the den, Sesshomaru is suffering like his otouto, but much, much worse.
"Argh, damned the seven hells..." Sesshomaru sat on his bed, leaning against his pillow.
"Uh, me lord?" Jaken gazed at the door in front of him, "Is, there anything else you need?.......Oh! and I have done your bidding, Rin is safely away from the castle, she is in a village with humans."
"Agh....very well.......Damn Inu Yasha, curse that he doesn't have to suffer similar pain. May death come upon him for all I care.....ohh....." Sesshomaru moaned.
"Hey Miroku, since you're a guy, do you know what's wrong with Inu Yasha?" Kagome questioned, still unable to sleep.
"No, I'm afraid I do not know..." Miroku responded.
"He has been acting strange......Why do you think he is spending his nights away from us?" Sango looked over to the forest.
"I don't know....maybe he has some deep dark secret or something..." Shippou wondered, "and Myouga, where IS he?"
"I presume he is with Inu Yasha..." Miroku supposed.
Inu Yasha laid against the stalagmite that stuck out of the ground, panting.
"My lord, do you wish me to tell you everything about this particular subject?" Myouga watched nervously at Inu Yasha.
"Hai." Inu Yasha urged the word to come out.
"Well, when demons reach a certain age of maturity, let's say seventeen, they start feeling the urge to mate. When their desire is fulfilled, their pain stops. But for females, it's quite different, they don't go through this process at all, but get chosen by the males, but their scents get stronger which attracts the males."
"Aw Damn! That, isn't fair!" Inu Yasha pounded his fist on the ground.
Myouga sweatdropped, " Ah, yes well, I didn't make these rules....when you get old like me, it doesn't effect you anymore."
"You,...bastard...." Inu Yasha mumbled.
"Dah! don't take it out on me! I'll just be leaving now, heh, heh...." Myouga pounced away.
"Grrrr.....come back here........stupid flea..." Inu Yasha didn't have enough energy to catch Myouga.
He closed his eyes breathing deeply, and attempted to take a nap. His eyes snapped open when he heard a fimilar voice.
"Inu Yasha?"
"Aha?...Ka, Kagome? Wha, what are you doing here? You're supposed to stay away...."
"I know, but I had to find out.....What's wrong Inu Yasha? You look sick..." Kagome kneeled down, and put her hand on his forehead, "Ah, you sweating..."
Inu Yasha quickly grabbed her hand, Kagome gasped, "Inu Yasha...what....are you doing?"
White hair covered his face, his claw stroked her cheek, she trembled.
Inu Yasha pulled forward.
"Wha-ah!" Kagome yelped as she got pushed backwards. He leaned forward, Kagome's eyes squeezed shut, only little tears came out. All she felt was Inu Yasha's hand on her cheek, then followed by a small lick. He leaned closer, and buried his face in her neck, sniffing her scent. Kagome whimpered as she felt his wet tongue touch her neck. His other hand slipped under her shirt, she tried to back away from Inu Yasha, "No, Inu Yasha..."
Kagome slowly got up, hoping he wouldn't notice, Inu Yasha grabbed her ankle, and tripped her.
"Ah!" she rubbed her head, "Ohh.......Why are you doing this?!"
" Oh I forgot-...Bwah! Master! Stop this!" Myouga screamed.
"Myouga! what's going on?" Kagome demanded.
"Ah......" Inu Yasha got up, "Wha?"
"Ma-Master! You almost took her!"
"Took her?.....Kagome...I'm sorry, I couldn't control it. The more I thought of doing it, the more it seemed to relief the'd better leave, it's coming back..." Inu Yasha laid back down.
Kaogme nodded, "Myouga, come with me, you've got some explaining to do..."
"Duh....yes..." Myouga gave one more glance at Inu Yasha, then hopped away.
"What?! Mating season?!" Kagome yelled.
"What? arghh........Miroku! please take your hands off my ears! I can't hear what they're saying!" Shippou stuggled.
" I'm doing this for a reason....this is not meant for children to hear..." Miroku replied.
"What?! I can't hear!" Shippou cried.
"(Sigh)...nevermind....." Miroku gripped tighter.
Jaken yelped as he saw the door in front of him slide open, "Me lord! you mustn't be up yet!"
"Agha..........Jaken, I leave you in charge of the castle..."
"Bu-but where are you going?!" Jaken asked.
"I do not wish to be contained in my dwelling.........I'll be back soon....." Sesshomaru walked down the hall, to the exit of the castle.
Jaken sweatdropped, then sighed. "Ahah?..........Ah! wait! me lord! what about your armor!? Shouldn't you put it on?!" Jaken realized.
Sesshomaru just kept walking, "I do not need it for now....I will be fine....."
Deep in the forest, the air is humid, a thick white fog enviorment. Sesshomaru walked alone, his vision began to blur, he grunted, then decided to sit down leaning against a tree trunk. He slumped down, taking a rest.
A few moments later, one minute, one hour, he didn't keep track of how long he had slept. Suddenly fluttering noises got caught in his ears. Sesshomaru slightly opened his eyes to see, a bird, a white bird , *Why would any living creature pass through this forest....?* he thought. He forgot about it and went back to sleep.
The white bird concentrated on bringing the jewel shard back to it's master, but took a quick glance at the sleeping Sesshomaru, then stopped. I slowly flew towards the dog demon, it used its beak to nudge his cheek. Sesshomaru awoke again, his eyes half opened.
*Argh....irratating creature, I will cease your exsistance.......* he was about to lift his left arm, *wait......I reconize this being.....these species of birds belong to....of course, it has to belong to her, it has a jewel shard in it's claws.....*
The bird blinked its blue eyes once more, it flew backwards, then proceeded to where it was heading.
"Hmmm......I have stayed here long enough.....maybe there is more peace back in my castle rather here..." Sesshomaru got up with another grunt, then started to head towards the castle.
"Jaken.....I have returned....." Sesshomaru announced holding on head, it was aching
"Oh! me lord! I have something for you!" Jaken exclaimed happily, then went to call something out. It was a enchantress, she had long, dark green hair, and violet eyes, she wore very little.
"Argh.......What is the meaning of this?" Sesshomaru hissed at Jaken.
"NO! iie! Lord Sesshomaru-sama! It's not like that.......I have found her, she is here to revive your arm!" Jaken reassured.
Sesshomaru sneered, "Is this true witch? Do you have the power to renew my missing arm?"
"Hai..." she smiled catishly.
"You should know that I you don't do what you promised, I will have to kill you..."
"I understand..." she kept smiling.
"Hmph.....I accept your offer..." his head was getting dizzy but he didn't want to admit it, "you may proceed..." he sat down
She smiled again and put her hands on the unfinished arm, and closed her eyes. Bones appeared, then flesh, then tissue, finally the skin, didn't take very long. Sesshomaru flexed his hand, "Hmmm......well done...."
"Yay Lord Sesshomaru-sama! Good witch, you shall recive your pay....What do you wish?"Jaken asked
" Ahmph.....I only desire a powerful demon to bear me a child....." she crawled over to Sesshomaru, "such as yourself....."
"Hmh, hmh......." Sesshomaru chuckled, "You wish to mate with me? I'm sure your beauty can attract others as well, rare you lucky I am to have such a woman..."
She grinned thinking that her seduction has worked, just then Sesshomaru grabbed a hold of her neck.
"Foolish witch, I have no yearning to mate...." with this, he killed her off and turned her into ashes.
"Uh...Lord Sesshomaru-sama?..........Why do you not wish to mate?" Jaken curiously questioned.
Sesshomaru glared at him.
"Dah! not that's it's any of my business, just wondering why...heh, heh...." Jaken wringed his hands like trying to wring his nervousness out.
"Humph........My father mated, do you see where it has gotten him?.......But a demon such as myself has to suffer through pain like this......each year seemed to get worse, each year it seems to be more difficult to withstand mating...." Sesshomaru started to walk through the halls.
"But my lord, I doesn't seem that you are in pain...." Jaken studied his face.
"Showing that you are in pain, is a sign of weakness.......even if you are alone." Seshsomaru stopped at his room, " I shall be not disturb me...." he shut the door behind him.
"Ohhh......hmmm......I think I should be outside...." Jaken jumped back when he found something glowing on the floor, "Gack! I must tell the lord!" Jaken grabbed it and quickly ran into Sesshomaru's den, " Me lord! me lord!" he shouted.
"Arrhhhh.............Jaken"Sesshomaru scowled.
"Oh forgive me my lord! but you must see it for yourself!" Jaken put his hand out for Sesshomaru to see, "It's a Shikon jewel!"
"Where did you get this?"
" I found it on the floor, I assume it was from that enchantress you destroyed..." Jaken jumped
"Jaken, you have done all you could......I want you to leave me be.......leave this palace, and go to Rin.....she is more important, I can fend for myself, I shall keep the jewel in possession for not argue with me, go..." Sesshomaru grumbled.
"Da?...hai me lord!" Jaken quickly scattered out.
Sesshomaru laid back down, and put the jewel aside.
A gentle breeze in the large room, the wind rose, then dropped to be calm. Sesshomaru opened his eyes, *I have no rest because of all the intrusion...What is it now...* but he was a bit surprised when he saw a certain demoness in his room.
She stepped out of the shadows, "Sesshomaru-sama...."