InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Chapter 18

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A quick note: The original characters belong to me. Thanks.
Chapter Eighteen
“America sounds cool. You'll have to show me some of your favorite places.” Kagome said to Sango as they walked toward the kitchen. Her friends and Rin were already there getting dinner started.
“Miroku and I had planned on another trip soon.” She replied. “I think the three of you should come with us.”
“I'd love to. I'm not sure about Inuyasha though. He's barely used to Japan in this time, let alone the rest of the world. I think that Shippo would like to go though.”
“We'll go whenever you guys are ready.”
“I guess it's a good thing I took English for most of high school.” Kagome looked thoughtful.
“We can help you with that too. Miroku and I speak it rather well.”
“After I talk to Inuyasha about going would you two mind giving us some lessons?”
“Yeah, I don't think you'll have any problems though.”
“There are some words and phrases that I still have problems with. I have an American friend and sometimes I have trouble reading her e-mails.”
“You have an American friend?” Sango's eyebrows rose a bit in surprise. “How did that come about?”
“A couple of years ago I signed up for an e-mail pen-pal program.”
“You still send letters?”
“Yeah, Fawn is great. Sometimes we talk on the phone. It's almost impossible not to smile when you're talking to her. She's always so happy, she really enjoys life.”
“Maybe we could visit her.”
“That would be great.”
They walked into the kitchen, and laughed, Shippo was sitting on the counter with a big bowl in front of him. He had flour on his nose and across his cheek.
“Hi Mama,” he said as he looked up from what he was stirring. “I'm helping Aunt Rin make cookies.” His smile lit up his whole face.
Kagome walked over and kissed him.
“I'm glad you're having fun.” She turned toward the other girls. “Anything I can help with?”
Yuka looked up from the meat she was cutting.
“Stir that,” she pointed to a pot on the stove with the knife in her hand.
It wasn't long before the men were pulled from their game by the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. When they investigated they found the women and Shippo out on the patio with the table set and most of dinner laid out.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said as she turned. She could feel him standing by the door. What she hadn't expected was an unconscious monk thrown over his shoulder. “What happened?!”
Inuyasha shrugged the shoulder that held Miroku.
“Damn lecher,” Inuyasha growled. “He wouldn't keep his fucking mouth shut. So I shut it for him. I didn't hit him any harder then Sango does. And the hiraikotsu is about as hard as my fist.”
“Inuyasha I haven't had to hit him in almost twenty years.” Sango said as Inuyasha unceremoniously dumped her husband on the ground.
“Feh, he was due for a bashing then.” As the words left his mouth he felt a wave of anger wash over him, and it wasn't his own.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome's voice was menacing as she hissed his name. “You couldn't wait for two minutes and ask Sango, his wife, to shut him up. You had to pound him.”
“Kagome,” he took a step back with his hands up. “He had it coming.”
“Immaterial.” She stepped toward her cringing mate.
“Kagome please,” he nearly begged. “You haven't sat me in nearly a year, please don't.” He felt her anger rise.
“It will hurt more if you're still standing on the patio when I say it.” He took another step back from her. “There was no reason to knock him out except for your lack of control.”
“He pissed me off!”
“Run Inuyasha.”
“Run or this is really going to hurt.”
“OH SHIT!!” He turned and ran.
As he did she drew in a deep breath. He reached the far side of the yard when she said it.
Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi, watched in shock as his graceful run was broken, and he fell hard enough for the ground to tremble.
“How?” Ayumi breathed.
“There is a subduing spell on the beads he wears. I said the trigger word which caused them to throw him to the ground.” Kagome answered in a more even tone. “He got sat a lot in the first year we knew each other.” She turned toward Miroku.
“So every time you said `sit' at school?” Eri inquired.
“He was there like he wasn't supposed to be.” Kagome said as she knelt down to examine Miroku's head.
As Inuyasha stood he felt a wave of sadness from Kagome wash over him.
Thought they were dead. I shouldn't have sat him so hard.
The words were a whisper in his mind and not all she was thinking.
He walked over and knelt behind his mate.
“I'm sorry Kagome.” Though his voice was quiet everyone clearly heard him. “Next time he needs to be hit I'll ask Sango to do it.”
She turned to him with a slight smile and he knew he was forgiven.
“What did he say that made you so mad?” Sango asked. She was crouched down in front of her husband who was sitting up groggily.
“He asked if we had, if we had m-m-mated yet.” Inuyasha's face was nearly as red as his haori. “I said it was none of his business. Then he said we'd better get on with it.” He swallowed. “I can't r-repeat the other things he said.” His ears were pinned in embarrassment; he sat behind Kagome, and hid his face in her hair.
With a growl Sango pulled Miroku to his feet.
“You ass!” She snapped at him.
“What lovely Sango?” He had a dazed look on his face.
“Don't you `lovely Sango' me.” She gave him a shake. “You will keep your mouth shut. Not a single jibe about their sex life, or I'll concuss you myself.” Her voice was rough with anger. “You know perfectly well how sensitive Inuyasha is about anything of that nature. So can it!” She dropped him and he crumpled on to the patio.
“Not another word Miroku or you'll be sleeping on the floor. I'd say the couch but Sess already has dibs.”
Inuyasha lifted his head.
“Thanks Sango.”
“You're welcome.”
Kagome quickly turned around and took hold of Inuyasha's beads. His hands flew up and covered hers.
“Kagome don't.”
“I'm not taking them from you I know that you like them. But I will never do that to you again.” Her hands and the necklace flashed blue.
“What did you do?” Inuyasha asked.
“I took the spell off of them.” She laid her hand on his cheek. “Why did you leave them on? I always thought you hated them.”
“I-I did at first but then they made me feel connected to you. They were a sign that I belonged to you.” His ears drooped. “Anyway I couldn't take them off remember. It was part of the spell.” She laughed at his words.
“You're a horrible liar Inuyasha.”
“W-what are you talking about?”
“Do you want to know what I saw on your human night after the last time I sat you?”
“What?” His ears pricked in curiosity.
“You thought everyone was sleeping. You were sitting near the fire so I could see you pretty clearly. You pulled the necklace off and looked at it. You turned it in your hands, counted the beads, muttered about stupid beads, stupid sit commands, infuriating girls, and then you put it back on. Any other night you would have caught me watching you. When did you discover you could remove it?”
“After I transformed, at first I left the beads on out of fear. I knew that if I lost it you could stop me. I didn't want to turn into a killing machine. I didn't want human blood on my hands again. It was bad enough with that band of bandits. If I had killed some innocent person I couldn't have lived with myself.
“I was really glad that I had them on when that damn Sounga possessed me. I would have killed Rin and Jaken if you hadn't sat me and run the damn sword off.
“Later I left them on because of Koga.”
“Yeah, I know that you always sat me when he was around to keep me from killing him. The truth is I picked fights with him so you would sit me.”
“Why on earth would you want me to?”
“Because by doing so you were showing the mangy wolf that you had a claim on me, not him. He and I had a talk one night. He said that as soon as you let me go. He would take you from me. I told him that if you ever willingly left me for him I would let you go.”
“Oh Inuyasha,” she climbed in his lap and hugged him.
“It would have killed me to let you go but I would have done it.” He wrapped his arms around her.
“Well I'm not going anywhere and you ran off the mangy wolf.” She smiled at him.
“We ran off the mangy wolf.” He smiled back.
“Enough of this foolishness,” Sesshoumaru said from his seat at the head of the table. “I for one would like to consume my meal before it grows cold and unappealing.”
Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome and stood. As he carried her to the table he shot his brother a glare.
“You know Sess you're not quite the ass you try to be.”
“Really, what gave you that foolish notion?”
“Keh, figure it out for yourself bastard.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome slapped his shoulder as he set her down. “At least wait until after dinner to pick a fight with Sesshoumaru.”